• Flex 打印DataGrid内容

    <?xml version="1.0"?>
    <!-- Custom control to print the DataGrid control on multiple pages. -->

    <mx:VBox xmlns:mx="http://www.adobe.com/2006/mxml" xmlns="*" backgroundColor="#FFFFFF"
    ="50" paddingBottom="50" paddingLeft="50" paddingRight="50" height="168" 

                import mx.core.*
                import mx.collections.ArrayCollection;
                public var pageNumber:Number = 1;
                public var prodTotal:Number = 0;

                import mx.printing.*;
                public static  var footerHeight:Number = 20;
                public static var prodIndex:Number;
                public static var prodTotal:Number = 0;

                public static function doPrint(datap:Object):void {
                    var printJob:FlexPrintJob = new FlexPrintJob();
                    if (printJob.start()) {                   
                        var thePrintView:FormPrintView = new FormPrintView();
                        thePrintView.prodTotal = (datap as ArrayCollection).length; 
                        thePrintView.printDataGrid.dataProvider = datap;     //设置数据v               
                                if(!thePrintView.printDataGrid.validNextPage) {
                public function showPage(pageType:String):void {
                    if(pageType == "first" || pageType == "middle") {
                        footer.visible = false;
                    if(pageType == "middle" || pageType == "last") {
                        header.visible = false;
                    if(pageType == "last") {
                        // Show the footer.
                        footer.visible = true;
                    //Update the DataGrid layout to reflect the results.

    <!-- The template for the printed page, with the contents for all pages. -->
    <mx:VBox width="100%" horizontalAlign="left">
    <mx:Label text="第 {pageNumber}页" color="#9e9e9e"/>
    <mx:Label id="header" text="通道申请名录" fontWeight="bold" fontSize="20" textAlign="center" width="100%"/>
    <mx:HRule width="100%" height="1" strokeColor="#000000"/>
    <mx:PrintDataGrid id="printDataGrid" width="100%" height="100%">
    <mx:DataGridColumn dataField="姓名" width="150"/>
    <mx:DataGridColumn dataField="性别" width="40"/>
    <mx:DataGridColumn dataField="学号" width="80"/>
    <mx:DataGridColumn dataField="准考证号" width="90"/>
    <mx:DataGridColumn dataField="生源地" width="60"/>
    <mx:DataGridColumn dataField="身份" width="75"/>
    <mx:DataGridColumn dataField="户口" width="75"/>
    <mx:DataGridColumn dataField="部门" width="100"/>
    <mx:DataGridColumn dataField="财务处是否办理" headerText="是否办理"/>
    <mx:VBox width="100%" horizontalAlign="left" id="footer" >
    <mx:Spacer height="100%"/>
    <mx:HRule width="100%" height="1" strokeColor="#000000"/>
    <mx:Label text="总人数:{prodTotal}"/>


    <mx:Button label="打印" click="{FormPrintView.doPrint(this.myDataGrid.dataProvider)}"/>

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