• 创建 IConvolutionLayer 之后记得设置步长和零填充

    error as follows:

    [06/17/2021-11:30:13] [E] [TRT] (Unnamed Layer* 88) [ElementWise]: elementwise inputs must have same dimensions or follow broadcast rules (input dimensions were [256,56,56] and [256,54,54]).


    Forgot to set stride and padding after IConvolutionLayer creation. The default stride(0,0) and padding(1,1) of IConvolutionLayer can be found in 'NvInfer.h':

        TRT_DEPRECATED virtual DimsHW getStride() const TRTNOEXCEPT = 0;
        //! rief Set the padding of the convolution.
        //! The input will be zero-padded by this number of elements in the height and width directions.
        //! Padding is symmetric.
        //! Default: (0,0)
        TRT_DEPRECATED virtual DimsHW getPadding() const TRTNOEXCEPT = 0;
        //! rief Set the number of groups for a convolution.
        //! The input tensor channels are  divided into p nbGroups groups, and a convolution is executed for each group,
        //! using a filter per group. The results of the group convolutions are concatenated to form the output.
    ote When using groups in int8 mode, the size of the groups (i.e. the channel count divided by the group
        //! count) must be a multiple of 4 for both input and output.
        //! Default: 1

    Solution: set stride and padding

        IConvolutionLayer* cmap_att = network->addConvolutionNd(*cmap_up_3->getOutput(0), 256, DimsHW{3,3}, weightMap["1.cmap_att.weight"], weightMap["1.cmap_att.bias"]);

    Others: how to show output dimension of each layer when defining Network in TensorRT using C++ API

        std::cout << "cmap_up_3_dimMAX:" << cmap_up_3->getOutput(0)->getDimensions().nbDims << std::endl; // 3
        std::cout << "cmap_up_3_dim0:" << cmap_up_3->getOutput(0)->getDimensions().d[0] << std::endl;
        std::cout << "cmap_up_3_dim1:" << cmap_up_3->getOutput(0)->getDimensions().d[1] << std::endl;
        std::cout << "cmap_up_3_dim2:" << cmap_up_3->getOutput(0)->getDimensions().d[2] << std::endl;
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/mrlonely2018/p/14892795.html
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