• axios 学习笔记之context-type与 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'

    1.引入了Qs,并添加 header的情况。结果请求中header 中的contex-type为application/x-www-form-urlencoded

    headers: {
    'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'

      import Qs from 'qs'
      export default {
        data() {
        methods: {
          submitForm(formName) {
            let that = this;
            this.$refs[formName].validate((valid) => {
              if (valid) {
                let request = {
                  headers: {
                    'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'
                  method: 'post',
                  url: "",
                  data: Qs.stringify({
                    name: that.$data.ruleForm.name,
                    pass: that.$data.ruleForm.pass
                this.axios.post(request.url, request.data, request.headers).then(function(response) {
              } else {
                console.log('error submit!!');
                return false;
          resetForm(formName) {

    2.引入header参数,没有引入qs,使用手动拼参参数的形式。结果请求中header 中的contex-type为application/x-www-form-urlencoded

    data: 'name=' + that.$data.ruleForm.name + '&pass=' + that.$data.ruleForm.pass

     methods: {
          submitForm(formName) {
            let that = this;
            this.$refs[formName].validate((valid) => {
              if (valid) {
                let request = {
                  headers: {
                    'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'
                  method: 'post',
                  url: "",
                  data: 'name=' + that.$data.ruleForm.name + '&pass=' + that.$data.ruleForm.pass
                this.axios.post(request.url, request.data, request.headers).then(function(response) {
              } else {
                console.log('error submit!!');
                return false;

    3.没有headers ,没有qs 。data使用手动拼接参数。结果请求中header 中的contex-type为application/x-www-form-urlencoded

          submitForm(formName) {
            let that = this;
            this.$refs[formName].validate((valid) => {
              if (valid) {
                let request = {
                  // headers: {
                  //   'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'
                  // },
                  method: 'post',
                  url: "",
                  data: 'name=' + that.$data.ruleForm.name + '&pass=' + that.$data.ruleForm.pass
                this.axios.post(request.url, request.data, request.headers).then(function(response) {
              } else {
                console.log('error submit!!');
                return false;
    1. 随便设置一个 context-type 使用qs格式化。结果请求中header 中的contex-type为application/x-www-form-urlencoded
          submitForm(formName) {
            let that = this;
            this.$refs[formName].validate((valid) => {
              if (valid) {
                let request = {
                  headers: {
                    'Content-Type': 'text/xml'
                  method: 'post',
                  url: "",
                  data: Qs.stringify({
                    name: that.$data.ruleForm.name,
                    pass: that.$data.ruleForm.pass
                this.axios.post(request.url, request.data, request.headers).then(function(response) {
              } else {
                console.log('error submit!!');
                return false;


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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/mumian2/p/12686710.html
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