• 线程池实例(C++实现)

     1 #include <vector>
     3 class CTask
     4 {
     5 protected:
     6     string m_strTaskName;  //任务的名称
     7     void* m_ptrData;       //要执行的任务的具体数据
     8 public:
     9     CTask(){}
    10     CTask(string taskName)
    11     {
    12         this->m_strTaskName = taskName;
    13         m_ptrData = NULL;
    14     }
    15     virtual int Run()= 0;
    16     void SetData(void* data);    //设置任务数据
    17 };
    19 class CThreadPool
    20 {
    21 private:
    22     vector<CTask*> m_vecTaskList;         //任务列表
    23     int m_iThreadNum;                            //线程池中启动的线程数
    24     static vector<pthread_t> m_vecIdleThread;   //当前空闲的线程集合
    25     static vector<pthread_t> m_vecBusyThread;   //当前正在执行的线程集合
    26     static pthread_mutex_t m_pthreadMutex;    //线程同步锁
    27     static pthread_cond_t m_pthreadCond;    //线程同步的条件变量
    28 protected:
    29     static void* ThreadFunc(void * threadData); //新线程的线程函数
    30     static int MoveToIdle(pthread_t tid);   //线程执行结束后,把自己放入到空闲线程中
    31     static int MoveToBusy(pthread_t tid);   //移入到忙碌线程中去
    32     int Create();          //创建所有的线程
    33 public:
    34     CThreadPool(int threadNum);
    35     int AddTask(CTask *task);      //把任务添加到线程池中
    36     int StopAll();
    37 };
      1 #include <string>  
      2 #include <iostream>  
      4 using namespace std;  
      6 #include "thread_pool.h" 
      7 void CTask::SetData(void * data)  
      8 {  
      9     m_ptrData = data;  
     10 }  
     12 vector<pthread_t> CThreadPool::m_vecBusyThread;  
     13 vector<pthread_t> CThreadPool::m_vecIdleThread;  
     14 pthread_mutex_t CThreadPool::m_pthreadMutex = PTHREAD_MUTEX_INITIALIZER;  
     15 pthread_cond_t CThreadPool::m_pthreadCond = PTHREAD_COND_INITIALIZER;  
     17 CThreadPool::CThreadPool(int threadNum)  
     18 {  
     19     this->m_iThreadNum = threadNum;  
     20     Create();  
     21 }  
     22 int CThreadPool::MoveToIdle(pthread_t tid)  
     23 {  
     24     vector<pthread_t>::iterator busyIter = m_vecBusyThread.begin();  
     25     while(busyIter != m_vecBusyThread.end())  
     26     {  
     27         if(tid == *busyIter)  
     28         {  
     29             break;  
     30         }  
     31         busyIter++;  
     32     }  
     33     m_vecBusyThread.erase(busyIter);  
     34     m_vecIdleThread.push_back(tid);  
     35     return 0;  
     36 }  
     38 int CThreadPool::MoveToBusy(pthread_t tid)  
     39 {  
     40     vector<pthread_t>::iterator idleIter = m_vecIdleThread.begin();  
     41     while(idleIter != m_vecIdleThread.end())  
     42     {  
     43         if(tid == *idleIter)  
     44         {  
     45             break;  
     46         }  
     47         idleIter++;  
     48     }  
     49     m_vecIdleThread.erase(idleIter);  
     50     m_vecBusyThread.push_back(tid);  
     51     return 0;  
     52 }  
     53 void* CThreadPool::ThreadFunc(void * threadData)  
     54 {  
     55     pthread_t tid = pthread_self();  
     56     while(1)  
     57     {  
     58         pthread_mutex_lock(&m_pthreadMutex);  
     59         pthread_cond_wait(&m_pthreadCond,&m_pthreadMutex);  
     60         cout << "tid:" << tid << " run" << endl;  
     61         //get task  
     62         vector<CTask*>* taskList = (vector<CTask*>*)threadData;  
     63         vector<CTask*>::iterator iter = taskList->begin();  
     64         while(iter != taskList->end())  
     65         {  
     67             MoveToBusy(tid);  
     68             break;  
     69         }  
     70         CTask* task = *iter;  
     71         taskList->erase(iter);  
     72         pthread_mutex_unlock(&m_pthreadMutex);  
     73         cout << "idel thread number:" << CThreadPool::m_vecIdleThread.size() << endl;  
     74         cout << "busy thread number:" << CThreadPool::m_vecBusyThread.size() << endl;  
     75         //cout << "task to be run:" << taskList->size() << endl;  
     76         task->Run();  
     78         //cout << "CThread::thread work" << endl;  
     79         cout << "tid:" << tid << " idle" << endl;  
     81     }  
     82     return (void*)0;  
     83 }  
     85 int CThreadPool::AddTask(CTask *task)  
     86 {  
     87     this->m_vecTaskList.push_back(task);  
     88     pthread_cond_signal(&m_pthreadCond);  
     89     return 0;  
     90 }  
     91 int CThreadPool::Create()  
     92 {  
     93     for(int i = 0; i < m_iThreadNum;i++)  
     94     {  
     95         pthread_t tid = 0;  
     96         pthread_create(&tid,NULL,ThreadFunc,&m_vecTaskList);  
     97         m_vecIdleThread.push_back(tid);  
     98     }  
     99     return 0;  
    100 }  
    102 int CThreadPool::StopAll()  
    103 {  
    104     vector<pthread_t>::iterator iter = m_vecIdleThread.begin();  
    105     while(iter != m_vecIdleThread.end())  
    106     {  
    107         pthread_cancel(*iter);  
    108         pthread_join(*iter,NULL);  
    109         iter++;  
    110     }  
    112     iter = m_vecBusyThread.begin();  
    113     while(iter != m_vecBusyThread.end())  
    114     {  
    115         pthread_cancel(*iter);  
    116         pthread_join(*iter,NULL);  
    117         iter++;  
    118     }  
    120     return 0;  
    121 }
     1 #include <string>  
     2 #include <iostream>  
     3 using namespace std;  
     4 #include "thread_pool.h"  
     5 #include <unistd.h>
     7 class CWorkTask: public CTask  
     8 {  
     9     public:  
    10         CWorkTask()  
    11         {}  
    12         int Run()  
    13         {  
    14             cout << (char*)this->m_ptrData << endl;  
    15             sleep(10);  
    16             return 0;  
    17         }  
    18 };  
    20 int main()  
    21 {  
    22     CWorkTask taskObj;  
    23     char szTmp[] = "this is the first thread running,haha success";  
    24     taskObj.SetData((void*)szTmp);  
    25     CThreadPool threadPool(10);  
    26     sleep(1);
    27     for(int i = 0;i < 11;i++)  
    28     {  
    29         threadPool.AddTask(&taskObj);  
    30     }  
    31     while(1)  
    32     {  
    33         sleep(120);  
    34     }  
    35     return 0;  
    36 }  
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/mysky007/p/12315784.html
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