• ThreadSafety Read Write Lock(Synchronization of .net)

    Quite often, instances of a type are thread-safe for concurrent read operations, but not for concurrent updates (nor for a concurrent read and update). This can also be true with resources such as a file. Although protecting instances of such types with a simple exclusive lock for all modes of access usually does the trick, it can unreasonably restrict concurrency if there are many readers and just occasional updates. An example of where this could occur is in a business application server, where commonly used data is cached for fast retrieval in static fields. The ReaderWriterLockSlim class is designed to provide maximum-availability locking in just this scenario.

    ReaderWriterLockSlim was introduced in Framework 3.5 and is a replacement for the older “fat” ReaderWriterLock class. The latter is similar in functionality, but it is several times slower and has an inherent design fault in its mechanism for handling lock upgrades.

    When compared to an ordinary lock (Monitor.Enter/Exit),ReaderWriterLockSlim is twice as slow, though.

    With both classes, there are two basic kinds of lock — a read lock and a write lock:

    • A write lock is universally exclusive.
    • A read lock is compatible with other read locks.

    So, a thread holding a write lock blocks all other threads trying to obtain a reador write lock (and vice versa). But if no thread holds a write lock, any number of threads may concurrently obtain a read lock.

    ReaderWriterLockSlim defines the following methods for obtaining and releasing read/write locks:

    public void EnterReadLock(); public void ExitReadLock(); public void EnterWriteLock(); public void ExitWriteLock(); 

    Additionally, there are “Try” versions of all EnterXXX methods that accept timeout arguments in the style ofMonitor.TryEnter (timeouts can occur quite easily if the resource is heavily contended). ReaderWriterLockprovides similar methods, named AcquireXXX and ReleaseXXX. These throw an ApplicationException if a timeout occurs, rather than returning false.

    The following program demonstrates ReaderWriterLockSlim. Three threads continually enumerate a list, while two further threads append a random number to the list every second. A read lock protects the list readers, and a write lock protects the list writers:

    class SlimDemo
      static ReaderWriterLockSlim _rw = new ReaderWriterLockSlim();
      static List<int> _items = new List<int>();
      static Random _rand = new Random();
      static void Main()
        new Thread (Read).Start();
        new Thread (Read).Start();
        new Thread (Read).Start();
        new Thread (Write).Start ("A");
        new Thread (Write).Start ("B");
      static void Read()
        while (true)
          foreach (int i in _items) Thread.Sleep (10);
      static void Write (object threadID)
        while (true)
          int newNumber = GetRandNum (100);
          _items.Add (newNumber);
          Console.WriteLine ("Thread " + threadID + " added " + newNumber);
          Thread.Sleep (100);
      static int GetRandNum (int max) { lock (_rand) return _rand.Next(max); }


    In production code, you’d typically add try/finally blocks to ensure that locks were released if an exception was thrown.

    Here’s the result:

    Thread B added 61 
    Thread A added 83 
    Thread B added 55 
    Thread A added 33 

    ReaderWriterLockSlim allows more concurrent Read activity than a simple lock. We can illustrate this by inserting the following line in the Write method, at the start of the while loop:

    Console.WriteLine (_rw.CurrentReadCount + " concurrent readers"); 

    This nearly always prints “3 concurrent readers” (the Read methods spend most of their time inside the foreachloops). As well as CurrentReadCountReaderWriterLockSlim provides the following properties for monitoring locks:

    public bool IsReadLockHeld            { get; } 
    public bool IsUpgradeableReadLockHeld { get; } 
    public bool IsWriteLockHeld           { get; }   
    public int  WaitingReadCount          { get; } 
    public int  WaitingUpgradeCount       { get; } 
    public int  WaitingWriteCount         { get; }   
    public int  RecursiveReadCount        { get; } 
    public int  RecursiveUpgradeCount     { get; } 
    public int  RecursiveWriteCount       { get; } 

    Upgradeable Locks and Recursion

    Sometimes it’s useful to swap a read lock for a write lock in a single atomic operation. For instance, suppose you want to add an item to a list only if the item wasn’t already present. Ideally, you’d want to minimize the time spent holding the (exclusive) write lock, so you might proceed as follows:

    1. Obtain a read lock.
    2. Test if the item is already present in the list, and if so, release the lock and return.
    3. Release the read lock.
    4. Obtain a write lock.
    5. Add the item.

    The problem is that another thread could sneak in and modify the list (e.g., adding the same item) between steps 3 and 4. ReaderWriterLockSlim addresses this through a third kind of lock called an upgradeable lock. An upgradeable lock is like a read lock except that it can later be promoted to a write lock in an atomic operation. Here’s how you use it:

    1. Call EnterUpgradeableReadLock.
    2. Perform read-based activities (e.g., test whether the item is already present in the list).
    3. Call EnterWriteLock (this converts the upgradeable lock to a write lock).
    4. Perform write-based activities (e.g., add the item to the list).
    5. Call ExitWriteLock (this converts the write lock back to an upgradeable lock).
    6. Perform any other read-based activities.
    7. Call ExitUpgradeableReadLock.

    From the caller’s perspective, it’s rather like nested or recursive locking. Functionally, though, in step 3,ReaderWriterLockSlim releases your read lock and obtains a fresh write lock, atomically.

    There’s another important difference between upgradeable locks and read locks. While an upgradeable lock can coexist with any number of read locks, only one upgradeable lock can itself be taken out at a time. This prevents conversion deadlocks by serializing competing conversions — just as update locks do in SQL Server:

    SQL ServerReaderWriterLockSlim
    Share lockRead lock
    Exclusive lockWrite lock
    Update lockUpgradeable lock

    We can demonstrate an upgradeable lock by changing the Write method in the preceding example such that it adds a number to list only if not already present: 

    while (true)
      int newNumber = GetRandNum (100);
      if (!_items.Contains (newNumber))
        _items.Add (newNumber);
        Console.WriteLine ("Thread " + threadID + " added " + newNumber);
      Thread.Sleep (100);


    ReaderWriterLock can also do lock conversions — but unreliably because it doesn’t support the concept of upgradeable locks. This is why the designers of ReaderWriterLockSlim had to start afresh with a new class.

    Lock recursion

    Ordinarily, nested or recursive locking is prohibited with ReaderWriterLockSlim. Hence, the following throws an exception:

    var rw = new ReaderWriterLockSlim(); 

    It runs without error, however, if you construct ReaderWriterLockSlim as follows:

    var rw = new ReaderWriterLockSlim (LockRecursionPolicy.SupportsRecursion); 

    This ensures that recursive locking can happen only if you plan for it. Recursive locking can create undesired complexity because it’s possible to acquire more than one kind of lock:

    Console.WriteLine (rw.IsReadLockHeld);     // True 
    Console.WriteLine (rw.IsWriteLockHeld);    // True 

    The basic rule is that once you’ve acquired a lock, subsequent recursive locks can be less, but not greater, on the following scale:

        Read Lock, Upgradeable Lock, Write Lock

    A request to promote an upgradeable lock to a write lock, however, is always legal. 

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