- Service.State.NEW
- Service.State.STARTING
- Service.State.RUNNING
- Service.State.STOPPING
- Service.State.TERMINATED
服务一旦被停止就无法再重新启动了。如果服务在starting、running、stopping状态出现问题、会进入Service.State.FAILED.状态。调用 startAsync()方法可以异步开启一个服务,同时返回this对象形成方法调用链。注意:只有在当前服务的状态是NEW时才能调用startAsync()方法,因此最好在应用中有一个统一的地方初始化相关服务。停止一个服务也是类似的、使用异步方法stopAsync() 。但是不像startAsync(),多次调用这个方法是安全的。这是为了方便处理关闭服务时候的锁竞争问题。
通过 addListener()方法异步添加监听器。此方法允许你添加一个 Service.Listener 、它会在每次服务状态转换的时候被调用。注意:最好在服务启动之前添加Listener(这时的状态是NEW)、否则之前已发生的状态转换事件是无法在新添加的Listener上被重新触发的。
同步使用awaitRunning()。这个方法不能被打断、不强制捕获异常、一旦服务启动就会返回。如果服务没有成功启动,会抛出IllegalStateException异常。同样的, awaitTerminated() 方法会等待服务达到终止状态(TERMINATED 或者 FAILED)。两个方法都有重载方法允许传入超时时间。
Service 接口本身实现起来会比较复杂、且容易碰到一些捉摸不透的问题。因此我们不推荐直接实现这个接口。而是请继承Guava包里已经封装好的基础抽象类。每个基础类支持一种特定的线程模型。
AbstractIdleService 类简单实现了Service接口、其在running状态时不会执行任何动作–因此在running时也不需要启动线程–但需要处理开启/关闭动作。要实现一个此类的服务,只需继承AbstractIdleService类,然后自己实现startUp() 和shutDown()方法就可以了。
1 protected void startUp() { 2 servlets.add(new GcStatsServlet()); 3 } 4 protected void shutDown() {}
AbstractExecutionThreadService 通过单线程处理启动、运行、和关闭等操作。你必须重载run()方法,同时需要能响应停止服务的请求。具体的实现可以在一个循环内做处理:
1 public void run() { 2 while (isRunning()) { 3 // perform a unit of work 4 } 5 }
01 protected void startUp() { 02 dispatcher.listenForConnections(port, queue); 03 } 04 protected void run() { 05 Connection connection; 06 while ((connection = queue.take() != POISON)) { 07 process(connection); 08 } 09 } 10 protected void triggerShutdown() { 11 dispatcher.stopListeningForConnections(queue); 12 queue.put(POISON); 13 }
start()内部会调用startUp()方法,创建一个线程、然后在线程内调用run()方法。stop()会调用 triggerShutdown()方法并且等待线程终止。
AbstractScheduledService类用于在运行时处理一些周期性的任务。子类可以实现 runOneIteration()方法定义一个周期执行的任务,以及相应的startUp()和shutDown()方法。为了能够描述执行周期,你需要实现scheduler()方法。通常情况下,你可以使用AbstractScheduledService.Scheduler类提供的两种调度器:newFixedRateSchedule(initialDelay, delay, TimeUnit) 和newFixedDelaySchedule(initialDelay, delay, TimeUnit),类似于JDK并发包中ScheduledExecutorService类提供的两种调度方式。如要自定义schedules则可以使用 CustomScheduler类来辅助实现;具体用法见javadoc。
如需要自定义的线程管理、可以通过扩展 AbstractService类来实现。一般情况下、使用上面的几个实现类就已经满足需求了,但如果在服务执行过程中有一些特定的线程处理需求、则建议继承AbstractService类。
- doStart(): 首次调用startAsync()时会同时调用doStart(),doStart()内部需要处理所有的初始化工作、如果启动成功则调用notifyStarted()方法;启动失败则调用notifyFailed()
- doStop(): 首次调用stopAsync()会同时调用doStop(),doStop()要做的事情就是停止服务,如果停止成功则调用 notifyStopped()方法;停止失败则调用 notifyFailed()方法。
除了对Service接口提供基础的实现类,Guava还提供了 ServiceManager类使得涉及到多个Service集合的操作更加容易。通过实例化ServiceManager类来创建一个Service集合,你可以通过以下方法来管理它们:
- startAsync() : 将启动所有被管理的服务。如果当前服务的状态都是NEW的话、那么你只能调用该方法一次、这跟 Service#startAsync()是一样的。
- stopAsync() :将停止所有被管理的服务。
- addListener :会添加一个ServiceManager.Listener,在服务状态转换中会调用该Listener
- awaitHealthy() :会等待所有的服务达到Running状态
- awaitStopped():会等待所有服务达到终止状态
- isHealthy() :如果所有的服务处于Running状态、会返回True
- servicesByState():以状态为索引返回当前所有服务的快照
- startupTimes() :返回一个Map对象,记录被管理的服务启动的耗时、以毫秒为单位,同时Map默认按启动时间排序。
我们建议整个服务的生命周期都能通过ServiceManager来管理,不过即使状态转换是通过其他机制触发的、也不影响ServiceManager方法的正确执行。例如:当一个服务不是通过startAsync()、而是其他机制启动时,listeners 仍然可以被正常调用、awaitHealthy()也能够正常工作。ServiceManager 唯一强制的要求是当其被创建时所有的服务必须处于New状态。
01 </pre> 02 /* 03 * Copyright (C) 2013 The Guava Authors 04 * 05 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); 06 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. 07 * You may obtain a copy of the License at 08 * 09 * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 10 * 11 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software 12 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, 13 * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. 14 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and 15 * limitations under the License. 16 */ 17 18 package com.google.common.util.concurrent; 19 20 import static com.google.common.util.concurrent.Service.State.FAILED; 21 import static com.google.common.util.concurrent.Service.State.NEW; 22 import static com.google.common.util.concurrent.Service.State.RUNNING; 23 import static com.google.common.util.concurrent.Service.State.STARTING; 24 import static com.google.common.util.concurrent.Service.State.STOPPING; 25 import static com.google.common.util.concurrent.Service.State.TERMINATED; 26 27 import junit.framework.TestCase; 28 29 /** 30 * Unit tests for {@link Service} 31 */ 32 public class ServiceTest extends TestCase { 33 34 /** Assert on the comparison ordering of the State enum since we guarantee it. */ 35 public void testStateOrdering() { 36 // List every valid (direct) state transition. 37 assertLessThan(NEW, STARTING); 38 assertLessThan(NEW, TERMINATED); 39 40 assertLessThan(STARTING, RUNNING); 41 assertLessThan(STARTING, STOPPING); 42 assertLessThan(STARTING, FAILED); 43 44 assertLessThan(RUNNING, STOPPING); 45 assertLessThan(RUNNING, FAILED); 46 47 assertLessThan(STOPPING, FAILED); 48 assertLessThan(STOPPING, TERMINATED); 49 } 50 51 private static <T extends Comparable<? super T>> void assertLessThan(T a, T b) { 52 if (a.compareTo(b) >= 0) { 53 fail(String.format("Expected %s to be less than %s", a, b)); 54 } 55 } 56 } 57 <pre> AbstractIdleServiceTest 001 /* 002 * Copyright (C) 2009 The Guava Authors 003 * 004 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); 005 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. 006 * You may obtain a copy of the License at 007 * 008 * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 009 * 010 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software 011 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, 012 * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. 013 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and 014 * limitations under the License. 015 */ 016 017 package com.google.common.util.concurrent; 018 019 import static org.truth0.Truth.ASSERT; 020 021 import com.google.common.collect.Lists; 022 023 import junit.framework.TestCase; 024 025 import java.util.List; 026 import java.util.concurrent.Executor; 027 import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit; 028 import java.util.concurrent.TimeoutException; 029 030 /** 031 * Tests for {@link AbstractIdleService}. 032 * 033 * @author Chris Nokleberg 034 * @author Ben Yu 035 */ 036 public class AbstractIdleServiceTest extends TestCase { 037 038 // Functional tests using real thread. We only verify publicly visible state. 039 // Interaction assertions are done by the single-threaded unit tests. 040 041 public static class FunctionalTest extends TestCase { 042 043 private static class DefaultService extends AbstractIdleService { 044 @Override protected void startUp() throws Exception {} 045 @Override protected void shutDown() throws Exception {} 046 } 047 048 public void testServiceStartStop() throws Exception { 049 AbstractIdleService service = new DefaultService(); 050 service.startAsync().awaitRunning(); 051 assertEquals(Service.State.RUNNING, service.state()); 052 service.stopAsync().awaitTerminated(); 053 assertEquals(Service.State.TERMINATED, service.state()); 054 } 055 056 public void testStart_failed() throws Exception { 057 final Exception exception = new Exception("deliberate"); 058 AbstractIdleService service = new DefaultService() { 059 @Override protected void startUp() throws Exception { 060 throw exception; 061 } 062 }; 063 try { 064 service.startAsync().awaitRunning(); 065 fail(); 066 } catch (RuntimeException e) { 067 assertSame(exception, e.getCause()); 068 } 069 assertEquals(Service.State.FAILED, service.state()); 070 } 071 072 public void testStop_failed() throws Exception { 073 final Exception exception = new Exception("deliberate"); 074 AbstractIdleService service = new DefaultService() { 075 @Override protected void shutDown() throws Exception { 076 throw exception; 077 } 078 }; 079 service.startAsync().awaitRunning(); 080 try { 081 service.stopAsync().awaitTerminated(); 082 fail(); 083 } catch (RuntimeException e) { 084 assertSame(exception, e.getCause()); 085 } 086 assertEquals(Service.State.FAILED, service.state()); 087 } 088 } 089 090 public void testStart() { 091 TestService service = new TestService(); 092 assertEquals(0, service.startUpCalled); 093 service.startAsync().awaitRunning(); 094 assertEquals(1, service.startUpCalled); 095 assertEquals(Service.State.RUNNING, service.state()); 096 ASSERT.that(service.transitionStates).has().exactly(Service.State.STARTING).inOrder(); 097 } 098 099 public void testStart_failed() { 100 final Exception exception = new Exception("deliberate"); 101 TestService service = new TestService() { 102 @Override protected void startUp() throws Exception { 103 super.startUp(); 104 throw exception; 105 } 106 }; 107 assertEquals(0, service.startUpCalled); 108 try { 109 service.startAsync().awaitRunning(); 110 fail(); 111 } catch (RuntimeException e) { 112 assertSame(exception, e.getCause()); 113 } 114 assertEquals(1, service.startUpCalled); 115 assertEquals(Service.State.FAILED, service.state()); 116 ASSERT.that(service.transitionStates).has().exactly(Service.State.STARTING).inOrder(); 117 } 118 119 public void testStop_withoutStart() { 120 TestService service = new TestService(); 121 service.stopAsync().awaitTerminated(); 122 assertEquals(0, service.startUpCalled); 123 assertEquals(0, service.shutDownCalled); 124 assertEquals(Service.State.TERMINATED, service.state()); 125 ASSERT.that(service.transitionStates).isEmpty(); 126 } 127 128 public void testStop_afterStart() { 129 TestService service = new TestService(); 130 service.startAsync().awaitRunning(); 131 assertEquals(1, service.startUpCalled); 132 assertEquals(0, service.shutDownCalled); 133 service.stopAsync().awaitTerminated(); 134 assertEquals(1, service.startUpCalled); 135 assertEquals(1, service.shutDownCalled); 136 assertEquals(Service.State.TERMINATED, service.state()); 137 ASSERT.that(service.transitionStates) 138 .has().exactly(Service.State.STARTING, Service.State.STOPPING).inOrder(); 139 } 140 141 public void testStop_failed() { 142 final Exception exception = new Exception("deliberate"); 143 