• Java基础之处理事件——添加菜单图标(Sketcher 8 with toolbar buttons and menu icons)



     1 // Defines application wide constants
     2 package Constants;
     3 import java.awt.Color;
     4 import javax.swing.*;
     6 public class SketcherConstants {
     7   // Path for images
     8   public final static String imagePath = "E:/JavaProject/BeginningJava/Images/";
    10   // Toolbar icons
    11   public final static Icon NEW24 = new ImageIcon(imagePath + "New24.gif");
    12   public final static Icon OPEN24 = new ImageIcon(imagePath + "Open24.gif");
    13   public final static Icon SAVE24 = new ImageIcon(imagePath + "Save24.gif");
    14   public final static Icon SAVEAS24 = new ImageIcon(imagePath + "SaveAs24.gif");
    15   public final static Icon PRINT24 = new ImageIcon(imagePath + "Print24.gif");
    17   public final static Icon LINE24 = new ImageIcon(imagePath + "Line24.gif");
    18   public final static Icon RECTANGLE24 = new ImageIcon(imagePath + "Rectangle24.gif");
    19   public final static Icon CIRCLE24 = new ImageIcon(imagePath + "Circle24.gif");
    20   public final static Icon CURVE24 = new ImageIcon(imagePath + "Curve24.gif");
    22   public final static Icon RED24 = new ImageIcon(imagePath + "Red24.gif");
    23   public final static Icon GREEN24 = new ImageIcon(imagePath + "Green24.gif");
    24   public final static Icon BLUE24 = new ImageIcon(imagePath + "Blue24.gif");
    25   public final static Icon YELLOW24 = new ImageIcon(imagePath + "Yellow24.gif");
    27   // Menu item icons
    28   public final static Icon NEW16 = new ImageIcon(imagePath + "new16.gif");
    29   public final static Icon OPEN16 = new ImageIcon(imagePath + "Open16.gif");
    30   public final static Icon SAVE16 = new ImageIcon(imagePath + "Save16.gif");
    31   public final static Icon SAVEAS16 = new ImageIcon(imagePath + "SaveAs16.gif");
    32   public final static Icon PRINT16 = new ImageIcon(imagePath + "print16.gif");
    34   public final static Icon LINE16 = new ImageIcon(imagePath + "Line16.gif");
    35   public final static Icon RECTANGLE16 = new ImageIcon(imagePath + "Rectangle16.gif");
    36   public final static Icon CIRCLE16 = new ImageIcon(imagePath + "Circle16.gif");
    37   public final static Icon CURVE16 = new ImageIcon(imagePath + "Curve16.gif");
    39   public final static Icon RED16 = new ImageIcon(imagePath + "Red16.gif");
    40   public final static Icon GREEN16 = new ImageIcon(imagePath + "Green16.gif");
    41   public final static Icon BLUE16 = new ImageIcon(imagePath + "Blue16.gif");
    42   public final static Icon YELLOW16 = new ImageIcon(imagePath + "Yellow16.gif");
    44   // Element type definitions
    45   public final static int LINE      = 101;
    46   public final static int RECTANGLE = 102;
    47   public final static int CIRCLE    = 103;
    48   public final static int CURVE     = 104;
    50   // Initial conditions
    51   public final static int DEFAULT_ELEMENT_TYPE = LINE;
    52   public final static Color DEFAULT_ELEMENT_COLOR = Color.BLUE;
    53 }
      1 // Frame for the Sketcher application
      2 import javax.swing.*;
      3 import javax.swing.border.*;
      4 import java.awt.event.*;
      5 import java.awt.*;
      7 import static java.awt.event.InputEvent.*;
      8 import static java.awt.AWTEvent.*;
      9 import static java.awt.Color.*;
     10 import static Constants.SketcherConstants.*;
     11 import static javax.swing.Action.*;
     13 @SuppressWarnings("serial")
     14 public class SketcherFrame extends JFrame {
     15   // Constructor
     16   public SketcherFrame(String title) {
     17     setTitle(title);                                                   // Set the window title
     18     setJMenuBar(menuBar);                                              // Add the menu bar to the window
     19     setDefaultCloseOperation(EXIT_ON_CLOSE);                           // Default is exit the application
     21     createFileMenu();                                                  // Create the File menu
     22     createElementMenu();                                               // Create the element menu
     23     createColorMenu();                                                 // Create the element menu
     24     createToolbar();
     25     toolBar.setRollover(true);
     26     getContentPane().add(toolBar, BorderLayout.NORTH);
     27   }
     29   // Create File menu item actions
     30   private void createFileMenuActions() {
     31     newAction = new FileAction("New", 'N', CTRL_DOWN_MASK);
     32     openAction = new FileAction("Open", 'O', CTRL_DOWN_MASK);
     33     closeAction = new FileAction("Close");
