DotNetMQ是一个新的、独立的、开源的,完全基于C#和.NET Framework3.5的消息队列系统
下面具体介绍如何安装、部署以及使用DotNetMQ 消息组件。
1. 先看看DotNetMQ 项目源码
DotNetMQ 项目是消息组件服务;MDSManager 项目消息组件的管理界面,用来配置系统中的客户端机器。
MDSCommonLib 项目是客户端系统需要引用的DLL程序集,使客户端系统可以和MDS 服务进行交互。
2. 部署DotNetMQ 服务
该服务编译的DLL程序集在如下目录 — DotNetMQ_SourcesDotNetMQinDebug,该项目的System.Data.SQLite.dll是x86,所以可以考虑把项目改为x86平台
在CMD窗口中,在上述目录下,执行如下命令,安装部署 DotNetMQ 服务:
installutil dotnetmq.exe
3. 注册和配置DotNetMQ 消息应用程序
在安装部署好DotNetMQ服务之后,开始运行MDSManager.exe 程序,添加和注册客户端应用程序,如下所示,添加Application1和Application2 应用程序。
using System; using System.Text; using MDS.Client; namespace Application1 { class Program { static void Main() { //Create MDSClient object to connect to DotNetMQ //Name of this application: Application1 var mdsClient = new MDSClient("Application1"); //Connect to DotNetMQ server mdsClient.Connect(); Console.WriteLine("Write a text and press enter to send to Application2. Write 'exit' to stop application."); while (true) { //Get a message from user var messageText = Console.ReadLine(); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(messageText) || messageText == "exit") { break; } //Create a DotNetMQ Message to send to Application2 var message = mdsClient.CreateMessage(); //Set destination application name message.DestinationApplicationName = "Application2"; //message.DestinationServerName = "this_server2"; //Set message data message.MessageData = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(messageText); //Send message message.Send(); } //Disconnect from DotNetMQ server mdsClient.Disconnect(); } } }
using System; using System.Text; using MDS.Client; namespace Application2 { class Program { static void Main(string[] args) { //Create MDSClient object to connect to DotNetMQ //Name of this application: Application2 var mdsClient = new MDSClient("Application2"); //Register to MessageReceived event to get messages. mdsClient.MessageReceived += MDSClient_MessageReceived; //Connect to DotNetMQ server mdsClient.Connect(); //Wait user to press enter to terminate application Console.WriteLine("Press enter to exit..."); Console.ReadLine(); //Disconnect from DotNetMQ server mdsClient.Disconnect(); } /// <summary> /// This method handles received messages from other applications via DotNetMQ. /// </summary> /// <param name="sender"></param> /// <param name="e">Message parameters</param> static void MDSClient_MessageReceived(object sender, MessageReceivedEventArgs e) { //Get message var messageText = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(e.Message.MessageData); //Process message Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine("Text message received : " + messageText); Console.WriteLine("Source application : " + e.Message.SourceApplicationName); //Acknowledge that message is properly handled and processed. So, it will be deleted from queue. e.Message.Acknowledge(); } } }