• Internet of Things (IoT) security architecture

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    Internet of Things (IoT) security
    10/09/2018 • 24 minutes to read •
    In this article
    Security starts with a threat model
    Security in IoT
    Performing threat modeling for the Azure IoT reference architecture
    Additional resources
    See also
    When designing a system, it is important to understand the potential threats to that
    system, and add appropriate defenses accordingly, as the system is designed and
    architected. It is important to design the product from the start with security in mind
    because understanding how an attacker might be able to compromise a system helps
    make sure appropriate mitigations are in place from the beginning.
    Security starts with a threat model
    Microsoft has long used threat models for its products and has made the company’s
    threat modeling process publicly available. The company experience demonstrates that
    the modeling has unexpected benefits beyond the immediate understanding of what
    threats are the most concerning. For example, it also creates an avenue for an open
    discussion with others outside the development team, which can lead to new ideas and
    improvements in the product.
    The objective of threat modeling is to understand how an attacker might be able to
    compromise a system and then make sure appropriate mitigations are in place. Threat
    modeling forces the design team to consider mitigations as the system is designed
    rather than after a system is deployed. This fact is critically important, because
    retrofitting security defenses to a myriad of devices in the field is infeasible, error prone
    and leaves customers at risk.
    Many development teams do an excellent job capturing the functional requirements for
    the system that benefit customers. However, identifying non-obvious ways that
    someone might misuse the system is more challenging. Threat modeling can help
    development teams understand what an attacker might do and why. Threat modeling is
    a structured process that creates a discussion about the security design decisions in the
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    system, as well as changes to the design that are made along the way that impact
    security. While a threat model is simply a document, this documentation also represents
    an ideal way to ensure continuity of knowledge, retention of lessons learned, and help
    new team onboard rapidly. Finally, an outcome of threat modeling is to enable you to
    consider other aspects of security, such as what security commitments you wish to
    provide to your customers. These commitments in conjunction with threat modeling
    inform and drive testing of your Internet of Things (IoT) solution.
    When to do threat modeling
    Threat modeling offers the greatest value when you incorporate it into the design
    phase. When you are designing, you have the greatest flexibility to make changes to
    eliminate threats. Eliminating threats by design is the desired outcome. It is much easier
    than adding mitigations, testing them, and ensuring they remain current and moreover,
    such elimination is not always possible. It becomes harder to eliminate threats as a
    product becomes more mature, and in turn ultimately requires more work and a lot
    harder tradeoffs than threat modeling early on in the development.
    What to consider for threat modeling
    You should look at the solution as a whole and also focus on the following areas:
    The security and privacy features
    The features whose failures are security relevant
    The features that touch a trust boundary
    Who performs threat modeling
    Threat modeling is a process like any other. It is a good idea to treat the threat model
    document like any other component of the solution and validate it. Many development
    teams do an excellent job capturing the functional requirements for the system that
    benefit customers. However, identifying non-obvious ways that someone might misuse
    the system is more challenging. Threat modeling can help development teams
    understand what an attacker might do and why.
    How to perform threat modeling
    The threat modeling process is composed of four steps; the steps are:
    Model the application
    Enumerate Threats
    Mitigate threats
    Validate the mitigations
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    The process steps
    Three rules of thumb to keep in mind when building a threat model:
    1. Create a diagram out of reference architecture.
    2. Start breadth-first. Get an overview, and understand the system as a whole, before
    deep-diving. This approach helps ensure that you deep-dive in the right places.
    3. Drive the process, don’t let the process drive you. If you find an issue in the
    modeling phase and want to explore it, go for it! Don’t feel you need to follow
    these steps slavishly.
    The four core elements of a threat model are:
    Processes such as web services, Win32 services, and *nix daemons. Some complex
    entities (for example field gateways and sensors) can be abstracted as a process
    when a technical drill-down in these areas is not possible.
    Data stores (anywhere data is stored, such as a configuration file or database)
    Data flow (where data moves between other elements in the application)
    External Entities (anything that interacts with the system, but is not under the
    control of the application, examples include users and satellite feeds)
    All elements in the architectural diagram are subject to various threats; this article the
    STRIDE mnemonic. Read Threat Modeling Again, STRIDE to know more about the
    STRIDE elements.
