条件1:可伪造源地址(Scanner 发的IP包里的源地址要伪造成Zombie的)
PS:有些系统IPID是随机的,或者为0.像WIN7 ,WIN XP ,WIN 2000为递增。
目标主机端口开放状态下 扫描者从Zombie机得到的两个RST包中的 IPID相差2:
目标主机端口关闭状态下 扫描者从Zombie机得到的两个RST包中的 IPID相差1:
#!/usr/bin/python # -*- coding: UTF-8 -*- #History: #2019/4/13 MWQ First import logging logging.getLogger("scapy.runtime").setLevel(logging.ERROR) from scapy.all import * def ipid(zombie): reply1=sr1(IP(dst=zombie)/TCP(flags="SA"),timeout=2,verbose=0) send(IP(dst=zombie)/TCP(flags="SA"),verbose=0) reply2=sr1(IP(dst=zombie)/TCP(flags="SA"),timeout=2,verbose=0) try: if reply2[IP].id==(reply1[IP].id+2): print("IPID sequence is incremental and target to be idle.ZOMBIE LOCATED") response = raw_input("Do you want to use this zombie to perfoem a scan? (Y or N):") if response == "Y": target=raw_input("Enter IP address of the target system:") zombiescan(target,zombie) else: print("Either the IPID sequence is not incremental or the target is not idle.NOT A GOOD ZIMBIE") except: print("zombie may not turndwon firewall!") def zombiescan(target,zombie): print(" Scanning target "+target+" with zombie "+zombie) print(" -----------------Open Ports On Target ----------------- ") for port in range(1,200): try: start_val = sr1(IP(dst=zombie)/TCP(flags="SA",dport=port),timeout=2,verbose=0) send(IP(src=zombie,dst=target)/TCP(flags="S",dport=port),verbose=0) end_val=sr1(IP(dst=zombie)/TCP(flags="SA"),timeout=2,verbose=0) if end_val[IP].id==(start_val[IP].id+2): print(port) except: pass print("-----------------Zombie Scan Suite----------------- ") print("1 Identify Zombie Host ") print("2 Perform Zombie Host ") ans=raw_input("select an Option (1 or 2 ):") if ans == "1": zombie=raw_input("Enter IP address to text IPID sequence:") ipid(zombie) else: if ans =="2": zombie =raw_input("Enter IP address for zombie system:") target=raw_input("Enter IP address for scan target:") zombiescan(target,zombie)