TestService service = new TestService() { 144 @Override protected void shutDown() throws Exception { 145 super.shutDown(); 146 throw exception; 147 } 148 }; 149 service.startAsync().awaitRunning(); 150 assertEquals(1, service.startUpCalled); 151 assertEquals(0, service.shutDownCalled); 152 try { 153 service.stopAsync().awaitTerminated(); 154 fail(); 155 } catch (RuntimeException e) { 156 assertSame(exception, e.getCause()); 157 } 158 assertEquals(1, service.startUpCalled); 159 assertEquals(1, service.shutDownCalled); 160 assertEquals(Service.State.FAILED, service.state()); 161 ASSERT.that(service.transitionStates) 162 .has().exactly(Service.State.STARTING, Service.State.STOPPING).inOrder(); 163 } 164 165 public void testServiceToString() { 166 AbstractIdleService service = new TestService(); 167 assertEquals("TestService [NEW]", service.toString()); 168 service.startAsync().awaitRunning(); 169 assertEquals("TestService [RUNNING]", service.toString()); 170 service.stopAsync().awaitTerminated(); 171 assertEquals("TestService [TERMINATED]", service.toString()); 172 } 173 174 public void testTimeout() throws Exception { 175 // Create a service whose executor will never run its commands 176 Service service = new TestService() { 177 @Override protected Executor executor() { 178 return new Executor() { 179 @Override public void execute(Runnable command) {} 180 }; 181 } 182 }; 183 try { 184 service.startAsync().awaitRunning(1, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS); 185 fail("Expected timeout"); 186 } catch (TimeoutException e) { 187 ASSERT.that(e.getMessage()).contains(Service.State.STARTING.toString()); 188 } 189 } 190 191 private static class TestService extends AbstractIdleService { 192 int startUpCalled = 0; 193 int shutDownCalled = 0; 194 final List<State> transitionStates = Lists.newArrayList(); 195 196 @Override protected void startUp() throws Exception { 197 assertEquals(0, startUpCalled); 198 assertEquals(0, shutDownCalled); 199 startUpCalled++; 200 assertEquals(State.STARTING, state()); 201 } 202 203 @Override protected void shutDown() throws Exception { 204 assertEquals(1, startUpCalled); 205 assertEquals(0, shutDownCalled); 206 shutDownCalled++; 207 assertEquals(State.STOPPING, state()); 208 } 209 210 @Override protected Executor executor() { 211 transitionStates.add(state()); 212 return MoreExecutors.sameThreadExecutor(); 213 } 214 } 215 } 216 217 <pre> AbstractScheduledServiceTest 001 </pre> 002 /* 003 * Copyright (C) 2011 The Guava Authors 004 * 005 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); 006 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. 007 * You may obtain a copy of the License at 008 * 009 * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 010 * 011 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software 012 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, 013 * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. 014 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and 015 * limitations under the License. 016 */ 017 018 package com.google.common.util.concurrent; 019 020 import com.google.common.util.concurrent.AbstractScheduledService.Scheduler; 021 import com.google.common.util.concurrent.Service.State; 022 023 import junit.framework.TestCase; 024 025 import java.util.concurrent.CountDownLatch; 026 import java.util.concurrent.CyclicBarrier; 027 import java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException; 028 import java.util.concurrent.Executors; 029 import java.util.concurrent.Future; 030 import java.util.concurrent.ScheduledExecutorService; 031 import java.util.concurrent.ScheduledFuture; 032 import java.util.concurrent.ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor; 033 import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit; 034 import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicBoolean; 035 import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger; 036 037 /** 038 * Unit test for {@link AbstractScheduledService}. 039 * 040 * @author Luke Sandberg 041 */ 042 043 public class AbstractScheduledServiceTest extends TestCase { 044 045 volatile Scheduler configuration = Scheduler.newFixedDelaySchedule(0, 10, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS); 046 volatile ScheduledFuture<?> future = null; 047 048 volatile boolean atFixedRateCalled = false; 049 volatile boolean withFixedDelayCalled = false; 050 volatile boolean scheduleCalled = false; 051 052 final ScheduledExecutorService executor = new ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor(10) { 053 @Override 054 public ScheduledFuture<?> scheduleWithFixedDelay(Runnable command, long initialDelay, 055 long delay, TimeUnit unit) { 056 return future = super.scheduleWithFixedDelay(command, initialDelay, delay, unit); 057 } 058 }; 059 060 public void testServiceStartStop() throws Exception { 061 NullService service = new NullService(); 062 service.startAsync().awaitRunning(); 063 assertFalse(future.isDone()); 064 service.stopAsync().awaitTerminated(); 065 assertTrue(future.isCancelled()); 066 } 067 068 private class NullService extends AbstractScheduledService { 069 @Override protected void runOneIteration() throws Exception {} 070 @Override protected Scheduler scheduler() { return configuration; } 071 @Override protected ScheduledExecutorService executor() { return executor; } 072 } 073 074 public void testFailOnExceptionFromRun() throws Exception { 075 TestService service = new TestService(); 076 service.runException = new Exception(); 077 service.startAsync().awaitRunning(); 078 service.runFirstBarrier.await(); 079 service.runSecondBarrier.await(); 080 try { 081 future.get(); 082 fail(); 083 } catch (ExecutionException e) { 084 // An execution exception holds a runtime exception (from throwables.propogate) that holds our 085 // original exception. 086 assertEquals(service.runException, e.getCause().getCause()); 087 } 088 assertEquals(service.state(), Service.State.FAILED); 089 } 090 091 public void testFailOnExceptionFromStartUp() { 092 TestService service = new TestService(); 093 service.startUpException = new Exception(); 094 try { 095 service.startAsync().awaitRunning(); 096 fail(); 097 } catch (IllegalStateException e) { 098 assertEquals(service.startUpException, e.getCause()); 099 } 100 assertEquals(0, service.numberOfTimesRunCalled.get()); 101 assertEquals(Service.State.FAILED, service.state()); 102 } 103 104 public void testFailOnExceptionFromShutDown() throws Exception { 105 TestService service = new TestService(); 106 service.shutDownException = new Exception(); 107 service.startAsync().awaitRunning(); 108 service.runFirstBarrier.await(); 109 service.stopAsync(); 110 service.runSecondBarrier.await(); 111 try { 112 service.awaitTerminated(); 113 fail(); 114 } catch (IllegalStateException e) { 115 assertEquals(service.shutDownException, e.getCause()); 116 } 117 assertEquals(Service.State.FAILED, service.state()); 118 } 119 120 public void testRunOneIterationCalledMultipleTimes() throws Exception { 121 TestService service = new TestService(); 122 service.startAsync().awaitRunning(); 123 for (int i = 1; i < 10; i++) { 124 service.runFirstBarrier.await(); 125 assertEquals(i, service.numberOfTimesRunCalled.get()); 126 service.runSecondBarrier.await(); 127 } 128 service.runFirstBarrier.await(); 129 service.stopAsync(); 130 service.runSecondBarrier.await(); 131 service.stopAsync().awaitTerminated(); 132 } 133 134 public void testExecutorOnlyCalledOnce() throws Exception { 135 TestService service = new TestService(); 136 service.startAsync().awaitRunning(); 137 // It should be called once during startup. 138 assertEquals(1, service.numberOfTimesExecutorCalled.get()); 139 for (int i = 1; i < 10; i++) { 140 service.runFirstBarrier.await(); 141 assertEquals(i, service.numberOfTimesRunCalled.get()); 142 service.runSecondBarrier.await(); 143 } 144 service.runFirstBarrier.await(); 145 service.stopAsync(); 146 service.runSecondBarrier.await(); 147 service.stopAsync().awaitTerminated(); 148 // Only called once overall. 149 assertEquals(1, service.numberOfTimesExecutorCalled.get()); 150 } 151 152 public void testDefaultExecutorIsShutdownWhenServiceIsStopped() throws Exception { 153 final CountDownLatch terminationLatch = new CountDownLatch(1); 154 AbstractScheduledService service = new AbstractScheduledService() { 155 volatile ScheduledExecutorService executorService; 156 @Override protected void runOneIteration() throws Exception {} 157 158 @Override protected ScheduledExecutorService executor() { 159 if (executorService == null) { 160 executorService = super.executor(); 161 // Add a listener that will be executed after the listener that shuts down the executor. 162 addListener(new Listener() { 163 @Override public void terminated(State from) { 164 terminationLatch.countDown(); 165 } 166 }, MoreExecutors.sameThreadExecutor()); 167 } 168 return executorService; 169 } 170 171 @Override protected Scheduler scheduler() { 172 return Scheduler.newFixedDelaySchedule(0, 1, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS); 173 }}; 174 175 service.startAsync(); 176 assertFalse(service.executor().isShutdown()); 177 service.awaitRunning(); 178 service.stopAsync(); 179 terminationLatch.await(); 180 assertTrue(service.executor().isShutdown()); 181 assertTrue(service.executor().awaitTermination(100, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS)); 182 } 183 184 public void testDefaultExecutorIsShutdownWhenServiceFails() throws Exception { 185 final CountDownLatch failureLatch = new CountDownLatch(1); 186 AbstractScheduledService service = new AbstractScheduledService() { 187 volatile ScheduledExecutorService executorService; 188 @Override protected void runOneIteration() throws Exception {} 189 190 @Override protected void startUp() throws Exception { 191 throw new Exception("Failed"); 192 } 193 194 @Override protected ScheduledExecutorService executor() { 195 if (executorService == null) { 196 executorService = super.executor(); 197 // Add a listener that will be executed after the listener that shuts down the executor. 