• easyui treegrid的使用示例


     1 <div id="tbList" fit="true"></div>
     3 $(function () {
     4     $("#tbList").treegrid({
     5         url: "/Action/MenuIndex/",
     6         method: 'post',
     7         title: '菜单列表',
     8         idField: 'Id',
     9         treeField: 'Name',
    10         iconCls: 'ext-icon-application_side_tree',
    11         rownumbers: true,
    12         animate: true,
    13         fitColumns: true,
    14         resizable: true,
    15         frozenColumns: [[
    16             { title: '菜单名称', field: 'Name',  200 }
    17         ]],
    18         columns: [[
    19             { title: '排序', field: 'DisOrder',  40 },
    20             { title: '区域名', field: 'AreaName',  80},
    21             { title: '控制器名', field: 'ControllerName',  80},
    22             { title: 'Action方法名', field: 'ActionName',  80 },                    
    23             {
    24                 title: 'FormMethod', field: '请求方式',  80,
    25                 formatter: function (value, row, index) {
    26                     return new Object(row["FormMethodDictionary"]).Name;
    27                 }
    28             },
    29             {
    30                 title: 'OperationType', field: '操作类型',  80,
    31                 formatter: function (value, row, index) {
    32                     return new Object(row["OperationTypeDictionary"]).Name;
    33                 }
    34             },
    35             {
    36                 field: 'IsShow', title: '显示',  25, align: 'center', formatter: function (colData) {
    37                     return colData ? "√" : "X";
    38                 }
    39             },
    40             {
    41                 field: 'IsLink', title: '链接',  25, align: 'center', formatter: function (colData) {
    42                     return colData ? "√" : "X";
    43                 }
    44             },
    45             { title: '备注', field: 'Remark',  150 },
    46             { title: 'ParentId', field: 'ParentId', hidden: true }
    47         ]],
    48         toolbar: [{
    49             text: "添加",
    50             iconCls: 'icon-add',
    51             handler: add
    52         }, '-', {
    53             text: "修改",
    54             iconCls: 'icon-edit',
    55             handler: modify
    56         }, '-', {
    57             text: "删除",
    58             iconCls: 'icon-remove',
    59             handler: remove
    60         }]      
    62     });
    63 });
    View Code


     1 public ActionResult MenuIndex(FormCollection form)
     2 {
     3     //取从数据字典中取中Menu对应的ID号
     4     var dic = _dictionaryService.Single(o => o.Name == "MENU" && o.IsDeleted == false);
     5     var menuId = dic.Id;
     7     //查询所有菜单信息
     8     var menus = _actionService.Where(o => o.IsDeleted == false && o.OperationType == menuId && o.IsShow == true, o => o.DisOrder, true, "FormMethodDictionary", "OperationTypeDictionary").ToList();
    10     //构造TreeGrid的数据
    11     RSCC.Model.PageData<ActionViewModel> treegrids = new RSCC.Model.PageData<ActionViewModel>();
    12     treegrids.total = menus.Count();
    13     treegrids.rows = menus.Select(o => o.ToViewModel()).ToList();
    15     //转化为JSON格式
    16     var strJson = operationContext.ToJson(treegrids);
    17     return Content(strJson);
    19 } 
    View Code


    对应的ViewModel中必须有 _parentId 和 state 属性,iconCls 可选。



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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/maocs/p/4595528.html
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