• FTP Send File: Source Code Review(转)

    FTPSNDFILE: CMD        PROMPT('Send File Using FTP') +
                                     HLPID(*CMD) HLPPNLGRP(FTPSNDFILE)

                 /*  Command processing program is FTPSNDFILE  */
                 /*  REQUIREMENTS:  FTP server must be active. */
                 /*                 The FTP source file for    */
                 /*                 the generated FTP script   */
                 /*                 must exist, but the member */
                 /*                 is automatically added.    */

    IP:         PARM       KWD(RMTSYS) TYPE(*CHAR) LEN(128) MIN(1) +
                              EXPR(*YES) PROMPT('Remote IP or FTP server')

                 PARM       KWD(MBR) TYPE(*GENERIC) LEN(10) DFT(*FIRST) +
                              SPCVAL((*FILE) (*FIRST) (*LAST) (*ALL)) +
                              EXPR(*YES) PROMPT('Local member')
    QUAL1:      QUAL       TYPE(*NAME) LEN(10) MIN(1) EXPR(*YES)
                 QUAL       TYPE(*NAME) DFT(*LIBL) SPCVAL((*LIBL)) +
                              EXPR(*YES) PROMPT('Library')

    TOFILE:     PARM       KWD(TOFILE) TYPE(QUAL2) PROMPT('Remote file')
                              SPCVAL((*FROMMBR) (*TOFILE)) EXPR(*YES) +
                              PROMPT('Remote member')
    QUAL2:      QUAL       TYPE(*NAME) LEN(10) DFT(*FROMFILE) +
                              SPCVAL((*FROMFILE)) EXPR(*YES)
                 QUAL       TYPE(*NAME) DFT(*FROMLIB) SPCVAL((*FROMLIB)) +
                              EXPR(*YES) PROMPT('Library')

                              DFT(*YES) SPCVAL((*YES '1') (*NO '0')) +
                              EXPR(*YES) PROMPT('Replace data on remote +

    USER:       PARM       KWD(USER) TYPE(*CHAR) LEN(64) DFT(*CURRENT) +
                              SPCVAL((*CURRENT)) EXPR(*YES) +
                              PROMPT('Remote FTP User ID')
    PWD:        PARM       KWD(PWD) TYPE(*CHAR) LEN(64) DFT(*USERID) +
                              EXPR(*YES) DSPINPUT(*PROMPT) +
                              PROMPT('Remote FTP Password')

    MODE:       PARM       KWD(MODE) TYPE(*CHAR) LEN(10) RSTD(*YES) +
                              DFT(*BINARY) SPCVAL((*BINARY BINARY) +
                              (*TEXT ASCII) (BINARY) (ASCII) (TEXT +
                              ASCII)) EXPR(*YES) PROMPT('Transfer mode')

                              to receive FTP script')
                 PARM       KWD(SRCMBR) TYPE(*NAME) LEN(10) +
                              DFT(*FROMMBR) SPCVAL((*FROMMBR) (*GEN)) +
                              EXPR(*YES) PROMPT('Script source member')
                 QUAL       TYPE(*NAME) DFT(QTEMP) SPCVAL((*LIBL)) +
                              EXPR(*YES) PROMPT('Library')

      /**  The LOG member can be a source file or database file.   */
      /**  A record length of 79 greater is required.              */
      /**  If the log file does not exist, it is created for you.  */
    LOG:        PARM       KWD(LOG) TYPE(QUAL4) DFT(*STDOUT) +
                              SNGVAL((*STDOUT) (*STDIO *STDOUT) +
                              (*SRCFILE) (*NONE)) PROMPT('FTP log file')
                 PARM       KWD(LOGMBR) TYPE(*NAME) LEN(10) +
                              DFT(*FROMMBR) SPCVAL((*FROMMBR) (*SRCMBR +
                              *SCRIPT) (*SCRIPT)) EXPR(*YES) +
                              PROMPT('Log member')
    QUAL4:      QUAL       TYPE(*NAME) LEN(10) SPCVAL((QFTPLOG)) +
                 QUAL       TYPE(*NAME) DFT(QTEMP) SPCVAL((*LIBL)) +
                              EXPR(*YES) PROMPT('Library')

      /*  The follow parameter is ignored when LOG(*STDIO) is specified.  */
                              SPCVAL((*YES '1') (*NO '0')) EXPR(*YES) +
                              PROMPT('Display FTP transfer log')

    The FTPSNDFILE command can be compiled with the following CL command:


    FTPSNDFILE RPG IV Command Processing Program

    The source code for FTPSNDFILE.RPGLE is listed below. It can be cut/pasted into WDSc or RDi. It's a bit lengthy to cut/paste into SEU, however. Note the original copyright date is 2005 (the year I wrote this command). But I have updated it recently to enable the REPLACE parameter (it now uses APPEND instead of PUT if REPLACE(*NO) is specified) and to convert the entire source member to free format; although, I have to admit, I just used WDSc's "Right-click-Convert Selection to Free-Form" option to do that.