    Different elements of the application diagram are subject to certain STRIDE threats:
    Processes are subject to STRIDE
    Data flows are subject to TID
    Data stores are subject to TID, and sometimes R, when the data stores are log files.
    External entities are subject to SRD
    Security in IoT
    Connected special-purpose devices have a significant number of potential interaction
    surface areas and interaction patterns, all of which must be considered to provide a
    framework for securing digital access to those devices. The term “digital access” is used
    here to distinguish from any operations that are carried out through direct device
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    interaction where access security is provided through physical access control. For
    example, putting the device into a room with a lock on the door. While physical access
    cannot be denied using software and hardware, measures can be taken to prevent
    physical access from leading to system interference.
    As you explore the interaction patterns, look at “device control” and “device data” with
    the same level of attention. “Device control” can be classified as any information that is
    provided to a device by any party with the goal of changing or influencing its behavior
    towards its state or the state of its environment. “Device data” can be classified as any
    information that a device emits to any other party about its state and the observed
    state of its environment.
    In order to optimize security best practices, it is recommended that a typical IoT
    architecture is divided into several component/zones as part of the threat modeling
    exercise. These zones are described fully throughout this section and include:
    Field Gateway,
    Cloud gateways, and
    Zones are broad way to segment a solution; each zone often has its own data and
    authentication and authorization requirements. Zones can also be used to isolation
    damage and restrict the impact of low trust zones on higher trust zones.
    Each zone is separated by a Trust Boundary, which is noted as the dotted red line in the
    following diagram. It represents a transition of data/information from one source to
    another. During this transition, the data/information could be subject to Spoofing,
    Tampering, Repudiation, Information Disclosure, Denial of Service and Elevation of
    Privilege (STRIDE).
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    The components depicted within each boundary are also subjected to STRIDE, enabling
    a full 360 threat modeling view of the solution. The following sections elaborate on
    each of the components and specific security concerns and solutions that should be put
    into place.
    The following sections discuss standard components typically found in these zones.
    The device zone
    The device environment is the immediate physical space around the device where
    physical access and/or “local network” peer-to-peer digital access to the device is
    feasible. A “local network” is assumed to be a network that is distinct and insulated from
    – but potentially bridged to – the public Internet, and includes any short-range wireless
    radio technology that permits peer-to-peer communication of devices. It does not
    include any network virtualization technology creating the illusion of such a local
    network and it does also not include public operator networks that require any two
    devices to communicate across public network space if they were to enter a peer-topeer communication relationship.
    The field gateway zone
    Field gateway is a device/appliance or some general-purpose server computer software
    that acts as communication enabler and, potentially, as a device control system and
    device data processing hub. The field gateway zone includes the field gateway itself and
    all devices that are attached to it. As the name implies, field gateways act outside
    dedicated data processing facilities, are usually location bound, are potentially subject
    to physical intrusion, and has limited operational redundancy. All to say that a field
    gateway is commonly a thing one can touch and sabotage while knowing what its
    function is.
    A field gateway is different from a mere traffic router in that it has had an active role in
    managing access and information flow, meaning it is an application addressed entity
    and network connection or session terminal. An NAT device or firewall, in contrast, does
    not qualify as field gateways since they are not explicit connection or session terminals,
    but rather a route (or block) connections or sessions made through them. The field
    gateway has two distinct surface areas. One faces the devices that are attached to it and
    represents the inside of the zone, and the other faces all external parties and is the edge
    of the zone.
    The cloud gateway zone
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    A cloud gateway is a system that enables remote communication from and to devices
    or field gateways from several different sites across public network space, typically
    towards a cloud-based control and data analysis system, a federation of such systems.
    In some cases, a cloud gateway may immediately facilitate access to special-purpose
    devices from terminals such as tablets or phones. In the context discussed here, “cloud”
    is meant to refer to a dedicated data processing system that is not bound to the same
    site as the attached devices or field gateways. Also in a Cloud Zone, operational
    measures prevent targeted physical access and are not necessarily exposed to a “public
    cloud” infrastructure.
