• Window系统性能获取帮助类






      1 using System;
      2 using System.Collections.Generic;
      3 using System.Diagnostics;
      4 using System.IO;
      5 using System.Linq;
      6 using System.Management;
      7 using System.Net;
      8 using System.Net.NetworkInformation;
      9 using System.Text;
     10 using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
     11 using System.Threading;
     12 using System.Threading.Tasks;
     13 using Echevil;
     14 using Microsoft.VisualBasic.Devices;
     15 using SharpPcap;
     16 using TLZ.OldSite.DB.MongoDB.Model;
     18 namespace TLZ.Helper
     19 {
     20     /// <summary>
     21     /// 获取操作系统任务管理器
     22     /// 信息的帮助类
     23     /// </summary>
     24     public class ProcessHelper
     25     {
     26         private readonly PerformanceCounter _cpu;
     27         private readonly ComputerInfo _cinf;
     28         private readonly string _ip;
     29         private readonly NetworkInterface[] _interfaceCard;
     30         private string _uploadInternet = "0";//上行默认数值
     31         private string _downloadInternet = "0";//下行默认数值
     32         public ProcessInternet _procInfo = null;
     33         public ProcessHelper()
     34         {
     35             _cpu = new PerformanceCounter("Processor", "% Processor Time", "_Total");
     36             _cinf = new ComputerInfo();
     37             _ip = GetIPAddress();
     38             _interfaceCard = NetworkInterface.GetAllNetworkInterfaces();
     39             _procInfo = new ProcessInternet();
     40         }
     42         #region IP获取
     43         public string GetIPAddress()
     44         {
     45             try
     46             {
     47                 //获取IP地址 
     48                 string st = "";
     49                 ManagementClass mc = new ManagementClass("Win32_NetworkAdapterConfiguration");
     50                 ManagementObjectCollection moc = mc.GetInstances();
     51                 foreach (ManagementObject mo in moc)
     52                 {
     53                     if ((bool)mo["IPEnabled"] == true)
     54                     {
     55                         System.Array ar;
     56                         ar = (System.Array)(mo.Properties["IpAddress"].Value);
     57                         st = ar.GetValue(0).ToString();
     58                         break;
     59                     }
     60                 }
     61                 moc = null;
     62                 mc = null;
     63                 return st;
     64             }
     65             catch
     66             {
     67                 return "unknow";
     68             }
     69             finally
     70             {
     71             }
     72         }
     73         #endregion
     75         #region 获取系统内存信息
     76         public SystemMemories GetSystemMemory()
     77         {
     78             var cinf = this._cinf;
     79             var used_mem = cinf.TotalPhysicalMemory - cinf.AvailablePhysicalMemory;
     80             var mb_mem = used_mem.ConvertBytes(2);
     81             var pmem = Convert.ToUInt64(mb_mem).ConvertBytes(1);
     82             var memoryUsageRate = Math.Round((double)(used_mem / Convert.ToDecimal(cinf.TotalPhysicalMemory) * 100), 0);
     83             var memoryALLCountGB = cinf.TotalPhysicalMemory.ConvertBytes(3);
     84             return new SystemMemories
     85             {
     86                 MemoryUsageRate = memoryUsageRate,
     87                 MemoryUsageGB = pmem,
     88                 MemoryUsageMB = mb_mem,
     89                 MemoryALLCountGB = memoryALLCountGB,
     90                 DateTimeNow = DateTime.Now
     91             };
     92         }
     93         #endregion
     95         #region 获取系统CPU信息
     96         public SystemCpu GetSystemCpu()
     97         {
     98             var cpuUsageRate = Math.Round(this._cpu.NextValue(), 0);
     99             return new SystemCpu
    100             {
    101                 CpuUsageRate = cpuUsageRate,
    102                 DateTimeNow = DateTime.Now
    103             };
    104         }
    105         #endregion
    107         #region 获取系统硬盘
    108         public List<SystemHdd> GetSystemHdd()
    109         {
    110             List<SystemHdd> systemHdd = new List<SystemHdd>();
    111             List<SystemHddContext> listInfo = GetDiskListInfo();
    112             if (listInfo != null && listInfo.Count > 0)
    113             {
    114                 foreach (SystemHddContext disk in listInfo)
    115                 {
    116                     systemHdd.Add(new SystemHdd
    117                     {
