• Phabricator API Go 创建task/提交文件到Phabricator

    Go Phabricator API 代码/程序创建task/提交文件到Phabricator

    Creat Task or upload file to phabricator with code in go

    之前写一个服务往phabricator 上提交task,上传文件;当时查了好久,发现官方文档很不明确,而网上又几乎没有资料,所以把最终写的整理一下给需要的做一个参考。
    Several days ago,I have writing a service to submit tasks or upload files to the phabricator.At that time , search for a long time, found that the official document is not very clear, and almost no information on the Internet, so share something about this.

    upload file/image or other info to phabricator by program in Go

    最终是要在phabricator上提交一个task,func3,通过调用调用func1,上传一个file,通过func2,获取这个file的id。在func3中创建task的时候,可以通过“F【 + id】”的格式引用这个文件或者图片。
    The final target is to submit a task to the phabricator. Func3, by calling func1 upload a file, through func2, get the id of this file. In the func3 create a task, you can use "F [+ id]" format to quoted the file(or picture).


    upload file

    注意 phabricator接收base64数据,而且不要开头的格式声明部分,即只要“,”后边的。
    Pay attention,phabricator receive a data of base64 format,and deny the chars befor ",".

    //1,文件上传:file.upload ,拿回来phid;在task里可以通过phid引用。
    //1,upload file. api:file.upload. Get back the phid of this file which can be quoted in a task page。
    func UploadFile(imageBase64List [imageMaxNum]string) ([]string, error) {
    	phidList := make([]string, 0)
    	urlStr := "https://ph.com/api/file.upload"
    	for _, imageBase64 := range imageBase64List {
    		if imageBase64 == "" {
    		//Get chars after ","
    		imageData := strings.Split(imageBase64, ",")
    		if len(imageData) != 2 || !utils.JudgeBase64(imageData[1]) {
    			return phidList, errors.New("图片数据格式错误")
    		form := url.Values{}
    		form.Add("data_base64", imageData[1])
    		req, _ := http.NewRequest("POST", urlStr, bytes.NewBufferString(form.Encode()))
    		q := req.URL.Query()
    		q.Set("api.token", common.Config.ApiToken)
    		req.URL.RawQuery = q.Encode()
    		req.Header.Add("content-type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded")
    		resp, err := http.DefaultClient.Do(req)
    		if err != nil {
    			return phidList, err
    		defer resp.Body.Close()
    		body, err := ioutil.ReadAll(resp.Body)
    		if err != nil {
    			return phidList, err
    		//Unmarshal body and add to slice
    		var uploadResp UploadFileResp
    		if err := json.Unmarshal(body, &uploadResp); err != nil {
    			err := errors.New("文件上传时发生未知错误:" + err.Error())
    			return phidList, err
    		phidList = append(phidList, uploadResp.Result)
    	return phidList, nil


    get the id of file by phid

    //	2,获取文件/图片id:file.info 拿回来一个file id
    //  2,get the id of file/image though file.info .
    func getImageId(phidList []string) (imageIdlist []string, err error) {
    	imageIdList := make([]string, 0)
    	urlStr := "https://ph.com/api/file.info"
    	for _, phid := range phidList {
    		if phid == "" {
    		form := url.Values{}
    		form.Add("phid", phid)
    		req, _ := http.NewRequest("POST", urlStr, bytes.NewBufferString(form.Encode()))
    		req.Header.Add("content-type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded")
    		q := req.URL.Query()
    		q.Set("api.token", common.Config.ApiToken)
    		req.URL.RawQuery = q.Encode()
    		resp, err := http.DefaultClient.Do(req)
    		if err != nil {
    			return imageIdList, err
    		defer resp.Body.Close()
    		body, err := ioutil.ReadAll(resp.Body)
    		if err != nil {
    			return imageIdList, err
    		var findImageResp FindImageIdResp
    		if err := json.Unmarshal(body, &findImageResp); err != nil {
    			err := errors.New("获取文件信息时发生未知错误" + err.Error())
    			return imageIdList, err
    		imageIdList = append(imageIdList, findImageResp.Result.ObjectName)
    	return imageIdList, nil


    entrance func

    conduit api 测试页面参数示例
    conduit pages api test parameters example

        [ 	{ 		"type":"title", 		"value":"Test API in conduit" 	}, 
    	{		"type":"view",			"value":"users"	},
    	{		"type":"projects.add",			"value":["bug_管理","生 产环境"]		},	
    	{ 		"type":"description", 		"value":"Nothing , need not to be concerned. " 	},
    	{		"type":"priority",		"value":"low"},
    	{		"type":"custom.mq.customer_id_and_name","value":"coustomId and name"}