    Unlike the Command Definition, the RPG IV source can be compiled directly with PDM option 14, no prompting necessary, although you may want to prompt to add the DBGVIEW(*SOURCE) parameter. (I still don't understand why DBGVIEW isn't allowed on the Header spec.)

    Other recent updates include the removal of all pre-V5R1 code. Previously, I had used compiler directives /IF DEFINE(*V5R1M0) to verify that you were compiling at V5R1 or later and, if so, I used qualified data structures, and the EXTFILE keyword. If not, I used pre-V5 syntax. Removing this does two things: (1) makes the code easier to read and feels less cluttered, and (2) restricts it to i5/OS version 5 release 1 and later. So if you're a Version 4 shop, you can't use this. Here's the full source code.

         H Copyright('(c) 2005 - Robert Cozzi, Jr.')

          **  FTPSNDFILE - (c) 2005-2008 Robert Cozzi, Jr.
          **  All rights reserved. Used by permission.
          **  Software is provided "as is" for illustrative/example
          **  purposes only. No warranty is expressed or implied and
          **  none is given.
          **  Permission to reference in other software is granted
          **  with the following conditions:
          **  (1) No money is charged or exchanged for this component.
          **  (2) This notice along with the copyright notification is
          **      remains in any distribution of this software.
          **  (3) The right to reproduce this software for publication
          **      purposes is expressly denied. Instead, please reference
          **      the original source code via a URL link.
          **                                                          **
          **  This source is set up to run on OS/400 V5R1 and later.
          **  To Compile this source member, you must first create
          **  a source file name QFTPSRC with a record length
          **  of at least 150 bytes, as follows:
          **    CRTSRCPF  QGPL/QFTPSRC  RCDLEN(150)
          **  USAGE NOTES: This source file receives the FTP scripts
          **               that are generated by the program.

         F                                     EXTFILE(szFTPSRC) EXTMBR(script.Mbr)

          **  Input parameter list.
          **  Although not strictly required, this program is
          **  normally called as the CPP of a command definition.
          **  These parameters are set up for such a call.
         D FtpSndFile      PR
         D  RemoteIP                    128A
         D  LocalFile                          LikeDS(QualObj)
         D  LocalMbr                     10A
         D  RemoteFile                         LikeDS(QualObj)
         D  RemoteMbr                    10A
         D  bReplace                      1N
         D  RemoteUser                   64A
         D  RemotePWD                    64A
         D  TransferMode                 10A
         D  ftpSrcFile                         LikeDS(QualObj)
         D  ftpSrcMbr                    10A
         D  ftplogFile                         LikeDS(QualObj)
         D  ftplogMbr                    10A
         D  bFtpDspLog                    1N

         D FtpSndFile      PI
         D  RemoteIP                    128A
         D  LocalFile                          LikeDS(QualObj)
         D  LocalMbr                     10A
         D  RemoteFile                         LikeDS(QualObj)
         D  RemoteMbr                    10A
         D  bReplace                      1N
         D  RemoteUser                   64A
         D  RemotePWD                    64A
         D  TransferMode                 10A
         D  ftpSrcFile                         LikeDS(QualObj)
         D  ftpSrcMbr                    10A
         D  ftplogFile                         LikeDS(QualObj)
         D  ftplogMbr                    10A
         D  bFtpDspLog                    1N

          **  This /INCLUDEs (or /COPYs) are required.
          **  If you do not have QSYSINC library installed
          **  on your system, the program will not compile.
          **  QSYSINC is a free library from IBM included
          **  with your OS/400 installation.
          **  Also, even though SEU does not recognize /INCLUDE
          **  directives, they will compile on OS/400 V4.5 and later.

          **  Normally, you would call the RPG xTools
          **         http://www.rpgxtools.com/
          **  to remove an unwanted info/diag message.
          **  To keep this routine independent of 3rd-party
          **  software, I call the QMHRMVPM API.
          **  Remove Message from Program Queue API
         D QmhRmvPM        PR                  ExtPgm('QMHRMVPM')
         D CallStackEntry                64A   Const OPTIONS(*VARSIZE)
         D CallStackCount                10I 0 Const
         D MsgKey                         4A   Const
         D MsgToRemove                   10A   Const
         D ApiErrorDS                          LikeDS(QUSEC)

          **  Retrieve member description
         D QRtvMbrD        PR                  ExtPgm('QUSRMBRD')
         D  szRecvBuffer              32766A   Options(*VARSIZE)
         D  nLenRecvBuf                  10I 0 Const
         D  Format                        8A   Const
         D  FileName                     20A   Const
         D  MbrName                      10A   Const
         D  bOvrProc                      1A   Const
         D  apierror                           LikeDS(QUSEC) OPTIONS(*NOPASS)
         D  bFindMbr                      1A   Const         OPTIONS(*NOPASS)

         **  The OS/400 QUSROBJD API is used to get the library
         **  name for an unqualified object. For example:
         **    *LIBL/MYOBJ could be returned with QGPL as the
         **  name of the library containing the object.

