• 使用layui.open,btn空间,提交frame数据

    背景:  在使用Django做列表页时,需要用到增删改查,在新增的时候用到了layui.open的弹出层。将新增页面当做一个iframe嵌入到列表页,使用layui.open的btn制作按钮,并且实现提交表单的功能

    实现: 先用HTML话列表页和新增页面的图表,列表页

      1 {% extends 'lebbay/basePage.html' %}
      4 <head>
      5     <meta charset="UTF-8">
      6 </head>
      7 <body>
      8 {% block content %}
      9     <span class="layui-breadcrumb" lay-separator="/">
     10         <a href="{% url 'mainPage' %}"><u style="color: #0000FF; font-size: 20px">主页</u></a>
     11         <a href="{% url 'othersPage' %}"><u style="color: #0000FF; font-size: 20px">Others</u></a>
     12     </span>
     14     <fieldset class="layui-elem-field layui-field-title" style="margin-top: 20px;">
     15         <legend>动态添加列表页面</legend>
     16     </fieldset>
     17     {#功能区: 搜索、新增#}
     18     {#列表内容:删除、修改 先完成列表内容部分,#}
     19     {#    点击新增按钮,弹出一个弹窗#}
     20     {#    填写信息后,提交给后端,后端写入数据库,并且返回给前端#}
     21     {#    前端每次刷新页面都会请求到数据库中的数据#}
     22     <blockquote class="layui-elem-quote">
     23         <div class="layui-row">
     24             <form class="layui-form layui-col-md12 x-so" id="complain_search">
     25                 <div class="layui-col-md3">
     26                     ID:
     27                     <div class="layui-input-inline">
     28                         <input type="text" name="serviceCode" id="serviceCode"
     29                                placeholder="请输入ID" autocomplete="off" class="layui-input">
     30                     </div>
     31                 </div>
     32                 <div class="layui-col-md3">
     33                     环境:
     34                     <div class="layui-input-inline">
     35                         <select name="env" id="evn">
     36                             {#                            <option value="">---请选择---</option>#}
     37                             <option value="0">开发环境</option>
     38                             <option value="1">P环境</option>
     39                             <option value="2">测试环境</option>
     40                         </select>
     41                     </div>
     42                 </div>
     43                 <div class="layui-col-md3">
     44                     服务端:
     45                     <div class="layui-input-inline">
     46                         <select name="serverType" id="serverType">
     47                             {#                            <option value="">---请选择---</option>#}
     48                             <option value="0">PC端</option>
     49                             <option value="1">M端</option>
     50                             <option value="2">APP端</option>
     51                         </select>
     52                     </div>
     53                 </div>
     54                 <div class="layui-col-md3">
     55                     国家/地区:
     56                     <div class="layui-input-inline">
     57                         <select name="countryArea" id="countryArea">
     58                             {#                            <option value="">---请选择---</option>#}
     59                             <option value="0">US</option>
     60                             <option value="1">CA</option>
     61                         </select>
     62                     </div>
     63                     <button id="search" class="layui-btn layui-btn-normal" lay-submit
     64                             lay-filter="linkSearch">
     65                         <i class="layui-icon">&#xe615;</i>
     66                     </button>
     67                 </div>
     69             </form>
     70         </div>
     71         <table class="layui-hide" id="linkTable" lay-filter="linkList"></table>
     72     </blockquote>
     74     <script type="text/html" id="add_event">
     75         <div class="layui-btn-container">
     76             <button class="layui-btn layui-btn-sm layui-btn-normal" lay-event="add_link"><i class="layui-icon">�添加</i>
     77             </button>
     78         </div>
     79     </script>
     81     <script type="text/html" id="optsBar">
     82         <a class="layui-btn layui-btn-xs" lay-event="detail">查看</a>
     83         <a class="layui-btn layui-btn-xs" lay-event="edit">编辑</a>
     84         <a class="layui-btn layui-btn-danger layui-btn-xs" lay-event="del">删除</a>
     85     </script>
     86     <script type="text/javascript">
     87         layui.use(['table', 'layer', 'form', 'laypage'], function () {
     88             var table = layui.table,
     89                 layer = layui.layer,
     90                 form = layui.form,
     91                 laypage = layui.laypage;
     93             table.render({
     94                 id: "linkReload"    //无所谓
     95                 , elem: '#linkTable'    //需要渲染的元素,表格元素
     96                 , url: '/medicaladmin/complain/list'  //渲染的数据源,json格式
     97                 , page: true    // 开启分页
     98                 , method: 'post'
     99                 , toolbar: '#add_event'     //新增设置为toolbar
    100                 , limit: 10
    101                 , response: {
    102                     statusName: 'code',
    103                     msgName: 'message',
    104                     statusCode: 200,
    105                     dataName: 'beans',
    106                     countName: 'page',
    107                 }
    108                 , request: {
    109                     pageName: 'page',
    110                     limitName: 'size'
    111                 }
    112                 , cols: [
    113                     [
    114                         {checkbox: true}//开启多选框
    115                         , {field: 'id',  150, title: 'ID'}
    116                         , {
    117                         field: 'serviceCode',  150, title: '环境', templet: function (d) {
    118                             if (d.compType == 0) {
    119                                 return '<span style="color: #D03948;">正式环境</span>';
    120                             } else if (d.compType == 1) {
    121                                 return '<span style="color: #18A4D0;">P环境</span>';
    122                             } else if (d.compType == 2) {
    123                                 return '<span style="color: #5CD03F;">测试环境</span>';
    124                             }
    125                         }
    126                     }
    127                         , {field: 'compType',  150, title: '服务端'}
    128                         , {field: 'compOrder',  150, title: '国家/地区'}
    129                         , {
    130                         field: 'compReason',  150, title: 'linkUrl', templet: function (d) {
    131                             return '<a>' + d + '</a>';
    132                         }
    133                     }
    134                         , {fixed: 'right', title: '操作', toolbar: '#optsBar'}
    135                     ]
    136                 ]
    137                 , limits: [5, 10, 20, 50]
    138             });
    140             table.on('toolbar(linkList)', function (obj) {
    141                 var checkStatus = table.checkStatus(obj.config.id),