    118                         HddName = disk.PartitionName,
    119                         AllSpace = ManagerDoubleValue(disk.SumSpace, 1),
    120                         UseSpace = ManagerDoubleValue(disk.SumSpace - disk.FreeSpace, 1),
    121                         SurplusSpace = ManagerDoubleValue(disk.FreeSpace, 1),
    122                         DateTimeNow = DateTime.Now
    123                     });
    124                 }
    125             }
    126             return systemHdd;
    128         }
    129         private List<SystemHddContext> GetDiskListInfo()
    130         {
    131             List<SystemHddContext> list = null;
    132             //指定分区的容量信息
    133             try
    134             {
    135                 SelectQuery selectQuery = new SelectQuery("select * from win32_logicaldisk");
    137                 ManagementObjectSearcher searcher = new ManagementObjectSearcher(selectQuery);
    139                 ManagementObjectCollection diskcollection = searcher.Get();
    140                 if (diskcollection != null && diskcollection.Count > 0)
    141                 {
    142                     list = new List<SystemHddContext>();
    143                     SystemHddContext harddisk = null;
    144                     foreach (ManagementObject disk in searcher.Get())
    145                     {
    146                         int nType = Convert.ToInt32(disk["DriveType"]);
    147                         if (nType != Convert.ToInt32(DriveType.Fixed))
    148                         {
    149                             continue;
    150                         }
    151                         else
    152                         {
    153                             harddisk = new SystemHddContext();
    154                             harddisk.FreeSpace = Convert.ToDouble(disk["FreeSpace"]) / (1024 * 1024 * 1024);
    155                             harddisk.SumSpace = Convert.ToDouble(disk["Size"]) / (1024 * 1024 * 1024);
    156                             harddisk.PartitionName = disk["DeviceID"].ToString();
    157                             list.Add(harddisk);
    158                         }
    159                     }
    160                 }
    161             }
    162             catch (Exception)
    163             {
    165             }
    166             return list;
    167         }
    168         public double ManagerDoubleValue(double _value, int Length)
    169         {
    170             if (Length < 0)
    171             {
    172                 Length = 0;
    173             }
    174             return System.Math.Round(_value, Length);
    175         }
    176         #endregion
    178         #region 获取系统PING
    180         public SystemPing GetSystemPing(string pingIP)
    181         {
    182             var model = new SystemPing() { };
    183             model.ThisIP = this._ip;
    184             model.PingIP = pingIP;
    185             model.DateTimeNow = DateTime.Now;
    187             Process p = new Process();
    188             p.StartInfo.FileName = "cmd.exe";
    189             p.StartInfo.UseShellExecute = false;
    190             p.StartInfo.RedirectStandardInput = true;
    191             p.StartInfo.RedirectStandardOutput = true;
    192             p.StartInfo.RedirectStandardError = true;
    193             p.StartInfo.CreateNoWindow = true;
    194             p.Start();
    195             p.StandardInput.WriteLine("ping -n 1 " + pingIP);
    196             p.StandardInput.WriteLine("exit");
    197             string strRst = p.StandardOutput.ReadToEnd();
    198             strRst = Regex.Replace(strRst, @"s", "");
    199             if (strRst.IndexOf("Ping统计信息:") != -1)
    200             {
    201                 model.Status = "请求成功";
    202                 string ziJie = strRst.Substring(strRst.IndexOf("字节=") + 3);
    203                 model.PingByte = double.Parse(ziJie.Substring(0, ziJie.IndexOf("时间")));
    204                 string shiJian = strRst.Substring(strRst.IndexOf("时间") + 3);
    205                 model.PingDate = double.Parse(shiJian.Substring(0, shiJian.IndexOf("TTL=") - 2));
    206                 string ttl = strRst.Substring(strRst.IndexOf("TTL=") + 4);
    207                 model.PingTTL = double.Parse(ttl.Substring(0, ttl.IndexOf(pingIP + "的Ping统计信息:")));
    208                 string yiFaSong = strRst.Substring(strRst.IndexOf("已发送=") + 4);
    209                 model.PingFaSong = double.Parse(yiFaSong.Substring(0, yiFaSong.IndexOf("已接收=") - 1));
    210                 string yiJieShou = strRst.Substring(strRst.IndexOf("已接收=") + 4);
