• 实验代码一:用来链表实现单向图

    #include <iostream>
    #include <algorithm>
    #include "MnistFile.cpp"
    #include <cmath>
    using namespace std;
    const int synapseNums = 800;
    class Node {
        //int weight = 1;//权重
        double value = 0;//保持计算和
        Node *pre[synapseNums];//pre[0]指向前一层节点
        Node *next;//链接下一个节点
    class Chain {//循环链表
        // start->input->others
        Node *start;//指向输出层的开始节点
        Node *input;//指向输入层的开始节点
        Node *others;//指向中间层的节点,动态增删
        Node *end;//整个链的最后节点,下一个节点指向start
        Node null;//删除节点造成的空指针集中指向的节点
        Node **outputLink;//指向输出层的节点
    class Network {
        Chain chain;
        const int inputNodeNums;//输入节点维度
        const int outputNodeNums;//输出节点维度
        int othersNodeNums = 0;//中间层节点数目
        int inputIndexValue = -1;//当前标签值
        Network(int in, int out);
        void init();//建立网络结构
        void setNull(Node *p);
        void setNodes(Node **p, int nums);
        void inputValue(vector<double> input, double index);
        double activate(double x);
        int softMax(double **x, int n);
        int retIndexOf(Node *p, Node *q);
        int retNullIndex(Node *p);
        void forward();
        double getIndexValue(int index);//得到标签的输出值
        int getIndex();//得到正确的标签值
        double getChange();//得到改变边后输出的变化
        void newNode();
        void deleteNode(Node *p);
        void deleteNode2(Node *p);
        void newEdge(Node **p);
        void newEdge2(Node **ip, vector<double> &labels, vector<vector<double> >&images);
        void newOutputEdge();
        //void deleteedge();
        void train(int trainSampleNums, vector<double>&labels, vector<vector<double> > &images);
        void train2(int trainSampleNums, vector<double>&labels, vector<vector<double> > &images);
        int predictIndex();//预测的标签值
        //void writeDate();
        //void readData(string s);
        double evalStudyRate(int testSampleNums, vector<double> &labels, vector<vector<double> >&images);
    void Network::setNull(Node *p) {
        for (int i = 0; i < synapseNums; ++i)
            p->pre[i] = &chain.null;
    Network::Network(int in, int out) : inputNodeNums(in), outputNodeNums(out) {
        chain.null.next = nullptr;
        chain.null.value = 0;
        chain.outputLink = new Node*[outputNodeNums];
        Node *p = chain.start;
        for (int i = 0; i < outputNodeNums; ++i) {
            chain.outputLink[i] = p;
            p = p->next;
    Network::~Network() {
        cout << "~Network ..." << endl;
        Node *p = nullptr;
        Node *q = nullptr;
        p = chain.start;
        chain.start = nullptr;
        while (p != chain.input) {
            //cout << "p isn't null" << endl;
            q = p->next;
            delete p;
            p = q;
        delete  [] chain.outputLink;
    void Network::setNodes(Node **p, int nums) {
        for (int i = 0; i < nums; i++) {
            Node *q = new Node;
            (*p)->next = q;
            *p = q;
    void Network::init() {
        cout << "init ..." << endl;
        Node *p = new Node;
        chain.start = p;//p前节点
        setNodes(&p, outputNodeNums - 1);
        setNodes(&p, 1);
        chain.input = p;//p前节点
        setNodes(&p, inputNodeNums - 1);
        setNodes(&p, 1);
        othersNodeNums = 1;
        chain.others = chain.end = p;
        chain.end->next = chain.start;//循环链表
    double Network::activate(double x) {
        return 1.0 / (1.0 + exp(-x));
    int Network::softMax(double **x, int n) {
        double *p = *x;
        int k = 0;
        for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
            if (p[k] < p[i])
                k = i;
        return k;
    void Network::inputValue(vector<double> input, double index) {
        Node *p = chain.input;
        double s = 0;
        for (int j = 0; j < inputNodeNums; ++j) {
            s += input[j];
        for (int i = 0; i < inputNodeNums; ++i) {
            p->value = input[i];// / s;//正规化
            p = p->next;
        inputIndexValue = index;
        //cout << "Network::inputValue(vector<double> input, double index); end!" << endl;
    void Network::forward() {
        Node *p = chain.others;
        double sum = 0;
        while (p != chain.input) {
            for (int i = 0; i < synapseNums; ++i) {
                sum = sum + p->pre[i]->value;
            p->value = activate(sum);
            //cout << p->value << " ";
            p = p->next;
    void Network::newNode() {
        cout << "newNode ..." << endl;
        Node *p = new Node;
        chain.end->next = p;
        chain.end = p;
        chain.end->next = chain.start;
    void Network::deleteNode(Node *p) { // 
        Node *q = chain.others;
        while (q) {
            if (q->next == p || q->next == chain.start) {
            } else {
                q = q->next;
        if (q->next != p)
        Node *t = chain.others;
        while (t) {
            for (int i = 0; i < synapseNums; ++i) {
                if (t->pre[i] == p) {
                    t->pre[i] = &chain.null;//t->pre[i] == nullptr;
            t = t->next;
            if (t == chain.input)
        q->next = p->next;
        delete p;
    void Network::deleteNode2(Node *p) {
