• MSSQL相关应用收集


     1、SQL Tip: HowTo Convert Delimited String to Table

    Many times we need to deal with lists in T-SQL, for instance we need to have a list of values to pass it to IN clause in SQL. This list is supposed to look like delimited string. However we can not pass it to T-SQL procedure as a string because T-SQL compiler can not interpret delimited string as a list of values.

    For MSSQL - the list of values is of table type, so we need to have a tool to convert delimited string to table. The function below does just that. So we are able to pass delimited strings to the procedure, convert this string to table and use it later in SQL IN close or in joins.


    2、MSSQL: Recompile Stored Procedures, Views, Functions

    Sometimes after massive MSSQL schema update to online scalable production environment there is a need to recompile all stored procedures, user-defined functions and views in the database in order to MSSQL will refresh stores procedures execution plans stored in memory in order to reflect recent schema changes. Below is a small MSSQL code snipped written solely for maintenance purposes. It goes through database objects and performs recompilation using sp_recompile system stored procedure.


     This MSSQL code snipped can easily be implemented as a stored procedure.

    3、T-SQL: Output Parameter in sp_executesql

     sp_executesql is MSSQL system procedure used to execute dynamic SQL (SQL string built dynamically). Sometimes there is a need to return output parameter from that dynamic SQL. Below is a small T-SQL code snippet that demonstrates how to do it.


     4、MSSQL Tip: Rebuild Clustered Indexes

     Rebuild clustered index in the database tables. This code uses cursor to run through user tables. Also it uses dbcc dbreindex command to rebuild index. Use this with care since each rebuild hangs table up.


     5、MSSQL Tip: Get Table Primary Key Column(s)

     Suppose the following MSSQL server problem. We know table name and need to get its Primary Key columns programmatically. In order to do it we will use the following system tables:

    sysobjects - for all user objects.
    sysindexkeys - for indexes and keys.
    syscolumns - for tables columns.

    The query will look like so:


    sysindexkeys.indid equals to 1 for clustered indexes.

    6、T-SQL Query: Select Middle Record

     SELECT TOP 1 query in T-SQL helps to find the first or the last record of the table data sorted by some criteria. But what if we need to find exactly middle record entry in the table ? Below is a small T-SQL query snippet that demonstrates a technique how to get middle record in a single query (pay attention to the inline view used):


    7、MSSQL Tip: Get Primary Table in Relationship

    How to get Primary Table, having the name of Foreign table in relation ? We can use the following MSSQL system tables:

    sysobjects - for all user objects.
    sysforeignkeys - for foreign keys.
    syscolumns - for tables columns.

    Build the following query:


    Pay attention how sysobjects is used twice in a query.

    8、ROWNUM [ PL/SQL ] Analog for T-SQL

     There is no ROWNUM Analog in T-SQL. ROWNUM is used in PL/SQL to to get the number of rows the query returns in the same query. There is no easy way to perform the same trick in T-SQL query. Small snippet below demonstrates the easy way to achieve the same goal using inner view.


     Use in small tables only, since it is not performant on large databases.

    9、MSSQL Tip: Get Connected Columns in Related Tables

     How to get Foreign Key related columns, having the names of Primary and Foreign tables ? We can use the following MSSQL system tables:

    sysobjects - for all user objects.
    sysforeignkeys - for foreign keys.
    syscolumns - for tables columns.

    Build the following query:


    10、MSSQL: Change tables owner to dbo with sp_changeobjectowner

     Sometimes there is a need to change all tables in the database to be owned by dbo for maintenance or to fix up accidental errors. All tables owned by dbo schema is usually best practices in the database application development with MSSQL while we can meet different approaches in real life...

    The following small SQL code snippet goes through all user tables in the database and changes their owner to dbo. It uses sp_changeobjectowner system stored procedure:






    结果(可以把At_sLevel 的值替换成空格就会呈现层次关系,At_iLevel 为当前是第几级分在):

    At_Id       At_ActualId At_ParentId At_TypeClass At_TypeShowName    At_TypeName   At_OrderBy   At_sLevel    At_iLevel   At_Ladder
    --------- ----------- ----------- ------------ ----------------  -------------  ----------  -----------  ----------- ------------
    4           173764       0           0            分类名称      分类名称                1                           1           4
    5           173764       0           1            分类名称1      分类名称1             2                          1           5
    11          173764      5           1            xxxxx          xxxxx                 1          *              2           5|11
    12          173764      11         1            uuuuu              uuuuu             1          **             3           5|11|12
    6           173764       0           1            分类名称xx                             3                            1           6




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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/net205/p/1374758.html
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