    A cloud gateway may potentially be mapped into a network virtualization overlay to
    insulate the cloud gateway and all of its attached devices or field gateways from any
    other network traffic. The cloud gateway itself is not a device control system or a
    processing or storage facility for device data; those facilities interface with the cloud
    gateway. The cloud gateway zone includes the cloud gateway itself along with all field
    gateways and devices directly or indirectly attached to it. The edge of the zone is a
    distinct surface area where all external parties communicate through.
    The services zone
    A “service” is defined for this context as any software component or module that is
    interfacing with devices through a field- or cloud gateway for data collection and
    analysis, as well as for command and control. Services are mediators. They act under
    their identity towards gateways and other subsystems, store and analyze data,
    autonomously issue commands to devices based on data insights or schedules and
    expose information and control capabilities to authorized end users.
    Information-devices versus special-purpose devices
    PCs, phones, and tablets are primarily interactive information devices. Phones and
    tablets are explicitly optimized around maximizing battery lifetime. They preferably turn
    off partially when not immediately interacting with a person, or when not providing
    services like playing music or guiding their owner to a particular location. From a
    systems perspective, these information technology devices are mainly acting as proxies
    towards people. They are “people actuators” suggesting actions and “people sensors”
    collecting input.
    Special-purpose devices, from simple temperature sensors to complex factory
    production lines with thousands of components inside them, are different. These
    devices are much more scoped in purpose and even if they provide some user interface,
    they are largely scoped to interfacing with or be integrated into assets in the physical
    world. They measure and report environmental circumstances, turn valves, control
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    servos, sound alarms, switch lights, and do many other tasks. They help to do work for
    which an information device is either too generic, too expensive, too large, or too
    brittle. The concrete purpose immediately dictates their technical design as well the
    available monetary budget for their production and scheduled lifetime operation. The
    combination of these two key factors constrains the available operational energy
    budget, physical footprint, and thus available storage, compute, and security
    If something “goes wrong” with automated or remote controllable devices, for example,
    physical defects or control logic defects to willful unauthorized intrusion and
    manipulation. The production lots may be destroyed, buildings may be looted or
    burned down, and people may be injured or even die. This is a whole different class of
    damage than someone maxing out a stolen credit card's limit. The security bar for
    devices that make things move, and also for sensor data that eventually results in
    commands that cause things to move, must be higher than in any e-commerce or
    banking scenario.
    Device control and device data interactions
    Connected special-purpose devices have a significant number of potential interaction
    surface areas and interaction patterns, all of which must be considered to provide a
    framework for securing digital access to those devices. The term “digital access” is used
    here to distinguish from any operations that are carried out through direct device
    interaction where access security is provided through physical access control. For
    example, putting the device into a room with a lock on the door. While physical access
    cannot be denied using software and hardware, measures can be taken to prevent
    physical access from leading to system interference.
    As you explore the interaction patterns, look at “device control” and “device data” with
    the same level of attention while threat modeling. “Device control” can be classified as
    any information that is provided to a device by any party with the goal of changing or
    influencing its behavior towards its state or the state of its environment. “Device data”
    can be classified as any information that a device emits to any other party about its
    state and the observed state of its environment.
    Performing threat modeling for the Azure IoT
    reference architecture
    Microsoft uses the framework outlined previously to do threat modeling for Azure IoT.
    The following section uses the concrete example of Azure IoT Reference Architecture to
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    demonstrate how to think about threat modeling for IoT and how to address the
    threats identified. This example identifies four main areas of focus:
    Devices and Data Sources,
    Data Transport,
    Device and Event Processing, and
    The following diagram provides a simplified view of Microsoft’s IoT Architecture using a
    Data Flow Diagram model that is used by the Microsoft Threat Modeling Tool:
    It is important to note that the architecture separates the device and gateway
    capabilities. This approach enables the user to leverage gateway devices that are more
    secure: they are capable of communicating with the cloud gateway using secure
    protocols, which typically requires greater processing overhead that a native device -
    such as a thermostat - could provide on its own. In the Azure services zone, assume that
    the Cloud Gateway is represented by the Azure IoT Hub service.