         D QRtvObjD        PR                  ExtPgm('QUSROBJD')
         D  rtnData                   32766A   OPTIONS(*VARSIZE)
         D  nRtnDataLen                  10I 0 Const
         D  Format                        8A   Const
         D  QualObj                      20A   Const
         D  ObjType                      10A   Const
         D  apierror                           LikeDS(QUSEC)

          **  The C runtime function is used to run CL commands.
          **  We use it in this program to run FTP "commands".
         D system          PR            10I 0 extProc('system')
         D  szCmd                          *   Value OPTIONS(*STRING)

          **  Normally, the RPG xTools WrtJobLog()
          **  subprocedure is used to write to the joblog.
          **  But we call the OS/400 Unix-API Qp0zLprintF()
          **  to accomplish similar results.
         D Qp0zLprintf     PR            10I 0 extProc('Qp0zLprintf')
         D  szOutputString...
         D                                 *   Value OPTIONS(*STRING)
         D                                 *   Value OPTIONS(*STRING:*NOPASS)
         D                                 *   Value OPTIONS(*STRING:*NOPASS)

          **  JobLog() is a wrapper for the Qp0zLprintf() Unix-API.
         D JobLog          PR
         D  szMsg                      1024A   Const VARYING

          **  If we're using V5.1 or later, then declare the
          **  data structures used by the APIs as Qualified
          **  data structures based on data structure templates.
          **  Otherwise, use the LIKE keyword to create
          **  large field names that are moved back and forth
          **  between the QSYSINC DS and the fields.
         D MbrDesc         DS                  LikeDS(QUSM0100)
         D ObjDesc         DS                  LikeDS(QUSD0100)
         D APIError        DS                  LikeDS(QUSEC)

         D PSDS           SDS
         D  JobName                      10A   Overlay(PSDS:244)
         D  USRPRF                       10A   Overlay(PSDS:254)
         D  JobNbr                        6A   Overlay(PSDS:264)

          **  Defaults and Constants
         D DFTFTPSrc       C                   Const('QTEMP/QFTPSRC')
         D DFTFTPSrcMbr    C                   Const('*')
         D APPEND          C                   Const('APPEND')
         D REPLACE         C                   Const('(Replace')
         D GENERICMBR      C                   Const('GENERIC')

         D szFTPSrc        S             21A   Inz(dftFTPSRC)
         D szFTPLog        S             21A   Inz('QTEMP/QFTPLOG')
         D bNoLog          S              1N   Inz(*OFF)
         D bDspLog         S              1N   Inz(*OFF)
         D bAppend         S              1N   Inz(*OFF)
         D szReplace       S             10A   Varying
         D bGeneric        S              1N   Inz(*OFF)

         D QualObj         DS                  Based(null_T) Qualified
         D  obj                          10A
         D  lib                          10A
         D  object                       10A   Overlay(obj)
         D  file                         10A   Overlay(obj)
         D  name                         10A   Overlay(obj)
         D  program                      10A   Overlay(obj)
         D  library                      10A   Overlay(lib)

         D QualFLM         DS                  Based(null_T) Qualified
         D  file                         10A
         D  lib                          10A
         D  mbr                          10A
         D  name                         10A   Overlay(file)
         D  library                      10A   Overlay(lib)
         D  member                       10A   Overlay(mbr)

          **  Local OS/400 library/file/member name
         D Lcl             DS                  LikeDS(qualFLM)

          **  Remote OS/400 library/file/member name
         D Rmt             DS                  LikeDS(QualFLM)

          **  Remote IP or domain name, user ID and password
          **  (remote_Location)
         D RmtLoc          DS                  Qualified
         D  IP                          128A
         D  User                         64A
         D  PWD                          64A

          **  FTP Script Source file, library and member name.
         D script          DS                  LikeDS(qualFLM)

          **  FTP logging source file, library and member name.
         D Log             DS                  LikeDS(qualFLM)

          **  Transfer mode BINARY | ASCII
         D TFRMode         S             10A   Inz('BINARY')

          **  Long variables to hold CL and FTP command strings.
         D szScriptFile    S            128A   Varying
         D szLogFile       S            128A   Varying
         D szSndFile       S            128A   Varying
         D szRmtFile       S            128A   Varying
         D ovrFTPSrc       S            128A   Varying
         D ovrFTPLog       S            128A   Varying
         D szOvrdbf        S            128A   Varying

          **  ADDPFM is used to add/clear source file
          **  members in the FTP script source file.
         D ADDPFM          S            256A   Varying
         D ftpCmd          S            256A   Varying

          **  8 "digit" date in character format
         D YYMD            S              8A

          **  RPGIV-version of "UDATE"; a true date data-type
          **  initialized to "today" (the system date).
         D today           S               D   Inz(*SYS) DATFMT(*ISO)

