• cassandra启动失败——cassandra总结(四)



    ERROR [SSTableBatchOpen:2] 2015-11-26 21:59:06,933 FileUtils.java:447 - Exiting forcefully due to file system exception on startup, disk failure policy "stop"
    org.apache.cassandra.io.FSReadError: java.io.IOException: Compressed file with 0 chunks encountered: java.io.DataInputStream@19447b3


    Having some replication would surely help you to fix this without data loss but it would come with a price.
    Despite all your effort you cannot manage to recover your corrupted sstable. So you decide to remove it from your file system to start Cassandra again. If you do not have replication your data is lost. But if you have replication on the cluster, you can possibly fetch the data from other nodes. That is what nodetool repair do !
    So nodetool repair does not repair corrupted sstable. Basicallynodetool repair compare tables from node to node to find missing or inconsistent data and then repair it. You can find more information on how it works here.
    However nodetool repair is very expensive, it is long and uses a lot of cpu, disk and network. There is this good post about repair benefits and drawbacks.

      遇到SSTable损坏这种问题解决办法就是删掉数据然后重启cassandra,由于我采用的单节点所以数据自然就没有备份了,很坑的说,不过好在只有几万条分析数据,再插入进去就好了。如果是集群的话就可以用nodetool repair从别的节点把备份数据取过来了,但是代价很大,会花费大量的时间,占用大量的CPU。所以最好还是做好备份了。


    INFO  [Thread-2] 2015-11-27 16:30:52,550 ThriftServer.java:136 - Listening for thrift clients...


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