    Device and data sources/data transport
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    This section explores the architecture outlined previously through the lens of threat
    modeling and gives an overview of how to address some of the inherent concerns. This
    example focuses on the core elements of a threat model:
    Processes (both under your control and external items)
    Communication (also called data flows)
    Storage (also called data stores)
    In each of the categories outlined in the Azure IoT architecture, this example tries to
    mitigate a number of different threats across the different stages data/information
    exists in: process, communication, and storage. Following is an overview of the most
    common ones for the “process” category, followed by an overview of how these threats
    could be best mitigated:
    Spoofing (S): An attacker may extract cryptographic key material from a device, either
    at the software or hardware level, and subsequently access the system with a different
    physical or virtual device under the identity of the device the key material has been
    taken from. A good illustration is remote controls that can turn any TV and that are
    popular prankster tools.
    Denial of Service (D): A device can be rendered incapable of functioning or
    communicating by interfering with radio frequencies or cutting wires. For example, a
    surveillance camera that had its power or network connection intentionally knocked out
    cannot report data, at all.
    Tampering (T): An attacker may partially or wholly replace the software running on the
    device, potentially allowing the replaced software to leverage the genuine identity of
    the device if the key material or the cryptographic facilities holding key materials were
    available to the illicit program. For example, an attacker may leverage extracted key
    material to intercept and suppress data from the device on the communication path
    and replace it with false data that is authenticated with the stolen key material.
    Information Disclosure (I): If the device is running manipulated software, such
    manipulated software could potentially leak data to unauthorized parties. For example,
    an attacker may leverage extracted key material to inject itself into the communication
    path between the device and a controller or field gateway or cloud gateway to siphon
    off information.
    Elevation of Privilege (E): A device that does specific function can be forced to do
    something else. For example, a valve that is programmed to open half way can be
    tricked to open all the way.
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    Component Threat Mitigation Risk Implementation
    Device S Assigning
    identity to the
    device and
    the device
    device or
    part of the
    device with
    some other
    device. How
    do you know
    you are
    talking to the
    right device?
    Authenticating the
    device, using Transport
    Layer Security (TLS) or
    IPSec. Infrastructure
    should support using
    pre-shared key (PSK) on
    those devices that cannot
    handle full asymmetric
    cryptography. Leverage
    Azure AD, OAuth
    TRID Apply
    to the device,
    for example,
    by making it
    hard to
    impossible to
    extract keys
    and other
    material from
    the device.
    The risk is if
    someone is
    the device
    How are you
    sure, that
    device has
    not been
    The most effective
    mitigation is a trusted
    platform module (TPM)
    capability that allows
    storing keys in special
    on-chip circuitry from
    which the keys cannot be
    read, but can only be
    used for cryptographic
    operations that use the
    key but never disclose
    the key. Memory
    encryption of the device.
    Key management for the
    device. Signing the code.
    E Having access
    control of the
    If the device
    allows for
    actions to be
    based on
    from an
    source, or
    sensors, it
    allows the
    attack to
    not otherwise
    Having authorization
    scheme for the device
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    Component Threat Mitigation Risk Implementation
    S Authenticating
    the Field
    gateway to
    Gateway (such
    as cert based,
    PSK, or Claim
    If someone
    can spoof
    then it can
    present itself
    as any
    4279. All the same key
    storage and attestation
    concerns of devices in
    general – best case is use
    TPM. 6LowPAN extension
    for IPSec to support
    Wireless Sensor
    Networks (WSN).
    TRID Protect the
    Field Gateway
    attacks that
    trick the
    thinking it is
    talking to
    field gateway
    could result
    and data
    Memory encryption,
    TPM’s, authentication.
    E Access control
    for Field
    Here are some examples of threats in this category:
    Spoofing: An attacker may extract cryptographic key material from a device, either at
    the software or hardware level, and subsequently access the system with a different
    physical or virtual device under the identity of the device the key material has been
    taken from.
    Denial of Service: A device can be rendered incapable of functioning or
    communicating by interfering with radio frequencies or cutting wires. For example, a
    surveillance camera that had its power or network connection intentionally knocked out
    cannot report data, at all.