          **  Remove "Buffer Overflow" msg when opening Source files
          **  These can be annoying to the end-user.
         D CallStkE        s             32A
         D CallStkCnt      s             10I 0
         D MsgKey          s              4A
         D MsgToRmv        s             10A
         D MsgAPIErr       s                   Inz(*ALLX'00') LIKE(QUSEC)
          **  End Reove "Buffer Overflow" msg

         C                   eval      *INLR = *ON

          //*  NOTE: Parms are expected to be passed in through a
          //*        CL command interface. They are declared on the
          //*        "procedure" interface statements.
           if %Parms >= 1;
             RmtLoc.IP = RemoteIP;

           if %Parms >= 2;
             Lcl.File = LocalFile.File;
             Lcl.Lib  = LocalFile.Lib;

           if %Parms >= 3;
             lcl.Mbr = LocalMbr;

           if %Parms >= 4;
             Rmt.File = RemoteFile.File;
             Rmt.Lib  = RemoteFile.Lib;

           if %Parms >= 5;
             Rmt.Mbr = RemoteMbr;

           //*  Replace(*YES|*NO)
           if %Parms >= 6;
             bAppend = NOT bReplace;

           if %Parms >= 7;
             RmtLoc.User = RemoteUser;

           if %Parms >= 8;
             if %subst(RemotePWD:1:3) = '*US';
               RmtLoc.PWD = RmtLoc.User;
               RmtLoc.PWD = RemotePwd;

           if %Parms >= 9;
             tfrMode = TransferMode;

           //*  Build qualified FTP Script source file and library name
           if %Parms >= 10;
             script.name = ftpsrcfile.name;
             script.lib  = ftpSrcfile.lib;
             szScriptFile = %TrimR(script.Lib)
                 + '/' +

           if %Parms >= 11;
             script.Mbr = ftpSrcMbr;

           //*  FTP log file and library name
           if %Parms >= 12;
             if ftpLogFile.name = *BLANKS
                   or ftpLogFile.name = '*NONE'
                   or ftpLogFile.name = '*STDIO';
               bNoLog = *ON;
               bNoLog = *OFF;
             //*  If FTPLOG(*SRCFILE | *SCRIPT) is specified, then use the same
             //*  file and library name as the script file, otherwise
             //*  use the specific FTPLOGFILE value
             if %subst(ftpLogFile:1:4) = '*SRC' or
                   %subst(ftpLogFile:1:4) = '*SCR';
               Log.name = Script.name;
               Log.lib = Script.lib;
               Log.name = ftpLogFile.name;
               Log.Lib  = ftplogFile.Lib;

             szFTPLog = %TrimR(Log.lib)
                 + '/' +

           if %Parms >= 13 and bNoLog = *OFF;
             Log.Mbr = ftpLogMbr;

           //*  Display FTP log after FTP Send finishes?
           //*  NOTE: DSPLOG(*STDIO) causes the internal FTP
           //*        standard output log to be displayed.
           if %Parms >= 14;
             if bFtpDspLog = *OFF
                   or ftpLogFile.name = '*NONE'
                   or ftpLogFile.name = *BLANKS
                   or ftpLogFile.name = '*STDIO';
               bDspLog = *OFF;
               bDspLog = *ON;

           //*  If no send file member name is specified, use the
           //*  send file's name as the member name.
           if lcl.Mbr = *Blanks or lcl.Mbr = '*FILE';
             lcl.Mbr = lcl.File;

           //*  If the member name is *ALL, *FIRST or *LAST, then
           //*  translate that value to the real member name.
           //*  This is done by calling the QUSRMBRD API.
           if lcl.Mbr = '*ALL';
             lcl.Mbr = '*';
           if lcl.Mbr = '*FIRST'
                 or lcl.Mbr = '*LAST';
             clear MbrDesc;
             clear ApiError;
             ApiError.QUSBPRV = %size(ApiError);
             //*  Get the member description, and hence, the real member name.
             //*  (i.e., convert *LAST or *FIRST into a real member name).
                 'MBRD0100': lcl : lcl.mbr :
                 '0': ApiError);
             //*  Everything go okay?
             //*  then extract the real member name.
             if ApiError.QUSBAVL = 0;
               lcl.Mbr = MbrDesc.QUSMN02;
               //*  If the RTVMBRD failed, use the file name as the member name.
               lcl.Mbr = lcl.File;

           //*  If *LIBL or blanks is used for the library name,
           //*  on the Local File, then use QUSROBJD to find the real
           //*  library name.
           if Lcl.Lib = *Blanks or
                 %subst(Lcl.Lib:1:1) = '*';

             clear ObjDesc;
             clear ApiError;
             ApiError.QUSBPRV = %size(ApiError);

             //*  Call QUSROBJD to get the library name of the file being sent.
             QRtvObjD(ObjDesc : %size(ObjDesc) :
                 'OBJD0100': lcl  : '*FILE':

             if ApiError.QUSBAVL = 0;
               if ObjDesc.QUSRL01 <> *BLANKS;
                 lcl.Lib = %TrimR(ObjDesc.QUSRL01);

           //*  FIX:  Moved RMTFILE(*FROMFILE) logic to after *LIBL translation.

