DECLARE psyncTime date;-- PricingCategory.id DECLARE plastupdatetime date;
set @BranchId=1;set @BranchCode='1000001';set @BranchName='好快省'; set @BranchidParam=1; select syncTime as syncTime from ScheduleLog where webservicename = 'GetPRODUCTCHECKPRICEfromVEI' and srcsysname = 'VEIHMS' and srcwebservicename = 'GetPRODUCTCHECKPRICE' and tagbillname = 'sparepart' into psyncTime; insert into enterprisepartscost_u(suppliercode,suppliername,productcode,checkprice,partstype) SELECT a.supplieid as suppliernumber,b.name as suppliername,a.materialcode as itemcode,a.price as itemprice, 2 as partstype FROM `hks-tj_test`. epc_suppliers_goods a inner join `hks-tj_test`.epc_suppliers b on a.supplieid=b.supplieid AND b.stype=48 AND b.supplieid != 100000 and b.supplieid<>100018 and b.branchcode='1000002' left join enterprisepartscost c on a.supplieid = c.SupplierCode and a.materialcode = c.ProductCode and a.price = c.CheckPrice where c.ProductCode is null AND A.lastupdatetime >=psyncTime order by A.lastupdatetime limit 500;
insert into enterprisepartscost(suppliercode,suppliername,productcode,productname,checkprice,partstype) SELECT a.supplieid as suppliernumber,b.name as suppliername,a.materialcode as itemcode,d.productname ,a.price as itemprice, 2 as partstype FROM `hks-tj_test`.epc_suppliers_goods a inner join `hks-tj_test`.epc_suppliers b on a.supplieid=b.supplieid AND b.stype=48 AND b.supplieid != 100000 and b.supplieid<>100018 and b.branchcode='1000003' left join enterprisepartscost c on a.supplieid = c.SupplierCode and a.materialcode = c.ProductCode and a.price = c.CheckPrice left join sparepart d on d.productcode = a.materialcode where c.ProductCode is null AND A.lastupdatetime >=psyncTime order by A.lastupdatetime limit 500;
SELECT MAX( a.lastupdatetime) FROM `hks-tj_test`. epc_suppliers_goods a inner join `hks-tj_test`.epc_suppliers b on a.supplieid=b.supplieid AND b.stype=48 AND b.supplieid != 100000 and b.supplieid<>100018 and b.branchcode='1000004' left join enterprisepartscost c on a.supplieid = c.SupplierCode and a.materialcode = c.ProductCode and a.price = c.CheckPrice where c.ProductCode is null AND A.lastupdatetime >=psyncTime order by A.lastupdatetime limit 1 into plastupdatetime; if(plastupdatetime is not null ) then update ScheduleLog set syncTime=plastupdatetime where webservicename = 'GetPRODUCTCHECKPRICEfromVEI' ; end if; CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE IF NOT EXISTS saleprice_tmp( PartsCode VARCHAR(36), Code VARCHAR(50), CheckPrice DECIMAL(11,4), PartsType int(2), SupplierCode VARCHAR(50), suppliername VARCHAR(50) ) ENGINE = MEMORY; -- 需要更新的动态备件表1 TRUNCATE TABLE saleprice_tmp;
CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE IF NOT EXISTS provincesaleprice_tmp( PartsCode VARCHAR(36), Code VARCHAR(50), CheckPrice DECIMAL(11,4), PartsType int(2), SupplierCode VARCHAR(50), suppliername VARCHAR(50) ) ENGINE = MEMORY; -- 需要更新的动态备件表2 TRUNCATE TABLE provincesaleprice_tmp; CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE IF NOT EXISTS pricecategory_tmp( PartsCode VARCHAR(36), Code VARCHAR(50), corpCode VARCHAR(50), corpName VARCHAR(50), SalePriceColumn VARCHAR(50), PriceCategoryColumn VARCHAR(50), PriceMethods int(9), SalePrice DECIMAL(11,4), CheckPrice DECIMAL(11,4), `PRECISION` int(9), Retentionway int(9), SupplierCode VARCHAR(50), suppliername VARCHAR(50), PartsType int(2) ) ENGINE = MEMORY; -- 需要更新的动态备件表3 TRUNCATE TABLE saleprice_tmp;
