• Performance Co-Pilot


    Performance Co-Pilot 提前安装依赖

    [root@iZrj97j6t7ih9hgz1me35hZ ~]# cat install.sh
    yum install -y docker
    yum install -y git
    yum install -y yum-utils-1.1.31-40.el7.noarch
    yum install lex
    yum install flex
    yum install -y bison
    yum install -y perl-ExtUtils-MakeMaker.noarch
    yum install -y libmicrohttpd
    yum install -y libmicrohttpd*
    yum install -y gcc-c++
    yum install -y pcp-libs-3.11.3-4.el7.x86_64
    yum install -y pcp-3.11.3-4.el7.x86_64

    Installing Performance Co-Pilot 安装PCP

    git clone git://git.pcp.io/pcp
    cd pcp
    groupadd -r pcp
    useradd -c "Performance Co-Pilot" -g pcp -d /var/lib/pcp -M -r -s /usr/sbin/nologin pcp
    ./configure --prefix=/usr --sysconfdir=/etc --localstatedir=/var --with-webapi
    #./configure --prefix=/usr --libexecdir=/usr/lib --sysconfdir=/etc      --localstatedir=/var --with-rcdir=/etc/init.d
    make install
    /etc/init.d/pmcd start

    Building Vector from Source 源码安装Vector


    $ git clone https://github.com/Netflix/vector.git
    $ cd vector

    安装:Node.JS, npm and Bower

    # yum install -y npm 
    # npm install
    # npm install -g bower
    # bower install --allow-root
    # npm install --global gulp-cli
    # gulp build
    # Development ServerYou can run Vector with Gulp’s development web server and live reload. In order to start Gulp’s web server, just execute the serve task:
    # gulp serve


    PCP Collection Daemon (PMCD)

    # /etc/init.d/pmcd start

    pmie (Performance Metrics Inference Engine)

    [root@iZrj97j6t7ih9hgz1me35hZ ~]# chkconfig pmie on



    git Install :

    PCP quick start: http://pcp.io/docs/guide.html


    #Installing Collector Hosts
    yum install pcp -y
    chkconfig pmcd on
    service pmcd start
    chkconfig pmlogger on
    service pmlogger start
    #Installing Monitor Host
    yum install pcp-doc pcp-gui -y
    echo localhost n n PCP_LOG_DIR/pmlogger/localhost -r -T24h10m -c localhost >> /etc/pcp/pmlogger/control
    service pmlogger restart
    #Dynamic Host Discovery
    yum install pcp-manager -y
    chkconfig pmmgr on
    echo localhost >> /etc/pcp/pmmgr/target-host
    echo avahi >> /etc/pcp/pmmgr/target-discovery
    echo probe= ip.addr.tup.le/netmask >> /etc/pcp/pmmgr/target-discovery
    service pmmgr restart
    find /var/log/pcp/pmmgr
    #Installation Health Check
    pcp -h localhost
    #Monitoring Live Performance Metrics
    pminfo -h localhost
    #Retrospective Performance Analysis
    #Visualizing iostat and sar Data
    #iostat -t -x 2 > iostat.out
    #iostat2pcp iostat.out iostat.pcp
    #pmchart -t 2sec -a iostat.pcp
    #Process Level Performance Monitoring
    pminfo proc
    #Performance Metrics Inference
    chkconfig pmie on
    service pmie start
    #Enable monitoring of metrics from remote host acme.com :
    echo acme.com n PCP_LOG_DIR/pmie/acme.com -c config.acme.com
    service pmie restart
    #PCP Web Services
    yum install pcp-webapi -y
    chkconfig pmwebd on
    service pmwebd start
    #User Web Interface for Performance Metrics
    yum install -y pcp-webjs
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/muahao/p/6858060.html
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