    211                 model.PingJieShou = double.Parse(yiJieShou.Substring(0, yiJieShou.IndexOf("丢失=") - 1));
    212                 string diuShi = strRst.Substring(strRst.IndexOf("丢失=") + 3);
    213                 model.PingDiuShi = double.Parse(diuShi.Substring(0, diuShi.IndexOf("(")));
    214                 string diuShiLv = strRst.Substring(strRst.IndexOf("丢失=") + 3);
    215                 model.PingDiuShiLv = diuShiLv.Substring(diuShiLv.IndexOf("(") + 1, diuShiLv.IndexOf("丢失)") - 2);
    216             }
    217             else if (strRst.IndexOf("请求超时。") != -1)
    218             {
    219                 model.Status = "请求超时";
    220             }
    221             else if (strRst.IndexOf("请求找不到主机") != -1)
    222             {
    223                 model.Status = "请求找不到主机";
    224             }
    225             else if (strRst.IndexOf("不知名主机") != -1)
    226             {
    227                 model.Status = "请求无法解析主机";
    228             }
    229             else
    230             {
    231                 model.Status = strRst;
    232             }
    233             p.Close();
    234             return model;
    235         }
    236         #endregion
    238         #region 获取系统网络
    240         #region 方法一 不准确
    241         /// <summary>
    242         /// 获取系统网络流量情况:
    243         /// 上传、下载
    244         /// 此功能与网卡有关,目前暂不确定是否可行
    245         /// </summary>
    246         public SystemInternet GetSystemInternet()
    247         {
    248             //网卡不确定有几个,默认[0](本地连接)
    249             //可在:控制面板-网络和 Internet-网络连接 中查看网卡
    250             NetworkInterface nic = _interfaceCard[0];
    251             IPv4InterfaceStatistics interfaceStats = nic.GetIPv4Statistics();
    253             int bytesSentSpeed = (int)(interfaceStats.BytesSent - double.Parse(_uploadInternet)) / 1024;
    254             int bytesReceivedSpeed = (int)(interfaceStats.BytesReceived - double.Parse(_downloadInternet)) / 1024;
    256             _uploadInternet = interfaceStats.BytesSent.ToString();
    257             _downloadInternet = interfaceStats.BytesReceived.ToString();
    259             return new SystemInternet
    260             {
    261                 InternetName = nic.Name,
    262                 InternetType = nic.NetworkInterfaceType.ToString(),
    263                 ALLDownloadByte = interfaceStats.BytesReceived.ToString(),
    264                 AllUpLoadByte = interfaceStats.BytesSent.ToString(),
    265                 UploadByte = bytesSentSpeed.ToString(),
    266                 DownloadByte = bytesReceivedSpeed.ToString(),
    267                 DateTimeNow = DateTime.Now
    268             };
    269         }
    270         #endregion
    272         #region 方法二 已测试比较准确
    273         //NetInfo netinfo = new NetInfo();
    274         //string strNetName;
    275         //PerformanceCounter pc;
    276         //NetInfo.NetPerformanceStruct netInfoStruct;
    280         //List<NetInfo.NetInfoBaseStruct> lNetInfoBase = netinfo.GetNetInfoBase();
    282         //strNetName = lNetInfoBase[0].NetName;
    284         //#region 输出
    285         //Console.Write("网卡名称:" + lNetInfoBase[0].NetName + "
    286         //Console.Write("IP地址IPV4:" + lNetInfoBase[0].IPAddress[0] + "
    287         //Console.Write("IP地址IPV6:" + lNetInfoBase[0].IPAddress[1] + "
    288         //Console.Write("MAC地址:" + lNetInfoBase[0].MACAddress + "
    289         //Console.Write("默认网关:" + lNetInfoBase[0].DefaultIPGateway + "
    290         //Console.Write("子网掩码:" + lNetInfoBase[0].IPSubnet + "
    291         //#endregion
    292         //while (true)
    293         //{
    294         //    netInfoStruct = netinfo.GetNetPerformance(strNetName);
    295         //    Console.Write("--------------------------开始---------------------------
    296         //    Console.Write("每秒字节总数:" + netInfoStruct.BytesTotal.ToString() + "
    297         //    Console.Write("每秒发送字节数:" + netInfoStruct.BytesSent.ToString() + "
    298         //    Console.Write("每秒接收字节数:" + netInfoStruct.BytesReceived.ToString() + "
    299         //    Console.Write("每秒包总数:" + netInfoStruct.PacketsTotal.ToString() + "
    300         //    Console.Write("每秒包发送数:" + netInfoStruct.PacketsSent.ToString() + "
    301         //    Console.Write("每秒发送单播包数:" + netInfoStruct.PacketsSentUnicast.ToString() + "
    302         //    Console.Write("每秒发送非单播包数:" + netInfoStruct.PacketsSentNonUnicast.ToString() + "
    303         //    Console.Write("丢弃的发送包数:" + netInfoStruct.PacketsSentDiscarded.ToString() + "
    304         //    Console.Write("错误的发送包数:" + netInfoStruct.PacketsSentErrors.ToString() + "
    305         //    Console.Write("每秒包接收数:" + netInfoStruct.PacketsReceived.ToString() + "