insert into saleprice_tmp select a.ProductCode as partscode,case when pcg1.`Code` is not null then pcg1.`Code` when pcg2.code is not null then pcg2.code when pcgfz1.code is not null then pcgfz1.code else null END as Code, epp.CheckPrice,epp.PartsType,epp.SupplierCode,epp.suppliername from sparepart a inner join customertype ct on 1=1 inner join enterprisepartscost_u epp on epp.ProductCode = a.ProductCode and epp.partstype = 2 inner join partsgroup fz1 on a.GroupCode = fz1.GroupCode and fz1.Category = 1 /*最下一层的分组*/ inner join partsgroup pp on a.SpareBrandCode = pp.GroupCode and pp.ParentCode=fz1.`Code` and pp.Category= 2 /*品牌层*/ /*配件定价原则*/ left join pricingcategory pcg1 on pcg1.GroupCode = a.ProductCode and pcg1.`Status` = 2 and pcg1.PricingCategoryID =1 and pcg1.corpcode = '1000' and pcg1.grouptype =3 and pcg1.CustomerTypeId = ct.Id /*配件品牌定价原则*/ left join pricingcategory pcg2 on pcg2.GroupCode = pp.`Code` and pcg2.`Status` = 2 and pcg2.PricingCategoryID =1 and pcg2.corpcode = '1000' and pcg2.grouptype =2 and pcg2.CustomerTypeId = ct.Id /*配件分组定价原则*/ left join pricingcategory pcgfz1 on pcgfz1.GroupCode =fz1.`Code` and pcgfz1.`Status` = 2 and pcgfz1.PricingCategoryID =1 and pcgfz1.corpcode = '1000' and pcgfz1.grouptype =1 and pcgfz1.CustomerTypeId = ct.Id
where pcg1.code is not null or pcg2.code is not null or pcgfz1.code is not null;
insert into pricecategory_tmp select distinct tmp.partscode as partscode, pcg.`Code` as code, pcg.CorpCode as corpcode, pcg.CorpName as CorpName, (select PartsSalePrice from salepricefieldmap where TypeCode = ct.TypeCode) as SalePriceColumn, (select PriceCategoryCode from salepricefieldmap where TypeCode = ct.TypeCode) as PriceCategoryColumn, pcg.PriceMethods, case pcg.PriceMethods when 1 then tmp.CheckPrice*(1+pcg.SalePrice/100) when 2 then pcg.SalePrice when 3 then tmp.CheckPrice+pcg.SalePrice END as SalePrice, tmp.CheckPrice, pcg.`Precision`, pcg.Retentionway, tmp.SupplierCode, tmp.SupplierName,tmp.PartsType from pricecategory_tmp tmp inner join pricingcategory pcg on pcg.`Code` = tmp.`Code` inner join customertype ct on ct.id = pcg.customertypeid;
update pricecategory_tmp categorytmp set categorytmp.SalePrice= (case categorytmp.Retentionway when 1 then ROUND( CEILING(SalePrice),(`PRECISION`-1)) when 2 then ROUND( FLOOR(SalePrice),(`PRECISION`-1)) when 3 then ROUND( SalePrice,(`PRECISION`-1)) when 4 then ROUND((CEILING(SalePrice/5))*5,(`PRECISION`-1)) end);