198 addListener(new Listener() { 199 @Override public void failed(State from, Throwable failure) { 200 failureLatch.countDown(); 201 } 202 }, MoreExecutors.sameThreadExecutor()); 203 } 204 return executorService; 205 } 206 207 @Override protected Scheduler scheduler() { 208 return Scheduler.newFixedDelaySchedule(0, 1, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS); 209 }}; 210 211 try { 212 service.startAsync().awaitRunning(); 213 fail("Expected service to fail during startup"); 214 } catch (IllegalStateException expected) {} 215 failureLatch.await(); 216 assertTrue(service.executor().isShutdown()); 217 assertTrue(service.executor().awaitTermination(100, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS)); 218 } 219 220 public void testSchedulerOnlyCalledOnce() throws Exception { 221 TestService service = new TestService(); 222 service.startAsync().awaitRunning(); 223 // It should be called once during startup. 224 assertEquals(1, service.numberOfTimesSchedulerCalled.get()); 225 for (int i = 1; i < 10; i++) { 226 service.runFirstBarrier.await(); 227 assertEquals(i, service.numberOfTimesRunCalled.get()); 228 service.runSecondBarrier.await(); 229 } 230 service.runFirstBarrier.await(); 231 service.stopAsync(); 232 service.runSecondBarrier.await(); 233 service.awaitTerminated(); 234 // Only called once overall. 235 assertEquals(1, service.numberOfTimesSchedulerCalled.get()); 236 } 237 238 private class TestService extends AbstractScheduledService { 239 CyclicBarrier runFirstBarrier = new CyclicBarrier(2); 240 CyclicBarrier runSecondBarrier = new CyclicBarrier(2); 241 242 volatile boolean startUpCalled = false; 243 volatile boolean shutDownCalled = false; 244 AtomicInteger numberOfTimesRunCalled = new AtomicInteger(0); 245 AtomicInteger numberOfTimesExecutorCalled = new AtomicInteger(0); 246 AtomicInteger numberOfTimesSchedulerCalled = new AtomicInteger(0); 247 volatile Exception runException = null; 248 volatile Exception startUpException = null; 249 volatile Exception shutDownException = null; 250 251 @Override 252 protected void runOneIteration() throws Exception { 253 assertTrue(startUpCalled); 254 assertFalse(shutDownCalled); 255 numberOfTimesRunCalled.incrementAndGet(); 256 assertEquals(State.RUNNING, state()); 257 runFirstBarrier.await(); 258 runSecondBarrier.await(); 259 if (runException != null) { 260 throw runException; 261 } 262 } 263 264 @Override 265 protected void startUp() throws Exception { 266 assertFalse(startUpCalled); 267 assertFalse(shutDownCalled); 268 startUpCalled = true; 269 assertEquals(State.STARTING, state()); 270 if (startUpException != null) { 271 throw startUpException; 272 } 273 } 274 275 @Override 276 protected void shutDown() throws Exception { 277 assertTrue(startUpCalled); 278 assertFalse(shutDownCalled); 279 shutDownCalled = true; 280 if (shutDownException != null) { 281 throw shutDownException; 282 } 283 } 284 285 @Override 286 protected ScheduledExecutorService executor() { 287 numberOfTimesExecutorCalled.incrementAndGet(); 288 return executor; 289 } 290 291 @Override 292 protected Scheduler scheduler() { 293 numberOfTimesSchedulerCalled.incrementAndGet(); 294 return configuration; 295 } 296 } 297 298 public static class SchedulerTest extends TestCase { 299 // These constants are arbitrary and just used to make sure that the correct method is called 300 // with the correct parameters. 301 private static final int initialDelay = 10; 302 private static final int delay = 20; 303 private static final TimeUnit unit = TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS; 304 305 // Unique runnable object used for comparison. 306 final Runnable testRunnable = new Runnable() {@Override public void run() {}}; 307 boolean called = false; 308 309 private void assertSingleCallWithCorrectParameters(Runnable command, long initialDelay, 310 long delay, TimeUnit unit) { 311 assertFalse(called); // only called once. 312 called = true; 313 assertEquals(SchedulerTest.initialDelay, initialDelay); 314 assertEquals(SchedulerTest.delay, delay); 315 assertEquals(SchedulerTest.unit, unit); 316 assertEquals(testRunnable, command); 317 } 318 319 public void testFixedRateSchedule() { 320 Scheduler schedule = Scheduler.newFixedRateSchedule(initialDelay, delay, unit); 321 schedule.schedule(null, new ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor(1) { 322 @Override 323 public ScheduledFuture<?> scheduleAtFixedRate(Runnable command, long initialDelay, 324 long period, TimeUnit unit) { 325 assertSingleCallWithCorrectParameters(command, initialDelay, delay, unit); 326 return null; 327 } 328 }, testRunnable); 329 assertTrue(called); 330 } 331 332 public void testFixedDelaySchedule() { 333 Scheduler schedule = Scheduler.newFixedDelaySchedule(initialDelay, delay, unit); 334 schedule.schedule(null, new ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor(10) { 335 @Override 336 public ScheduledFuture<?> scheduleWithFixedDelay(Runnable command, long initialDelay, 337 long delay, TimeUnit unit) { 338 assertSingleCallWithCorrectParameters(command, initialDelay, delay, unit); 339 return null; 340 } 341 }, testRunnable); 342 assertTrue(called); 343 } 344 345 private class TestCustomScheduler extends AbstractScheduledService.CustomScheduler { 346 public AtomicInteger scheduleCounter = new AtomicInteger(0); 347 @Override 348 protected Schedule getNextSchedule() throws Exception { 349 scheduleCounter.incrementAndGet(); 350 return new Schedule(0, TimeUnit.SECONDS); 351 } 352 } 353 354 public void testCustomSchedule_startStop() throws Exception { 355 final CyclicBarrier firstBarrier = new CyclicBarrier(2); 356 final CyclicBarrier secondBarrier = new CyclicBarrier(2); 357 final AtomicBoolean shouldWait = new AtomicBoolean(true); 358 Runnable task = new Runnable() { 359 @Override public void run() { 360 try { 361 if (shouldWait.get()) { 362 firstBarrier.await(); 363 secondBarrier.await(); 364 } 365 } catch (Exception e) { 366 throw new RuntimeException(e); 367 } 368 } 369 }; 370 TestCustomScheduler scheduler = new TestCustomScheduler(); 371 Future<?> future = scheduler.schedule(null, Executors.newScheduledThreadPool(10), task); 372 firstBarrier.await(); 373 assertEquals(1, scheduler.scheduleCounter.get()); 374 secondBarrier.await(); 375 firstBarrier.await(); 376 assertEquals(2, scheduler.scheduleCounter.get()); 377 shouldWait.set(false); 378 secondBarrier.await(); 379 future.cancel(false); 380 } 381 382 public void testCustomSchedulerServiceStop() throws Exception { 383 TestAbstractScheduledCustomService service = new TestAbstractScheduledCustomService(); 384 service.startAsync().awaitRunning(); 385 service.firstBarrier.await(); 386 assertEquals(1, service.numIterations.get()); 387 service.stopAsync(); 388 service.secondBarrier.await(); 389 service.awaitTerminated(); 390 // Sleep for a while just to ensure that our task wasn't called again. 391 Thread.sleep(unit.toMillis(3 * delay)); 392 assertEquals(1, service.numIterations.get()); 393 } 394 395 public void testBig() throws Exception { 396 TestAbstractScheduledCustomService service = new TestAbstractScheduledCustomService() { 397 @Override protected Scheduler scheduler() { 398 return new AbstractScheduledService.CustomScheduler() { 399 @Override 400 protected Schedule getNextSchedule() throws Exception { 401 // Explicitly yield to increase the probability of a pathological scheduling. 402 Thread.yield(); 403 return new Schedule(0, TimeUnit.SECONDS); 404 } 405 }; 406 } 407 }; 408 service.useBarriers = false; 409 service.startAsync().awaitRunning(); 410 Thread.sleep(50); 411 service.useBarriers = true; 412 service.firstBarrier.await(); 413 int numIterations = service.numIterations.get(); 414 service.stopAsync(); 415 service.secondBarrier.await(); 416 service.awaitTerminated(); 417 assertEquals(numIterations, service.numIterations.get()); 418 } 419 420 private static class TestAbstractScheduledCustomService extends AbstractScheduledService { 421 final AtomicInteger numIterations = new AtomicInteger(0); 422 volatile boolean useBarriers = true; 423 final CyclicBarrier firstBarrier = new CyclicBarrier(2); 424 final CyclicBarrier secondBarrier = new CyclicBarrier(2); 425 426 @Override protected void runOneIteration() throws Exception { 427 numIterations.incrementAndGet(); 428 if (useBarriers) { 429 firstBarrier.await(); 430 secondBarrier.await(); 431 } 432 } 433 434 @Override protected ScheduledExecutorService executor() { 435 // use a bunch of threads so that weird overlapping schedules are more likely to happen. 436 return Executors.newScheduledThreadPool(10); 437 } 438 439 @Override protected void startUp() throws Exception {} 440 441 @Override protected void shutDown() throws Exception {} 442 443 @Override protected Scheduler scheduler() { 444 return new CustomScheduler() { 445 @Override 446 protected Schedule getNextSchedule() throws Exception { 447 return new Schedule(delay, unit); 448 }}; 449 } 450 } 451 452 public void testCustomSchedulerFailure() throws Exception { 453 TestFailingCustomScheduledService service = new TestFailingCustomScheduledService(); 454 service.startAsync().awaitRunning(); 455 for (int i = 1; i < 4; i++) { 456 service.firstBarrier.await(); 457 assertEquals(i, service.numIterations.get()); 458 service.secondBarrier.await(); 459 } 460 Thread.sleep(1000); 461 try { 462 service.stopAsync().awaitTerminated(100, TimeUnit.SECONDS); 463 fail(); 464 } catch (IllegalStateException e) { 465 assertEquals(State.FAILED, service.state()); 466 } 467 } 468 469 private static class TestFailingCustomScheduledService extends AbstractScheduledService { 470 final AtomicInteger numIterations = new AtomicInteger(0); 471 final CyclicBarrier firstBarrier = new CyclicBarrier(2); 472 final CyclicBarrier secondBarrier = new CyclicBarrier(2); 473 474 @Override protected void runOneIteration() throws Exception { 475 numIterations.incrementAndGet(); 476 firstBarrier.await(); 477 secondBarrier.await(); 478 } 479 480 @Override protected ScheduledExecutorService executor() { 481 // use a bunch of threads so that weird overlapping schedules are more likely to happen. 