     34     saveAction = new FileAction("Save", 'S', CTRL_DOWN_MASK);
     35     saveAsAction = new FileAction("Save As...");
     36     printAction = new FileAction("Print", 'P', CTRL_DOWN_MASK);
     37     exitAction = new FileAction("Exit", 'X', CTRL_DOWN_MASK);
     39     // Initialize the array
     40     FileAction[] actions = {openAction, closeAction, saveAction, saveAsAction, printAction, exitAction};
     41     fileActions = actions;
     43     // Add toolbar icons
     44     newAction.putValue(LARGE_ICON_KEY, NEW24);
     45     openAction.putValue(LARGE_ICON_KEY, OPEN24);
     46     saveAction.putValue(LARGE_ICON_KEY, SAVE24);
     47     saveAsAction.putValue(LARGE_ICON_KEY, SAVEAS24);
     48     printAction.putValue(LARGE_ICON_KEY, PRINT24);
     50     // Add menu item icons
     51     newAction.putValue(SMALL_ICON, NEW16);
     52     openAction.putValue(SMALL_ICON, OPEN16);
     53     saveAction.putValue(SMALL_ICON, SAVE16);
     54     saveAsAction.putValue(SMALL_ICON,SAVEAS16);
     55     printAction.putValue(SMALL_ICON, PRINT16);
     56   }
     58   // Create the File menu
     59   private void createFileMenu() {
     60     JMenu fileMenu = new JMenu("File");                                // Create File menu
     61     fileMenu.setMnemonic('F');                                         // Create shortcut
     62     createFileMenuActions();                                           // Create Actions for File menu item
     64     // Construct the file drop-down menu
     65     fileMenu.add(newAction);                                           // New Sketch menu item
     66     fileMenu.add(openAction);                                          // Open sketch menu item
     67     fileMenu.add(closeAction);                                         // Close sketch menu item
     68     fileMenu.addSeparator();                                           // Add separator
     69     fileMenu.add(saveAction);                                          // Save sketch to file
     70     fileMenu.add(saveAsAction);                                        // Save As menu item
     71     fileMenu.addSeparator();                                           // Add separator
     72     fileMenu.add(printAction);                                         // Print sketch menu item
     73     fileMenu.addSeparator();                                           // Add separator
     74     fileMenu.add(exitAction);                                          // Print sketch menu item
     75     menuBar.add(fileMenu);                                             // Add the file menu
     76   }
     78   // Create Element  menu actions
     79   private void createElementTypeActions() {
     80     lineAction = new TypeAction("Line", LINE, 'L', CTRL_DOWN_MASK);
     81     rectangleAction = new TypeAction("Rectangle", RECTANGLE, 'R', CTRL_DOWN_MASK);
     82     circleAction =  new TypeAction("Circle", CIRCLE,'C', CTRL_DOWN_MASK);
     83     curveAction = new TypeAction("Curve", CURVE,'U', CTRL_DOWN_MASK);
     85     // Initialize the array
     86     TypeAction[] actions = {lineAction, rectangleAction, circleAction, curveAction};
     87     typeActions = actions;
     89     // Add toolbar icons
     90     lineAction.putValue(LARGE_ICON_KEY, LINE24);
     91     rectangleAction.putValue(LARGE_ICON_KEY, RECTANGLE24);
     92     circleAction.putValue(LARGE_ICON_KEY, CIRCLE24);
     93     curveAction.putValue(LARGE_ICON_KEY, CURVE24);
     95     // Add menu item icons
     96     lineAction.putValue(SMALL_ICON, LINE16);
     97     rectangleAction.putValue(SMALL_ICON, RECTANGLE16);
     98     circleAction.putValue(SMALL_ICON, CIRCLE16);
     99     curveAction.putValue(SMALL_ICON, CURVE16);
    100   }
    102   // Create the Elements menu
    103   private void createElementMenu() {
    104     createElementTypeActions();
    105     elementMenu = new JMenu("Elements");                               // Create Elements menu
    106     elementMenu.setMnemonic('E');                                      // Create shortcut
    107     createRadioButtonDropDown(elementMenu, typeActions, lineAction);
    108     menuBar.add(elementMenu);                                          // Add the element menu
    109   }
    111   // Create Color menu actions
    112   private void createElementColorActions() {
    113     redAction = new ColorAction("Red", RED, 'R', CTRL_DOWN_MASK|ALT_DOWN_MASK);
    114     yellowAction = new ColorAction("Yellow", YELLOW, 'Y', CTRL_DOWN_MASK|ALT_DOWN_MASK);
    115     greenAction = new ColorAction("Green", GREEN, 'G', CTRL_DOWN_MASK|ALT_DOWN_MASK);
