数据+ - + - + - + | id (int) | rgb(文本)|深度(文本)+ - + - + - +
-时间戳= 2020/09/03
时间戳= 2020/09/03
相机id = 'xyzcam132456'
第4题,如果求快的,可以使用缓存,比如说用redis中列表,以机器名+日期作为key,具体的图片路径为value进行缓存。 某一天的数据可以放到这个redis列表中,如果要用的话,直接通过redis管道获取这个列表中的所有数据。
database question set: 1.in a robot station,there are serval cameras capturing a set of images which we call it as 'data' is. data contains a rgb image and a depth image . in addition to the image path,there is some information in data:timestamped, camera id, and capture quality, which is good or not. Please follow the template to design a mysql table 'data'
2.we need to append several data to multiple dataset, and each dataset has a title . Please design 2 tables to record dataset,and the relationship between data and dataset.
3.Please use SQLto query the data from the table data which satisty the following condition
timestamped = 2020/09/03
in the dataset whose id is 2
4.Following the previous question, if there are millions of rows in the table 'data' we need to query a unique data which satisfies the following condition. and the query time need to less than 10millisecond .The usual mysql query method can't achieve the required speed. How will you design the system?
camera id = 'xyzcam132456'
note that it's an open question ,you can propose many methods to speed up query.(hint:we can use another tool other than mYSQL)