    306         //    Console.Write("每秒单播包接收数:" + netInfoStruct.PacketsReceivedUnicast.ToString() + "
    307         //    Console.Write("每秒非单播包接收总数:" + netInfoStruct.PacketsReceivedNonUnicast.ToString() + "
    308         //    Console.Write("丢弃的接收包数:" + netInfoStruct.PacketsReceivedDiscarded.ToString() + "
    309         //    Console.Write("错误的接收包数:" + netInfoStruct.PacketsReceivedErrors.ToString() + "
    310         //    Console.Write("--------------------------结束---------------------------
    311         //    Thread.Sleep(1000);
    312         //}
    313         #endregion
    315         #region 方法三 已测试比较准确
    316         public SystemInternet GetSystemInternet(NetworkAdapter[] _adapters)
    317         {
    318             return new SystemInternet
    319             {
    320                 InternetName = _adapters[0].Name,
    321                 UploadByte = (Math.Round(_adapters[0].UploadSpeedKbps, 2)).ToString(),
    322                 DownloadByte = (Math.Round(_adapters[0].DownloadSpeedKbps, 2)).ToString(),
    323                 DateTimeNow = DateTime.Now
    324             };
    325         }
    326         #endregion
    327         #endregion
    329         #region 获取进程内存
    330         public ProcessMemories GetProcessMemories(string _processName)
    331         {
    332             if (Process.GetProcessesByName(_processName).Length > 0)
    333             {
    334                 using (var process = Process.GetProcessesByName(_processName)[0])
    335                 {
    336                     var p1 = new PerformanceCounter("Process", "Working Set - Private", _processName);
    337                     var p3 = new PerformanceCounter("Process", "Private Bytes", _processName);
    338                     return new ProcessMemories
    339                     {
    340                         ProcessName = _processName,
    341                         ProcessSpecialUseKB = decimal.Round((Math.Round((decimal)p1.NextValue(), 0) / 1024) / 1000, 3),
    342                         ProcessWorkingSetKB = decimal.Round((Math.Round((decimal)process.WorkingSet64 / 1024, 0)) / 1000, 3),
    343                         ProcessSubmitKB = decimal.Round((Math.Round((decimal)p3.NextValue(), 0) / 1024) / 1000, 3),
    344                         ProcessUsageRate = 0,
    345                         DateTimeNow = DateTime.Now
    346                     };
    347                 }
    348             }
    349             else
    350             {
    351                 return new ProcessMemories();
    352             }
    353         }
    354         #endregion
    356         #region 获取进程CPU
    357         /// <summary>
    358         /// 获取进程CPU
    359         /// </summary>
    360         /// <param name="_processName">进程名称</param>
    361         /// <returns>ProcessCpu</returns>
    362         public ProcessCpu GetProcessCpu(string _processName, int interval)
    363         {
    364             if (Process.GetProcessesByName(_processName).Length > 0)
    365             {
    366                 using (var pro = Process.GetProcessesByName(_processName)[0])
    367                 {
    368                     //上次记录的CPU时间
    369                     var prevCpuTime = TimeSpan.Zero;
    370                     //当前时间
    371                     var curTime = pro.TotalProcessorTime;
    372                     //间隔时间内的CPU运行时间除以逻辑CPU数量
    373                     var value = (curTime - prevCpuTime).TotalMilliseconds / interval / Environment.ProcessorCount * 100;
    374                     prevCpuTime = curTime;
    375                     return new ProcessCpu
    376                     {
    377                         ProcessName = _processName,
    378                         ProcessUsageRate = value,
    379                         DateTimeNow = DateTime.Now
    380                     };
    381                 }
    382             }
    383             else
    384             {
    385                 return new ProcessCpu();
    386             }
    387         }
    388         #endregion
    390         #region 获取进程网络
    391         /// <summary>
    392         /// 进程网络
    393         /// </summary>
    394         /// <param name="_processName">进程名称</param>
    395         /// <returns>ProcessInternet</returns>
    396         public ProcessInternet GetProcessInternet(string _processName, int tntervalSecond)
    397         {
    398             if (Process.GetProcessesByName(_processName).Length > 0)
    399             {
    400                 using (var proModel = Process.GetProcessesByName(_processName)[0])
    401                 {
