• How to do research



    How to do research? And Related Issues of Ph.D Education

    "Can you tell me how to do research?",

    "Please tell me what topics should I pick to do my ph.d.thesis? "

    are two questions I periodically receive from young researchers and students in China.



    There are two difficulties associated with answering these two questions.

    1. The first question is open-ended. To answer it honestly and accurately will

    require several hours of explanation. In fact, the process could take several

    years of face-to-face interaction between an advisor and a ph.d student. This is

    really what a ph.d. education involves. It is not the number of courses taken or

    the number of papers published. But something about the quality of and taste

    in research. I'll have more to say about this point below in connection with

    trying to answer this first question here .



    2. Behind the second question lie a unintentional misconception by many young

    workers about "research" that probably has its origin in the martial arts novels

    of Chinese literature (武侠小说). In typical novels of this genre, the

    hero/heroine learns powerful martial arts technique through some secret

    magical instruction passed down from a master or a long lost instruction book.

    As a result, overnight s/he was able to defeat his/her enemy and achieve

    success.  Thus, many students are constantly looking for that "magical

    formula" for research.  Another common criticism of Chinese university

    education by Westerners is that most students learn to answer questions or

    pass exams extremely well, but there is little training in posing questions and

    formulating problems which are really the important parts and more than half

    of research.  Growing up in such environment, it is natural for Chinese

    students to seek the magical formula for research success. It is also my

    purpose to address this issue here.


    To give an answer to the first question, you can approach it at three levels. At the first

    level, your aim is to be that one scientific person in a century, e.g., the discoverer of the

    theory of relativity. I have no experience or advice to give at that level. All I can say is

    "good luck". At the next level, you want to be the founder of a research topic or make the

    breakthrough on a difficult problem. Again, there is no magic here. For otherwise,

    breakthrough will become commonplace. However, I do have one suggestion that worked

    well for me and which is generally applicable. This I offer below:


    I participated in a panel discussion 8 years ago which involves my answers to several

    general questions posed to me at the panel and which still apply today. ( The 1999 IEEE

    Conference on Decision and Control panel on "At the Gate of the Millennium – Are we

    in control?" Published in IEEE Control Systems Magazine Vol.20, #1, Feb, 2000)

    作者参加过一个千年之门小组讨论会,提出过这方面的问题。这个讨论会应该是大师级参加的吧。要不找来瞧瞧??下面也有滴。。。 下面开始引述:


    1. What are the 5 most notable research results in systems and control theory in the

    past 100 years?

    The "test of time" and traditions of history rule out mentioning anything

    developed in the past 25 years or involving living persons. Furthermore, scientific

    discovery often is a matter of standing on the shoulder of others. To single out specific

    results do not seem to be fair to others who laid the foundation. Instead, I propose to list

    couple of ideas that seems to me have influenced the development of our field in a major


    1. The fundamental role of probability and stochastic process in system work.

    2. The concept of what constitutes a solution to a problem, namely, that which can

    be reduced to another routinely solved problem such as numerical integration

    3. The notion of dynamics and feedback in all their ramifications

    The first item represents how knowledge from outside the field influenced our research

    while the third states what specific concepts our field contributed to other fields. The

    second item deals with how practices in science and mathematics are changed by

    technology. These notions are generic and have parallel in other topics and fields.


    2. What are future research milestones (for the next 5-10 years) which will have a

    most significant impact on the field?  Comment on what we should be doing now

    and in the near future to make such accomplishments possible. Also discuss your

    thoughts on:

    i.Education issues.  How should we be training our students to meet the future


    ii.Technology issues.  What we see coming up that will change the control


    iii.Computational tools.



    Scientific crystal balling has a notorious record in the past. The dust heap of past

    predictions is filled with gross miscalculations and estimations by noted scientists with

    the best of intentions. Let me try to approach the question "what's next in control systems

    in the 21st century?" in a somewhat different way. During my travel and lectures, I am

    often asked by young scientist/engineers starting out in their careers on what are

    profitable avenues of research to pursue. One is often tempted to point to ones own

    current research topic, which by definition must be the most interesting things to do.

    However, this is selfish and dangerous advice. My considered advice, which I myself

    have followed, is this:








    Such an approach has several immediate advantages. First, if you are successful

    then you have some free built-in Public Relations. Unsolicited testimonial by others is the

    best kind of publicity for your work. Second, most probably you have discovered

    something new or have found a new application of existing knowledge. In either case,

    you can try to generalize such discovery later into a fruitful research area for which you

    will be credited with its founding. Third, in a new problem area there is generally less

    legacy literature you will have to learn and reference. Fourth, a new problem area is like a

    newly discovered mine. For the same effort you can pick up more nuggets lying near the

    surface than digging deep in a well-worked out mineshaft. By the same reasoning, the

    probability of serendipity at work is also by definition higher in a new area. Lastly, even

    if you are unsuccessful in solving the original problem, you will have at the very

    minimum learned something new which will increase the chance of your success in

    future tries.



    My own personal experiences whether it was differential games, manufacturing

    automation, perturbation analysis in discrete event simulation, or ordinal optimization

    reinforces the above belief. Above all, faith in the ability of the future generation of

    scientists and engineers makes me an optimist in saying, "the best is yet to be, you haven't

    seen nothing yet". It is fine to make predictions and to look forward, but there is no need

    to get too obsessed with divining the future.


    As far as technology and computational issues are concerned, I believe I have

    already given my answer in the recent op-ed piece published in the June '99 issue of the

    IEEE Control System Magazine "The No Free Lunch Theorem and the Human-Machine

    Interface".  I shall simply add by repeating what I said at my Bellamn Award acceptance

    "the subject of control which is based on mathematics, enabled by computers, is about to

    have a new birth of freedom under computational intelligence".


