• Postgres 9.2 亮点: JSON 数据类型——Michael Paquier

     PostgreSQL 9.2 引入了一个与JSON相关的新特性;内置的数据类型。你现在可以把JSON字段直接存储于你的数据库内部,而无需外部格式检查器。因为现在它直接就在Postgres的内核中。该特性已通过提下列内容添加。

    commit 5384a73f98d9829725186a7b65bf4f8adb3cfaf1

    Author: Robert Haas 
    Date: Tue Jan 31 11:48:23 2012 -0500

    Built-in JSON data type.

    Like the XML data type, we simply store JSON data as text, after checking
    that it is valid. More complex operations such as canonicalization and
    comparison may come later, but this is enough for now.

    There are a few open issues here, such as whether we should attempt to
    detect UTF-8 surrogate pairs represented as \uXXXX\uYYYY, but this gets
    the basic framework in place.@postgresql.org>


    commit 39909d1d39ae57c3a655fc7010e394e26b90fec9

    Author: Andrew Dunstan 
    Date: Fri Feb 3 12:11:16 2012 -0500

    Add array_to_json and row_to_json functions.

    Also move the escape_json function from explain.c to json.c where it
    seems to belong.

    Andrew Dunstan, Reviewed by Abhijit Menon-Sen.@dunslane.net>

    事实上Postgres 内核对JSON字段的处理是将其存储为文本字段 (对大为1GB) ,更重要的是字符串格式校验可以被直接执行于核中。让我们在一个实际使用案例中运用一下它,一个表存储着一个RPG游戏里的商品列表,包含多种类型的商品,每一个统计都包含不同的字段。比如说一把剑有攻击值,一个盾牌有防御值,如果相反就不符合逻辑(除非剑带有魔法防御加成效果,盾牌有火焰防护…)好吧,我的意思是你不需要为每件物品建立多张表,而可以将数据存进一张特殊的物品表,这要归功于JSON的扩展性。有了Postgres核内完成格式检查,你也无需在应用端执行字符串格式校验。

    postgres=# CREATE TABLE rpg_items (c1 serial, data json);                                                               

    CREATE TABLE                                                                                                            

    postgres=# INSERT INTO rpg_items (data) VALUES                                                                          

    postgres-# ('{"name":"sword","buy":"500","sell":"200","description":"basic sword","attack":"10"}');                     

    INSERT 0 1                                                                                                              

    postgres=# INSERT INTO rpg_items (data) VALUES                                                                          

    postgres-# ('{"name":"shield","buy":"200","sell":"80","description":"basic shield","defense":"7"}');                    

    INSERT 0 1                                                                                                              

    postgres=# SELECT * FROM rpg_items;                                                                                     

    c1 | data                                                                                                               


    1 | {"name":"sword","buy":"500","sell":"200","description":"basic sword","attack":"10"}                                 

    2 | {"name":"shield","buy":"200","sell":"80","description":"basic shield","defense":"7"}                                

    (2 rows)                                                                                                                (2 rows)


    postgres=# INSERT INTO rpg_items (data) VALUES ('{"name":"dummy","buy":"200","ppo"}');

    ERROR: invalid input syntax for type json

    LINE 1: INSERT INTO rpg_items (data) VALUES ('{"name":"dummy","buy":...LINE 1: INSERT INTO rpg_items (data) VALUES ('{"name":"dummy","buy":...


    postgres=# CREATE TABLE rpg_items_defense (c1 serial, buy int, sell int, description text, defense int);


    postgres=# INSERT INTO rpg_items_defense (buy, sell,description, defense)

    postgres-# VALUES (200, 80, 'basic shield', 7);

    INSERT 0 1

    postgres=# SELECT row_to_json(row(buy,sell,description,defense)) FROM rpg_items_defense;



    {"f1":200,"f2":80,"f3":"basic shield","f4":7}

    (1 row)



    postgres=# CREATE TABLE rpg_items_attack(int serial, fields int[], description text);


    postgres=# INSERT INTO rpg_items_attack (fields, description) VALUES

    postgres-# ('{500,200,10}','basic sword');

    INSERT 0 1

    postgres=# SELECT row_to_json(row(array_to_json(fields), description)) FROM rpg_items_attack;



    {"f1":[500,200,10],"f2":"basic sword"}

    (1 row)


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