• 存储过程表的循环


    以下以SQL Server 2000中的NorthWind数据库中的Customers表为例,

    用 临时表 + While循环 的方法, 对Customers表中的CompanyName列进行遍历

    create table #temp


      id int identity(1,1),

      customer nvarchar(50)


    declare @customer nvarchar(50)

    declare @n        int

    declare @rows     int

    select @n=1

    insert #temp(customer) select distinct companyname from customers

    select @rows = @@rowcount


    while @n <= @rows


    select @customer = companyname

    from customers

         where companyname=(select customer from #temp where id = @n)

    order by companyname desc




    select @n = @n + 1



    运行后, 输出结果如下:

    (所影响的行数为 91 行)


    Alfreds Futterkiste

    Ana Trujillo Emparedados y helados

    Antonio Moreno Taquería

    Around the Horn

    Berglunds snabbk?p

    Blauer See Delikatessen

    Blondesddsl père et fils

    Bólido Comidas preparadas

    Bon app'

    Bottom-Dollar Markets

    B's Beverages

    Cactus Comidas para llevar

    Centro comercial Moctezuma

    Chop-suey Chinese

    Comércio Mineiro

    Consolidated Holdings

    Die Wandernde Kuh

    Drachenblut Delikatessen

    Du monde entier

    Eastern Connection

    Ernst Handel

    Familia Arquibaldo

    FISSA Fabrica Inter. Salchichas S.A.

    Folies gourmandes

    Folk och f? HB

    France restauration

    Franchi S.p.A.


    Furia Bacalhau e Frutos do Mar

    Galería del gastrónomo

    Godos Cocina Típica

    Gourmet Lanchonetes

    Great Lakes Food Market


    ...... (以下略) ..................................



    SQL查询遍历数据方法二 [ 游标 + While循环] 以下以SQL Server 2000中的NorthWind数据库中的Customers表为例,


    用  游标(Cursor) + While循环 的方法, 对Customers表中的CompanyName列进行遍历



    declare @customer nvarchar(50)



    declare pcurr cursor for

    select distinct companyname from customers


    open pcurr

    fetch next from pcurr into @customer



    while (@@fetch_status = 0)




     print (@customer)

     fetch next from pcurr into @customer





    close pcurr

    deallocate pcurr




    运行后, 输出结果如下:



    (所影响的行数为 91 行)


    Alfreds Futterkiste

    Ana Trujillo Emparedados y helados

    Antonio Moreno Taquería

    Around the Horn

    Berglunds snabbk?p

    Blauer See Delikatessen

    Blondesddsl père et fils

    Bólido Comidas preparadas

    Bon app'

    Bottom-Dollar Markets

    B's Beverages

    Cactus Comidas para llevar

    Centro comercial Moctezuma

    Chop-suey Chinese

    Comércio Mineiro

    Consolidated Holdings

    Die Wandernde Kuh

    Drachenblut Delikatessen

    Du monde entier

    Eastern Connection

    Ernst Handel

    Familia Arquibaldo

    FISSA Fabrica Inter. Salchichas S.A.

    Folies gourmandes

    Folk och f? HB

    France restauration

    Franchi S.p.A.


    Furia Bacalhau e Frutos do Mar

    Galería del gastrónomo

    Godos Cocina Típica

    Gourmet Lanchonetes

    Great Lakes Food Market


    ...... (以下略) ..................................

  • 相关阅读:
    第七章 深入理解多态
    第六章 继承和多态
    第五章 体验套餐管理系统
    第四章 深入类的方法
    第三章 使用集合组织相关数据
    第二章 深入C#数据类型
    mysql 创建表字段类型笔记
    easyui 验证控件 tooltip message显示位置
  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/mili3/p/3396781.html
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