    402                     //进程id
    403                     int pid = proModel.Id;
    404                     //存放进程使用的端口号链表
    405                     List<int> ports = new List<int>();
    407                     #region 获取指定进程对应端口号
    408                     Process pro = new Process();
    409                     pro.StartInfo.FileName = "cmd.exe";
    410                     pro.StartInfo.UseShellExecute = false;
    411                     pro.StartInfo.RedirectStandardInput = true;
    412                     pro.StartInfo.RedirectStandardOutput = true;
    413                     pro.StartInfo.RedirectStandardError = true;
    414                     pro.StartInfo.CreateNoWindow = true;
    415                     pro.Start();
    416                     pro.StandardInput.WriteLine("netstat -ano");
    417                     pro.StandardInput.WriteLine("exit");
    418                     Regex reg = new Regex("\s+", RegexOptions.Compiled);
    419                     string line = null;
    420                     ports.Clear();
    421                     while ((line = pro.StandardOutput.ReadLine()) != null)
    422                     {
    423                         line = line.Trim();
    424                         if (line.StartsWith("TCP", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
    425                         {
    426                             line = reg.Replace(line, ",");
    427                             string[] arr = line.Split(',');
    428                             if (arr[4] == pid.ToString())
    429                             {
    430                                 string soc = arr[1];
    431                                 int pos = soc.LastIndexOf(':');
    432                                 int pot = int.Parse(soc.Substring(pos + 1));
    433                                 ports.Add(pot);
    434                             }
    435                         }
    436                         else if (line.StartsWith("UDP", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
    437                         {
    438                             line = reg.Replace(line, ",");
    439                             string[] arr = line.Split(',');
    440                             if (arr[3] == pid.ToString())
    441                             {
    442                                 string soc = arr[1];
    443                                 int pos = soc.LastIndexOf(':');
    444                                 int pot = int.Parse(soc.Substring(pos + 1));
    445                                 ports.Add(pot);
    446                             }
    447                         }
    448                     }
    449                     pro.Close();
    450                     #endregion
    452                     #region 获取本机IP地址
    453                     //获取本机IP地址
    454                     IPAddress[] addrList = Dns.GetHostByName(Dns.GetHostName()).AddressList;
    455                     string IP = addrList[0].ToString();
    456                     //获取本机网络设备
    457                     var devices = CaptureDeviceList.Instance;
    458                     int count = devices.Count;
    459                     if (count < 1)
    460                     {
    461                         throw new Exception("本机网络设备不存在");
    462                     }
    463                     #endregion
    465                     #region 开始抓包
    466                     //开始抓包
    467                     for (int i = 0; i < count; ++i)
    468                     {
    469                         for (int j = 0; j < ports.Count; ++j)
    470                         {
    471                             CaptureFlowRecv(IP, ports[j], i);
    472                             CaptureFlowSend(IP, ports[j], i);
    473                         }
    474                     }
    475                     #endregion
    477                     //long NetTotalBytes = _procInfo.NetTotalBytes;
    478                     //long NetSendBytes = _procInfo.NetSendBytes;
    479                     //long NetRecvBytes = _procInfo.NetRecvBytes;
    480                     RefershInfo(tntervalSecond);
    481                     _procInfo.Dispose();
    482                     return new ProcessInternet
    483                     {
    484                         ProcessID = pid,
    485                         ProcessName = proModel.ProcessName,
    486                         NetSendBytes = _procInfo.NetSendBytes,
    487                         NetRecvBytes = _procInfo.NetRecvBytes,
    488                         NetTotalBytes = _procInfo.NetTotalBytes,
    489                         DateTimeNow = DateTime.Now
