#1.写一个函数,接受一个参数,如果是文件就执行这个文件,如果是文件夹,就执行这个文件夹下面所有的文件. import os import json,pickle import random def judge_py_class(name):#判断是否是可执行文件 if os.path.basename(name).endswith('.py'): return True else: return False def implement(path):#执行函数 if os.path.isdir(path):#判断路径是否是文档 the_former_address = os.path.split(path)[0]#取前面的绝对地址 for file in path: if not judge_py_class(file): pass else: abs_path = os.path.join(the_former_address,file) os.system('python %s'%abs_path)#执行文件 elif os.path.isfile(path):#判断是否是文件 if not judge_py_class(path): pass else: os.system('python %s'%path) # implement(r'C:UsersAdministratorPycharmProjects全栈学习day19 1os模块.py') #2.写一个copy函数,接受两个参数,第一个是参数是原文件的位置,第二个参数是目标文件的位置 def copy_func(original_path,copy_path): lst = [] if os.path.isdir(copy_path): file_name = os.path.basename(original_path)#取后面的文件名 path2 = os.path.join(copy_path,file_name) if os.path.exists(path2):#判断路径下是否有同名文件 print('已经有同名文件') elif os.path.isfile(path2):#判断路径是否是个文件 with open('%s'%original_path,'read') as fr: for line in fr: lst.append(line) with open('%s'%os.path.join(original_path,file_name),'w') as fw: for line in lst: fw.write(line) else: print('invalid path') #3.获取某个文件的上级目录 os.path.split(path)[1] #4.写一个用户注册登陆程序,每一个用户注册都要把用户名和密码以字典形式写入文件,在登陆的时候再进行验证. #思路1:直接用一个字典存储所有的信息,内存应该是不够的 def the_register_func(username,password):#注册函数 with open('database.dump','rb') as fr: temporary_dic = pickle.loads(fr.read())#loads将type转换成dict. if username in temporary_dic.keys():#判断是否存在已知用户名 print('the username now exists') else: temporary_dic[username] = password#注册账户 with open('database.dump','wb') as fw: fw.write(pickle.dumps(temporary_dic)) def log_func(username, password): with open('database.dump', 'rb') as fr: temporary_dic = pickle.loads(fr) if username not in temporary_dic.keys(): print('the username do not exist.') elif temporary_dic[username] != password: print('wrong password') else: #思路2:分别用单个字典存储信息,循环取出 # {'usr':'alex','pwd':'alex3714'} import pickle def register(): usr = input('username :') pwd = input('password : ') dic = {usr:pwd} with open('userinfo','ab') as f: pickle.dump(dic,f) print('注册成功') def login(): flag = True usr = input('username :') pwd = input('password : ') with open('userinfo', 'rb') as f: while flag: try :#这样可能做成迭代器会省内存点 dic = pickle.load(f) for k,v in dic.items(): if k == usr and pwd == v: print('登录成功') flag = False break except EOFError: print('登录失败') break