• glPolygonOffset 函数解析

    两个面共面或面之间距离很近时,会出现十分难看的z - fighting 问题, 另外在地形上绘制等高线也有z -fighting问题

    要解决此问题可以使用, Polygon Offset, 方法如下:



    glEnable( GL_POLYGON_OFFSET_FILL ); // This is the one we need...

    glPolygonOffset( g_OffsetFactor, g_OffsetUnit );


    glPolygonOffset( 0.0f, 0.0f );

    glDisable( GL_POLYGON_OFFSET_FILL );


    g_OffsetFactor代表 factor,

    g_OffsetUnit 代表 units,

    关于factor, units 的解释如下:

    When GL_POLYGON_OFFSET is enabled, each fragment's depth

    value will be offset after it is interpolated from the depth

    values of the appropriate vertices. The value of the offset

    is factor * DZ + r * units, where DZ is a measurement of

    the change in depth relative to the screen area of the

    polygon, and r is the smallest value that is guaranteed to

    produce a resolvable offset for a given implementation. The

    offset is added before the depth test is performed and

    before the value is written into the depth buffer.

    glPolygonOffset is useful for rendering hidden-line images,

    for applying decals to surfaces, and for rendering solids

    with highlighted edges.




    偏移值的量为 “factor * DZ + r * units”,这里DZ是多边形深度值相对其屏幕面积变化的一个量算值,

    r 是一个可以确保能产生一个可用于实行的偏移最小值。 这个“偏移”值在深度检测和值被写入z-Buffer之前要加到片段深度值上。



    glPolygonOffset( 0.0f, 0.1f );  

    glPolygonOffset( -0.1f, 0.2f );

    glPolygonOffset( 0.1f, 0.2f );   

    我的测试如果要线(用线模式绘制的面)偏移面,用glPolygonOffset( -0.1f, 0.2f );

    如果用面偏移线(用线模式绘制的面),用glPolygonOffset( 0.0f, 0.1f ); 或glPolygonOffset( 0.1f, 0.2f );   都可以。

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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/mazhenyu/p/1724819.html
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