           //*  If TOFILE(*FROMFILE) is specified, copy the file name.
           //*  If the TOFILE's library is blank or *LIBL (expected)
           //*  then also copy the FROMFILE's library name to the
           //*  TOFILE's library name.
           if %subst(Rmt.File:1:5) = '*FROM';
             Rmt.File = Lcl.File;
           //*  NOTE: Can't use *LIBL or *CURLIB for the
           //*        target/remote file's library name.
           if Rmt.Lib = *BLANKS
                 or %subst(Rmt.Lib:1:1) = '*';
             Rmt.Lib = Lcl.Lib;

           //*  If no remote member name is specified, use the file name.
           //*  NOTE: We can't use *FIRST or *LAST for the remote
           //*  file since we can't run QUSRMBRD over that file.
           if Rmt.Mbr = *Blanks
                 or Rmt.Mbr = '*FILE'
                 or Rmt.Mbr = '*RMTFILE';
             Rmt.Mbr = Rmt.File;
             if Rmt.Mbr = '*FROMMBR';
               Rmt.Mbr = Lcl.Mbr;
               if Rmt.Mbr = '*FROMFILE';
                 Rmt.Mbr = Lcl.File;
           //*  FIX:  End-Fix

           //*  Build the FTP string containing the lib/file/mbr to send.

           szSndFile = '/qsys.lib' +
               '/' + %TrimR(lcl.Lib)  + '.lib'  +
               '/' + %TrimR(lcl.File) + '.file' +
               '/' + %TrimR(lcl.Mbr)  + '.mbr';

           //*  Build the remote file name
           //*  If a generic name, such as  AP* or *ALL, such as * is
           //*  passed in, use the generic member name as the local name.
           //*  Then we also have to do a CD (change directory) on the
           //*  remote system to send the generic members.
           if %scan('*':lcl.Mbr) > 0;
             lcl.Mbr = GENERICMBR;
             bGeneric = *ON;
             bGeneric = *OFF;

           if NOT bGeneric;
             //*  Regular member name?
             szRmtFile = '/qsys.lib' +
                 '/' + %TrimR(Rmt.Lib)  + '.lib'  +
                 '/' + %TrimR(Rmt.File) + '.file' +
                 '/' + %TrimR(Rmt.Mbr)  + '.mbr';
             //*  When sending a generic member name, then we use szRmtFile
             //*  as the "current directory" not as the target file/member name.
             //*  Since no member name is needed, only lib/file is specified.
             szRmtFile = '/qsys.lib' +
                 '/' + %TrimR(Rmt.Lib)  + '.lib'  +
                 '/' + %TrimR(Rmt.File) + '.file';

           //*  Translate special member identifiers to the actual mbr name.

           //* Script source member
           if script.mbr = '*FROMMBR';
             script.mbr = Lcl.Mbr;
           //*  Log member
           if Log.Mbr = '*FROMMBR';
             Log.Mbr = Lcl.Mbr;

           //*  If the caller specified SRCMBR(*GEN) then create
           //*  a source member name based on today's date.
           if script.mbr = '*GEN' or script.mbr = *BLANKS;
             //*  The member named is: FSyyyymmdd
             script.mbr = 'FS' + %char(%date():*ISO0);

           //*  If the caller specified LOGMBR(*GEN) then create
           //*  a source member name based on today's date.
           if Log.mbr = '*GEN' or Log.mbr = *BLANKS;
             //*  The member named is: FSyyyymmdd
             log.mbr = 'FL' + %char(%date():*ISO0);

           //*  Attempt to create the source file for the FTP Script.
           //*  If its already there, there's no problem with trying
           //*  to create it again... the (e) on the CALLP will swallow
           //*  the "already exists" error.
           if szFTPSrc = dftFTPSRC;
             callp(e) system('CRTSRCPF ' + szFTPSrc +
                 ' RCDLEN(152)');

           //*  Add, then clear the FTP Script source member
           addPFM = 'ADDPFM FILE(' +
               %TrimR(szFTPSRC) + ') ' +
               'MBR(' +  %TrimR(script.mbr)  + ') ' +
           callp(e) system(AddPFM);
           addPFm = 'CLRPFM FILE(' +
               %TrimR(szFTPSRC) + ') ' +
               'MBR(' +  %TrimR(script.mbr)  + ') ';
           callp(e) system(addPFM);

           //*  Add and/or clear the FTP Log source member, if requested.
           if %subst(log.File:1:1) <> '*'
                 and log.File <> *BLANKS;
             addPFm = 'ADDPFM FILE(' +
                 %TrimR(szFtpLog) + ') ' +
                 'MBR(' +  %TrimR(log.mbr)  + ') ' +
             callp(e) system(addPFM);

             addPFm = 'CLRPFM FILE(' +
                 %TrimR(szFTPLog) + ') ' +
                 'MBR(' +  %TrimR(log.mbr)  + ')';
             callp(e) system(addPFM);