    490                     };
    492                     //最后要记得调用Dispose方法停止抓包并关闭设备
    494                 }
    495             }
    496             else
    497             {
    498                 return new ProcessInternet();
    499             }
    500         }
    501         public void RefershInfo(int tntervalSecond)
    502         {
    503             _procInfo.NetRecvBytes = 0;
    504             _procInfo.NetSendBytes = 0;
    505             _procInfo.NetTotalBytes = 0;
    506             Thread.Sleep(tntervalSecond);
    507             _procInfo.NetTotalBytes = _procInfo.NetRecvBytes + _procInfo.NetSendBytes;
    508         }
    509         public void CaptureFlowSend(string IP, int portID, int deviceID)
    510         {
    511             ICaptureDevice device = (ICaptureDevice)CaptureDeviceList.New()[deviceID];
    513             device.OnPacketArrival += new PacketArrivalEventHandler(device_OnPacketArrivalSend);
    515             int readTimeoutMilliseconds = 1000;
    516             device.Open(DeviceMode.Promiscuous, readTimeoutMilliseconds);
    518             string filter = "src host " + IP + " and src port " + portID;
    519             device.Filter = filter;
    520             device.StartCapture();
    521             _procInfo.dev.Add(device);
    522         }
    523         public void CaptureFlowRecv(string IP, int portID, int deviceID)
    524         {
    525             ICaptureDevice device = CaptureDeviceList.New()[deviceID];
    526             device.OnPacketArrival += new PacketArrivalEventHandler(device_OnPacketArrivalRecv);
    528             int readTimeoutMilliseconds = 1000;
    529             device.Open(DeviceMode.Promiscuous, readTimeoutMilliseconds);
    531             string filter = "dst host " + IP + " and dst port " + portID;
    532             device.Filter = filter;
    533             device.StartCapture();
    534             _procInfo.dev.Add(device);
    535         }
    536         private void device_OnPacketArrivalSend(object sender, CaptureEventArgs e)
    537         {
    538             var len = e.Packet.Data.Length;
    539             _procInfo.NetSendBytes += len;
    540         }
    541         private void device_OnPacketArrivalRecv(object sender, CaptureEventArgs e)
    542         {
    543             var len = e.Packet.Data.Length;
    544             _procInfo.NetRecvBytes += len;
    545         }
    546         #endregion
    547     }
    549     /// <summary>
    550     /// 获取系统网络
    551     /// 另外一种方法,可能比上面那个准确点
    552     /// </summary>
    553     public class NetInfo
    554     {
    555         NetPerformanceStruct netPerformanceStruct;
    557         //定义PerformanceCounter
    558         PerformanceCounter pcBytesTotal = new PerformanceCounter();
    559         PerformanceCounter pcBytesSent = new PerformanceCounter();
    560         PerformanceCounter pcBytesReceived = new PerformanceCounter();
    561         PerformanceCounter pcPacketsTotal = new PerformanceCounter();
    562         PerformanceCounter pcPacketsSent = new PerformanceCounter();
    563         PerformanceCounter pcPacketsSentUnicast = new PerformanceCounter();
    564         PerformanceCounter pcPacketsSentNonUnicast = new PerformanceCounter();
    565         PerformanceCounter pcPacketsSentDiscarded = new PerformanceCounter();
    566         PerformanceCounter pcPacketsSentErrors = new PerformanceCounter();
    567         PerformanceCounter pcPacketsReceived = new PerformanceCounter();
    568         PerformanceCounter pcPacketsReceivedUnicast = new PerformanceCounter();
    569         PerformanceCounter pcPacketsReceivedNonUnicast = new PerformanceCounter();
    570         PerformanceCounter pcPacketsReceivedDiscarded = new PerformanceCounter();
    571         PerformanceCounter pcPacketsReceivedErrors = new PerformanceCounter();
    573         //构造函数
    574         public NetInfo()
    575         {
    577         }
    580         //网络基础信息结构体
    581         public struct NetInfoBaseStruct
    582         {
    583             public string NetName;  //网络名称
    584             public string[] IPAddress;  //IP地址,包括IPv4和IPv6
    585             public string MACAddress;  //MAC地址
    586             public string IPSubnet;  //子网掩码
    587             public string DefaultIPGateway;  //默认网关
    588         }
    591         //网络性能结构体
    592         public struct NetPerformanceStruct
    593         {
    594             //字节
    595             public float BytesTotal;  //每秒总字节数
    596             public float BytesSent;  //每秒发送字节数
    597             public float BytesReceived;  //每秒发送字节数
    599             //
