E selenium.common.exceptions.SessionNotCreatedException: Message: session not created: This version of ChromeDriver only supports Chrome version 77
上述错误的 意思是 本地的chrome 版本与chromedriver 不对应
首先需要确定本地的chrome 的版本
3、到地址 http://npm.taobao.org/mirrors/chromedriver
下载对应的 版本
chromedriver_linux64.zip 适应于 linux 版本
chromedriver_mac64.zip 适应于 mac版本
chromedriver_win32.zip 适应于windows 版本
notes.txt 具体的版本对应关系
---------ChromeDriver 81.0.4044.138 (2020-05-05)--------- Supports Chrome version 81 Resolved issue 1049: Attempting to move mouse to corner of page in Chrome 41 throws WebDriverException: unknown error: Failed to execute 'getComputedStyle' on 'Window': parameter 1 is not of type 'Element' [Pri-2] Resolved issue 3153: ChromeDriver doesn't return iframe cookies [Pri-3] Resolved issue 3237: Returned value cannot be converted to Boolean: {} on isDisplayed() method. ChromeDriver 78 [Pri-] Resolved issue 3252: Getting org.openqa.selenium.WebDriverException: unknown error: cannot determine loading status [Pri-] Resolved issue 3291: Chromedriver is not returning spec compliant error code for timeouts [Pri-2] Resolved issue 3301: ChromeDriver Unexpected Slow response time on NewSession Command [Pri-2] Resolved issue 3312: Fail to set page load timeout time [Pri-2] Resolved issue 3316: ChromeDriver unable to connect to DevTools due to IPv4 vs IPv6 mismatch [Pri-2] Resolved issue 3336: WebDriver 80.0.3987.16 can't open Chrome on Linux [Pri-1] Resolved issue 3375: Chromedriver v80 hangs on getPageSource on some sites [Pri-1] Resolved issue 3383: ChromeDriver 80+ on Windows seems to exit or stall on certain element or click commands [Pri-1] Resolved issue 3421: chromedriver 81. Driver returns Cyrillic text without styles [Pri-2] Resolved issue 3422: GetElementText breaks with prototype and chromedriver 81 [Pri-]