           //*  Open and build the FTP INPUT Script
           Open QFTPSrc;
           if NOT %OPEN(QFTPSRC);
             Joblog('Source file for FTP script +
                 failed to open. FTP cancelled.');
           //*  Remove the "Buffer overflow" message
           clear apiError;
           apiError.QUSBPRV = %size(ApiError);
           QMHRMVPM('*':0:'   ':'*NEW':ApiError);

           //*  User ID & PWD
           if RmtLoc.User = '*CURRENT'
                 or %subst(RmtLoc.User:1:3) = '*US';
             RmtLoc.User = USRPRF;
           //*  If PWD(*USER) is specified, make the PWD
           //*  the same as the user profile.
           if %Subst(RmtLoc.PWD:1:3) = '*US';
             RmtLoc.PWD = RmtLoc.User;

           //*  Send the FTP user ID and password to the remote FTP server.
           srcdta =  %Trim(RmtLoc.User) + ' ' +
           Write FTPSrcRec;

           //*  Change the transfer mode to BINARY or ASCII.
           srcdta = %Trim(TFRMode);
           Write FtpSrcRec;

           //*  Change the Name Format to 1.
           //*  NOTE: This may cause the remote location to send a 501 error,
           //*        but that's okay.
           srcdta = 'NAMEFMT 1';
           Write FtpSrcRec;

           //*  If sending a bunch of members (generic or *ALL) then
           //*  issue the CD (change directory) command on the remote server.
           if bGeneric;
             srcDta = 'CD ' + %TrimR(szRmtFile);
             Write FtpSrcRec;
             //*  Generic/Multi-member MPUT
             srcdta = 'MPUT ' + %TrimR(szSndFile);
             Write FtpSrcRec;

             //*  Sending a Single member? Use the PUT or APPEND command.
             if bAppend;
               srcdta = 'APPEND ' + %TrimR(szSndFile) +
                   ' ' +
               srcdta = 'PUT ' + %TrimR(szSndFile) +
                   ' ' +
             Write FtpSrcRec;

           //*  Say goodbye to the FTP server.
           srcdta = 'QUIT';
           Write FtpSrcRec;
           Close QFTPSrc;

           //*  At this point, the FTP script has been created and should be
           //*  stored in the source file, library and member specified.
           //*  If debugging, use Debug Shift+F9 to open a command-line
           //*  and then use SEU or DSPPFM to view/review the FTP script.

           //*  Prepare the FTP CL command by overriding the FTP input
           //*  to the script that we just created.
           szOvrdbf = 'OVRDBF FILE(INPUT) '   +
               ' TOFILE(' +  %TrimR(szFtpSrc)  + ')' +
               ' MBR(' +  %TrimR(script.mbr)  + ')' +
               ' OVRSCOPE(*JOB) ';
           callp(e) system(szOvrdbf);

           //*  If an FTP log is requested, override the output to
           //*  the FTP log file, library and member.
           //*  NOTE: If LOG(*NONE) is specified, the log is overridden
           //*        to a dummy file in QTEMP that is not displayed.
           //*        This is done so that the STDIO log that is
           //*        normally generated by FTP is not displayed.
           if log.File = '*NONE'  or bNoLog = *ON;
             szOvrdbf = 'OVRDBF FILE(OUTPUT) ' +
                 'TOFILE(QTEMP/QFTPNULL) ' +
                 'MBR(NONE) ' +
                 'OVRSCOPE(*JOB) ';
             callp(e) system(szOvrdbf);
             if %subst(log.File:1:1) <> '*'
                   and  log.File <> *BLANK
                   and bNoLog = *OFF;
               szOvrdbf = 'OVRDBF FILE(OUTPUT) ' +
                   'TOFILE(' +  %TrimR(szFtpLog) + ') ' +
                   'MBR(' +  %TrimR(log.mbr) + ') ' +
                   'OVRSCOPE(*JOB) ';
               callp(e) system(szOvrdbf);

           //*  Evoke FTP to send the file to the remote
           //*  location using the FTP script we just created.
           FtpCmd = 'FTP ' +
               ' + %TRIM(RmtLoc.IP) + ';
           //*  Run the FTP command.
           callp(e) system(FtpCmd);

           //*  Now go back and obscure the remote user's password
           open(e) QFTPSRC;
           if %OPEN(QFTPSRC);
             //*  Remove the "Buffer overflow" message
             clear ApiError;
             apiError.QUSBPRV = %size(ApiError);
             QMHRMVPM('*':0:'   ':'*NEW':ApiError);

             //*  Obscure the remote user's password in the FTP script source member
             if NOT %Error();
               read FTPSRCREC;
               srcdta =  %Trim(RmtLoc.User) + ' ' + '*****';
               update FTPSRCREC;