    600             public float PacketsTotal;  //每秒总包数
    602             //包发送
    603             public float PacketsSent;  //每秒发送包数
    604             public float PacketsSentUnicast;  //每秒发送单播包数
    605             public float PacketsSentNonUnicast;  //每秒发送非单播包数
    606             public float PacketsSentDiscarded;  //被丢弃的发送包数
    607             public float PacketsSentErrors;  //错误的发送包数
    610             //包接收
    611             public float PacketsReceived;  //每秒接收包数
    612             public float PacketsReceivedUnicast;  //每秒接收单播包数
    613             public float PacketsReceivedNonUnicast;  //每秒接收非单播包数
    614             public float PacketsReceivedDiscarded;  //被丢弃的接收包数
    615             public float PacketsReceivedErrors;  //错误的接收包数
    619         }
    622         //获取网络基本信息
    623         /**/
    624         /// <summary>
    625         /// 获取网络基本信息
    626         /// </summary>
    627         /// <returns>包含网络基本信息结构体的列表</returns>
    628         public List<NetInfoBaseStruct> GetNetInfoBase()
    629         {
    630             List<NetInfoBaseStruct> lNetInfo = new List<NetInfoBaseStruct>();
    631             NetInfoBaseStruct netInfoBaseStruct;
    634             ManagementObjectSearcher query =
    635                             new ManagementObjectSearcher("SELECT * FROM Win32_NetworkAdapterConfiguration WHERE IPEnabled = 'TRUE'");
    636             ManagementObjectCollection moCollection = query.Get();
    638             //遍历
    639             foreach (ManagementObject mObject in moCollection)
    640             {
    641                 try
    642                 {
    643                     netInfoBaseStruct = new NetInfoBaseStruct();
    644                     netInfoBaseStruct.NetName = mObject["Description"].ToString();
    645                     netInfoBaseStruct.IPAddress = (string[])mObject["IPAddress"];
    646                     netInfoBaseStruct.MACAddress = mObject["MACAddress"].ToString();
    647                     //DefaultIPGateway
    648                     if (mObject["DefaultIPGateway"] == null)  //如果默认网关只有一个则返回
    649                     {
    650                         netInfoBaseStruct.DefaultIPGateway = "";
    651                     }
    652                     else   //否则返回默认网关的数组(注:这里为了简单起见,只返回第一个网关)
    653                     {
    654                         netInfoBaseStruct.DefaultIPGateway = ((string[])mObject["DefaultIPGateway"])[0];
    655                     }
    657                     //IPSubnet
    658                     if (mObject["IPSubnet"] == null)
    659                     {
    660                         netInfoBaseStruct.IPSubnet = "";
    661                     }
    662                     else
    663                     {
    664                         netInfoBaseStruct.IPSubnet = ((string[])mObject["IPSubnet"])[0];
    665                     }
    667                     lNetInfo.Add(netInfoBaseStruct);
    669                 }
    670                 catch
    671                 {
    672                     //continue;
    673                 }
    675             }
    677             return lNetInfo;
    678         }
    680         //GetNetPerformance
    681         public NetPerformanceStruct GetNetPerformance(string NetName)
    682         {
    684             netPerformanceStruct = new NetPerformanceStruct();
    686             //定义CategoryName
    687             pcBytesTotal.CategoryName = "Network Interface";
    688             pcBytesSent.CategoryName = "Network Interface";
    689             pcBytesReceived.CategoryName = "Network Interface";
    690             pcPacketsTotal.CategoryName = "Network Interface";
    691             pcPacketsSent.CategoryName = "Network Interface";
    692             pcPacketsSentUnicast.CategoryName = "Network Interface";
    693             pcPacketsSentNonUnicast.CategoryName = "Network Interface";
    694             pcPacketsSentDiscarded.CategoryName = "Network Interface";
    695             pcPacketsSentErrors.CategoryName = "Network Interface";
    696             pcPacketsReceived.CategoryName = "Network Interface";
    697             pcPacketsReceivedUnicast.CategoryName = "Network Interface";
    698             pcPacketsReceivedNonUnicast.CategoryName = "Network Interface";
    699             pcPacketsReceivedDiscarded.CategoryName = "Network Interface";
    700             pcPacketsReceivedErrors.CategoryName = "Network Interface";
    702             //本次改进主要部分,主要思路是通过PerformanceCounterCategory这个类来获取Network Interface下
    703             //的所有实例(即网卡名称),先将这个网卡名称处理掉所有的特殊字符,然后与传递进来的网卡名称(也处理掉特殊字符)
    704             //进行比较,如果相同,就将符合格式的实例名称赋给网卡名称,接下去就是获取性能信息。。。
