• 一个博客园代码高亮的方案





      1 /*代码高亮*/
      2 .syntaxhighlighter .bold {
      3     font-weight:unset !important;
      4 }
      5 .syntaxhighlighter .line {
      6     background-color: rgb(40, 43, 46)!important;
      7 }
      8 .syntaxhighlighter .line.alt2 {
      9     background-color: rgb(40, 43, 46)!important;
     10 }
     11 .syntaxhighlighter .line.alt1 {
     12     background-color: rgb(40, 43, 46)!important;
     13 }
     14 .syntaxhighlighter .comments, .syntaxhighlighter .comments a {
     15     color: rgb(129, 142, 150)!important;
     16 }
     17 .syntaxhighlighter .keyword {
     18     color: rgb(147, 199, 99)!important;
     19     font-weight: unset !important;
     20 }
     21 .syntaxhighlighter .preprocessor {
     22     color: rgb(85, 113, 130) !important;
     23 }
     24 .syntaxhighlighter .plain, .syntaxhighlighter .plain a {
     25     color: rgb(224, 226, 228)!important;
     26 }
     27 .syntaxhighlighter .color1, .syntaxhighlighter .color1 a {
     28     color: rgb(147, 199, 99)!important;
     29 }
     30 .syntaxhighlighter .string, .syntaxhighlighter .string a {
     31     color: rgb(236, 118, 0)!important;
     32 }
     33 .syntaxhighlighter .functions {
     34     color: rgb(140, 187, 173)!important;
     35 }
     36 .syntaxhighlighter .gutter .line {
     37     border-right: 2px solid rgb(147, 199, 99)!important;
     38 }
     39 .syntaxhighlighter.collapsed .toolbar {
     40     background: rgb(40, 43, 46)!important;
     41     border: none !important;
     42     border-radius: 5px !important;
     43 }
     44 .syntaxhighlighter.collapsed .toolbar a {
     45     color: rgb(147, 199, 99)!important;
     46 }
     47 .syntaxhighlighter.collapsed .toolbar a:hover {
     48     color: rgb(78, 109, 48)!important;
     49 }
     50 .syntaxhighlighter {
     51     border-radius: 5px;
     52 }
     53 /*第一种高亮结束,第二种高亮开始*/
     54 .cnblogs_code div {
     55     background: #282b2e;
     56 }
     57 .cnblogs_code {
     58     background: #282b2e;
     59     border-radius: 5px;
     60     border: none;
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     62     color: #fff;
     63 }
     64 .cnblogs_code_toolbar {
     65     background: #282b2e !important;
     66 }
     67 .cnblogs_code_toolbar a:hover, .cnblogs_code_toolbar a:link, .cnblogs_code_toolbar a:visited, .cnblogs_code_toolbar a:active, .cnblogs_code_toolbar a:link img, .cnblogs_code_toolbar a:visited img {
     68     background-color: #282b2e !important;
     69     border: none!important;
     70 }
     71 .cnblogs_code pre {
     72     font-family: consolas !important;
     73     padding-left: 3px;
     74     color: rgb(224, 226, 228);
     75 }
     76 .cnblogs_code span[style="color: #000000;"] , .cnblogs_code span[style="color: #ff0000;"]{
     77     color: rgb(224, 226, 228) !important;
     78 }
     79 .cnblogs_code span[style="color: #0000ff;"]{
     80     color: rgb(147, 199, 99)!important;
     81 }
     82 .cnblogs_code span[style="color: #800080;"]{
     83     color: #ffd740 !important;
     84 }
     85 .cnblogs_code span[style="color: #800000;"]{
     86     color: rgb(236, 118, 0)!important;
     87 }
     88 .cnblogs_code span[style="color: #008000;"]{
     89     color: rgb(129, 142, 150)!important;
     90 }
     91 .cnblogs_code span[style="color: #008080;"]{
     92     color: #afafaf!important;
     93     margin-right: 5px;
     94 }
     95 .cnblogs_code_collapse {
     96     border: none;
     97     background: #282b2e;
     98     color: rgb(147, 199, 99);
     99 }
    100 .cnblogs_code > pre {
    101     border: none !important;
    102 }
    103 .cnblogs_code > textarea {
    104     color: #fff;
    105     background: transparent;
    106     border: none;
    107     outline: none;
    108 }
    109 /*代码高亮结束*/



     * Shades of Purple Theme — for Highlightjs.
     * @author (c) Ahmad Awais <https://twitter.com/mrahmadawais/>
     * @link GitHub Repo → https://github.com/ahmadawais/Shades-of-Purple-HighlightJS
     * @version 1.5.0
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     * 针对Markdown编辑器Shades of Purple Theme — for Highlightjs.
     * @author (c) Ahmad Awais <https://twitter.com/mrahmadawais/>
     * @link GitHub Repo → https://github.com/ahmadawais/Shades-of-Purple-HighlightJS
     * @version 1.5.0
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/ningqian/p/13308521.html
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