• 命令行加载IE ActiveX插件


    1. 在网页中如果指定codeBase(路径相对于当前页面),打开网页的时候将会提示是不是安装ActiveX插件:

    <OBJECT id="factory" codeBase="smsx.cab#Version=6,3,438,06"
        height="0" width="0" classid="clsid:1663ed61-23eb-11d2-b92f-008048fdd814" viewastext>

    2. 另外,也可以手工安装cab包预安装好


    3. 上述两个办法安装插件之后,IE安全级别设置不同,会每次提示是不是允许加载插件,解决办法是修改注册表对应值。


    4. 如果要用命令行注册插件,要用rundll32.exe:

    rundll32.exe advpack.dll,LaunchINFSectionEx inf_filename,[section name],[cab name],<flags>[,smart reboot]

    INF Filename
    INF filename you want to launch. If the given name is not full pathname, advpack.dll will extract the INF from the given CAB file.

    Section Name
    INF install section name you want to launch. If it is empty string or NULL, DefaultInstall section name will be called.

    Cab Name
    Specify the fully qualified CAB file pathname which contains the files or INF you want to install to the user's system.

    Flag Meaning
    4 Quiet Mode, no UI
    8 Don't Run GrpConv
    16 Force Self-Updating on User's System
    32 Backup Data Before Install
    64 Rollback to Previous State
    128 Validate the Backup Data
    256 Complete Rollback to Previous State
    512 Force Delay of OCX Registration

    Smart Reboot
    N No Reboot
    A Always Reboot
    I Reboot if Needed (default value)

    rundll32.exe advpack.dll,LaunchINFSectionEx myinf.inf,,c: empmydata.cab,36

    This means to extract myinf.inf file from c: empmydata.cab file and launch myinf.inf with DefaultInstall section in Quiet|Backup install mode, reboot if needed.

    rundll32.exe advpack.dll,LaunchINFSectionEx c:windowsinfmyinf.inf,,,256

    This means to rollback to the state before installing myinf.inf DefaultInstall section.

    So to make it silent it would be:

    rundll32.exe advpack.dll,LaunchINFSectionEx .<file>.inf,,,4

    实例:注册MeadCo ScriptX(http://scriptx.meadroid.com/) 打印插件
    1 C:WindowsSysWOW64
    undll32.exe syssetup,SetupInfObjectInstallAction DefaultUninstall 4 C:WindowsSysWOW64smsxScriptX.inf
    2 C:WindowsSysWOW64
    undll32.exe syssetup,SetupInfObjectInstallAction DefaultUninstall 4 C:WindowsSysWOW64smsxSecMgr.inf
    3 C:WindowsSysWOW64
    undll32.exe syssetup,SetupInfObjectInstallAction DefaultUninstall 4 C:WindowsSysWOW64smsxPrintX.inf
    4 C:WindowsSysWOW64
    undll32.exe syssetup,SetupInfObjectInstallAction DefaultUninstall 4 C:WindowsSysWOW64smsxpt.inf
    5 C:WindowsSysWOW64
    undll32.exe syssetup,SetupInfObjectInstallAction DefaultUninstall 4 C:WindowsSysWOW64smsxsmsx.inf
     1 C:WindowsSysWOW64
    undll32.exe syssetup,SetupInfObjectInstallAction DefaultUninstall 4 $USER_INSTALL_DIR$smsxScriptX.inf
     2 C:WindowsSysWOW64
    undll32.exe syssetup,SetupInfObjectInstallAction DefaultUninstall 4 $USER_INSTALL_DIR$smsxSecMgr.inf
     3 C:WindowsSysWOW64
    undll32.exe syssetup,SetupInfObjectInstallAction DefaultUninstall 4 $USER_INSTALL_DIR$smsxPrintX.inf
     4 C:WindowsSysWOW64
    undll32.exe syssetup,SetupInfObjectInstallAction DefaultUninstall 4 $USER_INSTALL_DIR$smsxpt.inf
     5 C:WindowsSysWOW64
    undll32.exe syssetup,SetupInfObjectInstallAction DefaultUninstall 4 $USER_INSTALL_DIR$smsxsmsx.inf
     7 C:WindowsSysWOW64
    undll32.exe advpack.dll,LaunchINFSectionEx $USER_INSTALL_DIR$smsxScriptX.inf,,,4
     8 C:WindowsSysWOW64
    undll32.exe advpack.dll,LaunchINFSectionEx $USER_INSTALL_DIR$smsxSecMgr.inf,,,4
     9 C:WindowsSysWOW64
    undll32.exe advpack.dll,LaunchINFSectionEx $USER_INSTALL_DIR$smsxPrintX.inf,,,4
    10 C:WindowsSysWOW64
    undll32.exe advpack.dll,LaunchINFSectionEx $USER_INSTALL_DIR$smsxpt.inf,,,4
    11 C:WindowsSysWOW64
    undll32.exe advpack.dll,LaunchINFSectionEx $USER_INSTALL_DIR$smsxsmsx.inf,,,4
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/markjiao/p/4275079.html
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