    Tampering: An attacker may partially or wholly replace the software running on the
    device, potentially allowing the replaced software to leverage the genuine identity of
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    the device if the key material or the cryptographic facilities holding key materials were
    available to the illicit program.
    Tampering: A surveillance camera that’s showing a visible-spectrum picture of an
    empty hallway could be aimed at a photograph of such a hallway. A smoke or fire
    sensor could be reporting someone holding a lighter under it. In either case, the device
    may be technically fully trustworthy towards the system, but it reports manipulated
    Tampering: An attacker may leverage extracted key material to intercept and suppress
    data from the device on the communication path and replace it with false data that is
    authenticated with the stolen key material.
    Tampering: An attacker may partially or completely replace the software running on
    the device, potentially allowing the replaced software to leverage the genuine identity
    of the device if the key material or the cryptographic facilities holding key materials
    were available to the illicit program.
    Information Disclosure: If the device is running manipulated software, such
    manipulated software could potentially leak data to unauthorized parties.
    Information Disclosure: An attacker may leverage extracted key material to inject itself
    into the communication path between the device and a controller or field gateway or
    cloud gateway to siphon off information.
    Denial of Service: The device can be turned off or turned into a mode where
    communication is not possible (which is intentional in many industrial machines).
    Tampering: The device can be reconfigured to operate in a state unknown to the
    control system (outside of known calibration parameters) and thus provide data that
    can be misinterpreted
    Elevation of Privilege: A device that does specific function can be forced to do
    something else. For example, a valve that is programmed to open half way can be
    tricked to open all the way.
    Denial of Service: The device can be turned into a state where communication is not
    Tampering: The device can be reconfigured to operate in a state unknown to the
    control system (outside of known calibration parameters) and thus provide data that
    can be misinterpreted.
    Spoofing/Tampering/Repudiation: If not secured (which is rarely the case with
    consumer remote controls), an attacker can manipulate the state of a device
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    anonymously. A good illustration is remote controls that can turn any TV and that are
    popular prankster tools.
    Threats around communication path between devices, devices and field gateways, and
    device and cloud gateway. The following table has some guidance around open sockets
    on the device/VPN:
    Component Threat Mitigation Risk Implementation
    Device IoT
    TID (D)TLS
    to encrypt
    the traffic
    or interfering
    between the
    device and the
    Security on the protocol
    level. With custom
    protocols, you need to
    figure out how to protect
    them. In most cases, the
    communication takes place
    from the device to the IoT
    Hub (device initiates the
    Device to
    TID (D)TLS
    to encrypt
    the traffic.
    Reading data
    in transit
    Tampering with
    the data.
    the device with
    Security on the protocol
    With custom protocols, you
    need to figure out how to
    protect them. The
    mitigation for the DoS
    threat is to peer devices
    through a cloud or field
    gateway and have them
    only act as clients towards
    the network. The peering
    may result in a direct
    connection between the
    peers after having been
    brokered by the gateway
    Entity Device
    TID Strong
    pairing of
    the external
    entity to
    the connection
    to the device.
    Interfering the
    Securely pairing the
    external entity to the device
    NFC/Bluetooth LE.
    Controlling the operational
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    Here are some examples of threats in this category:
    Denial of Service: Constrained devices are generally under DoS threat when they
    actively listen for inbound connections or unsolicited datagrams on a network, because
    an attacker can open many connections in parallel and not service them or service them
    slowly, or the device can be flooded with unsolicited traffic. In both cases, the device
    can effectively be rendered inoperable on the network.
    Spoofing, Information Disclosure: Constrained devices and special-purpose devices
    often have one-for-all security facilities like password or PIN protection, or they wholly
    rely on trusting the network, meaning they grant access to information when a device is
    on the same network, and that network is often only protected by a shared key. That
    means that when the shared secret to device or network is disclosed, it is possible to
    control the device or observe data emitted from the device.