482 return Executors.newScheduledThreadPool(10); 483 } 484 485 @Override protected Scheduler scheduler() { 486 return new CustomScheduler() { 487 @Override 488 protected Schedule getNextSchedule() throws Exception { 489 if (numIterations.get() > 2) { 490 throw new IllegalStateException("Failed"); 491 } 492 return new Schedule(delay, unit); 493 }}; 494 } 495 } 496 } 497 } 498 <pre> AbstractServiceTest 001 </pre> 002 /* 003 * Copyright (C) 2009 The Guava Authors 004 * 005 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); 006 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. 007 * You may obtain a copy of the License at 008 * 009 * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 010 * 011 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software 012 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, 013 * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. 014 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and 015 * limitations under the License. 016 */ 017 018 package com.google.common.util.concurrent; 019 020 import static java.lang.Thread.currentThread; 021 import static java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit.SECONDS; 022 023 import com.google.common.collect.ImmutableList; 024 import com.google.common.collect.Iterables; 025 import com.google.common.collect.Lists; 026 import com.google.common.util.concurrent.Service.Listener; 027 import com.google.common.util.concurrent.Service.State; 028 029 import junit.framework.TestCase; 030 031 import java.lang.Thread.UncaughtExceptionHandler; 032 import java.util.List; 033 import java.util.concurrent.CountDownLatch; 034 import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit; 035 import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger; 036 import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicReference; 037 038 import javax.annotation.concurrent.GuardedBy; 039 040 /** 041 * Unit test for {@link AbstractService}. 042 * 043 * @author Jesse Wilson 044 */ 045 public class AbstractServiceTest extends TestCase { 046 047 private Thread executionThread; 048 private Throwable thrownByExecutionThread; 049 050 public void testNoOpServiceStartStop() throws Exception { 051 NoOpService service = new NoOpService(); 052 RecordingListener listener = RecordingListener.record(service); 053 054 assertEquals(State.NEW, service.state()); 055 assertFalse(service.isRunning()); 056 assertFalse(service.running); 057 058 service.startAsync(); 059 assertEquals(State.RUNNING, service.state()); 060 assertTrue(service.isRunning()); 061 assertTrue(service.running); 062 063 service.stopAsync(); 064 assertEquals(State.TERMINATED, service.state()); 065 assertFalse(service.isRunning()); 066 assertFalse(service.running); 067 assertEquals( 068 ImmutableList.of( 069 State.STARTING, 070 State.RUNNING, 071 State.STOPPING, 072 State.TERMINATED), 073 listener.getStateHistory()); 074 } 075 076 public void testNoOpServiceStartAndWaitStopAndWait() throws Exception { 077 NoOpService service = new NoOpService(); 078 079 service.startAsync().awaitRunning(); 080 assertEquals(State.RUNNING, service.state()); 081 082 service.stopAsync().awaitTerminated(); 083 assertEquals(State.TERMINATED, service.state()); 084 } 085 086 public void testNoOpServiceStartAsyncAndAwaitStopAsyncAndAwait() throws Exception { 087 NoOpService service = new NoOpService(); 088 089 service.startAsync().awaitRunning(); 090 assertEquals(State.RUNNING, service.state()); 091 092 service.stopAsync().awaitTerminated(); 093 assertEquals(State.TERMINATED, service.state()); 094 } 095 096 public void testNoOpServiceStopIdempotence() throws Exception { 097 NoOpService service = new NoOpService(); 098 RecordingListener listener = RecordingListener.record(service); 099 service.startAsync().awaitRunning(); 100 assertEquals(State.RUNNING, service.state()); 101 102 service.stopAsync(); 103 service.stopAsync(); 104 assertEquals(State.TERMINATED, service.state()); 105 assertEquals( 106 ImmutableList.of( 107 State.STARTING, 108 State.RUNNING, 109 State.STOPPING, 110 State.TERMINATED), 111 listener.getStateHistory()); 112 } 113 114 public void testNoOpServiceStopIdempotenceAfterWait() throws Exception { 115 NoOpService service = new NoOpService(); 116 117 service.startAsync().awaitRunning(); 118 119 service.stopAsync().awaitTerminated(); 120 service.stopAsync(); 121 assertEquals(State.TERMINATED, service.state()); 122 } 123 124 public void testNoOpServiceStopIdempotenceDoubleWait() throws Exception { 125 NoOpService service = new NoOpService(); 126 127 service.startAsync().awaitRunning(); 128 assertEquals(State.RUNNING, service.state()); 129 130 service.stopAsync().awaitTerminated(); 131 service.stopAsync().awaitTerminated(); 132 assertEquals(State.TERMINATED, service.state()); 133 } 134 135 public void testNoOpServiceStartStopAndWaitUninterruptible() 136 throws Exception { 137 NoOpService service = new NoOpService(); 138 139 currentThread().interrupt(); 140 try { 141 service.startAsync().awaitRunning(); 142 assertEquals(State.RUNNING, service.state()); 143 144 service.stopAsync().awaitTerminated(); 145 assertEquals(State.TERMINATED, service.state()); 146 147 assertTrue(currentThread().isInterrupted()); 148 } finally { 149 Thread.interrupted(); // clear interrupt for future tests 150 } 151 } 152 153 private static class NoOpService extends AbstractService { 154 boolean running = false; 155 156 @Override protected void doStart() { 157 assertFalse(running); 158 running = true; 159 notifyStarted(); 160 } 161 162 @Override protected void doStop() { 163 assertTrue(running); 164 running = false; 165 notifyStopped(); 166 } 167 } 168 169 public void testManualServiceStartStop() throws Exception { 170 ManualSwitchedService service = new ManualSwitchedService(); 171 RecordingListener listener = RecordingListener.record(service); 172 173 service.startAsync(); 174 assertEquals(State.STARTING, service.state()); 175 assertFalse(service.isRunning()); 176 assertTrue(service.doStartCalled); 177 178 service.notifyStarted(); // usually this would be invoked by another thread 179 assertEquals(State.RUNNING, service.state()); 180 assertTrue(service.isRunning()); 181 182 service.stopAsync(); 183 assertEquals(State.STOPPING, service.state()); 184 assertFalse(service.isRunning()); 185 assertTrue(service.doStopCalled); 186 187 service.notifyStopped(); // usually this would be invoked by another thread 188 assertEquals(State.TERMINATED, service.state()); 189 assertFalse(service.isRunning()); 190 assertEquals( 191 ImmutableList.of( 192 State.STARTING, 193 State.RUNNING, 194 State.STOPPING, 195 State.TERMINATED), 196 listener.getStateHistory()); 197 198 } 199 200 public void testManualServiceNotifyStoppedWhileRunning() throws Exception { 201 ManualSwitchedService service = new ManualSwitchedService(); 202 RecordingListener listener = RecordingListener.record(service); 203 204 service.startAsync(); 205 service.notifyStarted(); 206 service.notifyStopped(); 207 assertEquals(State.TERMINATED, service.state()); 208 assertFalse(service.isRunning()); 209 assertFalse(service.doStopCalled); 210 211 assertEquals( 212 ImmutableList.of( 213 State.STARTING, 214 State.RUNNING, 215 State.TERMINATED), 216 listener.getStateHistory()); 217 } 218 219 public void testManualServiceStopWhileStarting() throws Exception { 220 ManualSwitchedService service = new ManualSwitchedService(); 221 RecordingListener listener = RecordingListener.record(service); 222 223 service.startAsync(); 224 assertEquals(State.STARTING, service.state()); 225 assertFalse(service.isRunning()); 226 assertTrue(service.doStartCalled); 227 228 service.stopAsync(); 229 assertEquals(State.STOPPING, service.state()); 230 assertFalse(service.isRunning()); 231 assertFalse(service.doStopCalled); 232 233 service.notifyStarted(); 234 assertEquals(State.STOPPING, service.state()); 235 assertFalse(service.isRunning()); 236 assertTrue(service.doStopCalled); 237 238 service.notifyStopped(); 239 assertEquals(State.TERMINATED, service.state()); 240 assertFalse(service.isRunning()); 241 assertEquals( 242 ImmutableList.of( 243 State.STARTING, 244 State.STOPPING, 245 State.TERMINATED), 246 listener.getStateHistory()); 247 } 248 249 /** 250 * This tests for a bug where if {@link Service#stopAsync()} was called while the service was 251 * {@link State#STARTING} more than once, the {@link Listener#stopping(State)} callback would get 252 * called multiple times. 