• oracle函数

    select table_name from all_tables where owner ='dog'
    create user yyy identified by 123
    grant connect,resource to yyy
    create table emple
           empId number primary key,
           empName nvarchar2(32)
    grant connect,resource to scott 
    --解er s锁
    alter user scott account unlock;
    select * from
      select temp.*,rownum rn from 
          select emp.* from emp
          order by sal desc
        ) temp
    where rownum<=9
    where rn>=5
    FROM (SELECT * FROM emp) A 
    select upper('scott') from dual;
    select lower('Aa') from dual;
    select initcap('aa') from dual;
    select concat('happy','boy') from dual;
    select substr('happy',1) from dual;
    select length('abbbb') from dual;
    select lengthb('ab') from dual;
    select instr('corporate floor','or',3,2) "Instring" from dual;
    select instr('corporate floor','or',-3,2) "Instring" from dual;
    select instrb('corporate floor','or',5,2) "Instring in bytes" from dual;
    select lpad('happy',10,'*') from dual;
    select trim('t'  from 'techt') from dual;
    select trim(trailing '0' from '00100') from dual;
    select months_between (to_date('02-02-1995','mm-dd-yyyy'),to_date('01-02-1995','mm-dd-yyyy')) "Day"
    from dual;
    select floor(sysdate-to_date('20040202','yyyymmdd')) from dual;
    select months_between(sysdate,to_date('20140204','yyyymmdd')) from dual;、
    --查询emp表中的 入职日期d-m-y
    select * from emp where  hiredate='20-2月-81';
    --转化成字符(sysdate 指的是当前时间)
    select to_char(sysdate,'yyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss') from dual;
    select to_char(sal,'99,999.99') from emp;
    select sal from emp;
    select round(12.46,1) from dual;
    select sal*12工资,comm 奖金,sal*12+nvl(comm,0) 哈哈 from emp;
    select sal*12工资,comm 奖金,sal*12+nvl2(comm,comm,0)as 哈哈 from emp;
    select product_id,decode(warehouse_id,1,'Southlake',
    2,'San Francisco',
    3,'New Jersey',
    'Non domestic') "location"
    from emp

    select table_name from all_tables where owner ='dog'create user yyy identified by 123--授权grant connect,resource to yyy
    create table emple(       empId number primary key,       empName nvarchar2(32))

    grant connect,resource to scott 
    --解er s锁alter user scott account unlock;
    //查询news表--获取5到9的数据select * from(  select temp.*,rownum rn from     (      select emp.* from emp      order by sal desc    ) tempwhere rownum<=9)where rn>=5
    SELECT * FROM (SELECT A.*, ROWNUM RN FROM (SELECT * FROM emp) A )WHERE RN BETWEEN 21 AND 40--大小写控制函数--转换大写select upper('scott') from dual;--转换小写select lower('Aa') from dual;--首字母大写select initcap('aa') from dual;--字符控制函数--拼接select concat('happy','boy') from dual;--截取select substr('happy',1) from dual;--字符字数统计select length('abbbb') from dual;--字节字数统计select lengthb('ab') from dual;--从第三个位置找or第二次出现的位置select instr('corporate floor','or',3,2) "Instring" from dual;--从倒数第三个位置开始找or第二次出现的位置select instr('corporate floor','or',-3,2) "Instring" from dual;select instrb('corporate floor','or',5,2) "Instring in bytes" from dual;--lpad()和rpad() select lpad('happy',10,'*') from dual;--trim()删除两边的字符串,该字符串可以指定select trim('t'  from 'techt') from dual;select trim(trailing '0' from '00100') from dual;
    --日期函数--获取两日期之间的select months_between (to_date('02-02-1995','mm-dd-yyyy'),to_date('01-02-1995','mm-dd-yyyy')) "Day"from dual;

    --两个日期之间的天数select floor(sysdate-to_date('20040202','yyyymmdd')) from dual;--两个日期之间的月份select months_between(sysdate,to_date('20140204','yyyymmdd')) from dual;、--转换函数(隐式转化和显式转化)
    --查询emp表中的 入职日期d-m-yselect * from emp where  hiredate='20-2月-81';--转化成字符(sysdate 指的是当前时间)select to_char(sysdate,'yyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss') from dual;--将emp表中的所有sal工资,转换成某种形式,第二个参数为形式select to_char(sal,'99,999.99') from emp;select sal from emp;--round(第二个参数为小数点后的第几位,第一位下标为1)四舍五入select round(12.46,1) from dual;--通用函数--滤空函数
    select sal*12工资,comm 奖金,sal*12+nvl(comm,0) 哈哈 from emp;
    select sal*12工资,comm 奖金,sal*12+nvl2(comm,comm,0)as 哈哈 from emp;
    --decode函数select product_id,decode(warehouse_id,1,'Southlake',2,'San Francisco',3,'New Jersey',4,'Seattle','Non domestic') "location"from emp

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    Alpha阶段第三次Scrum Meeting
    Alpha阶段第二次Scrum Meeting
    Alpha阶段第一次Scrum Meeting
    团队博客作业- Week3
    数据获取以及处理系统 --- 技术规格说明书
  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/myhome-1/p/5811416.html
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