sftp是Secure File Transfer Protocol的缩写,安全文件传送协议。可以为传输文件提供一种安全的加密方法。sftp 与 ftp 有着几乎一样的语法和功能。SFTP 为 SSH的一部份,是一种传输档案至 Blogger 伺服器的安全方式。其实在SSH软件包中,已经包含了一个叫作SFTP(Secure File Transfer Protocol)的安全文件传输子系统,SFTP本身没有单独的守护进程,它必须使用sshd守护进程(端口号默认是22)来完成相应的连接操作,所以从某种意义上来说,SFTP并不像一个服务器程序,而更像是一个客户端程序。SFTP同样是使用加密传输认证信息和传输的数据,所以,使用SFTP是非常安全的。但是,由于这种传输方式使用了加密/解密技术,所以传输效率比普通的FTP要低得多,如果您对网络安全性要求更高时,可以使用SFTP代替FTP。
1.添加引用 Renci.SshNet(通过Nuget下载)
const int port = 22; //端口 const string host = " "; //sftp地址 const string username = " "; //用户名 const string password = " ";//密码 const string workingdirectory = "/";//读取、上传文件的目录 "/"为根目录 const string uploadfile = @"c:1.xml"; //上传文件地址 using (var client = new SftpClient(host, port, username, password)) //创建连接对象 { client.Connect(); //连接 client.ChangeDirectory(workingdirectory); //切换目录 var listDirectory = client.ListDirectory(workingdirectory); //获取目录下所有文件 foreach (var fi in listDirectory) //遍历文件 { Console.WriteLine(" - " + fi.Name); // client.DeleteFile(fi.FullName);//删除文件 } using (var fileStream = new FileStream(uploadfile, FileMode.Open)) { client.BufferSize = 4 * 1024; // bypass Payload error large client.UploadFile(fileStream, Path.GetFileName(uploadfile)); //上传文件 //UploadFile方法没有返回值,无法判断文件是否上传成功,我想到的解决办法是,上传后再获取一下文件列表,如果文件列表count比上传之前大,说明上传成功。当然 //这样的前提是只有你一个人上传。不知各位大神有没有其它办法 } Console.ReadKey();
/* get SSH.NET (BSD License: http://sshnet.codeplex.com/license) with NuGet: >Install-Package SSH.NET -Version 2013.4.7 or just get the dll from here: http://j.mp/sshNet */ using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using Renci.SshNet; /* reference needed: Renci.SshNet.dll */ class Program { static void Main(string[] args){ // Setup Credentials and Server Information ConnectionInfo ConnNfo = new ConnectionInfo("hostOrIP",22,"username", new AuthenticationMethod[]{ // Pasword based Authentication new PasswordAuthenticationMethod("username","password"), // Key Based Authentication (using keys in OpenSSH Format) new PrivateKeyAuthenticationMethod("username",new PrivateKeyFile[]{ new PrivateKeyFile(@"..openssh.key","passphrase") }), } ); // Execute a (SHELL) Command - prepare upload directory using (var sshclient = new SshClient(ConnNfo)){ sshclient.Connect(); using(var cmd = sshclient.CreateCommand("mkdir -p /tmp/uploadtest && chmod +rw /tmp/uploadtest")){ cmd.Execute(); Console.WriteLine("Command>" + cmd.CommandText); Console.WriteLine("Return Value = {0}", cmd.ExitStatus); } sshclient.Disconnect(); } // Upload A File using (var sftp = new SftpClient(ConnNfo)){ string uploadfn = "Renci.SshNet.dll"; sftp.Connect(); sftp.ChangeDirectory("/tmp/uploadtest"); using (var uplfileStream = System.IO.File.OpenRead(uploadfn)){ sftp.UploadFile(uplfileStream, uploadfn, true); } sftp.Disconnect(); } // Execute (SHELL) Commands using (var sshclient = new SshClient(ConnNfo)){ sshclient.Connect(); // quick way to use ist, but not best practice - SshCommand is not Disposed, ExitStatus not checked... Console.WriteLine(sshclient.CreateCommand("cd /tmp && ls -lah").Execute()); Console.WriteLine(sshclient.CreateCommand("pwd").Execute()); Console.WriteLine(sshclient.CreateCommand("cd /tmp/uploadtest && ls -lah").Execute()); sshclient.Disconnect(); } Console.ReadKey(); } }