    I now wish to elaborate on the last sentence in the above advice about making a

    commitment. In trying to solve a problem, one is always tempted to use tools with which

    one is familiar. This is very natural. Our training in school for the most part deals with

    tools. Exercises associated with such learning are always designed to fit these tools. As a

    result when we tackle a problem outside the textbook, our first instinct is to reach for

    these tools.

    But as engineers who ultimately must solve real world problems or as academic

    engineers who aspire to pioneer breakthrough research, such an approach is often not the

    best way. Basically, you are "a solution in search of a problem to fit". Too often, we bend

    the problem to fit the solution.


    Instead, it has been my experience that we should take the problem as it presents itself

    and not form any pre-conceived idea on how to solve it. Confronting a problem on its

    terms promotes looking at it in the simplest terms since we have nothing but common

    sense to guide us. New ideas and knowledge, the bloodline of research, are often

    discovered this way.  Such ideas in addition will be practically relevant and significant

    since they are discovered in the process of solving a real world problem as opposed to

    extending or generalizing a given mathematical formula.


    By the same token, when one derives a formula via analysis, it is useful to ask the

    question: "how is this formula useful to an engineer/user? ". A user is not particularly

    interested or impressed by the elegance of your derivation but more interested in how the

    formula will help him; the relative importance of various parameters in the formula; any

    critical threshold which affects performance, etc. A formula will only be used if the user

    can understand its significance

    In commerce, the adage is that to be successful, you must serve your customers well. As

    an academic in an engineering department or a researcher in an industrial company, we

    should always remember who are our ultimate customers and make a commitment to

    serve them well.



    Finally, a purely theoretical paper no matter how elegant will be thoroughly understood

    and appreciated by only a few people. But everyone can appreciate the significance of a

    real world application. For academic engineers, if you want your work widely admired

    and used, you must adapt your theory to practice and not the other way around.


    Lastly, most of the published research by most of us belong to the third level which I

    denote as incremental research within an established framework. These are still important

    works. These efforts provide continuation and transfer of knowledge from one generation

    to another, extension, addition and clarification our knowledge base, and above all

    justification for our existence. To do this kind of research, you must learn the prior

    literature by consulting reviews, tutorials, and related published papers. However, you

    should be warned that even if you read the papers on the day they are published, you are

    at least 18 month out of date due to the delays in reviewing and publishing. This is where

    your advisor comes in and the reason to go to conferences. An advisor, expert in a given

    area, is aware of the latest results in the area long before they are published. Other

    researchers are eager to sent new and unpublished results to these experts/authorities for

    comments and to establish priority. And to maintain his/her expertise, such advisor keeps

    up with the literature. If you are students of such as advisor, you benefit accordingly.

    Secondly, conference proceedings are faster form of publication than archival journals.

    Also the real benefit of going to a conference is the chance to informally gather the latest

    information on topics of research. When you are working on the cutting edge of a

    research topic, you must spend effort to keep up communications with others interested in

    the same topic. "closing the door in order to built a car" is not a recommended way to do

    research which knows no national boundaries. The existence of the Internet ameliorated the

    problem of information gathering and transmission for the individual to some extent.

    Students in developing countries and developed countries are more on a even playing field.

     However, there is nothing to replace the personal attention of an expert advisors and mentor.



    Speaking about advisors and mentors, there are different philosophies on the role played

    by a Ph.D thesis advisor. One extreme school of thought (rather prevalent in China but

    rare in leading universities elsewhere) views the role of an advisor simply as a

    grader/examiner. Students are supposed to be self-sufficient (自生自灭). The advisor

    merely makes sure that all rules are observed, requirements satisfied and the student's

    thesis meet certain minimal standards. This way, a person can supervise ten, twenty, or

    even fifty Ph.D. students. This makes life easy for the advisor but is bad for the scientific

    standards of the profession. It also tends to hide the incompetence of the advisor. At the

    other extreme, the role of an advisor is more akin to that between a kung-fu master and

    disciple – it is a very serious commitment and responsibility on the part of the advisor

    lasting over many years and sometimes over a lifetime. In such cases, taking on a Ph.D.

    student is a time consuming task for at least five years. The advisor works closely with

    the student and tries to convey and teach many things that are not in the textbooks but

    important to the student in his/her career and life development. An advisor working in

    this Socrates' teaching mode can handle at most five or six Ph.D. students simultaneously

    when he is working full time. My own philosophy is more inclined towards this old

    fashioned school of thought since I believe except for geniuses, first rate scholars are

    taught and created this way. 

    As to the standard used in a Ph.D. thesis, I have three:

    a) Portion of the thesis must be accepted for publication in a leading journal (not

    just any SCI listed journal) of the field. Top scholars of a field usually agree on

    what set of journals are leading in a given field.  This requirement is not only an

    independent check of the contribution of the thesis but also serve to publicize the

    product of the university to the world.

    b) The advisor should learn something new from the student thesis.

    c) The advisor should not be ashamed to admit in public that he supervised the thesis

    since it is also a reflection of the standard and competence of the advisor.


    Admittedly, two of  the three criteria are subjective and can lead to abuse. Only a healthy

    system of peer review and established self-discipline by the profession can prevent abuse. 

    I also understand the current Chinese regulation for Ph.D. degrees requiring four

    journal/conference publications.  While this is excessive if strictly enforced (footnote: It

    is more strict than any system in the world and certainly more than my own

    requirements), I understand to some extent the rationale behind it. Until the quality of

    Ph.D. advising becomes uniform through out the graduate schools, some form of

    quantitative requirement will be necessary to prevent abuse and to insure a minimal


    In  short, there is no royal road to research success except focused hard work.


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