• 一些sql语句的常用总结(重要)

    select primary_flag from tc_contact where primary_flag !=0

    select dept_id,dept_name,tree_level,tree_path from tc_department where
    org_id=1 and stop_flag=0 order by tree_path --部门显示

    SELECT * FROM TC_CONTACT where ACCOUNT_ID=1246968 --主视图
    select * from TCV_CONTACT where ACCOUNTID=1246968 --联系人
    select * from TCV_OPPORTUNITY where ACCOUNTID=1246968 --销售机会
    select * from TCV_ACTIVITY where ACCOUNTID=1246968 --销售行动

    SELECT count(t.yckb_id) --参课判定

    FROM tcu_yckb t
    inner join tc_contact tc
    on t.yckb_refid01 = tc.contact_id
    and tc.org_id = t.org_id
    inner join tcu_jiaoxplan jp
    on t.yckb_refid02 = jp.jiaoxplan_id
    and t.org_id = jp.org_id
    inner join tc_account khb
    on tc.account_id = khb.account_id
    and khb.org_id = tc.org_id
    where t.yckb_int05 = 1001 -- 参课判定:参加
    and t.qrcode = 'EDC5903AFE4A8777';

    SELECT * from tcu_yckb where qrcode = 'EDC5903AFE4A8777' for update;
    SELECT * from tcu_yckb where yckb_name like '%盛景网联测试客户八-王小梦-创新梦工厂 - 21%' for update --9992901D98300000
    /mg叶子/mg 2015/5/11 16:45:45
    select yckb_id, qrcode, yckb_int06
    from tcu_yckb
    where qrcode = '9992901D98308888';

    select * from tc_contact where contact_name = '梁广永'; --记住是contact_ID 还有一个contract_ID D69D5FC04BF35555 9192901D98308888 E279CF6AF9BF01F7
    select * from tcu_yckb order by create_time desc --where qrcode is not null
    select * from tcu_yckb where yckb_refid01= 195166
    select * from tcu_yckb where yckb_id = 416804 for update -- D69D5FC04BF3C5F0 yckb_refid01= 199933 and

    select * from tcu_jiaoxplan where jiaoxplan_name='投资俱乐部2015-3'; --投资俱乐部2015-3
    select * from esi_validcontrol --6628
    for update

    insert into esi_validcontrol values('6668','2015/4/29 10:23:39','12284','2015/4/29 10:23:39',0,0)

    select yckb_id,
    decode(yckb_int03, 1002, '是', 1001, '否 ') as "签到状态"
    from tcu_yckb
    where qrcode in('D69D5FC04BF35555','9192901D98308888','9992901D98308888','EDC5903AFE4A6666','EDC5903AFE4A8777','9992901D98309999');

    update tcu_yckb set yckb_int03 = 1002 where qrcode in('EDC5903AFE4A8777'); --设置指定code成已签到
    update tcu_yckb set yckb_int03 = 1001 where qrcode in('EDC5903AFE4A8777'); --设置指定code成未签到

    select t.yckb_int06,decode(t.yckb_int06, 1001, '是' , 1002, '否', 1003, '无名片') "有效到场/合格总裁"
    from tcu_yckb t where qrcode = '9992901D98308888';
    select yckb_int06 from tcu_yckb t where qrcode = '9992901D9830888812';

    select yckb_int06 from tcu_yckb t where qrcode = 'EDC5903AFE4A8777';


    select count(yckb_id)

    from tcu_yckb
    where qrcode = 'EDC5903AFE4A8777';

    --盛景网联APP签到系统讨论组 给他们更新字段的语句
    select yckb_id,
    decode(yckb_int03, 1002, '是', 1001, '否 ') as "签到状态"
    from tcu_yckb
    where qrcode in('EDC5903AFE4A8777','EDC5903AFE4A6666','9992901D98308888');

    update tcu_yckb set yckb_int03 = 1001 where qrcode in('9992901D98308888');

    --更改未收款金额的代码 19800 ==> 0

    select * from tc_contract

    select contract_unpayed_amount from tc_contract where account_ID=1246968 for update

    select account_ID from tcu_yckb where qrcode in('EDC5903AFE4A8777','EDC5903AFE4A6666');

    SELECT count(t.yckb_id)
    FROM tcu_yckb t
    inner join tc_contact tc
    on t.yckb_refid01 = tc.contact_id
    and tc.org_id = t.org_id
    inner join tcu_jiaoxplan jp
    on t.yckb_refid02 = jp.jiaoxplan_id
    and t.org_id = jp.org_id
    inner join tc_account khb
    on tc.account_id = khb.account_id
    and khb.org_id = tc.org_id
    -- jp.jiaoxplan_date01 >= trunc(sysdate)
    -- and (trunc(jp.jiaoxplan_date02 + 1) - 1 / 24 / 60 / 60) > sysdate

    -- 当前日期>=报到日(开课日期前一天)0点,其当前日期<=结课日期的23:59:59
    jp.jiaoxplan_date01 - 1 <= trunc(sysdate)
    and trunc(jp.jiaoxplan_date02 + 1) - 1 / 24 / 60 / 60 >= sysdate
    and t.yckb_int03 = 1001 -- 签到状态:否
    -- and t.yckb_type = 2136 -- 正式课
    and t.yckb_int05 = 1001 -- 参课判定:参加
    and t.qrcode = 'EDC5903AFE4A8777';