    705             string[] instanceNames;
    706             PerformanceCounterCategory mycat = new PerformanceCounterCategory("Network Interface");
    707             try
    708             {
    709                 instanceNames = mycat.GetInstanceNames();
    710                 string tmp;
    711                 string tmpNormal;
    713                 for (int i = 0; i <= instanceNames.Length; i++)
    714                 {
    715                     tmp = Regex.Replace(instanceNames[i], @"[^a-zA-Zd]", "");
    716                     tmpNormal = Regex.Replace(NetName, @"[^a-zA-Zd]", "");
    718                     if (tmp == tmpNormal)
    719                     {
    720                         NetName = instanceNames[i];
    721                     }
    722                 }
    723             }
    724             catch { }
    726             //定义InstanceName
    727             pcBytesTotal.InstanceName = NetName;
    728             pcBytesSent.InstanceName = NetName;
    729             pcBytesReceived.InstanceName = NetName;
    730             pcPacketsTotal.InstanceName = NetName;
    731             pcPacketsSent.InstanceName = NetName;
    732             pcPacketsSentUnicast.InstanceName = NetName;
    733             pcPacketsSentNonUnicast.InstanceName = NetName;
    734             pcPacketsSentDiscarded.InstanceName = NetName;
    735             pcPacketsSentErrors.InstanceName = NetName;
    736             pcPacketsReceived.InstanceName = NetName;
    737             pcPacketsReceivedUnicast.InstanceName = NetName;
    738             pcPacketsReceivedNonUnicast.InstanceName = NetName;
    739             pcPacketsReceivedDiscarded.InstanceName = NetName;
    740             pcPacketsReceivedErrors.InstanceName = NetName;
    742             //定义CounterName
    743             pcBytesTotal.CounterName = "Bytes Total/sec";
    744             pcBytesSent.CounterName = "Bytes Sent/sec";
    745             pcBytesReceived.CounterName = "Bytes Received/sec";
    746             pcPacketsTotal.CounterName = "Packets/sec";
    747             pcPacketsSent.CounterName = "Packets Sent/sec";
    748             pcPacketsSentUnicast.CounterName = "Packets Sent Unicast/sec";
    749             pcPacketsSentNonUnicast.CounterName = "Packets Sent Non-Unicast/sec";
    750             pcPacketsSentDiscarded.CounterName = "Packets Outbound Discarded";
    751             pcPacketsSentErrors.CounterName = "Packets Outbound Errors";
    752             pcPacketsReceived.CounterName = "Packets Received/sec";
    753             pcPacketsReceivedUnicast.CounterName = "Packets Received Unicast/sec";
    754             pcPacketsReceivedNonUnicast.CounterName = "Packets Received Non-Unicast/sec";
    755             pcPacketsReceivedDiscarded.CounterName = "Packets Received Discarded";
    756             pcPacketsReceivedErrors.CounterName = "Packets Received Errors";
    758             try
    759             {
    760                 //为结构体赋值
    761                 netPerformanceStruct.BytesTotal = pcBytesTotal.NextValue();
    762                 netPerformanceStruct.BytesSent = pcBytesSent.NextValue();
    763                 netPerformanceStruct.BytesReceived = pcBytesReceived.NextValue();
    764                 netPerformanceStruct.PacketsTotal = pcPacketsTotal.NextValue();
    765                 netPerformanceStruct.PacketsSent = pcPacketsSent.NextValue();
    766                 netPerformanceStruct.PacketsSentUnicast = pcPacketsSentUnicast.NextValue();
    767                 netPerformanceStruct.PacketsSentNonUnicast = pcPacketsSentNonUnicast.NextValue();
    768                 netPerformanceStruct.PacketsSentDiscarded = pcPacketsSentDiscarded.NextValue();
    769                 netPerformanceStruct.PacketsSentErrors = pcPacketsSentErrors.NextValue();
    770                 netPerformanceStruct.PacketsReceived = pcPacketsReceived.NextValue();
    771                 netPerformanceStruct.PacketsReceivedUnicast = pcPacketsReceivedUnicast.NextValue();
    772                 netPerformanceStruct.PacketsReceivedNonUnicast = pcPacketsReceivedNonUnicast.NextValue();
    773                 netPerformanceStruct.PacketsReceivedDiscarded = pcPacketsReceivedDiscarded.NextValue();
    774                 netPerformanceStruct.PacketsReceivedErrors = pcPacketsReceivedErrors.NextValue();
    775             }
    776             catch
    777             {
    779             }
    781             return netPerformanceStruct;
    782         }
    783     }
    785 }
  • 相关阅读:
    Git Revert用法
  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/mcj-jy/p/5755895.html
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