    116     blueAction = new ColorAction("Blue", BLUE, 'B', CTRL_DOWN_MASK|ALT_DOWN_MASK);
    118     // Initialize the array
    119     ColorAction[] actions = {redAction, greenAction, blueAction, yellowAction};
    120     colorActions = actions;
    122     // Add toolbar icons
    123     redAction.putValue(LARGE_ICON_KEY, RED24);
    124     greenAction.putValue(LARGE_ICON_KEY, GREEN24);
    125     blueAction.putValue(LARGE_ICON_KEY, BLUE24);
    126     yellowAction.putValue(LARGE_ICON_KEY, YELLOW24);
    128     // Add menu item icons
    129     redAction.putValue(SMALL_ICON, RED16);
    130     greenAction.putValue(SMALL_ICON, GREEN16);
    131     blueAction.putValue(SMALL_ICON, BLUE16);
    132     yellowAction.putValue(SMALL_ICON, YELLOW16);
    133   }
    135   // Create the Color menu
    136   private void createColorMenu() {
    137     createElementColorActions();
    138     colorMenu = new JMenu("Color");                                    // Create Elements menu
    139     colorMenu.setMnemonic('C');                                        // Create shortcut
    140     createRadioButtonDropDown(colorMenu, colorActions, blueAction);
    141     menuBar.add(colorMenu);                                            // Add the color menu
    142   }
    144   // Menu creation helper
    145   private void createRadioButtonDropDown(JMenu menu, Action[] actions, Action selected) {
    146     ButtonGroup group = new ButtonGroup();
    147     JRadioButtonMenuItem item = null;
    148     for(Action action : actions) {
    149       group.add(menu.add(item = new JRadioButtonMenuItem(action)));
    150       if(action == selected) {
    151         item.setSelected(true);                                        // This is default selected
    152       }
    153     }
    154   }
    156   // Create toolbar buttons on the toolbar
    157   private void createToolbar() {
    158     for(FileAction action: fileActions){
    159       if(action != exitAction && action != closeAction)
    160         addToolbarButton(action);                                      // Add the toolbar button
    161     }
    162     toolBar.addSeparator();
    164     // Create Color menu buttons
    165     for(ColorAction action:colorActions){
    166         addToolbarButton(action);                                      // Add the toolbar button
    167     }
    168     toolBar.addSeparator();
    170     // Create Elements menu buttons
    171     for(TypeAction action:typeActions){
    172         addToolbarButton(action);                                      // Add the toolbar button
    173     }
    174  }
    176   // Create and add a toolbar button
    177   private void addToolbarButton(Action action) {
    178     JButton button = new JButton(action);                              // Create from Action
    179     button.setBorder(BorderFactory.createCompoundBorder(               // Add button border
    180            new EmptyBorder(2,5,5,2),                                   // Outside border
    181            BorderFactory.createRaisedBevelBorder()));                  // Inside border
    182     button.setHideActionText(true);                                    // No label on the button
    183     toolBar.add(button);                                               // Add the toolbar button
    184   }
    186   // Set radio button menu checks
    187   private void setChecks(JMenu menu, Object eventSource) {
    188     if(eventSource instanceof JButton){
    189       JButton button = (JButton)eventSource;
    190       Action action = button.getAction();
    191       for(int i = 0 ; i < menu.getItemCount() ; ++i) {
    192         JMenuItem item = menu.getItem(i);
    193         item.setSelected(item.getAction() == action);
    194       }
    195     }
    196   }
    198   // Inner class defining Action objects for File menu items
    199   class FileAction extends AbstractAction {
    200     // Create action with a name
    201     FileAction(String name) {
    202       super(name);
    203     }
    205     // Create action with a name and accelerator
    206     FileAction(String name, char ch, int modifiers) {
    207       super(name);
    208       putValue(ACCELERATOR_KEY, KeyStroke.getKeyStroke(ch, modifiers));
    210       // Now find the character to underline
    211       int index = name.toUpperCase().indexOf(ch);
    212       if(index != -1) {
    213         putValue(DISPLAYED_MNEMONIC_INDEX_KEY, index);
    214       }
    215     }
    217     // Event handler
    218     public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
    219       // You will add action code here eventually...