253 */ 254 public void testManualServiceStopMultipleTimesWhileStarting() throws Exception { 255 ManualSwitchedService service = new ManualSwitchedService(); 256 final AtomicInteger stopppingCount = new AtomicInteger(); 257 service.addListener(new Listener() { 258 @Override public void stopping(State from) { 259 stopppingCount.incrementAndGet(); 260 } 261 }, MoreExecutors.sameThreadExecutor()); 262 263 service.startAsync(); 264 service.stopAsync(); 265 assertEquals(1, stopppingCount.get()); 266 service.stopAsync(); 267 assertEquals(1, stopppingCount.get()); 268 } 269 270 public void testManualServiceStopWhileNew() throws Exception { 271 ManualSwitchedService service = new ManualSwitchedService(); 272 RecordingListener listener = RecordingListener.record(service); 273 274 service.stopAsync(); 275 assertEquals(State.TERMINATED, service.state()); 276 assertFalse(service.isRunning()); 277 assertFalse(service.doStartCalled); 278 assertFalse(service.doStopCalled); 279 assertEquals(ImmutableList.of(State.TERMINATED), listener.getStateHistory()); 280 } 281 282 public void testManualServiceFailWhileStarting() throws Exception { 283 ManualSwitchedService service = new ManualSwitchedService(); 284 RecordingListener listener = RecordingListener.record(service); 285 service.startAsync(); 286 service.notifyFailed(EXCEPTION); 287 assertEquals(ImmutableList.of(State.STARTING, State.FAILED), listener.getStateHistory()); 288 } 289 290 public void testManualServiceFailWhileRunning() throws Exception { 291 ManualSwitchedService service = new ManualSwitchedService(); 292 RecordingListener listener = RecordingListener.record(service); 293 service.startAsync(); 294 service.notifyStarted(); 295 service.notifyFailed(EXCEPTION); 296 assertEquals(ImmutableList.of(State.STARTING, State.RUNNING, State.FAILED), 297 listener.getStateHistory()); 298 } 299 300 public void testManualServiceFailWhileStopping() throws Exception { 301 ManualSwitchedService service = new ManualSwitchedService(); 302 RecordingListener listener = RecordingListener.record(service); 303 service.startAsync(); 304 service.notifyStarted(); 305 service.stopAsync(); 306 service.notifyFailed(EXCEPTION); 307 assertEquals(ImmutableList.of(State.STARTING, State.RUNNING, State.STOPPING, State.FAILED), 308 listener.getStateHistory()); 309 } 310 311 public void testManualServiceUnrequestedStop() { 312 ManualSwitchedService service = new ManualSwitchedService(); 313 314 service.startAsync(); 315 316 service.notifyStarted(); 317 assertEquals(State.RUNNING, service.state()); 318 assertTrue(service.isRunning()); 319 assertFalse(service.doStopCalled); 320 321 service.notifyStopped(); 322 assertEquals(State.TERMINATED, service.state()); 323 assertFalse(service.isRunning()); 324 assertFalse(service.doStopCalled); 325 } 326 327 /** 328 * The user of this service should call {@link #notifyStarted} and {@link 329 * #notifyStopped} after calling {@link #startAsync} and {@link #stopAsync}. 330 */ 331 private static class ManualSwitchedService extends AbstractService { 332 boolean doStartCalled = false; 333 boolean doStopCalled = false; 334 335 @Override protected void doStart() { 336 assertFalse(doStartCalled); 337 doStartCalled = true; 338 } 339 340 @Override protected void doStop() { 341 assertFalse(doStopCalled); 342 doStopCalled = true; 343 } 344 } 345 346 public void testAwaitTerminated() throws Exception { 347 final NoOpService service = new NoOpService(); 348 Thread waiter = new Thread() { 349 @Override public void run() { 350 service.awaitTerminated(); 351 } 352 }; 353 waiter.start(); 354 service.startAsync().awaitRunning(); 355 assertEquals(State.RUNNING, service.state()); 356 service.stopAsync(); 357 waiter.join(100); // ensure that the await in the other thread is triggered 358 assertFalse(waiter.isAlive()); 359 } 360 361 public void testAwaitTerminated_FailedService() throws Exception { 362 final ManualSwitchedService service = new ManualSwitchedService(); 363 final AtomicReference<Throwable> exception = Atomics.newReference(); 364 Thread waiter = new Thread() { 365 @Override public void run() { 366 try { 367 service.awaitTerminated(); 368 fail("Expected an IllegalStateException"); 369 } catch (Throwable t) { 370 exception.set(t); 371 } 372 } 373 }; 374 waiter.start(); 375 service.startAsync(); 376 service.notifyStarted(); 377 assertEquals(State.RUNNING, service.state()); 378 service.notifyFailed(EXCEPTION); 379 assertEquals(State.FAILED, service.state()); 380 waiter.join(100); 381 assertFalse(waiter.isAlive()); 382 assertTrue(exception.get() instanceof IllegalStateException); 383 assertEquals(EXCEPTION, exception.get().getCause()); 384 } 385 386 public void testThreadedServiceStartAndWaitStopAndWait() throws Throwable { 387 ThreadedService service = new ThreadedService(); 388 RecordingListener listener = RecordingListener.record(service); 389 service.startAsync().awaitRunning(); 390 assertEquals(State.RUNNING, service.state()); 391 392 service.awaitRunChecks(); 393 394 service.stopAsync().awaitTerminated(); 395 assertEquals(State.TERMINATED, service.state()); 396 397 throwIfSet(thrownByExecutionThread); 398 assertEquals( 399 ImmutableList.of( 400 State.STARTING, 401 State.RUNNING, 402 State.STOPPING, 403 State.TERMINATED), 404 listener.getStateHistory()); 405 } 406 407 public void testThreadedServiceStopIdempotence() throws Throwable { 408 ThreadedService service = new ThreadedService(); 409 410 service.startAsync().awaitRunning(); 411 assertEquals(State.RUNNING, service.state()); 412 413 service.awaitRunChecks(); 414 415 service.stopAsync(); 416 service.stopAsync().awaitTerminated(); 417 assertEquals(State.TERMINATED, service.state()); 418 419 throwIfSet(thrownByExecutionThread); 420 } 421 422 public void testThreadedServiceStopIdempotenceAfterWait() 423 throws Throwable { 424 ThreadedService service = new ThreadedService(); 425 426 service.startAsync().awaitRunning(); 427 assertEquals(State.RUNNING, service.state()); 428 429 service.awaitRunChecks(); 430 431 service.stopAsync().awaitTerminated(); 432 service.stopAsync(); 433 assertEquals(State.TERMINATED, service.state()); 434 435 executionThread.join(); 436 437 throwIfSet(thrownByExecutionThread); 438 } 439 440 public void testThreadedServiceStopIdempotenceDoubleWait() 441 throws Throwable { 442 ThreadedService service = new ThreadedService(); 443 444 service.startAsync().awaitRunning(); 445 assertEquals(State.RUNNING, service.state()); 446 447 service.awaitRunChecks(); 448 449 service.stopAsync().awaitTerminated(); 450 service.stopAsync().awaitTerminated(); 451 assertEquals(State.TERMINATED, service.state()); 452 453 throwIfSet(thrownByExecutionThread); 454 } 455 456 public void testManualServiceFailureIdempotence() { 457 ManualSwitchedService service = new ManualSwitchedService(); 458 RecordingListener.record(service); 459 service.startAsync(); 460 service.notifyFailed(new Exception("1")); 461 service.notifyFailed(new Exception("2")); 462 assertEquals("1", service.failureCause().getMessage()); 463 try { 464 service.awaitRunning(); 465 fail(); 466 } catch (IllegalStateException e) { 467 assertEquals("1", e.getCause().getMessage()); 468 } 469 } 470 471 private class ThreadedService extends AbstractService { 472 final CountDownLatch hasConfirmedIsRunning = new CountDownLatch(1); 473 474 /* 475 * The main test thread tries to stop() the service shortly after 476 * confirming that it is running. Meanwhile, the service itself is trying 477 * to confirm that it is running. If the main thread's stop() call happens 478 * before it has the chance, the test will fail. To avoid this, the main 479 * thread calls this method, which waits until the service has performed 480 * its own "running" check. 481 */ 482 void awaitRunChecks() throws InterruptedException { 483 assertTrue("Service thread hasn't finished its checks. " 484 + "Exception status (possibly stale): " + thrownByExecutionThread, 485 hasConfirmedIsRunning.await(10, SECONDS)); 486 } 487 488 @Override protected void doStart() { 489 assertEquals(State.STARTING, state()); 490 invokeOnExecutionThreadForTest(new Runnable() { 491 @Override public void run() { 492 assertEquals(State.STARTING, state()); 493 notifyStarted(); 494 assertEquals(State.RUNNING, state()); 495 hasConfirmedIsRunning.countDown(); 496 } 497 }); 498 } 499 500 @Override protected void doStop() { 501 assertEquals(State.STOPPING, state()); 502 invokeOnExecutionThreadForTest(new Runnable() { 503 @Override public void run() { 504 assertEquals(State.STOPPING, state()); 505 notifyStopped(); 506 assertEquals(State.TERMINATED, state()); 507 } 508 }); 509 } 510 } 511 512 private void invokeOnExecutionThreadForTest(Runnable runnable) { 513 executionThread = new Thread(runnable); 514 executionThread.setUncaughtExceptionHandler(new UncaughtExceptionHandler() { 515 @Override 516 public void uncaughtException(Thread thread, Throwable e) { 517 thrownByExecutionThread = e; 518 } 519 }); 520 executionThread.start(); 521 } 522 523 private static void throwIfSet(Throwable t) throws Throwable { 524 if (t != null) { 525 throw t; 526 } 527 } 528 529 public void testStopUnstartedService() throws Exception { 530 NoOpService service = new NoOpService(); 531 RecordingListener listener = RecordingListener.record(service); 532 533 service.stopAsync(); 534 assertEquals(State.TERMINATED, service.state()); 535 536 try { 537 service.startAsync(); 538 fail(); 539 } catch (IllegalStateException expected) {} 540 assertEquals(State.TERMINATED, Iterables.getOnlyElement(listener.getStateHistory())); 541 } 542 543 public void testFailingServiceStartAndWait() throws Exception { 544 StartFailingService service = new StartFailingService(); 545 RecordingListener listener = RecordingListener.record(service); 546 547 try { 548 service.startAsync().awaitRunning(); 549 fail(); 550 } catch (IllegalStateException e) { 551 assertEquals(EXCEPTION, service.failureCause()); 552 assertEquals(EXCEPTION, e.getCause()); 553 } 554 assertEquals( 555 ImmutableList.of( 556 State.STARTING, 557 State.FAILED), 558 listener.getStateHistory()); 559 } 560 561 public void testFailingServiceStopAndWait_stopFailing() throws Exception { 562 StopFailingService service = new StopFailingService(); 563 RecordingListener listener = RecordingListener.record(service); 564 565 service.startAsync().awaitRunning(); 566 try { 567 service.stopAsync().awaitTerminated(); 568 fail(); 569 } catch (IllegalStateException e) { 570 assertEquals(EXCEPTION, service.failureCause()); 571 assertEquals(EXCEPTION, e.getCause()); 572 } 573 assertEquals( 574 ImmutableList.of( 575 State.STARTING, 576 State.RUNNING, 577 State.STOPPING, 578 State.FAILED), 579 listener.getStateHistory()); 580 } 581 582 public void testFailingServiceStopAndWait_runFailing() throws Exception { 583 RunFailingService service = new RunFailingService(); 584 RecordingListener listener = RecordingListener.record(service); 585 586 service.startAsync(); 587 try { 588 service.awaitRunning(); 589 fail(); 590 } catch (IllegalStateException e) { 591 assertEquals(EXCEPTION, service.failureCause()); 592 assertEquals(EXCEPTION, e.getCause()); 593 } 594 assertEquals( 595 ImmutableList.of( 596 State.STARTING, 597 State.RUNNING, 598 State.FAILED), 599 listener.getStateHistory()); 600 } 601 602 public void