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1 program median(input,output);
2 var
3 f,a : array[-100000..110000] of longint;
4 n,i,x : longint;
5 max,pos,answer : longint;
6 begin
7 assign(input,'median.in');reset(input);
8 assign(output,'median.out');rewrite(output);
9 readln(n,x);
10 fillchar(f,sizeof(f),0);
11 for i:=1 to n do
12 begin
13 read(a[i]);
14 if a[i]=x then
15 pos:=i;
16 end;
17 max:=0;
18 answer:=0;
19 for i:=pos+1 to n do
20 begin
21 if a[i]>x then
22 inc(max)
23 else
24 dec(max);
25 if max=0 then
26 inc(answer);//左端点
27 inc(f[max]);
28 end;
29 max:=0;
30 for i:=pos-1 downto 1 do
31 begin
32 if a[i]>x then
33 inc(max)
34 else
35 dec(max);
36 if max=0 then
37 inc(answer);//右端点
38 inc(answer,f[-max]);//不做端点的
39 end;
40 writeln(answer+1);//自己也是一个序列
41 close(input);
42 close(output);
43 end.