    Spoofing: an attacker may intercept or partially override the broadcast and spoof the
    originator (man in the middle)
    Tampering: an attacker may intercept or partially override the broadcast and send false
    Information Disclosure: an attacker may eavesdrop on a broadcast and obtain
    information without authorization Denial of Service: an attacker may jam the
    broadcast signal and deny information distribution
    Component Threat Mitigation Risk Implementation
    entity to
    the device
    Interfering the
    with the device
    Controlling the operational
    panel of the device
    to encrypt
    the traffic.
    or interfering
    between the
    device and the
    Security on the protocol
    With custom protocols, you
    need to figure out how to
    protect them.
    to encrypt
    the traffic.
    or interfering
    between the
    device and the
    Security on the protocol
    With custom protocols, you
    need to figure out how to
    protect them.
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    Every device and field gateway has some form of storage (temporary for queuing the
    data, operating system (OS) image storage).
    Component Threat Mitigation Risk Implementation
    TRID Storage
    signing the
    Reading data from the
    storage (PII data),
    tampering with
    telemetry data.
    Tampering with queued
    or cached command
    control data. Tampering
    with configuration or
    firmware update
    packages while cached
    or queued locally can
    lead to OS and/or
    system components
    being compromised
    code (MAC), or
    digital signature.
    Where possible,
    strong access
    control through
    resource access
    control lists
    (ACLs) or
    Device OS
    TRID Tampering with OS
    /replacing the OS
    Read-only OS
    partition, signed
    OS image,
    (queuing the
    TRID Storage
    signing the
    Reading data from the
    storage (PII data),
    tampering with
    telemetry data,
    tampering with queued
    or cached command
    control data. Tampering
    with configuration or
    firmware update
    packages (destined for
    devices or field
    gateway) while cached
    or queued locally can
    lead to OS and/or
    system components
    being compromised
    Gateway OS
    TRID Tampering with OS
    /replacing the OS
    Read-only OS
    partition, signed
    OS image,
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    Device and event processing/cloud gateway zone
    A cloud gateway is a system that enables remote communication from and to devices
    or field gateways from several different sites across public network space, typically
    towards a cloud-based control and data analysis system, a federation of such systems.
    In some cases, a cloud gateway may immediately facilitate access to special-purpose
    devices from terminals such as tablets or phones. In the context discussed here, “cloud”
    is meant to refer to a dedicated data processing system that is not bound to the same
    site as the attached devices or field gateways, and where operational measures prevent
    targeted physical access but is not necessarily to a “public cloud” infrastructure. A cloud
    gateway may potentially be mapped into a network virtualization overlay to insulate the
    cloud gateway and all of its attached devices or field gateways from any other network
    traffic. The cloud gateway itself is not a device control system or a processing or storage
    facility for device data; those facilities interface with the cloud gateway. The cloud
    gateway zone includes the cloud gateway itself along with all field gateways and
    devices directly or indirectly attached to it.
    Cloud gateway is mostly custom built piece of software running as a service with
    exposed endpoints to which field gateway and devices connect. As such it must be
    designed with security in mind. Follow SDL process for designing and building this
    Services zone
    A control system (or controller) is a software solution that interfaces with a device, or a
    field gateway, or cloud gateway for the purpose of controlling one or multiple devices
    and/or to collect and/or store and/or analyze device data for presentation, or
    subsequent control purposes. Control systems are the only entities in the scope of this
    discussion that may immediately facilitate interaction with people. The exceptions are
    intermediate physical control surfaces on devices, like a switch that allows a person to
    turn off the device or change other properties, and for which there is no functional
    equivalent that can be accessed digitally.
    Intermediate physical control surfaces are those where governing logic constrains the
    function of the physical control surface such that an equivalent function can be initiated
    remotely or input conflicts with remote input can be avoided – such intermediated
    control surfaces are conceptually attached to a local control system that leverages the
    same underlying functionality as any other remote control system that the device may
    be attached to in parallel. Top threats to the cloud computing can be read at Cloud
    Security Alliance (CSA) page.
    Additional resources
    2020/2/10 IoT Security Architecture | Microsoft Docs
    https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/iot-fundamentals/iot-security-architecture 17/17
    Is this page helpful?
    Yes No
    For more information, see the following articles:
    SDL Threat Modeling Tool
    Microsoft Azure IoT reference architecture
    See also
    To learn more about securing a solution created by an IoT solution accelerator, see
    Secure your IoT deployment.
    Read about IoT Hub security in Control access to IoT Hub in the IoT Hub developer

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