• 记录linq.js神器之gorup by 多个字段的方法

     1 //数据源
     2 var dataSource = [{
     3 "imgUrl": "https://xxxxx/babel/jfs/t10471/26/2498586860/80931/cb688812/59f7eb8aN5fa580e0.jpg",
     4 "resourceBaseType": 3,
     5 "resourceBaseCode": "5747502",
     6 "purchasingQuantity": 1,
     7 "resourceBaseName": "阳光照明led球泡灯泡2.8W节能灯E27螺口黄光3000K(十只装)",
     8 "unitPrice": 59,
     9 "isAddedInvoice": true,
    10  "isAccountPeriod": true,
    11  "is7ToReturn": true,
    12  "belongUserId": 281,
    13  "belongMemberId": 101,
    14  "supplierName": "",
    15  "errorMsg": "",
    16  "id": 570221
    17  },
    18  {
    19  "imgUrl": "https://xxxx/babel/jfs/t10471/26/2498586860/80931/cb688812/59f7eb8aN5fa580e0.jpg",
    20  "resourceBaseType": 3,
    21  "resourceBaseCode": "5747502",
    22  "purchasingQuantity": 1,
    23  "resourceBaseName": "阳光照明led球泡灯泡2.8W节能灯E27螺口黄光3000K(十只装)",
    24  "unitPrice": 59,
    25  "isAddedInvoice": true,
    26  "isAccountPeriod": true,
    27  "is7ToReturn": true,
    28  "belongUserId": 281,
    29  "belongMemberId": 101,
    30  "supplierName": "",
    31  "errorMsg": "",
    32  "id": 570221
    33  }
    34  ]
    36  //linq先按照供应商分组,然后再获取供应商的商品数据
    37  var supplierGroupArray = Enumerable
    38 .from(checkedResources)
    39 .groupBy(
    40  "{UserId:$.belongUserId,MemberId:$.belongMemberId,Name:$.supplierName}",
    41  null,
    42  "{belongUserId:$.UserId,belongMemberId:$.MemberId,supplierName:$.Name,resourceLists: $$.toArray()}",
    43  "$.UserId + $.MemberId + $.Name")
    44 .toArray();
    47 //group by 之后的结果集
    49 [{
    50     "belongUserId": 281,
    51     "belongMemberId": 101,
    52     "supplierName": "",
    53     "resourceLists": [{
    54         "imgUrl": "https://xxxxxx/babel/jfs/t10471/26/2498586860/80931/cb688812/59f7eb8aN5fa580e0.jpg",
    55         "resourceBaseType": 3,
    56         "resourceBaseCode": "5747502",
    57         "purchasingQuantity": "1",
    58         "resourceBaseName": "阳光照明led球泡灯泡2.8W节能灯E27螺口黄光3000K(十只装)",
    59         "unitPrice": 59,
    60         "isAddedInvoice": true,
    61         "isAccountPeriod": true,
    62         "is7ToReturn": true,
    63         "belongUserId": 281,
    64         "belongMemberId": 101,
    65         "supplierName": "",
    66         "errorMsg": "",
    67         "id": 570221
    68     }, {
    69         "imgUrl": "https://xxxx/babel/jfs/t16339/157/1451930239/33640/8e3a8afc/5a5476b1N7d93b255.jpg",
    70         "resourceBaseType": 3,
    71         "resourceBaseCode": "5617370",
    72         "purchasingQuantity": "1",
    73         "resourceBaseName": "美的(Midea) LED灯泡 蜡烛尖泡 3W E14小螺口 3000K 暖白色  单只装 金色",
    74         "unitPrice": 14.9,
    75         "isAddedInvoice": true,
    76         "isAccountPeriod": true,
    77         "is7ToReturn": true,
    78         "belongUserId": 281,
    79         "belongMemberId": 101,
    80         "supplierName": "",
    81         "errorMsg": "",
    82         "id": 570214
    83     }]
    84 }]

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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/meijunzhang/p/8675151.html
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