    --教学计划表 修改有效签到时间 也可以改一下那个会的时间 然后在vs运行一下网站设置 注:会议已经结束
    select * from tcu_jiaoxplan where jiaoxplan_name = '投资俱乐部2015-3'
    select * from tcu_jiaoxplan where jiaoxplan_name = '总裁年会-第八届'
    select * from esi_validcontrol for update --2015/4/30 10:23:30

    select tb.yckb_id from tcu_yckb tb where tb.qrcode = '9992901D98308888' for update --416788
    SELECT count(t.ref_1)
    from tcu_yckb_1_1
    where yckb_id = qdID;

    select * from esi_recipient

    select dept_id,dept_name,tree_level,tree_path from tc_department
    where org_id=1 and stop_flag=0 order by tree_path

    select * from tcv_contact where accountID=1246968 --NAME like'%zyl%'

    select * from tcv_opportunity where accountID=1246968
    select * from tcv_contact order by modifiedtime desc

    select * from tc_contact order by create_time desc

    select t.*, t.rowid from SJ_ACTIVITYSTAGECONFIGURE t

    select * from tcv_account_attrs where label like'%股权投资经验%'

    select * from tc_audit_stage_define

    select * from tcu_basicpdu where basicpdu_name like '%投资导师%'

    select * from tc_type where org_id=1 and obj_type=4
    --合作伙伴开发销售机会 04
    --老客户销售机会 10003
    select stage_id,stage_name,stage_type from tc_opportunity_stage where org_id=1 and type_id=2048
    --客户开发销售机会 10001
    select stage_id,stage_name,stage_type from tc_opportunity_stage where org_id=1 and type_id=2
    --邀约机会 10006
    select stage_id,stage_name,stage_type from tc_opportunity_stage where org_id=1 and type_id=2241

    select * from tc_opportunity_stage where org_id=1 and type_id=2
    --224 私人顾问投资导师 825 销售增长计划实操班 712 明星产品实操班

    /* 客户开发销售机会
    2889294 P0-目标客户开发
    1355 P1-建立信赖
    1365 P2-挖掘需求
    2889301 P3-价值塑造
    105 P4-异议处理
    113 P5-赢取承诺(回执)
    119 P6-促成收款
    126 P7-确认到场

    Y1:客户分析与策略 5332444
    Y2:建立信赖 5332437
    Y3: 挖掘需求 5332428
    Y4塑造价值 5332418
    Y5: 异议处理 5332399
    Y6:赢取承诺 5332392
    Y7: 签到 5332409

    S1:客户分析与策略 5332352
    S2 :建立信赖 5332375
    S3:挖掘需求 5332370
    S4:塑造价值 5332360
    S5:异议处理 5332357
    S6:赢取承诺 5332354
    S7:成交 5332353
    S2 tc_account.acct_int05,tc_account.billing_address,tc_account_attr.acct_multi16,tc_account_attr.acct_multi17,tc_account.acct_date08,tc_account.acct_int07,tc_account.acct_int13,tc_account.acct_int17,tc_account.acct_int18,tc_account.acct_char01,tc_account.acct_char02,tc_account.acct_multi06,tc_account_xattr.acct_int50
    S3 缺少可调度资金 tc_account_xattr.acct_int51,tc_account_attr.acct_multi08,tc_account_xattr.acct_int53,tc_account_xattr.acct_int52,tc_account_xattr.acct_int54,tc_account_xattr.acct_int55,tc_account_xattr.acct_int56,tc_account_xattr.acct_int57
    S4 tc_account_xattr.acct_int58,tc_account_xattr.acct_int59,tc_account_xattr.acct_int60,tc_account_xattr.acct_int61,tc_account_xattr.acct_int62,tc_account_xattr.acct_int63,tc_account_xattr.acct_int64,tc_account_1_1.int_1,tc_account_1_1.int_2,tc_account_1_1.int_3
    S5 tc_account_1_1.int_4

    select * from tcv_account_attrs where label like'%家庭年收入%'

    项目亮点 projecttarget
    核心客户 keycustomers
    企业核心关注点 concernedpoints
    家庭年收入 income
    投资性房产 houseproperty
    理财产品 financialproducts
    股票 stock
    小额贷 loan
    股权投资经验 investmentexperience
    在风险可控的前提下,5年内期望回报的倍数 expected eturn
    是否有明确的资产配置需求 ifassetrequirement
    是否有中长期股权投资理念 ifequityinvestment
    是否听过股权选修课 ifoptionalcourse
    是否了解母基金的运作模式 ifknowfund
    是否参加过基金募集 iffundraising
    是否对发布的某支母基金动过心 ifinterestedfund
    是否知道要投母基金要购买投资导师 ifconditionoffund
    是否知道投资导师的内容价值和价格 ifknowvalue
    大区是否提前介入沟通 ifcommunication
    是否谈过投资导师 ifcourse
    客户抗拒点 ifcustomerpoint
    财务电话 financalnumber
    财务姓名 financalname
    微信号 wechatnumber
    收入平均增长率 growthrate
    销售方式 salesmode
    公司产品的规划思路和竞争策略 companyplan
    是否有各类产品的CDBFA ifproductinfo

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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/mazida6/p/4949213.html
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