testThrowingServiceStartAndWait() throws Exception { 603 StartThrowingService service = new StartThrowingService(); 604 RecordingListener listener = RecordingListener.record(service); 605 606 try { 607 service.startAsync().awaitRunning(); 608 fail(); 609 } catch (IllegalStateException e) { 610 assertEquals(service.exception, service.failureCause()); 611 assertEquals(service.exception, e.getCause()); 612 } 613 assertEquals( 614 ImmutableList.of( 615 State.STARTING, 616 State.FAILED), 617 listener.getStateHistory()); 618 } 619 620 public void testThrowingServiceStopAndWait_stopThrowing() throws Exception { 621 StopThrowingService service = new StopThrowingService(); 622 RecordingListener listener = RecordingListener.record(service); 623 624 service.startAsync().awaitRunning(); 625 try { 626 service.stopAsync().awaitTerminated(); 627 fail(); 628 } catch (IllegalStateException e) { 629 assertEquals(service.exception, service.failureCause()); 630 assertEquals(service.exception, e.getCause()); 631 } 632 assertEquals( 633 ImmutableList.of( 634 State.STARTING, 635 State.RUNNING, 636 State.STOPPING, 637 State.FAILED), 638 listener.getStateHistory()); 639 } 640 641 public void testThrowingServiceStopAndWait_runThrowing() throws Exception { 642 RunThrowingService service = new RunThrowingService(); 643 RecordingListener listener = RecordingListener.record(service); 644 645 service.startAsync(); 646 try { 647 service.awaitTerminated(); 648 fail(); 649 } catch (IllegalStateException e) { 650 assertEquals(service.exception, service.failureCause()); 651 assertEquals(service.exception, e.getCause()); 652 } 653 assertEquals( 654 ImmutableList.of( 655 State.STARTING, 656 State.RUNNING, 657 State.FAILED), 658 listener.getStateHistory()); 659 } 660 661 public void testFailureCause_throwsIfNotFailed() { 662 StopFailingService service = new StopFailingService(); 663 try { 664 service.failureCause(); 665 fail(); 666 } catch (IllegalStateException e) { 667 // expected 668 } 669 service.startAsync().awaitRunning(); 670 try { 671 service.failureCause(); 672 fail(); 673 } catch (IllegalStateException e) { 674 // expected 675 } 676 try { 677 service.stopAsync().awaitTerminated(); 678 fail(); 679 } catch (IllegalStateException e) { 680 assertEquals(EXCEPTION, service.failureCause()); 681 assertEquals(EXCEPTION, e.getCause()); 682 } 683 } 684 685 public void testAddListenerAfterFailureDoesntCauseDeadlock() throws InterruptedException { 686 final StartFailingService service = new StartFailingService(); 687 service.startAsync(); 688 assertEquals(State.FAILED, service.state()); 689 service.addListener(new RecordingListener(service), MoreExecutors.sameThreadExecutor()); 690 Thread thread = new Thread() { 691 @Override public void run() { 692 // Internally stopAsync() grabs a lock, this could be any such method on AbstractService. 693 service.stopAsync(); 694 } 695 }; 696 thread.start(); 697 thread.join(100); 698 assertFalse(thread + " is deadlocked", thread.isAlive()); 699 } 700 701 public void testListenerDoesntDeadlockOnStartAndWaitFromRunning() throws Exception { 702 final NoOpThreadedService service = new NoOpThreadedService(); 703 service.addListener(new Listener() { 704 @Override public void running() { 705 service.awaitRunning(); 706 } 707 }, MoreExecutors.sameThreadExecutor()); 708 service.startAsync().awaitRunning(10, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS); 709 service.stopAsync(); 710 } 711 712 public void testListenerDoesntDeadlockOnStopAndWaitFromTerminated() throws Exception { 713 final NoOpThreadedService service = new NoOpThreadedService(); 714 service.addListener(new Listener() { 715 @Override public void terminated(State from) { 716 service.stopAsync().awaitTerminated(); 717 } 718 }, MoreExecutors.sameThreadExecutor()); 719 service.startAsync().awaitRunning(); 720 721 Thread thread = new Thread() { 722 @Override public void run() { 723 service.stopAsync().awaitTerminated(); 724 } 725 }; 726 thread.start(); 727 thread.join(100); 728 assertFalse(thread + " is deadlocked", thread.isAlive()); 729 } 730 731 private static class NoOpThreadedService extends AbstractExecutionThreadService { 732 final CountDownLatch latch = new CountDownLatch(1); 733 @Override protected void run() throws Exception { 734 latch.await(); 735 } 736 @Override protected void triggerShutdown() { 737 latch.countDown(); 738 } 739 } 740 741 private static class StartFailingService extends AbstractService { 742 @Override protected void doStart() { 743 notifyFailed(EXCEPTION); 744 } 745 746 @Override protected void doStop() { 747 fail(); 748 } 749 } 750 751 private static class RunFailingService extends AbstractService { 752 @Override protected void doStart() { 753 notifyStarted(); 754 notifyFailed(EXCEPTION); 755 } 756 757 @Override protected void doStop() { 758 fail(); 759 } 760 } 761 762 private static class StopFailingService extends AbstractService { 763 @Override protected void doStart() { 764 notifyStarted(); 765 } 766 767 @Override protected void doStop() { 768 notifyFailed(EXCEPTION); 769 } 770 } 771 772 private static class StartThrowingService extends AbstractService { 773 774 final RuntimeException exception = new RuntimeException("deliberate"); 775 776 @Override protected void doStart() { 777 throw exception; 778 } 779 780 @Override protected void doStop() { 781 fail(); 782 } 783 } 784 785 private static class RunThrowingService extends AbstractService { 786 787 final RuntimeException exception = new RuntimeException("deliberate"); 788 789 @Override protected void doStart() { 790 notifyStarted(); 791 throw exception; 792 } 793 794 @Override protected void doStop() { 795 fail(); 796 } 797 } 798 799 private static class StopThrowingService extends AbstractService { 800 801 final RuntimeException exception = new RuntimeException("deliberate"); 802 803 @Override protected void doStart() { 804 notifyStarted(); 805 } 806 807 @Override protected void doStop() { 808 throw exception; 809 } 810 } 811 812 private static class RecordingListener extends Listener { 813 static RecordingListener record(Service service) { 814 RecordingListener listener = new RecordingListener(service); 815 service.addListener(listener, MoreExecutors.sameThreadExecutor()); 816 return listener; 817 } 818 819 final Service service; 820 821 RecordingListener(Service service) { 822 this.service = service; 823 } 824 825 @GuardedBy("this") 826 final List<State> stateHistory = Lists.newArrayList(); 827 final CountDownLatch completionLatch = new CountDownLatch(1); 828 829 ImmutableList<State> getStateHistory() throws Exception { 830 completionLatch.await(); 831 synchronized (this) { 832 return ImmutableList.copyOf(stateHistory); 833 } 834 } 835 836 @Override public synchronized void starting() { 837 assertTrue(stateHistory.isEmpty()); 838 assertNotSame(State.NEW, service.state()); 839 stateHistory.add(State.STARTING); 840 } 841 842 @Override public synchronized void running() { 843 assertEquals(State.STARTING, Iterables.getOnlyElement(stateHistory)); 844 stateHistory.add(State.RUNNING); 845 service.awaitRunning(); 846 assertNotSame(State.STARTING, service.state()); 847 } 848 849 @Override public synchronized void stopping(State from) { 850 assertEquals(from, Iterables.getLast(stateHistory)); 851 stateHistory.add(State.STOPPING); 852 if (from == State.STARTING) { 853 try { 854 service.awaitRunning(); 855 fail(); 856 } catch (IllegalStateException expected) { 857 assertNull(expected.getCause()); 858 assertTrue(expected.getMessage().equals( 859 "Expected the service to be RUNNING, but was STOPPING")); 860 } 861 } 862 assertNotSame(from, service.state()); 863 } 864 865 @Override public synchronized void terminated(State from) { 866 assertEquals(from, Iterables.getLast(stateHistory, State.NEW)); 867 stateHistory.add(State.TERMINATED); 868 assertEquals(State.TERMINATED, service.state()); 869 if (from == State.NEW) { 870 try { 871 service.awaitRunning(); 872 fail(); 873 } catch (IllegalStateException expected) { 874 assertNull(expected.getCause()); 875 assertTrue(expected.getMessage().equals( 876 "Expected the service to be RUNNING, but was TERMINATED")); 877 } 878 } 879 completionLatch.countDown(); 880 } 881 882 @Override public synchronized void failed(State from, Throwable failure) { 883 assertEquals(from, Iterables.getLast(stateHistory)); 884 stateHistory.add(State.FAILED); 885 assertEquals(State.FAILED, service.state()); 886 assertEquals(failure, service.failureCause()); 887 if (from == State.STARTING) { 888 try { 889 service.awaitRunning(); 890 fail(); 891 } catch (IllegalStateException e) { 892 assertEquals(failure, e.getCause()); 893 } 894 } 895 try { 896 service.awaitTerminated(); 897 fail(); 898 } catch (IllegalStateException e) { 899 assertEquals(failure, e.getCause()); 900 } 901 completionLatch.countDown(); 902 } 903 } 904 905 public void testNotifyStartedWhenNotStarting() { 906 AbstractService service = new DefaultService(); 907 try { 908 service.notifyStarted(); 909 fail(); 910 } catch (IllegalStateException expected) {} 911 } 912 913 public void testNotifyStoppedWhenNotRunning() { 914 AbstractService service = new DefaultService(); 915 try { 916 service.notifyStopped(); 917 fail(); 918 } catch (IllegalStateException expected) {} 919 } 920 921 public void testNotifyFailedWhenNotStarted() { 922 AbstractService service = new DefaultService(); 923 try { 924 service.notifyFailed(new Exception()); 925 fail(); 926 } catch (IllegalStateException expected) {} 927 } 928 929 public void testNotifyFailedWhenTerminated() { 930 NoOpService service = new NoOpService(); 931 service.startAsync().awaitRunning(); 932 service.stopAsync().awaitTerminated(); 933 try { 934 service.notifyFailed(new Exception()); 935 fail(); 936 } catch (IllegalStateException expected) {} 937 } 938 939 private static class DefaultService extends AbstractService { 940 @Override protected void doStart() {} 941 @Override protected void doStop() {} 942 } 943 944 private static final Exception EXCEPTION = new Exception(); 945 } 946 <pre> ServiceManagerTest view source print? 