    142                     data = checkStatus.data;
    143                 data = eval("(" + JSON.stringify(data) + ")");
    144                 switch (obj.event) {
    145                     case 'add_link':     // lay-event自定义的新增按钮toolbar事件
    146                         layer.open({
    147                             type: 2,
    148                             title: "新增地址链接操作",
    149                             area: ['20%', '40%'],
    150                             fix: false,
    151                             maxmin: true,
    152                             shadeClose: true,
    153                             shade: 0.4,
    154                             {#skin: 'layui-layer-normal',#}
    155                             skin: 'layui-layer-rim',
    156                             content: ["{% url 'addLink' %}", "no"],
    157                             btn: ['提交', '取消'],
    158                             yes: function (index, layero) {
    159                                 var json_data = $(layero).find("iframe")[0].contentWindow.callbackdata();
    160                                 $.ajax({
    161                                     url: "{% url 'addLinkApi' %}",
    162                                     type: "post",
    163                                     datatype: "json",
    164                                     data: json_data,
    165                                     {#data: $().serialize(),#}
    166                                     {#data: JSON.stringify({#}
    167                                     {#    "env": $("#env").val(),#}
    168                                     {#    "server": $("#server").val(),#}
    169                                     {#    "area": $("#area").val(),#}
    170                                     {#    "link": $("#links").val()#}
    171                                     {# }),#}
    172                                     success: function (data) {
    173                                         console.log($("#server").val());
    174                                         console.log(data);
    175                                         layer.msg(data.data);
    176                                     }
    177                                 });
    178                                 layer.close(index);
    179                             }
    180                             {#content: ["/medicaladmin/complain/complainAdd", "no"],#}
    181                         });
    182                     {#var index = parent.layer.getFrameIndex(window.name); //先得到当前iframe层的索引#}
    183                     {#parent.layer.close(index); //再执行关闭#}
    184                         break;
    185                 }
    186             });
    187             table.on('tool(linkList)', function (obj) {
    188                 var data = obj.data;
    189                 json = JSON.stringify(data);
    190                 switch (obj.event) {
    191                     case 'detail':
    192                         console.log("投诉详情");
    193                         var index = layer.open({
    194                             type: 2,
    195                             title: "投诉详情页面",
    196                             area: ['30%', '60%'],
    197                             fix: false,
    198                             maxmin: true,
    199                             shadeClose: true,
    200                             shade: 0.4,
    201                             skin: 'layui-layer-rim',
    202                             content: ["/medicaladmin/complain/complainRead", "no"],
    203                         });
    204                         break;
    205                     case 'edit':
    206                         var index = layer.open({
    207                             type: 2,
    208                             title: "编辑投诉页面",
    209                             area: ['30%', '60%'],
    210                             fix: false,
    211                             maxmin: true,
    212                             shadeClose: true,
    213                             shade: 0.4,
    214                             skin: 'layui-layer-rim',
    215                             content: ["/medicaladmin/complain/complainEdit", "no"],
    216                         });
    217                         break;
    218                     case 'del':
    219                         var delIndex = layer.confirm('真的删除id为' + data.id + "的信息吗?", function (delIndex) {
    220                             $.ajax({
    221                                 url: '/medicaladmin/complain/delete/' + data.id,
    222                                 type: "post",
    223                                 success: function (suc) {
    224                                     if (suc.code == 200) {
    225                                         obj.del(); //删除对应行(tr)的DOM结构,并更新缓存
    226                                         layer.close(delIndex);
    227                                         console.log(delIndex);
    228                                         layer.msg("删除成功", {
    229                                             icon: 1
    230                                         });
    231                                     } else {
    232                                         layer.msg("删除失败", {
    233                                             icon: 5
    234                                         });
    235                                     }
    236                                 }
    237                             });
    238                             layer.close(delIndex);
    239                         });
    240                         break;
    241                 }
    242             });
    243             form.render();
    244             form.on('submit(linkSearch)', function (data) {
    245                 // 查询
    246                 console.log(data)
    247                 var formData = data.field;
    248                 console.debug(formData);
    249                 var serviceCode = formData.serviceCode,
    250                     compOrder = formData.compOrder,
    251                     compType = formData.compType,
    252                     complainState = formData.complainState;
    254                 table.reload('provinceReload', {
    255                     page: {
    256                         curr: 1
    257                     },
    258                     where: {
    259                         serviceCode: serviceCode,
    260                         compOrder: compOrder,
    261                         compType: compType,
    262                         complainState: complainState
    263                     },
    264                     method: 'post',
    265                     contentType: "application/json;charset=utf-8",
    266                     url: '/medicaladmin/complain/queryComplainByCondition',
    267                 });
    268                 return false;
    269             });
    270         });
    271     </script>
    273 {% endblock %}
    274 </body>