           //*  Delete the FTP I/O overrides
           callp(e) system(' DLTOVR FILE(INPUT)  LVL(*JOB) ');
           callp(e) system(' DLTOVR FILE(OUTPUT) LVL(*JOB) ');

           //*  If the end-user requested that the FTP log be displayed,
           //*  and an FTP log outfile was specified, then display it
           //*  using DSPPFM. You could change this to the IFS-style DSPF command.
           if %subst(log.File:1:1) <> '*'
                 and  log.File <> *BLANK;
             if NOT bNoLog;
               callp(e) system(' DSPPFM FILE(' + szFtpLog + ')' +
                   ' MBR(' + %trimR(log.mbr) + ')' +
                   ' FROMRCD(*END) ' );


           //*  Write an impromptu message to the joblog        **
         P JobLog          B
         D JobLog          PI
         D  szMsg                      1024A   Const VARYING
                 Qp0zLprintf(szMsg + X'25');
         P JobLog          E

    Help Text via Panel Group

    A few weeks after I wrote this command, user Tom Zamara of DIS Ltd. sent me the following Panel Group and stated that I could use/publish it with FTPSNDFILE. He basically took my parameter descriptions and formatted it with Panel Group tags. These tags are sort of a precursor to HTML but, boy, HTML is sure easier to read. Anyway, the panel group must be compiled and provides cursor-sensitive help when the FTPSNDFILE command is prompted; just like IBM commands! Pretty cool.

    To compile the panel group, use the CRTPNLGRP command or PDM option 14 and take the defaults. Here's the panel group source code (oh, and place it into QPNLSRC after creating it just like any other source file):