    220     }
    221   }
    223   // Inner class defining Action objects for Element type menu items
    224   class TypeAction extends AbstractAction {
    225     // Create action with just a name property
    226     TypeAction(String name, int typeID) {
    227       super(name);
    228       this.typeID = typeID;
    229     }
    231     // Create action with a name and an accelerator
    232     private TypeAction(String name,int typeID, char ch, int modifiers) {
    233       this(name, typeID);
    234       putValue(ACCELERATOR_KEY, KeyStroke.getKeyStroke(ch, modifiers));
    236       // Now find the character to underline
    237       int index = name.toUpperCase().indexOf(ch);
    238       if(index != -1) {
    239         putValue(DISPLAYED_MNEMONIC_INDEX_KEY, index);
    240       }
    241     }
    243     public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
    244       elementType = typeID;
    245       setChecks(elementMenu, e.getSource());
    246     }
    248     private int typeID;
    249   }
    251   // Handles color menu items
    252   class ColorAction  extends AbstractAction {
    253     // Create an action with a name and a color
    254     public ColorAction(String name, Color color) {
    255       super(name);
    256       this.color = color;
    257     }
    259     // Create an action with a name, a color, and an accelerator
    260     public ColorAction(String name, Color color, char ch, int modifiers) {
    261       this(name, color);
    262       putValue(ACCELERATOR_KEY, KeyStroke.getKeyStroke(ch, modifiers));
    264       // Now find the character to underline
    265       int index = name.toUpperCase().indexOf(ch);
    266       if(index != -1) {
    267         putValue(DISPLAYED_MNEMONIC_INDEX_KEY, index);
    268       }
    269     }
    271     public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
    272       elementColor = color;
    273       setChecks(colorMenu, e.getSource());
    274     }
    276     private Color color;
    277   }
    279   // File actions
    280   private FileAction newAction, openAction, closeAction, saveAction, saveAsAction, printAction, exitAction;
    281   private FileAction[] fileActions;                                    // File actions as an array
    283   // Element type actions
    284   private TypeAction lineAction, rectangleAction, circleAction, curveAction;
    285   private TypeAction[] typeActions;                                    // Type actions as an array
    287 // Element color actions
    288   private ColorAction redAction, yellowAction,greenAction, blueAction;
    289   private ColorAction[] colorActions;                                  // Color actions as an array
    291   private JMenuBar menuBar = new JMenuBar();                           // Window menu bar
    292   private JMenu elementMenu;                                           // Elements menu
    293   private JMenu colorMenu;                                             // Color menu
    295   private Color elementColor = DEFAULT_ELEMENT_COLOR;                  // Current element color
    296   private int elementType = DEFAULT_ELEMENT_TYPE;                      // Current element type
    297   private JToolBar toolBar = new JToolBar();                           // Window toolbar
    298 }
     1 // Sketching application
     2 import javax.swing.*;
     3 import java.awt.*;
     4 import java.awt.event.*;
     6 public class Sketcher {
     7   public static void main(String[] args) {
     8      theApp = new Sketcher();                                          // Create the application object
     9    SwingUtilities.invokeLater(new Runnable() {
    10             public void run() {
    11                           theApp.createGUI();                          // Call GUI creator
    12             }
    13         });
    14   }
    16   // Method to create the application GUI
    17   private void createGUI() {
    18     window = new SketcherFrame("Sketcher");                            // Create the app window
    19     Toolkit theKit = window.getToolkit();                              // Get the window toolkit
    20     Dimension wndSize = theKit.getScreenSize();                        // Get screen size
    22     // Set the position to screen center & size to half screen size
    23     window.setSize(wndSize.width/2, wndSize.height/2);                 // Set window size
    24     window.setLocationRelativeTo(null);                                // Center window
    26     window.addWindowListener(new WindowHandler());                     // Add window listener
    27     window.setVisible(true);
    28   }
    30   // Handler class for window events
    31   class WindowHandler extends WindowAdapter {
    32     // Handler for window closing event
    33     @Override
    34     public void windowClosing(WindowEvent e) {
    35       // Code to be added here...
    36     }
    37   }
    39   private SketcherFrame window;                                        // The application window
    40   private static Sketcher theApp;                                      // The application object
    41 }
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/mannixiang/p/3486717.html
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