001 </pre> 002 /* 003 * Copyright (C) 2012 The Guava Authors 004 * 005 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); 006 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. 007 * You may obtain a copy of the License at 008 * 009 * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 010 * 011 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software 012 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, 013 * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. 014 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and 015 * limitations under the License. 016 */ 017 package com.google.common.util.concurrent; 018 019 import static java.util.Arrays.asList; 020 021 import com.google.common.collect.ImmutableMap; 022 import com.google.common.collect.ImmutableSet; 023 import com.google.common.collect.Lists; 024 import com.google.common.collect.Sets; 025 import com.google.common.testing.NullPointerTester; 026 import com.google.common.testing.TestLogHandler; 027 import com.google.common.util.concurrent.ServiceManager.Listener; 028 029 import junit.framework.TestCase; 030 031 import java.util.Arrays; 032 import java.util.Collection; 033 import java.util.List; 034 import java.util.Set; 035 import java.util.concurrent.CountDownLatch; 036 import java.util.concurrent.Executor; 037 import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit; 038 import java.util.concurrent.TimeoutException; 039 import java.util.logging.Formatter; 040 import java.util.logging.Level; 041 import java.util.logging.LogRecord; 042 import java.util.logging.Logger; 043 044 /** 045 * Tests for {@link ServiceManager}. 046 * 047 * @author Luke Sandberg 048 * @author Chris Nokleberg 049 */ 050 public class ServiceManagerTest extends TestCase { 051 052 private static class NoOpService extends AbstractService { 053 @Override protected void doStart() { 054 notifyStarted(); 055 } 056 057 @Override protected void doStop() { 058 notifyStopped(); 059 } 060 } 061 062 /* 063 * A NoOp service that will delay the startup and shutdown notification for a configurable amount 064 * of time. 065 */ 066 private static class NoOpDelayedSerivce extends NoOpService { 067 private long delay; 068 069 public NoOpDelayedSerivce(long delay) { 070 this.delay = delay; 071 } 072 073 @Override protected void doStart() { 074 new Thread() { 075 @Override public void run() { 076 Uninterruptibles.sleepUninterruptibly(delay, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS); 077 notifyStarted(); 078 } 079 }.start(); 080 } 081 082 @Override protected void doStop() { 083 new Thread() { 084 @Override public void run() { 085 Uninterruptibles.sleepUninterruptibly(delay, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS); 086 notifyStopped(); 087 } 088 }.start(); 089 } 090 } 091 092 private static class FailStartService extends NoOpService { 093 @Override protected void doStart() { 094 notifyFailed(new IllegalStateException("failed")); 095 } 096 } 097 098 private static class FailRunService extends NoOpService { 099 @Override protected void doStart() { 100 super.doStart(); 101 notifyFailed(new IllegalStateException("failed")); 102 } 103 } 104 105 private static class FailStopService extends NoOpService { 106 @Override protected void doStop() { 107 notifyFailed(new IllegalStateException("failed")); 108 } 109 } 110 111 public void testServiceStartupTimes() { 112 Service a = new NoOpDelayedSerivce(150); 113 Service b = new NoOpDelayedSerivce(353); 114 ServiceManager serviceManager = new ServiceManager(asList(a, b)); 115 serviceManager.startAsync().awaitHealthy(); 116 ImmutableMap<Service, Long> startupTimes = serviceManager.startupTimes(); 117 assertEquals(2, startupTimes.size()); 118 assertTrue(startupTimes.get(a) >= 150); 119 assertTrue(startupTimes.get(b) >= 353); 120 } 121 122 public void testServiceStartStop() { 123 Service a = new NoOpService(); 124 Service b = new NoOpService(); 125 ServiceManager manager = new ServiceManager(asList(a, b)); 126 RecordingListener listener = new RecordingListener(); 127 manager.addListener(listener); 128 assertState(manager, Service.State.NEW, a, b); 129 assertFalse(manager.isHealthy()); 130 manager.startAsync().awaitHealthy(); 131 assertState(manager, Service.State.RUNNING, a, b); 132 assertTrue(manager.isHealthy()); 133 assertTrue(listener.healthyCalled); 134 assertFalse(listener.stoppedCalled); 135 assertTrue(listener.failedServices.isEmpty()); 136 manager.stopAsync().awaitStopped(); 137 assertState(manager, Service.State.TERMINATED, a, b); 138 assertFalse(manager.isHealthy()); 139 assertTrue(listener.stoppedCalled); 140 assertTrue(listener.failedServices.isEmpty()); 141 } 142 143 public void testFailStart() throws Exception { 144 Service a = new NoOpService(); 145 Service b = new FailStartService(); 146 Service c = new NoOpService(); 147 Service d = new FailStartService(); 148 Service e = new NoOpService(); 149 ServiceManager manager = new ServiceManager(asList(a, b, c, d, e)); 150 RecordingListener listener = new RecordingListener(); 151 manager.addListener(listener); 152 assertState(manager, Service.State.NEW, a, b, c, d, e); 153 try { 154 manager.startAsync().awaitHealthy(); 155 fail(); 156 } catch (IllegalStateException expected) { 157 } 158 assertFalse(listener.healthyCalled); 159 assertState(manager, Service.State.RUNNING, a, c, e); 160 assertEquals(ImmutableSet.of(b, d), listener.failedServices); 161 assertState(manager, Service.State.FAILED, b, d); 162 assertFalse(manager.isHealthy()); 163 164 manager.stopAsync().awaitStopped(); 165 assertFalse(manager.isHealthy()); 166 assertFalse(listener.healthyCalled); 167 assertTrue(listener.stoppedCalled); 168 } 169 170 public void testFailRun() throws Exception { 171 Service a = new NoOpService(); 172 Service b = new FailRunService(); 173 ServiceManager manager = new ServiceManager(asList(a, b)); 174 RecordingListener listener = new RecordingListener(); 175 manager.addListener(listener); 176 assertState(manager, Service.State.NEW, a, b); 177 try { 178 manager.startAsync().awaitHealthy(); 179 fail(); 180 } catch (IllegalStateException expected) { 181 } 182 assertTrue(listener.healthyCalled); 183 assertEquals(ImmutableSet.of(b), listener.failedServices); 184 185 manager.stopAsync().awaitStopped(); 186 assertState(manager, Service.State.FAILED, b); 187 assertState(manager, Service.State.TERMINATED, a); 188 189 assertTrue(listener.stoppedCalled); 190 } 191 192 public void testFailStop() throws Exception { 193 Service a = new NoOpService(); 194 Service b = new FailStopService(); 195 Service c = new NoOpService(); 196 ServiceManager manager = new ServiceManager(asList(a, b, c)); 197 RecordingListener listener = new RecordingListener(); 198 manager.addListener(listener); 199 200 manager.startAsync().awaitHealthy(); 201 assertTrue(listener.healthyCalled); 202 assertFalse(listener.stoppedCalled); 203 manager.stopAsync().awaitStopped(); 204 205 assertTrue(listener.stoppedCalled); 206 assertEquals(ImmutableSet.of(b), listener.failedServices); 207 assertState(manager, Service.State.FAILED, b); 208 assertState(manager, Service.State.TERMINATED, a, c); 209 } 210 211 public void testToString() throws Exception { 212 Service a = new NoOpService(); 213 Service b = new FailStartService(); 214 ServiceManager manager = new ServiceManager(asList(a, b)); 215 String toString = manager.toString(); 216 assertTrue(toString.contains("NoOpService")); 217 assertTrue(toString.contains("FailStartService")); 218 } 219 220 public void testTimeouts() throws Exception { 221 Service a = new NoOpDelayedSerivce(50); 222 ServiceManager manager = new ServiceManager(asList(a)); 223 manager.startAsync(); 224 try { 225 manager.awaitHealthy(1, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS); 226 fail(); 227 } catch (TimeoutException expected) { 228 } 229 manager.awaitHealthy(100, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS); // no exception thrown 230 231 manager.stopAsync(); 232 try { 233 manager.awaitStopped(1, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS); 234 fail(); 235 } catch (TimeoutException expected) { 236 } 237 manager.awaitStopped(100, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS); // no exception thrown 238 } 239 240 /** 241 * This covers a case where if the last service to stop failed then the stopped callback would 242 * never be called. 243 */ 244 public void testSingleFailedServiceCallsStopped() { 245 Service a = new FailStartService(); 246 ServiceManager manager = new ServiceManager(asList(a)); 247 RecordingListener listener = new RecordingListener(); 248 manager.addListener(listener); 249 try { 250 manager.startAsync().awaitHealthy(); 251 fail(); 252 } catch (IllegalStateException expected) { 253 } 254 assertTrue(listener.stoppedCalled); 255 } 256 257 /** 258 * This covers a bug where listener.healthy would get called when a single service failed during 259 * startup (it occurred in more complicated cases also). 260 */ 261 public void testFailStart_singleServiceCallsHealthy() { 262 Service a = new FailStartService(); 263 ServiceManager manager = new ServiceManager(asList(a)); 264 RecordingListener listener = new RecordingListener(); 265 manager.addListener(listener); 266 try { 267 manager.startAsync().awaitHealthy(); 268 fail(); 269 } catch (IllegalStateException expected) { 270 } 271 assertFalse(listener.healthyCalled); 272 } 273 274 /** 275 * This covers a bug where if a listener was installed that would stop the manager if any service 276 * fails and something failed during startup before service.start was called on all the services, 277 * then awaitStopped would deadlock due to an IllegalStateException that was thrown when trying to 278 * stop the timer(!). 