There are N children standing in a line. Each child is assigned a rating value.
You are giving candies to these children subjected to the following requirements:
- Each child must have at least one candy.
- Children with a higher rating get more candies than their neighbors.
What is the minimum candies you must give?
由上述分析能够看出。我们须要记录递减子序列的长度descLen。以及子序列开头第一个人的candy数量descBegCan,在推断当前属于递减子序列的人的candy数时。我们并不能只给当前candy总数加上这个长度,由于可能递减子序列的开头那个人(不过开头这个人)本身已经有非常多candy了。那么它不须要加1(就像上面推断到第五六个人3,2时。我们并不须要给第四个人4的candy数加1,由于它已经有了3个了。3>2>1 成立)。而要看当前的长度descLen与descBegCan的大小关系。假设长度小于开头那个人的数量。那么仅加上长度减1 就可以;假设二者相等。那么须要加上长度。
class Solution { public: int candy(vector<int> &ratings) { int res=0; int lastRat = -1, lastCan = 0, can = 0; int descLen = 0, descBegCan=0; //连续递减子序列的长度和递减序列头部的值 for(int i=0; i<ratings.size(); ++i){ if(ratings[i]>lastRat){ can = lastCan+1; descLen = 0; }else if(ratings[i]==lastRat){ //相邻且rating相等的人candy能够不一样 can = 1; descLen = 0; }else{ can = 1; if(descLen==0) descBegCan = lastCan; descLen++; if(can==lastCan){ if(descLen<descBegCan) res += descLen-1; else if(descLen==descBegCan){ res += descLen; descBegCan++; } } } res += can; lastRat = ratings[i]; lastCan = can; } return res; } };