SET @SalePricesql=CONCAT('update PartsSalePrice price join pricecategory_tmp categorytmp on price.productcode= pricecategory_tmp.PartsCode and price.suppliercode=categorytmp.suppliercode and categorytmp.branchcode =? set price.CheckPrice=cost.CheckPrice,price.ModifyTime=now(), price.',categorytmp.SalePriceColumn,'=',categorytmp.SalePrice,',' ,categorytmp.PriceCategoryColumn,'= ', categorytmp.Code); PREPARE stmp FROM @SalePricesql; EXECUTE stmp using @BranchCode; SET @SalePriceInsertsql= CONCAT('insert into PartsSalePrice(productid,productcode,productname,suppliercode,suppliername,checkprice,modifytime,branchid,branchcode,branchname,',categorytmp.SalePriceColumn,',',categorytmp.PriceCategoryColumn,') select part.ProductId,part.ProductCode,cost.ProductName,cost.SupplierCode,cost.SupplierName,cost.CheckPrice,now(),?,?,?,',categorytmp.SalePrice,',',categorytmp.Code ,' from pricecategory_tmp categorytmp LEFT join PartsSalePrice price on categorytmp.ProductCode =price.productcode and categorytmp.SupplierCode =price.SupplierCode and price.branchid=? where price.productcode is null;'); PREPARE stmpin FROM @SalePriceInsertsql; EXECUTE stmpin USING @BranchId,@BranchCode,@BranchName, @BranchidParam;
insert into provincesaleprice_tmp select a.ProductCode as partscode, case when pcg1.isforced = 1 then pcg1.code when pcg2.isforced =1 then pcg2.code when pcgfz1.isforced = 1 then pcgfz1.code else case when pcg1.`Code` is not null then pcg1.`Code` when pcg2.code is not null then pcg2.code when pcgfz1.code is not null then pcgfz1.code else null end END as Code, epp.CheckPrice,epp.PartsType,epp.SupplierCode,epp.SupplierName from sparepart a inner join customertype ct on 1=1 inner join vcompany vc on 1=1 and vc.id>1 and vc.status = 3 inner join enterprisepartscost_u epp on epp.ProductCode = a.ProductCode /*如果有重复数据会取到多条*/ inner join partsgroup fz1 on a.GroupCode = fz1.GroupCode and fz1.Category = 1 /*最下一层的分组*/ inner join partsgroup pp on a.SpareBrandCode = pp.GroupCode and pp.ParentCode=fz1.`Code` and pp.Category= 2 /*品牌层*/ /*配件定价原则*/ left join ProvincePricingCategory pcg1 on pcg1.GroupCode = a.ProductCode and pcg1.`Status` = 2 and pcg1.PricingCategoryID =1 and pcg1.grouptype =3 and pcg1.CorpCode=vc.`Code` and pcg1.CustomerTypeId = ct.Id /*配件品牌定价原则*/ left join ProvincePricingCategory pcg2 on pcg2.GroupCode = pp.`Code` and pcg2.`Status` = 2 and pcg2.PricingCategoryID =1 and pcg2.grouptype =2 and pcg2.CorpCode=vc.`Code` and pcg2.CustomerTypeId = ct.Id /*配件分组定价原则*/ left join ProvincePricingCategory pcgfz1 on pcgfz1.GroupCode =fz1.`Code` and pcgfz1.`Status` = 2 and pcgfz1.PricingCategoryID =1 and pcgfz1.grouptype =1 and pcgfz1.CorpCode=vc.`Code` and pcgfz1.CustomerTypeId = ct.Id where pcg1.code is not null or pcg2.code is not null or pcgfz1.code is not null;
-- update provincesaleprice_tmp categorytmp set SalePrice= -- (case categorytmp.Retentionway when 1 then ROUND( CEILING(SalePrice),(`PRECISION`-1)) when 2 then ROUND( FLOOR(SalePrice),(`PRECISION`-1)) when 3 then ROUND( SalePrice,(`PRECISION`-1)) when 4 then ROUND(((CEILING(SalePrice/5))*5,(`PRECISION`-1)) );
select distinct tmp.partscode as partscode, pcg.`Code` as code, pcg.CorpCode as corpcode, pcg.CorpName as CorpName, (select PartsSalePrice from salepricefieldmap where TypeCode = ct.TypeCode) as SalePriceColumn, (select PriceCategoryCode from salepricefieldmap where TypeCode = ct.TypeCode) as PriceCategoryCodeColumn, pcg.PriceMethods, case pcg.IsForced when 0 then case pcg.modifypriceway when 1 then case pricemethods when 1 then tmp.CheckPrice*(1+(pcg.SalePrice+pcg.provincesaleprice)/100) when 2 then pcg.SalePrice+pcg.ProvinceSalePrice when 3 then