279 */ 280 public void testFailStart_stopOthers() throws TimeoutException { 281 Service a = new FailStartService(); 282 Service b = new NoOpService(); 283 final ServiceManager manager = new ServiceManager(asList(a, b)); 284 manager.addListener(new Listener() { 285 @Override public void failure(Service service) { 286 manager.stopAsync(); 287 }}); 288 manager.startAsync(); 289 manager.awaitStopped(10, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS); 290 } 291 292 private static void assertState( 293 ServiceManager manager, Service.State state, Service... services) { 294 Collection<Service> managerServices = manager.servicesByState().get(state); 295 for (Service service : services) { 296 assertEquals(service.toString(), state, service.state()); 297 assertEquals(service.toString(), service.isRunning(), state == Service.State.RUNNING); 298 assertTrue(managerServices + " should contain " + service, managerServices.contains(service)); 299 } 300 } 301 302 /** 303 * This is for covering a case where the ServiceManager would behave strangely if constructed 304 * with no service under management. Listeners would never fire because the ServiceManager was 305 * healthy and stopped at the same time. This test ensures that listeners fire and isHealthy 306 * makes sense. 307 */ 308 public void testEmptyServiceManager() { 309 Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(ServiceManager.class.getName()); 310 logger.setLevel(Level.FINEST); 311 TestLogHandler logHandler = new TestLogHandler(); 312 logger.addHandler(logHandler); 313 ServiceManager manager = new ServiceManager(Arrays.<Service>asList()); 314 RecordingListener listener = new RecordingListener(); 315 manager.addListener(listener, MoreExecutors.sameThreadExecutor()); 316 manager.startAsync().awaitHealthy(); 317 assertTrue(manager.isHealthy()); 318 assertTrue(listener.healthyCalled); 319 assertFalse(listener.stoppedCalled); 320 assertTrue(listener.failedServices.isEmpty()); 321 manager.stopAsync().awaitStopped(); 322 assertFalse(manager.isHealthy()); 323 assertTrue(listener.stoppedCalled); 324 assertTrue(listener.failedServices.isEmpty()); 325 // check that our NoOpService is not directly observable via any of the inspection methods or 326 // via logging. 327 assertEquals("ServiceManager{services=[]}", manager.toString()); 328 assertTrue(manager.servicesByState().isEmpty()); 329 assertTrue(manager.startupTimes().isEmpty()); 330 Formatter logFormatter = new Formatter() { 331 @Override public String format(LogRecord record) { 332 return formatMessage(record); 333 } 334 }; 335 for (LogRecord record : logHandler.getStoredLogRecords()) { 336 assertFalse(logFormatter.format(record).contains("NoOpService")); 337 } 338 } 339 340 /** 341 * This is for a case where a long running Listener using the sameThreadListener could deadlock 342 * another thread calling stopAsync(). 343 */ 344 345 public void testListenerDeadlock() throws InterruptedException { 346 final CountDownLatch failEnter = new CountDownLatch(1); 347 Service failRunService = new AbstractService() { 348 @Override protected void doStart() { 349 new Thread() { 350 @Override public void run() { 351 notifyStarted(); 352 notifyFailed(new Exception("boom")); 353 } 354 }.start(); 355 } 356 @Override protected void doStop() { 357 notifyStopped(); 358 } 359 }; 360 final ServiceManager manager = new ServiceManager( 361 Arrays.asList(failRunService, new NoOpService())); 362 manager.addListener(new ServiceManager.Listener() { 363 @Override public void failure(Service service) { 364 failEnter.countDown(); 365 // block forever! 366 Uninterruptibles.awaitUninterruptibly(new CountDownLatch(1)); 367 } 368 }, MoreExecutors.sameThreadExecutor()); 369 // We do not call awaitHealthy because, due to races, that method may throw an exception. But 370 // we really just want to wait for the thread to be in the failure callback so we wait for that 371 // explicitly instead. 372 manager.startAsync(); 373 failEnter.await(); 374 assertFalse("State should be updated before calling listeners", manager.isHealthy()); 375 // now we want to stop the services. 376 Thread stoppingThread = new Thread() { 377 @Override public void run() { 378 manager.stopAsync().awaitStopped(); 379 } 380 }; 381 stoppingThread.start(); 382 // this should be super fast since the only non stopped service is a NoOpService 383 stoppingThread.join(1000); 384 assertFalse("stopAsync has deadlocked!.", stoppingThread.isAlive()); 385 } 386 387 /** 388 * Catches a bug where when constructing a service manager failed, later interactions with the 389 * service could cause IllegalStateExceptions inside the partially constructed ServiceManager. 390 * This ISE wouldn't actually bubble up but would get logged by ExecutionQueue. This obfuscated 391 * the original error (which was not constructing ServiceManager correctly). 392 */ 393 public void testPartiallyConstructedManager() { 394 Logger logger = Logger.getLogger("global"); 395 logger.setLevel(Level.FINEST); 396 TestLogHandler logHandler = new TestLogHandler(); 397 logger.addHandler(logHandler); 398 NoOpService service = new NoOpService(); 399 service.startAsync(); 400 try { 401 new ServiceManager(Arrays.asList(service)); 402 fail(); 403 } catch (IllegalArgumentException expected) {} 404 service.stopAsync(); 405 // Nothing was logged! 406 assertEquals(0, logHandler.getStoredLogRecords().size()); 407 } 408 409 public void testPartiallyConstructedManager_transitionAfterAddListenerBeforeStateIsReady() { 410 // The implementation of this test is pretty sensitive to the implementation :( but we want to 411 // ensure that if weird things happen during construction then we get exceptions. 412 final NoOpService service1 = new NoOpService(); 413 // This service will start service1 when addListener is called. This simulates service1 being 414 // started asynchronously. 415 Service service2 = new Service() { 416 final NoOpService delegate = new NoOpService(); 417 @Override public final void addListener(Listener listener, Executor executor) { 418 service1.startAsync(); 419 delegate.addListener(listener, executor); 420 } 421 // Delegates from here on down 422 @Override public final Service startAsync() { 423 return delegate.startAsync(); 424 } 425 426 @Override public final Service stopAsync() { 427 return delegate.stopAsync(); 428 } 429 430 @Override public final ListenableFuture<State> start() { 431 return delegate.start(); 432 } 433 434 @Override public final ListenableFuture<State> stop() { 435 return delegate.stop(); 436 } 437 438 @Override public State startAndWait() { 439 return delegate.startAndWait(); 440 } 441 442 @Override public State stopAndWait() { 443 return delegate.stopAndWait(); 444 } 445 446 @Override public final void awaitRunning() { 447 delegate.awaitRunning(); 448 } 449 450 @Override public final void awaitRunning(long timeout, TimeUnit unit) 451 throws TimeoutException { 452 delegate.awaitRunning(timeout, unit); 453 } 454 455 @Override public final void awaitTerminated() { 456 delegate.awaitTerminated(); 457 } 458 459 @Override public final void awaitTerminated(long timeout, TimeUnit unit) 460 throws TimeoutException { 461 delegate.awaitTerminated(timeout, unit); 462 } 463 464 @Override public final boolean isRunning() { 465 return delegate.isRunning(); 466 } 467 468 @Override public final State state() { 469 return delegate.state(); 470 } 471 472 @Override public final Throwable failureCause() { 473 return delegate.failureCause(); 474 } 475 }; 476 try { 477 new ServiceManager(Arrays.asList(service1, service2)); 478 fail(); 479 } catch (IllegalArgumentException expected) { 480 assertTrue(expected.getMessage().contains("started transitioning asynchronously")); 481 } 482 } 483 484 /** 485 * This test is for a case where two Service.Listener callbacks for the same service would call 486 * transitionService in the wrong order due to a race. Due to the fact that it is a race this 487 * test isn't guaranteed to expose the issue, but it is at least likely to become flaky if the 488 * race sneaks back in, and in this case flaky means something is definitely wrong. 489 * 490 * <p>Before the bug was fixed this test would fail at least 30% of the time. 491 */ 492 493 public void testTransitionRace() throws TimeoutException { 494 for (int k = 0; k < 1000; k++) { 495 List<Service> services = Lists.newArrayList(); 496 for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) { 497 services.add(new SnappyShutdownService(i)); 498 } 499 ServiceManager manager = new ServiceManager(services); 500 manager.startAsync().awaitHealthy(); 501 manager.stopAsync().awaitStopped(1, TimeUnit.SECONDS); 502 } 503 } 504 505 /** 506 * This service will shutdown very quickly after stopAsync is called and uses a background thread 507 * so that we know that the stopping() listeners will execute on a different thread than the 508 * terminated() listeners. 509 */ 510 private static class SnappyShutdownService extends AbstractExecutionThreadService { 511 final int index; 512 final CountDownLatch latch = new CountDownLatch(1); 513 514 SnappyShutdownService(int index) { 515 this.index = index; 516 } 517 518 @Override protected void run() throws Exception { 519 latch.await(); 520 } 521 522 @Override protected void triggerShutdown() { 523 latch.countDown(); 524 } 525 526 @Override protected String serviceName() { 527 return this.getClass().getSimpleName() + "[" + index + "]"; 528 } 529 } 530 531 public void testNulls() { 532 ServiceManager manager = new ServiceManager(Arrays.<Service>asList()); 533 new NullPointerTester() 534 .setDefault(ServiceManager.Listener.class, new RecordingListener()) 535 .testAllPublicInstanceMethods(manager); 536 } 537 538 private static final class RecordingListener extends ServiceManager.Listener { 539 volatile boolean healthyCalled; 540 volatile boolean stoppedCalled; 541 final Set<Service> failedServices = Sets.newConcurrentHashSet(); 542 543 @Override public void healthy() { 544 healthyCalled = true; 545 } 546 547 @Override public void stopped() { 548 stoppedCalled = true; 549 } 550 551 @Override public void failure(Service service) { 552 failedServices.add(service); 553 } 554 } 555 } 556 <pre>