• 题目清单

    Status ID Title Category
    1 1 1 1
    AC HDU 5512 Pagodas
    - Gym 101194E Bet 贪心&高精度
    AC HDU 5416 CRB and Tree DFS
    AC CodeForces 374D Inna and Sequence 树状数组+二分
    AC UVA 1754 Posterize DP
    2 2 2 2
    AC HDU 5510 Bazinga KMP+二分
    AC HDU 4814 Golden Radio Base
    AC HDU 5877 Weak Pair 离散化&dfs&树状数组
    AC UVA 1751 Mission Improbable 二分图最大匹配
    AC HDU 5728 PowMod 欧拉函数
    3 3 3 3
    - UVA 1747 Swap Space
    AC HDU 5389 Zero Escape DP
    AC HDU 5414 CRB and String 字符串模拟&贪心
    - HDU 5514 Frogs 容斥
    - POJ 2987 Firing 最大权闭合图
    4 4 4 4
    - HDU 5521 Meeting 最短路
    AC Gym 101194D Ice Cream Tower 二分答案&贪心
    AC UVALive 7501 Business Cycle 二分?
    - POJ 2976 Dropping tests 分数规划
    - UVA 1737 Branch Assignment
    5 5 5 5
    AC Kattis low Low Power 二分答案&贪心
    AC HDU 5898 odd-even number 数位dp
    AC HDU 5894 hannnnah_j’s Biological Test 组合数
    - Gym 101194F Mr. Panda and Fantastic Beasts 后缀数组
    - Gym 101239J Tile Cutting
    6 6 6 6
    AC HDU 5883 The Best Path 连通性
    AC HDU 5875 Function 杂题
    AC HDU 5981 Guess the number DP
    - UVA 1740 Forever Young 折中
    AC HDU 5451 Best Solver 快速幂
    7 7 7 7
    AC Gym 101194H Great Cells 快速幂
    AC HDU 5884 Sort 二分答案
    - HDU 5901 Count primes 数论
    AC UVA 1711 Catering 网络流
    AC UVALive 7505 Hungry Game of Ants DP
    8 8 8 8
    - HDU 5869 Different GCD Subarray Query 线段树&离线
    - HDU 5955 Guessing the Dice Roll AC自动机&高斯消元&概率dp
    - HDU 5449 Robot Dog 期望&LCA
    - UVALive 7503 Change 杂题
    AC UVALive 7509 Dome and Steles 三分
    9 9 9 9
    - HDU 3685 Rotational Painting 重心&凸包
    - HDU 5957 Query on a graph 线段树
    - HDU 6223 Infinite Fraction Path BFS&剪枝
    - Gym 101194G Pandaria 并查集&线段树合并
    - CodeForces 674C Levels and Regions DP&斜率优化
    10 10 10 10
    AC HDU 5954 Do not pour out 二分答案
    - HDU 5452 Minimum Cut LCA&DFS&Spanning Tree
    AC HDU 5725 Game 曼哈顿距离&组合技术
    AC HDU 5895 Mathematician QSC 快速幂
    - POJ 3683 Priest John's Busiest Day SAT
    11 11 11 11
    AC UVALive 7500 Boxes and Balls
    AC HDU 5874 Friends and Enemies 二分图
    - UVA 11478 Halum 图论&差分约束
    - HihoCoder 1583 Cake 杂题
    - Gym 101194B Hemi Palindrome 回文&容斥
  • 相关阅读:
  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/maoruimas/p/9580643.html
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