go to directory of Django in command line,such as G:\Documents and Setting\rss2008
type:python setup.py install
this command will create folder named django in G:\python25\Lib\site-packages\ and file
named django-admin.py in G:\python25\Scripts\
Next step is to start a project named mysite and run django server:
first: setup the file path of django-admin.py as system path,
second: Go into directory you want to begin a project,such as G:\Documents and
Setting\rss2008\,type command: django-admin.py startproject mysite,
a project named mysite will be produced.
third: enter into mysite directory and type command:python manage.py runserver
you can browser in
for more details,refer to django book's chapter two
启动DJANGO SERVER,将光标定位在mysite的文件夹,如
G:\Documents and Settings\rss2008\mysite>键入:python manage.py runserver
在浏览器中,输入: 访问。