• Java基础之泛型——使用泛型链表类型(TryGenericLinkedList)



     1 public class Point {
     2   // Create a point from its coordinates
     3   public Point(double xVal, double yVal) {
     4      x = xVal;
     5      y = yVal;
     6   }
     8   // Create a point from another point
     9   public Point(Point point) {
    10      x = point.x;
    11      y = point.y;
    12   }
    14   // Convert a point to a string
    15   @Override
    16   public String toString() {
    17      return x+","+y;
    18   }
    20   // Coordinates of the point
    21   protected double x;
    22   protected double y;
    23 }


     1 public class LinkedList<T> {
     2   // Default constructor - creates an empty list
     3   public LinkedList() {}
     5   // Constructor to create a list containing one object
     6   public LinkedList(T item) {
     7     if(item != null) {
     8       current = end = start = new ListItem(item);                      // item is the start and end
     9     }
    10   }
    12   // Construct a linked list from an array of objects
    13   public LinkedList(T[] items) {
    14     if(items != null) {
    15       // Add the items to the list
    16       for(int i = 0; i < items.length; ++i) {
    17         addItem(items[i]);
    18       }
    19       current = start;
    20     }
    21   }
    23   // Add an item object to the list
    24   public void addItem(T item) {
    25     ListItem newEnd = new ListItem(item);                              // Create a new ListItem
    26     if(start == null) {                                                // Is the list empty?
    27       start = end = newEnd;                                            // Yes, so new element is start and end
    28     } else {                                                           // No, so append new element
    29       end.next = newEnd;                                               // Set next variable for old end
    30       end = newEnd;                                                    // Store new item as end
    31     }
    32   }
    33   // Get the first object in the list
    34   public T getFirst() {
    35     current = start;
    36     return start == null ? null : start.item;
    37   }
    39   // Get the next object in the list
    40   public T getNext() {
    41     if(current != null) {
    42       current = current.next;                                          // Get the reference to the next item
    43     }
    44     return current == null ? null : current.item;
    45   }
    47   private ListItem start = null;                                       // First ListItem in the list
    48   private ListItem end = null;                                         // Last ListItem in the list
    49   private ListItem current = null;                                     // The current item for iterating
    51   private class ListItem {
    53     // Constructor
    54     public ListItem(T item) {
    55       this.item = item;                                                // Store the item
    56       next = null;                                                     // Set next as end point
    57     }
    59     // Return class name & object
    60     @Override
    61     public String toString() {
    62       return "ListItem " + item ;
    63     }
    65     ListItem next;                                                     // Refers to next item in the list
    66     T item;                                                            // The item for this ListItem
    67   }
    68 }


     1 public class PolyLine {
     2   // Construct a polyline from an array of coordinate pairs
     3   public PolyLine(double[][] coords) {
     4     Point[] points = new Point[coords.length];                         // Array to hold points
     6     // Create points from the coordinates
     7     for(int i = 0; i < coords.length ; ++i) {
     8       points[i] = new Point(coords[i][0], coords[i][1]);
     9     }
    11     // Create the polyline from the array of points
    12     polyline = new LinkedList<>(points);                               // Create list of Point objects
    13   }
    15   // Construct a polyline from an array of points
    16   public PolyLine(Point[] points) {
    17     polyline = new LinkedList<>(points);                               // Create list of Point objects
    18   }
    20   // Add a Point object to the list
    21   public void addPoint(Point point) {
    22     polyline.addItem(point);                                           // Add the point to the list
    23   }
    25   // Add a point from a coordinate pair to the list
    26   public void addPoint(double x, double y) {
    27      polyline.addItem(new Point(x, y));                                // Add the point to the list
    28   }
    30   // String representation of a polyline
    31   @Override
    32   public String toString() {
    33     StringBuffer str = new StringBuffer("Polyline:");
    34     Point point = polyline.getFirst();
    35                                                                        // Set the 1st point as start
    36     while(point != null) {
    37       str.append(" ("+ point+ ")");                                    // Append the current point
    38       point = polyline.getNext();                                      // Make the next point current
    39     }
    40     return str.toString();
    41   }
    43   private LinkedList<Point> polyline;                                  // The linked list of points
    44 }


    public class TryGenericLinkedList {
      public static void main(String[] args) {
        // Create an array of coordinate pairs
        double[][] coords = { {1, 1}, {1, 2}, { 2, 3},
                              {-3, 5}, {-5, 1}, {0, 0} };
        // Create a polyline from the coordinates and display it
        PolyLine polygon = new PolyLine(coords);
        // Add a point and display the polyline again
        polygon.addPoint(10, 10);
        // Create Point objects from the coordinate array
        Point[] points = new Point[coords.length];
        for(int i = 0; i < points.length; ++i) {
          points[i] = new Point(coords[i][0],coords[i][1]);
        // Use the points to create a new polyline and display it
        PolyLine newPoly = new PolyLine(points);



    2、通过将Point作为类型变量T的参数传递到LinkedList<T>泛型类的定义中,可以生成相应的类类型。这个过程被称为类型擦除(Type erasure),因为出现类型变量T的所有位置都已经被Point替换。




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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/mannixiang/p/3418593.html
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