• 一个快速查看API的汇编和机器码的工具.发布源码







    5,根据Call首地址,快速查找API Name。或者,反之。


    Code First character after #:
          A: Direct Address.
          C: Reg field in ModRm specifies Control register.
          D: Reg field in ModRm specifies Debug register.
          E: General purpose register or memory address specified in the ModRM byte.
          F: EFlags register
          G: Reg field in ModRM specifies a general register
          H: Signed immidiate data
          I: Imidiate data
          J: Relative jump Offset
          M: memory address spcified in the ModRM byte.
          O: Relative Offset Word or DWord
          P: Reg field in ModRM specifies a MMX register
          Q: MMX register or memory address specified in the ModRM byte.
          R: general purpose register specified in the ModRM byte.
          S: Reg field in ModRM specifies a Segment register
          T: Reg field in ModRM specifies a MMX register
          P: Seg prefix override.

      Second character after #
          a: two Word or two DWord, only used by BOUND
          b: Byte.
          c: Byte or word
          d: DWord
          p: 32 or 16 bit pointer
          q: QWord
          s: 6Byte
          v: Word or DWord
          w: Word
          t: Tera byte

      Third character after #
          j: jump Operand (Relative or absolute)

      First character after @
          e: used by register (@eax, @esp ..) return e with the character following when
             operand size = 4 ortherwise only the following character.
          g: Group, return the group insruction specified by OperandType
             and the reg field of the ModRM byte.
          h: Operand for group, return operands for the group insruction specified
             by OperandType and the reg field of the ModRM byte.
          m: Must have size, Size indicator always set.
          o: Operand size, returns the name (bwdq) of the number following, divided
             by two when operand size <> 4.
          p: Seg prefix override. Sets the prefix to the following charchter + 's'
          s: Size override (address or operand).
             follow by o: operand size override
                       a: address size override

      First character after %
          c: Use the opcode instead in addition to the assembler instruction



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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/microzone/p/3275909.html
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