• GitLab Runner

    GitLab Runner

    GitLab Runner是与GitLab的CI/CD执行环境,是GitLab的一个工具包。GitLab Runner就是自动化部署任务的执行环境。你编写的一条自动化部署的流水线,包含了安装,测试,部署三个任务,这三个任务在哪个环境下执行那,就是在Runner中。没有Runner,GitLab CI/CD就没办法运行。要想做GitLab CI/CD,首先要有一个正常的GitLab Runner。

    安装GitLab Runner

    GitLab 官方提供了很多种安装Runner的方式,Dokcer,Linux,macOS,Windows,Kubernetes等。

    使用本地卷安装GitLab Runner:

    docker run -d --name gitlab-runner --restart always \
         -v /srv/gitlab-runner/config:/etc/gitlab-runner \
         -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock \


    使用Docker 卷安装GitLab Runner:

    # docker volume create gitlab-runner-config
    docker run -d --name gitlab-runner --restart always \
        -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock \
        -v gitlab-runner-config:/etc/gitlab-runner \
    # 重启
    docker restart gitlab-runner
    # 重启
    docker restart gitlab-runner
    # 查看Runner 日志
    docker logs gitlab-runner

    注册GitLab Runner


    sudo gitlab-runner register \
      --non-interactive \
      --url "https://gitlab.com/" \
      --registration-token "PROJECT_REGISTRATION_TOKEN" \
      --executor "docker" \
      --docker-image alpine:latest \
      --description "docker-runner" \
      --tag-list "docker,aws" \
      --run-untagged="true" \
      --locked="false" \


    docker run --rm -it -v /srv/gitlab-runner/config:/etc/gitlab-runner gitlab/gitlab-runner register

    使用Docker 卷安装

    docker run --rm -it -v gitlab-runner-config:/etc/gitlab-runner gitlab/gitlab-runner:latest register

    输入 gitlab的地址 输入gilab-ci的token

    Runner的executor 要写 docker

    如果你选择了docker 作为执行工具,你会被要求填写一个默认镜像 没有在.gitlab-ci.yml中定义的

    除了gitlab地址和token 不能改, 其他都可以在gitlab的gui上能改

    配置GitLab Runner

    配置Runner主要是配置一个Runner可以并行执行多少任务,docker 卷,cpu,dns,内存,缓存目录,当然你不用一个一个去配置。没有特殊要求,直接使用默认的就可以了。

    下面说下一如何配置Runner。上一步我们已经安装了Runner,并将配置文件映射出来了。在目录/srv/gitlab-runner/config/中可以看到一个文件config.toml,这个文件就是Runner 的配置文件。


    • concurrent 多少个任务并行执行,
    • log_level 日志等级 debug, info, warn, error, fatal, panic
    • log_format 日志格式化 runner, text, json
    • check_interval 多少秒检查一次新的任务
    • sentry_dsn 允许追踪所以系统错误到sentry
    • listen_address Prometheus 的http监控地址


    Docker 部分的配置


    runners 部分

    Setting Description
    name Runner 的名字 描述
    url GitLab 地址
    token The Runner’s special token (not to be confused with the registration token)
    tls-ca-file File containing the certificates to verify the peer when using HTTPS
    tls-cert-file File containing the certificate to authenticate with the peer when using HTTPS
    tls-key-file File containing the private key to authenticate with the peer when using HTTPS
    limit Limit how many jobs can be handled concurrently by this token. 0 (default) simply means don’t limit
    executor Select how a project should be built, see next section
    shell Name of shell to generate the script. Default value is platform dependent.
    builds_dir Absolute path to a directory where builds will be stored in context of selected executor (Locally, Docker, SSH)
    cache_dir Absolute path to a directory where build caches will be stored in context of selected executor (locally, Docker, SSH). If the docker executor is used, this directory needs to be included in its volumes parameter.
    environment Append or overwrite environment variables
    request_concurrency Limit number of concurrent requests for new jobs from GitLab (default 1)
    output_limit Set maximum build log size in kilobytes, by default set to 4096 (4MB)
    pre_clone_script Commands to be executed on the Runner before cloning the Git repository. this can be used to adjust the Git client configuration first, for example. To insert multiple commands, use a (triple-quoted) multi-line string or “\n” character.
    pre_build_script Commands to be executed on the Runner after cloning the Git repository, but before executing the build. To insert multiple commands, use a (triple-quoted) multi-line string or “\n” character.
    post_build_script Commands to be executed on the Runner just after executing the build, but before executing after_script. To insert multiple commands, use a (triple-quoted) multi-line string or “\n” character.
    clone_url Overwrite the URL for the GitLab instance. Used if the Runner can’t connect to GitLab on the URL GitLab exposes itself.
    debug_trace_disabled Disables the CI_DEBUG_TRACE feature. When set to true, then debug log (trace) will remain disabled even if CI_DEBUG_TRACE will be set to true by the user.
    referees Extra job monitoring workers that pass their results as job artifacts to GitLab
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/michaelcjl/p/15941551.html
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