• 【17】AngularJS Bootstrap

    AngularJS Bootstrap

    AngularJS 的首选样式表是 Twitter Bootstrap, Twitter Bootstrap 是目前最受欢迎的前端框架。



    你可以在你的 AngularJS 应用中加入 Twitter Bootstrap,你可以在你的 <head>元素中添加如下代码:


    1. <link rel="stylesheet" href="//maxcdn.bootstrapcdn.com/bootstrap/3.2.0/css/bootstrap.min.css">



    1. <link rel="stylesheet" href="//apps.bdimg.com/libs/bootstrap/3.2.0/css/bootstrap.min.css">

    以下是一个完整的 HTML 实例, 使用了 AngularJS 指令和 Bootstrap 类。


    HTML 代码

    1. <!DOCTYPE html>
    2. <html>
    3. <link rel="stylesheet" href="http://apps.bdimg.com/libs/bootstrap/3.2.0/css/bootstrap.min.css">
    4. <script src="http://apps.bdimg.com/libs/angular.js/1.3.9/angular.min.js"></script>
    5. <body ng-app="myApp" ng-controller="userCtrl">
    6. <div class="container">
    7. <h3>Users</h3>
    8. <table class="table table-striped">
    9. <thead><tr>
    10. <th>Edit</th>
    11. <th>FirstName</th>
    12. <th>LastName</th>
    13. </tr></thead>
    14. <tbody><tr ng-repeat="user in users">
    15. <td>
    16. <button class="btn" ng-click="editUser(user.id)">
    17. <span class="glyphicon glyphicon-pencil"></span>&nbsp;&nbsp;Edit
    18. </button>
    19. </td>
    20. <td>{{ user.fName }}</td>
    21. <td>{{ user.lName }}</td>
    22. </tr></tbody>
    23. </table>
    24. <hr>
    25. <button class="btn btn-success" ng-click="editUser('new')">
    26. <span class="glyphicon glyphicon-user"></span>CreateNewUser
    27. </button>
    28. <hr>
    29. <h3 ng-show="edit">CreateNewUser:</h3>
    30. <h3 ng-hide="edit">EditUser:</h3>
    31. <form class="form-horizontal">
    32. <div class="form-group">
    33. <label class="col-sm-2 control-label">FirstName:</label>
    34. <div class="col-sm-10">
    35. <input type="text" ng-model="fName" ng-disabled="!edit" placeholder="First Name">
    36. </div>
    37. </div>
    38. <div class="form-group">
    39. <label class="col-sm-2 control-label">LastName:</label>
    40. <div class="col-sm-10">
    41. <input type="text" ng-model="lName" ng-disabled="!edit" placeholder="Last Name">
    42. </div>
    43. </div>
    44. <div class="form-group">
    45. <label class="col-sm-2 control-label">Password:</label>
    46. <div class="col-sm-10">
    47. <input type="password" ng-model="passw1" placeholder="Password">
    48. </div>
    49. </div>
    50. <div class="form-group">
    51. <label class="col-sm-2 control-label">Repeat:</label>
    52. <div class="col-sm-10">
    53. <input type="password" ng-model="passw2" placeholder="Repeat Password">
    54. </div>
    55. </div>
    56. </form>
    57. <hr>
    58. <button class="btn btn-success" ng-disabled="error || incomplete">
    59. <span class="glyphicon glyphicon-save"></span>SaveChanges
    60. </button>
    61. </div>
    62. <script src ="myUsers.js"></script>
    63. </body>
    64. </html>



    AngularJS 指令描述
    <html ng-app 为 <html> 元素定义一个应用(未命名)
    <body ng-controller 为 <body> 元素定义一个控制器
    <tr ng-repeat 循环 users 对象数组,每个 user 对象放在 <tr> 元素中。
    <button ng-click 当点击 <button> 元素时调用函数 editUser()
    <h3 ng-show 如果 edit = true 显示 <h3> 元素
    <h3 ng-hide 如果 edit = true 隐藏 <h3> 元素
    <input ng-model 为应用程序绑定 <input> 元素
    <button ng-disabled 如果发生错误或者 ncomplete = true 禁用 <button> 元素


    Bootstrap 类解析

    元素Bootstrap 类定义
    <div> container 内容容器
    <table> table 表格
    <table> table-striped 带条纹背景的表格
    <button> btn 按钮
    <button> btn-success 成功按钮
    <span> glyphicon 字形图标
    <span> glyphicon-pencil 铅笔图标
    <span> glyphicon-user 用户图标
    <span> glyphicon-save 保存图标
    <form> form-horizontal 水平表格
    <div> form-group 表单组
    <label> control-label 控制器标签
    <label> col-sm-2 跨越 2 列
    <div> col-sm-10 跨越 10 列


    JavaScript 代码


    1. angular.module('myApp',[]).controller('userCtrl',function($scope){
    2. $scope.fName ='';
    3. $scope.lName ='';
    4. $scope.passw1 ='';
    5. $scope.passw2 ='';
    6. $scope.users =[
    7. {id:1, fName:'Hege', lName:"Pege"},
    8. {id:2, fName:'Kim', lName:"Pim"},
    9. {id:3, fName:'Sal', lName:"Smith"},
    10. {id:4, fName:'Jack', lName:"Jones"},
    11. {id:5, fName:'John', lName:"Doe"},
    12. {id:6, fName:'Peter',lName:"Pan"}
    13. ];
    14. $scope.edit =true;
    15. $scope.error =false;
    16. $scope.incomplete =false;
    17. $scope.editUser =function(id){
    18. if(id =='new'){
    19. $scope.edit =true;
    20. $scope.incomplete =true;
    21. $scope.fName ='';
    22. $scope.lName ='';
    23. }else{
    24. $scope.edit =false;
    25. $scope.fName = $scope.users[id-1].fName;
    26. $scope.lName = $scope.users[id-1].lName;
    27. }
    28. };
    29. $scope.$watch('passw1',function(){$scope.test();});
    30. $scope.$watch('passw2',function(){$scope.test();});
    31. $scope.$watch('fName',function(){$scope.test();});
    32. $scope.$watch('lName',function(){$scope.test();});
    33. $scope.test =function(){
    34. if($scope.passw1 !== $scope.passw2){
    35. $scope.error =true;
    36. }else{
    37. $scope.error =false;
    38. }
    39. $scope.incomplete =false;
    40. if($scope.edit &&(!$scope.fName.length ||
    41. !$scope.lName.length ||
    42. !$scope.passw1.length ||!$scope.passw2.length)){
    43. $scope.incomplete =true;
    44. }
    45. };
    46. });

    JavaScript 代码解析

    Scope 属性用途
    $scope.fName 模型变量 (用户名)
    $scope.lName 模型变量 (用户姓)
    $scope.passw1 模型变量 (用户密码 1)
    $scope.passw2 模型变量 (用户密码 2)
    $scope.users 模型变量 (用户的数组)
    $scope.edit 当用户点击创建用户时设置为true。
    $scope.error 如果 passw1 不等于 passw2 设置为 true
    $scope.incomplete 如果每个字段都为空(length = 0)设置为 true
    $scope.editUser 设置模型变量
    $scope.watch 监控模型变量
    $scope.test 验证模型变量的错误和完整性



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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/moyuling/p/5207367.html
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