tmp.CheckPrice+pcg.SalePrice+pcg.ProvinceSalePrice end when 2 then case pricemethods when 1 then tmp.CheckPrice*(1+(pcg.SalePrice-pcg.provincesaleprice)/100) when 2 then pcg.SalePrice-pcg.ProvinceSalePrice when 3 then
tmp.CheckPrice+pcg.SalePrice-pcg.ProvinceSalePrice end when 3 then case pricemethods when 1 then tmp.CheckPrice*(1+pcg.provincesaleprice/100) when 2 then pcg.ProvinceSalePrice when 3 then tmp.CheckPrice
+pcg.ProvinceSalePrice end when 4 then pcg.ProvinceSalePrice end when 1 then case pcg.PriceMethods when 1 then tmp.CheckPrice*(1+pcg.SalePrice/100) when 2 then pcg.SalePrice when 3 then (tmp.CheckPrice+pcg.SalePrice) end end as SalePrice, pcg.thresholdvalue as Xvalue, case pcg.modifypriceway when 1 then case pricemethods when 1 then ((pcg.SalePrice+pcg.provincesaleprice)/100) when 2 then 0 when 3 then pcg.SalePrice+pcg.ProvinceSalePrice end when 2 then case pricemethods when 1 then ((pcg.SalePrice-pcg.provincesaleprice)/100) when 2 then 0 when 3 then pcg.SalePrice-pcg.ProvinceSalePrice end when 3 then case pricemethods when 1 then (pcg.provincesaleprice)/100 when 2 then 0 when 3 then pcg.ProvinceSalePrice end when 4 then 0 end as Mvalue, pcg.`Precision`, pcg.Retentionway,tmp.SupplierCode,tmp.SupplierName,tmp.PartsType,tmp.CheckPrice from provincesaleprice_tmp tmp inner join ProvincePricingCategory pcg on pcg.`Code` = tmp.`Code` inner join customertype ct on ct.id = pcg.customertypeid
SET @SalePricesql1=CONCAT('update jgzx.',CompanyName,' price join enterprisepartscost cost on cost.productcode= price.productcode and cost.suppliercode=price.suppliercode set price.CheckPrice=cost.CheckPrice,price.modifytime=now(), price.',MapSalePrice,'=',NotSalePriceFormat,',' ,MapCategoryCode,'= ? ',' where price.branchid=? and price.productcode =cost.productcode and price.productcode= ? ;'); PREPARE stmp FROM @SalePricesql1; EXECUTE stmp USING @pricecode,@BranchidParam,@pricegroupcode;
SET @SalePriceInsertsql2= CONCAT('insert into jgzx.',CompanyName,'(productid,productcode,productname,suppliercode,suppliername,checkprice,modifytime,branchid,branchcode,branchname,',MapSalePrice,',',MapCategoryCode,') select part.ProductId,part.ProductCode,cost.ProductName,cost.SupplierCode,cost.SupplierName,cost.CheckPrice,now(),?,?,?,',NotSalePriceFormat,',',' ? from sparepart part join enterprisepartscost cost on part.Productcode=cost.Productcode LEFT join jgzx.',CompanyName,' price on part.ProductCode =price.productcode and cost.SupplierCode =price.SupplierCode and price.branchid=? where part.productcode= ? and price.productcode is null ;'); PREPARE stmpin FROM @SalePriceInsertsql2; EXECUTE stmpin USING @BranchId,@BranchCode,@BranchName,@pricecode,@BranchidParam,@pricegroupcode;
select * from schedulelog
call GetPRODUCTCHECKPRICEfromVEI('123',@nn,0) select * from enterprisepartscost select * from enterprisecost_u
select * from pricingcategory LIMIT 1
select retentionway ,case retentionway when 1 then CEILING(X) when 2 then CEILING(X) end as price from pricingcategory LIMIT 1