     1 <!DOCTYPE html>
     2 <html lang="en">
     3 <head>
     4     <meta charset="UTF-8">
     5     <title>新增链接地址</title>
     6     <script rel="stylesheet" src="https://cdn.bootcss.com/jquery/3.3.1/jquery.min.js"></script>
     7     <link rel="stylesheet" href="../../../static/layui/css/layui.css">
     8     <link rel="stylesheet" href="../../../static/mainPage/css/custom.css">
     9     <script rel="stylesheet" src="../../../static/layui/layui.js"></script></head>
    10 <body>
    11 <div style="100%; text-align-all:center">
    12     <form class="layui-form layui-form-pane" action="" method="post">
    13             <div class="layui-form-item">
    14                 <label class="layui-form-label">环境</label>
    15                 <div class="layui-input-inline">
    16                     <select name="env" id="env">
    17                         <option value="develop">开发环境</option>
    18                         <option value="p">P环境</option>
    19                         <option value="test" selected>测试环境</option>
    20                     </select>
    21                 </div>
    22             </div>
    23             <div class="layui-form-item">
    24                 <label class="layui-form-label">服务端</label>
    25                 <div class="layui-input-inline">
    26                     <select name="server" id="server">
    27                         <option value="PC">PC端</option>
    28                         <option value="M">M端</option>
    29                         <option value="APP">APP端</option>
    30                 </select>
    31                 </div>
    32             </div>
    33             <div class="layui-form-item">
    34                 <label class="layui-form-label">国家/地区</label>
    35                 <div class="layui-input-inline">
    36                     <select name="area" id="area">
    37                     <option value="US">US</option>
    38                     <option value="CA">CA</option>
    39                 </select>
    40                 </div>
    41             </div>
    42             <div class="layui-form-item">
    43                 <label class="layui-form-label">链接</label>
    44                 <div class="layui-input-inline">
    45                     <input type="text" class="layui-input" placeholder="输入链接" id="links">
    46                 </div>
    47             </div>
    48             <div class="layui-form-item">
    49                 <input type="button" class="layui-btn layui-btn-normal" value="立即提交" id="submit" style="margin-left: 40%">
    50             </div>
    51     </form>
    52 </div>
    54 <script>
    55     layui.use(['form'],function (){
    56         var form = layui.form,
    57             layer = layui.layer
    59         $("#submit").click(function () {
    60             // 页面执行的时候,用按钮提交, 这里使用的iframe,不需要此处的submit
    61             $.ajax({
    62                 url: "{% url 'addLinkApi' %}",
    63                 type: "post",
    64                 datatype: "json",
    65                 {#data: $().serialize(),#}
    66                 data: JSON.stringify({
    67                     "env":$("#env").val(),
    68                     "server":$("#server").val(),
    69                     "area":$("#area").val(),
    70                     "link":$("#links").val()
    71                  }),
    72                 success: function (data){
    73                     console.log(data)
    74                     layer.msg(data.data)
    75                 }
    76             });
    77         });
    78     });
    79     var callbackdata = function () {
    80         // 提供数据,给主页面
    81         var json_data = JSON.stringify({
    82                     "env":$("#env").val(),
    83                     "server":$("#server").val(),
    84                     "area":$("#area").val(),
    85                     "link":$("#links").val()
    86                  })
    87         return json_data
    88     }
    89 </script>
    90 </body>
    91 </html>



    var json_data = $(layero).find("iframe")[0].contentWindow.callbackdata();


        var callbackdata = function () {
            // 提供数据,给主页面
            var json_data = JSON.stringify({
            return json_data
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/nieliangcai/p/12826690.html
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