ALTER proc [dbo].[usp_EmailLongRunningSQL] as begin declare@LongRunningQueries AS TABLE ( lrqId int IDENTITY(1,1) PRIMARY KEY, spid int NULL, batch_duration bigintNULL, program_namenvarchar(500) NULL, hostname nvarchar(100) NULL, loginame nvarchar(100) NULL, sqltext nvarchar(max) NULL ) -- variabledeclaratuions DECLARE @exectime DATETIME DECLARE @tableHTMLNVARCHAR(MAX) DECLARE @Handle VARBINARY (85) DECLARE @SPID INT DECLARE @sqltext NVARCHAR(MAX) DECLARE @timeLimitsmallint declare @Sub as varchar(100) set @Sub = @@servername + 'Long Running Query found' SET @timeLimit=(3*60) -- minutes -- WAITFOR DELAY'00:01:05' -- uncomment for testing (1min:5sec) -- populate thetable with execution info, you don't have to use top 1 INSERT INTO @LongRunningQueries(spid, batch_duration, program_name, hostname, loginame) SELECT top 5 P.spid , convert(bigint,DateDiff(ms,P.last_batch,getdate()))/1000 , P.program_name , P.hostname , P.loginame FROM master.dbo.sysprocesses P WITH(NOLOCK) WHERE (P.spid > 50) AND P.status NOT IN('background', 'sleeping') AND P.cmd NOT IN('AWAITING COMMAND','MIRROR HANDLER','LAZY WRITER','CHECKPOINT SLEEP','RA MANAGER') AND convert(bigint,DateDiff(ms,P.last_batch,getdate()))/1000 >@timeLImit -- use a cursorto update the sqltext for each pid DECLARE @lrqId int DECLARE mycur cursor for SELECT lrqId from @LongRunningQueries ORDER BY lrqId OPEN mycur FETCH NEXT FROM mycur INTO @lrqId WHILE @@FETCH_STATUS=0 BEGIN SET @SPID =(SELECT spid from @LongRunningQueries WHERElrqId=@lrqId) -- get the SQL theSPID is executing SELECT@Handle = sql_handleFROM master.dbo.sysprocesses WHEREspid = @SPID UPDATE@LongRunningQueries SET sqltext =(SELECT text FROM sys.dm_exec_sql_text(@Handle)) WHERE lrqId = @lrqId FETCH NEXT FROM mycur INTO @lrqId END CLOSE mycur DEALLOCATE mycur DELETE FROM @LongRunningQueries WHEREsqltext IS NULLOR sqltext='' OR program_nameLIKE '%DatabaseMail%' IF EXISTS(SELECT * FROM@LongRunningQueries WHERE sqltext IS NOT NULL OR sqltext<>'') BEGIN -- populate atable with it's info and mail it SET @tableHTML= N'<H1>LongRunning Querys</H1>' + N'<tableborder="1">' + N'<tr><th>SPID</th>'+ N'<th>Duration</th>'+ N'<th>Application</th>'+ N'<th>HostName</th>'+ N'<th>Login</th>'+ N'<th>SQLExecuting</th></tr>' + CAST(( SELECT td = T.spid, '', td = T.batch_duration, '', td = T.[program_name], '', td = T.hostname, '', td = T.loginame, '', td = T.sqltext, '' FROM @LongRunningQueries T FOR XML PATH('tr'), TYPE ) AS NVARCHAR(MAX) ) + N'</table>' -- if @tableHTMLis NULL, mail will not get sent EXEC msdb.dbo.sp_send_dbmail, @recipients= '' @body = @tableHTML, @body_format = 'HTML'; END end