• Notepad++ 的一些常用快捷键

    由于家中老爷机仍在逾期服役,鉴于老人家年老力衰,在这台机器上,我不得不使用Notepad++这样的文本编辑器来进行代码的开发工作,原因很简单,np++占用资源比较小,而且用起来顺手。 下面贴一些Np++的快捷键,仅为备忘之用。

    Ctrl-C Copy
    Ctrl-X Cut
    Ctrl-V Paste
    Ctrl-Z Undo
    Ctrl-Y Redo
    Ctrl-A Select All
    Ctrl-F Launch Find Dialog
    Ctrl-H Launch Find / Replace Dialog 查找替换
    Ctrl-D Duplicate Current Line 复制当前行
    Ctrl-L Delete Current Line 删除当前行
    Ctrl-T Switch the current line position with the previous line position 交换当前行和上一行
    F3 Find Next
    Shift-F3 Find Previous
    Ctrl-Shift-F Find in Files
    Ctrl-F3 Find (volatil) Next
    Ctrl-Shift-F3 Find (volatil) Previous
    Ctrl-Shift-I Incremental Search
    Ctrl-S Save File
    Ctrl-Alt-S Save As
    Ctrl-Shift-S Save All
    Ctrl-O Open File
    Ctrl-N New File
    Ctrl-F2 Toggle Bookmark 设置书签
    F2 Go To Next Bookmark 下一书签
    Shift-F2 Go To Previous Bookmark 上一书签
    Ctrl-G Launch GoToLine Dialog
    Ctrl-W Close Current Document
    Alt-Shift-Arrow keys or Alt + Left mouse click Column Mode Select 列编辑模式
    Ctrl-(Keypad-/Keypad+) or Ctrl + mouse wheel button (if any) Zoom in (+ or up) and Zoom out (- or down) 放大缩小
    Ctrl-Keypad/ Restore the original size from zoom 重新储存当前大小
    F11 Toggle Full Screen Mode
    Ctrl-Tab Next Document
    Ctrl-Shift-Tab Previous Document
    Ctrl-Shift-Up Move Current Line Up 上移当前行
    Ctrl-Shift-Down Move Current Line Down 下移当前行
    Ctrl-Alt-F Collapse the Current Level 折叠当前
    Ctrl-Alt-Shift-F Uncollapse the Current Level
    Alt-0 Fold All 折叠所有
    Alt-(1~8) Collapse the Level (1~8)
    Alt-Shift-0 Unfold All
    Alt-Shift-(1~8) Uncollapse the Level (1~8)
    Ctrl-BackSpace Delete to start of word 删除至单词开头
    Ctrl-Delete Delete to end of word 删除至单词结束
    Ctrl-Shift-BackSpace Delete to start of line 删除至本行开头
    Ctrl-Shift-Delete Delete to end of line 删除至本行结束
    Ctrl-U Convert to lower case 小写
    Ctrl-Shift-U Convert to UPPER CASE 大写
    Ctrl-B Go to matching brace 转至匹配的括号
    Ctrl-Shift-R Start to record /Stop recording the macro 开始录制宏
    Ctrl-Shift-P Play recorded macro 回放宏
    Ctrl-Q Block comment/uncomment
    Ctrl-Shift-Q Stream comment 区域注释
    Ctrl-Shift-T Copy current line to clipboard 复制当前行至剪切板
    Ctrl-P Print
    Alt-F4 Exit
    Ctrl-I Split Lines
    Ctrl-J Join Lines
    Ctrl-Alt-R Text Direction RTL
    Ctrl-Alt-L Text Direction LTR
    F1 About
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/nbkhic/p/2249195.html
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