        p->value = 0;
    double Network::getIndexValue(int index) {
        return chain.outputLink[index]->value;
    double Network::getChange() {
        int index = getIndex();
        return getIndexValue(index);
    int Network::getIndex() {
        return this->inputIndexValue;
    int Network::predictIndex() {
        double x[outputNodeNums];
        memset(x, 0, outputNodeNums);
        Node *p = chain.start;
        for (int i = 0; i < outputNodeNums; ++i) {
            x[i] = p->value;
            p = p->next;
        double *q = x;
        return softMax(&q, outputNodeNums);
    int Network::retIndexOf(Node *p, Node *q) {
        for (int i = 0; i < synapseNums; ++i) {
            if (p->pre[i] == q) {
                return i;//找到了,p的第i个指针指向q
        return -1;//没找到
    int Network::retNullIndex(Node *p){
        Node *q = &chain.null;
        for (int i = 0; i < synapseNums; ++i) {
            if (p->pre[i] == q)
                return i;
        return -1;//说明满了,没有空闲的
    void Network::newEdge(Node **ip) {
        cout << "newEdge ..." << endl;
        Node *p = *ip;
        Node *t = chain.input;
        double old = 0;
        double now = 0;
        for (int i = 0; i < synapseNums;) {
            //测试当前right index的输出值
            old = getChange();
    //        i = retNullIndex(p);
    //        if (i == -1)
    //            break;//这里不对,与下面的i++冲突
            p->pre[i] = t;//当前节点指向t
            int re = retIndexOf(chain.outputLink[getIndex()], p);
            if (re == -1){
                int rn = retNullIndex(chain.outputLink[getIndex()]);
                if (rn == -1)
                    cerr << "retNullIndex is overfill!!
                chain.outputLink[getIndex()]->pre[rn] = p;
            //测试当前连接后的right index的输出值
            now = getChange();
            if (now > old)
            t = t->next;
            if (t == chain.start)
            if(predictIndex() == getIndex())
           // cout << i << " ";
    //void Network::newOutputEdge() {
    //    Node *p = chain.start;//输出层节点指针
    //    double old = 0;
    //    double now = 0;
    //    Node *q = chain.input;//输入层和中间层节点指针
    //    while (p != chain.input){
    //        int r = retNullIndex(p);//空闲指针
    //        p = p->next;
    //    }
    double Network::evalStudyRate(int testSampleNums, vector<double> &labels, vector<vector<double> >&images) {
        cout << "evalStudyRate : " ;
        int rightNums = 0;
        for (int i = 0; i < testSampleNums; ++i) {
            inputValue(images[50000+i], labels[50000+i]);
            if (predictIndex() == inputIndexValue) //预测
        return (double)rightNums / testSampleNums * 100.0;
    void Network::newEdge2(Node **ip, vector<double> &labels, vector<vector<double> >&images) {
        cout << "newEdge ..." << endl;
        Node *p = *ip;
        Node *t = chain.input;
        double old = 0;
        double now = 0;
        for (int i = 0; i < synapseNums;) {
            //测试当前right index的输出值
            old = evalStudyRate(100, labels, images);
            p->pre[i] = t;//当前节点指向t
    //        //修改output层的正确输出的指针指向p
    //        int re = retIndexOf(chain.outputLink[getIndex()], p);
    //        if (re == -1){
    //            int rn = retNullIndex(chain.outputLink[getIndex()]);
    //            if (rn == -1)
    //                cerr << "retNullIndex is overfill!!
    //            chain.outputLink[getIndex()]->pre[rn] = p;
    //        }
            //测试当前连接后的right index的输出值
            now = evalStudyRate(100, labels, images);
            if (now > old)
            t = t->next;
            if (t == chain.start)
            if(predictIndex() == getIndex())
            //cout << i << " ";
    void Network::train(int trainSampleNums, vector<double>&labels, vector<vector<double> > &images) {
        cout << "train ... " << endl;
        for (int i = 0; i < trainSampleNums; ++i) {
            inputValue(images[i], labels[i]);
            cout << "othersNodeNums = " << othersNodeNums << endl;
            if (othersNodeNums >= 50) {
                cout << "if (othersNodeNums >= 8) stop" << endl;
        cout << evalStudyRate(9000, labels, images) << "%" << endl;
    void Network::train2(int trainSampleNums, vector<double>&labels, vector<vector<double> > &images) {
        cout << "train ... " << endl;
        for (int i = 0; i < trainSampleNums; ++i) {
            inputValue(images[i], labels[i]);
            cout << "othersNodeNums = " << othersNodeNums << endl;
            if (othersNodeNums >= 4) {
                cout << "if (othersNodeNums >= 8) stop" << endl;
    //    Node *p = chain.others;
    //    while (p != chain.input) {
    //        newEdge2(&p, labels, images);
    //    }
        cout << evalStudyRate(9000, labels, images) << "%" << endl;
    int main(){
        cout << "read data..." << endl;
        read_Mnist_Label("train-labels.idx1-ubyte", labels);
        vector<vector<double>> images;
        read_Mnist_Images("train-images.idx3-ubyte", images);
        Network network(784, 10);
        network.train2(10, labels, images);
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/niubidexiebiao/p/13039469.html
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