    .*  Panel Group:  FTPSNDFILE
    .*  (c) 2005 by R. Cozzi, Jr.
    .*  All rights reserved.
    .*  Panel Group formatting and Formatting Codes provided by:
    .*    Tom Zamara of DIS Ltd.
    .*  Function:
    .*    Used as the help text for command FTPSNDFILE
    .*  Primary help text for the command.
    Send File Using FTP - Help
    The Send File Using FTP (FTPSNDFILE) command allows you to send a single
    database member, a generic set of members, or all members to a remote OS/400
    file. Using this command avoids interactive FTP so users can submit their
    transfers to batch or run them interactively with less complexity.
    Internally, FTPSNDFILE dynamically generates an FTP script and saves the
    FTP results log in source file members in QTEMP or a user-specified location.
    Only the IP address, file name, user profile, and password are required.
    .*  Help text for the command parameters.
    Remote IP or FTP server (RMTSYS) - Help
    :XH3.Remote IP or FTP server (RMTSYS)
    Specify the IP address or domain name of the system that will receive
    the file you are sending.
    Local file (FILE) - Help
    :XH3.Local file (FILE)
    Specify the qualified name of the file that you want to send using FTP.
    A value of *LIBL may be specified for the file's library.
    However, the FTPSNDFILE command's processing program
    will convert *LIBL into the actual library name at runtime.
    It uses the QUSROBJD (Retrieve Object Description) API to accomplish this.
    Local member (MBR) - Help
    :XH3.Local member (MBR)
    Specify the name (generic*, full, or *ALL) of the member(s) you
    want to transfer.
    The following special values are also supported:
    :dd.The first member in the local file is transferred.
    This value must be specified when a generic local member name or
    when *ALL is specified for the local member name (MBR) parameter.
    :dd.The last member in the local file is transferred.
    :dd.The member whose name is the same as the local file name is
    :dd.All members in the local file are transferred.
    When *ALL is specified, the FTP command MPUT (multiple-PUT) is used
    instead of PUT. When *ALL is specified, the REPLACE parameter is ignored.
    Any existing members in the remote file whose names match that of a
    member in the local file are replaced with the new data, (i.e.,
    REPLACE(*YES) is implied.)
    :dd.All members beginning with the Mmmm pattern are transferred.
    At least one character followed by an asterisk (*) must be specified
    to be considered a valid generic member name.
    Example:  AP*    All members beginning with the letters 'AP' are
    Remote file (TOFILE) - Help
    :XH3.Remote file (TOFILE)
    Specify the name of the file that receives the data from the local file.
    The file should already exist on the remote system so that the external
    definition is preserved. If the file does not exist, the FTP server will
    create the file for you, but you won't like the results as it will be a
    so called "flat file" (i.e., no external description will be associated
    with the new file). If it already exists, this issue does not apply.
    Remote member (TOMBR) - Help
    :XH3.Remote member (TOMBR)
    Specify the name of the member into which the data is stored.
    You may specify either a member name or one of the following special
    :dd.Use this when the remote member name should be the same as the
    local member name as specified on the MBR parameter.
    *FROMMBR must be specified when a generic name or *ALL
    is specified on the local member name (MBR) parameter.
    :dd.The member name is the same as the remote file name specified
    on the TOFILE parameter.
    Replace data on remote system (REPLACE) - Help
    :XH3.Replace data on remote system (REPLACE)
    Replace remote member's data. This parameter controls
    whether data is added or replaced in the remote member.
    :dd.The data in the remote member is replaced with the FTP'd data.
    If the remote member does not exist, it is added to the remote file.
    If FROMMBR(*ALL) is specified, this parameter is ignored and
    REPLACE(*YES) is "forced".
    Internally, the FTP PUT command is used to send the member
    when REPLACE(*YES) is specified, unless FROMMBR(*ALL) is also
    specified, in which case MPUT is used to send the member(s).
    :dd.The data is added to any existing remote file member. If the
    member does not exist, it is added to the file.
    Internally, the FTP APPEND command is used to send the member.
    If FROMMBR(*ALL) is specified, REPLACE(*NO) is ignored and
    REPLACE(*YES) is "forced".
    Remote FTP User ID (USER) - Help
    :XH3.Remote FTP User ID (USER)
    Specify the user profile name for the remote system.
    This user profile is used to sign on to the remote FTP server.
    You must also specify a password for this user program on
    the PWD parameter.
    Remote FTP Password (PWD) - Help
    :XH3.Remote FTP Password (PWD)
    Specify the password for the remote user. Note that this parameter's value
    is not recorded in the joblog and must be entered each time you run the
    FTPSNDFILE command from Command Entry.
    From within a CL program, the password may be stored in a CL variable
    and passed on this parameter.
    The following special value may also be specified:
    :dd.The user profile specified on the USER parameter is also
    the password. This is only useful when the user ID and password
    are identical. Some installations create special FTP User IDs
    with the User Profile and passwords being the same, but this is
    not recommended.
    Transfer mode (MODE) - Help
    :XH3.Transfer mode (MODE)
    Specify the kind of transfer to be performed. The valid choices are as
    :dd.The transfer mode is IMAGE/BINARY.
    This is recommended for iSeries objects such as database files.
    :dd.The transfer mode is plain ASCII text. This transfer mode
    is valid for non-database files, such as source file members,
    but typically doesn't add value for iSeries to iSeries transfers.
    Source file that receives FTP script (SRCFILE) - Help
    :XH3.Source file that receives generated FTP script (SRCFILE)
    The name of the source file that receives the generated FTP script.
    This source file should be as long as possible but at least 152 bytes
    in length (140 bytes for the source line and the usual 12 bytes for the
    source sequence and change-date area).
    :P.If this source file does not exist, it will be created with a record
    length of 152 bytes. The default source file name is as follows:
    :dd.The file QFTPSRC in QTEMP is used as the FTP script source file.
    :P.The default library name is QTEMP.
    Script source member (SRCMBR) - Help
    :XH3.Script source member (SRCMBR)
    :P.The FTP script source member name.
    This is the name of the member into which the FTP script is generated.
    Specify any valid source member name, *FROMMBR, or *GEN. If the member
    exists, it is cleared; if it does not exist, it is added.
    The two special values for this parameter are as follows:
    :DD.The name specified on the MBR parameter is used as the member name for
    the FTP script. This member is added to the source file specified on
    the SRCFILE parameter.
    :dd.A member name using the following pattern is automatically generated:
    FSyyyymmdd, where FS is a constant, and YYYYMMDD is today's system
    date in YMD format.
    FTP log file (LOG) - Help
    :XH3.FTP log file (LOG)
    :P.FTP run log file. Specify the name of a source file that
    will receive the log from the FTP session. Optionally,
    specify that the messages are to be delivered as they normally are, via
    the STDOUT (standard output) device.
    Unlike the SRCFILE parameter, the file specified on the LOG parameter
    must exist because the FTPSNDFILE command will not create it.
    You may, however, use the same file name as the SRCFILE parameter,
    in which case the file is created due to its being
    specified on the SRCFILE parameter.
    This parameter has the following special values:
    :dd.Indicates that the FTP log is written to the standard output
    device, which scrolls up the 5250 screen, similar to an old teletype interface.
    :dd.Same as *STDOUT.
    :dd.The source file and library name specified on the SRCFILE parameter
    are used as FTP LOG file.
    :dd.No FTP log is maintained.
    Log member (LOGMBR) - Help
    :XH3.Log member (LOGMBR)
    The member name where the FTP log is saved.
    The following special value is also supported:
    :dd.The name of the member specified on the MBR parameter is used
    as the FTP log file member name.
    :dd.The name of the member specified on the SRCMBR parameter is used
    as the FTP log file member name. *SRCMBR may also be specified.
    Display FTP transfer log (DSPLOG) - Help
    :XH3.Display FTP transfer log (DSPLOG)
    Display the FTP log. If *YES is specified, the FTP log
    is displayed when the FTP transfer completes; if *NO, the FTP log is
    not displayed.

  • 相关阅读:
    Microsoft JScript 运行时错误: “”未定义
  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/mshwu/p/1271745.html
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