    Get parameters ,call func1、func2,submit a task at last。

    // 3,接收bug信息,上传文件/图片,获取文件id,提交bug信息,返回提示信息。
    // 3,receive the infomation from pages,get the id of file/image ,submit info and sendback tips.
    func ReceiptBugInfo(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
    	var reqInfo ReceiptBugInfoRequest
    	if err := utils.BindJSON(r, &reqInfo); err != nil {
    		render.BindError(w, r, err)
    	desc := reqInfo.Desc + "
    终端信息:" + reqInfo.EndPointInfo + "
    bug提交位置参考路径:" + reqInfo.BugPageUrl
    	customIdAndName := "用户名:" + reqInfo.CustomerName + "    用户ID:" + reqInfo.CustomerId + "    租户ID" + reqInfo.TenantId
    	desc += "
    " + customIdAndName + "
    	if reqInfo.ImagesData[0] != "" {
    		phidList, err := UploadFile(reqInfo.ImagesData)
    		if err != nil {
    			render.InternalError(w, r, err)
    		imageIdSlice, err := getImageId(phidList)
    		if err != nil {
    			render.InternalError(w, r, err)
    		for _, images := range imageIdSlice {
    			if images == "" {
    			desc += "
    {" + images + "}"
    	urlStr := "https://ph.com/api/maniphest.edit"
    	form := url.Values{}
    	form.Add("transactions[0][type]", "title")
    	form.Add("transactions[0][value]", reqInfo.Title)
    	form.Add("transactions[1][type]", "description")
    	form.Add("transactions[1][value]", desc)
    	form.Add("transactions[2][type]", "priority")
    	form.Add("transactions[2][value]", reqInfo.Priority)
    	form.Add("transactions[3][type]", "projects.add")
    	form.Add("transactions[3][value][0]", "bug_管理")
    	form.Add("transactions[3][value][1]", "生产环境")
    	form.Add("transactions[4][type]", "space")
    	form.Add("transactions[4][value]", "PHID-SPCE-cnulhg6i3r4m5evgb4wc")
    	req, _ := http.NewRequest("POST", urlStr, bytes.NewBufferString(form.Encode()))
    	req.Header.Add("content-type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded")
    	q := req.URL.Query()
    	q.Set("api.token", common.Config.ApiToken)
    	req.URL.RawQuery = q.Encode()
    	resp, err := http.DefaultClient.Do(req)
    	if err != nil {
    		render.InternalNetError(w, r, err)
    	defer resp.Body.Close()
    	//Unmarshal body,if error is not nil,panic.else upload file/image.
    	body, err := ioutil.ReadAll(resp.Body)
    	if err != nil {
    		render.InternalError(w, r, err)
    	var bugInfoResp BugInfoUploadResp
    	if err := json.Unmarshal(body, &bugInfoResp); err != nil {
    		error := errors.New("解析反馈信息时发生未知错误" + err.Error())
    		render.InternalError(w, r, error)
    	if bugInfoResp.ErrorCode != "" {
    		err := errors.New("提交信息时发生未知错误" + bugInfoResp.ErrorInfo)
    		render.InternalError(w, r, err)
    	render.Success(w, r)


    definition struct as below

    type BugInfoUploadResp struct {
    	Result    BugRespResult `json:"result" binding:"omitempty`
    	ErrorCode string        `json:"error_code" binding:"omitempty`
    	ErrorInfo string        `json:"error_info" binding:"omitempty`
    type BugRespResult struct {
    	Object       BugRespObject `json:"object" binding:"omitempty`
    	Transactions Phids         `json:"transactions" binding:"omitempty`
    type BugRespObject struct {
    	Id   int    `json:"id" binding:"omitempty`
    	Phid string `json:"phid" binding:"omitempty`
    type Phids []Phid
    type Phid struct {
    	Phid string `json:"phid" binding:"omitempty`
    type UploadFileResp struct {
    	Result    string `json:"result" binding:"omitempty`
    	ErrorCode string `json:"error_code" binding:"omitempty`
    	ErrorInfo string `json:"error_info" binding:"omitempty`
    type FindImageIdResp struct {
    	Result    ImgIdRespInfo `json:"result" binding:"omitempty`
    	ErrorCode string        `json:"error_code" binding:"omitempty`
    	ErrorInfo string        `json:"error_info" binding:"omitempty`
    type ImgIdRespInfo struct {
    	Id           string `json:"id" binding:"omitempty"`
    	Phid         string `json:"phid" binding:"omitempty"`
    	ObjectName   string `json:"objectName" binding:"omitempty"`
    	Name         string `json:"name" binding:"omitempty"`
    	MimeType     string `json:"mimeType" binding:"omitempty"`
    	ByteSize     string `json:"byteSize" binding:"omitempty"`
    	AuthorPHID   string `json:"authorPHID" binding:"omitempty"`
    	DateCreated  string `json:"dateCreated" binding:"omitempty"`
    	DateModified string `json:"dateModified" binding:"omitempty"`
    	Uri          string `json:"uri" binding:"omitempty"`
    type ReceiptBugInfoRequest struct {
    	TenantId     string    `json:"tenantId" binding:"required"`
    	CustomerName string    `json:"customerName" binding:"required"`
    	CustomerId   string    `json:"customerId" binding:"required"`
    	Desc         string    `json:"desc" binding:"required"`
    	Title        string    `json:"title" binding:"required"`
    	Priority     string    `json:"priority" binding:"required"`
    	EndPointInfo string    `json:"endPointInfo" binding:"required"`
    	BugPageUrl   string    `json:"bugPageUrl" binding:"omitempty`
    	ImagesData   ImageList `json:"imageData" binding:"omitempty"`
    type ImageList [imageMaxNum]string
    //feedback,the max number of image
    const imageMaxNum = 10


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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/mingbai/p/GoPhabricator.html
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