• JavaSE--枚举类



    所有枚举类型都是 java.lang.Enum 类的子类,他们继承了这个类的许多方法。

    枚举类型的每一个值都将映射到 protected Enum(String name, int ordinal) 构造函数中,在这里,每个值的名称都被转换成一个字符串,并且序数设置表示了此设置被创建的顺序。

     1 /**
     2      * Sole constructor.  Programmers cannot invoke this constructor.
     3      * It is for use by code emitted by the compiler in response to
     4      * enum type declarations.
     5      *
     6      * @param name - The name of this enum constant, which is the identifier
     7      *               used to declare it.
     8      * @param ordinal - The ordinal of this enumeration constant (its position
     9      *         in the enum declaration, where the initial constant is assigned
    10      *         an ordinal of zero).
    11      */
    12     protected Enum(String name, int ordinal) {
    13         this.name = name;
    14         this.ordinal = ordinal;
    15     }

    toString 方法能够返回枚举常量名。

     1  /**
     2      * Returns the name of this enum constant, as contained in the
     3      * declaration.  This method may be overridden, though it typically
     4      * isn't necessary or desirable.  An enum type should override this
     5      * method when a more "programmer-friendly" string form exists.
     6      *
     7      * @return the name of this enum constant
     8      */
     9     public String toString() {
    10         return name;
    11     }

    在比较两个枚举类型的值时,永远不需要调用 equals,而直接使用 ==。


    toString 的逆方法是静态方法 valueOf

     1 public class Size2 {
     3     public static void main(String[] args) {
     4         A1Size enumEntity = Enum.valueOf(A1Size.class, "SMALL");
     5     }
     7 }
     9 enum A1Size {
    11     SMALL("S"), MEDIM("M"), LARGER("L"), EXTRA_LARGE("XL");
    13     private String abbreviation;
    15     private A1Size(String abbreviation) {
    16         this.abbreviation = abbreviation;
    17     }
    19     public String getAbbreviation() {
    20         return abbreviation;
    21     }
    23 }

    每个枚举类型都有一个静态的 values 方法,他讲返回一个包含全部枚举值得数组。

    ordinal 方法返回 enum 声明中枚举常量的位置,位置从 0 开始计数。

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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/microcat/p/6940638.html
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