• 解决jenkins产生的日志过大以及一些衍生问题

            question:      [DNSQuestion@1138295053 type: TYPE_IGNORE index 0, class: CLASS_UNKNOWN index 0, name: ]
            question:      [DNSQuestion@815573059 type: TYPE_IGNORE index 0, class: CLASS_UNKNOWN index 0, name: ]
            question:      [DNSQuestion@41696207 type: TYPE_IGNORE index 0, class: CLASS_UNKNOWN index 0, name: ]
            question:      [DNSQuestion@2028905592 type: TYPE_IGNORE index 0, class: CLASS_UNKNOWN index 0, name: ]
            question:      [DNSQuestion@1941181185 type: TYPE_IGNORE index 0, class: CLASS_UNKNOWN index 0, name: ]
            question:      [DNSQuestion@641688452 type: TYPE_IGNORE index 0, class: CLASS_UNKNOWN index 0, name: ]
            question:      [DNSQuestion@1165924047 type: TYPE_IGNORE index 0, class: CLASS_UNKNOWN index 0, name: ]
            question:      [DNSQuestion@1220425596 type: TYPE_IGNORE index 0, class: CLASS_UNKNOWN index 0, name: ]
            question:      [DNSQuestion@465635697 type: TYPE_IGNORE index 0, class: CLASS_UNKNOWN index 0, name: ]
            question:      [DNSQuestion@1186949838 type: TYPE_IGNORE index 0, class: CLASS_UNKNOWN index 0, name: ]
            question:      [DNSQuestion@2009482296 type: TYPE_IGNORE index 0, class: CLASS_UNKNOWN index 0, name: ]
            question:      [DNSQuestion@1316653163 type: TYPE_IGNORE index 0, class: CLASS_UNKNOWN index 0, name: ]
            question:      [DNSQuestion@1575193172 type: TYPE_IGNORE index 0, class: CLASS_UNKNOWN index 0, name: ]
            question:      [DNSQuestion@1622635068 type: TYPE_IGNORE index 0, class: CLASS_UNKNOWN index 0, name: ]
            question:      [DNSQuestion@630525334 type: TYPE_IGNORE index 0, class: CLASS_UNKNOWN index 0, name: ]
    当linux打开一个文件的时候,Linux内核会为每个进程在/proc/ 『/proc/nnnn/fd/文件夹(nnnn为pid)』建立一个以其pid为名的文件夹用来保存进程的相关信息,而其子文件夹fd保存的是该进程打开的全部文件的fd(fd:file descriptor)。


    1. 通过系统服务安装并启动:service jenkins start/stop/restart,此时就可以通过命令来停止;
    2. 将war包部署至tomcat中,此时stop tomcat服务器就可以了。

    You can use the Logfilesizechecker Plugin:

    This plugin monitors the size of the output file of a build and aborts the build if the log file gets too big.

    Or, if this has also an impact on the runtime, the Build-timeout Plugin:

    This plugin allows you to automatically abort a build if it's taking too long. Once the timeout is reached, Jenkins behaves as if an invisible hand has clicked the "abort build" button.

    This seems to be due to DNS multicast as explained here: https://issues.jenkins-ci.org/browse/JENKINS-25369
    Workaround: add -Dhudson.DNSMultiCast.disabled=true to JAVA_ARGS.
    PS: I'm answering my own question here on Stack Overflow because I couldn't find the answer on Google easily, and it will be useful to other people running Jenkins.
    如果不设置BUILD_ID,则jenkins在结束自己的脚本执行时会将创建的所有subprocess kill掉,BUILD_ID是Jenkins的一个环境变量,如果不随便改成一个值,那么由于startup.sh是fork一个进程执行的,Jenkins执行完所有脚本就会退出,带着subprocess一起死掉,具体的解释原因详见:
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/mmaa/p/5789878.html
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