• 手工模拟Oracle数据块逻辑讹误引发,ORA00600:[13013] [5001]一例

    上周在客户那里遇到了一例由Oracle Bug引发的表数据块逻辑讹误触发ORA-00600:[13013], [5001]的问题,这里为了更好地说明该问题,于是萌发了手工模拟该数据块逻辑讹误的想法。 基础知识 Oracle中表的数据块由块头、事务槽、行字典、行数据等多种结构组成。 行数据(rowdata)实际是由许多row piece 行片组成的,每一条row piece的头部都有flag、locks、cols(cc)三个标志位。 其中flag标记了该row piece的类型,该flag位占用一个字节,其不同的bit位代表不同的含义,见下表:
    ROW_CLUSTER_KEY = 0x80;              KDRHFK
    ROW_CTABLE_NUMBER = 0x40;            KDRHFC
    ROW_HEAD_PIECE = 0x20;               KDRHFH
    ROW_DELETED_ROW = 0x10;              KDRHFD
    ROW_FIRST_PIECE = 0x08;              KDRHFF
    ROW_LAST_PIECE = 0x04;               KDRHFL
    ROW_FROM_PREVIOUS = 0x02;            KDRHFP
    ROW_CONTINUE_NEXT = 0x01;            KDRHFN
    一般来说最普通的一条row piece是普通堆表(heap table)的未被删除的且无行迁移/链接的,其flag位应为
    Single Row =
    ROW_HEAD_PIECE + ROW_FIRST_PIECE + ROW_LAST_PIECE= 0x20 + 0x08 + 0x04= 0x2c
    cluster key的flag一般为
    Cluster Key =
    KDRHFL, KDRHFF, KDRHFH, KDRHFK =0x80 + 0x2c =  0xac
    BBED> x /rn
    rowdata[68]                                 @8166
    flag@8166: 0xac (KDRHFL, KDRHFF, KDRHFH, KDRHFK)
    lock@8167: 0x00
    cols@8168:    1
    kref@8169:    1
    mref@8171:    1
    col    0[2] @8185: 10 
    Cluster Row =
    BBED> x /rncc
    rowdata[0]                                  @8098
    flag@8098: 0x6c (KDRHFL, KDRHFF, KDRHFH, KDRHFC)
    lock@8099: 0x00
    cols@8100:   10
    col    0[2] @8102: 200
    col    1[8] @8105: Jennifer
    col    2[6] @8114: Whalen
    col    3[7] @8121: JWHALEN
    col   4[12] @8129: 515.123.4444
    col    5[7] @8142: w....
    col    6[7] @8150: AD_ASST
    col    7[2] @8158: 
                        col    8[0] @8161: *NULL*
    col    9[3] @8162: .
    出现ORA-00600:[13013], [5001]且Arg [f] Code =3 代表这一row piece的flag >0xc0,
    也就是该行片同时被标记为key和clustered(row is marked as both a Key and Clustered), 其检验代码为check code 6251。
    当flag >= 0xc0 时 会出现kdrchk: row is marked as both a Key and Clustered Block 12 failed with check code 6251
    当 0xac >flag >= 0xa0 时 会 kdrchk: row is Key and Not only piece of key Block 12 failed with check code 6255
    当 flag = 0x43 是 会出现 kdrchk: C and neither of H or F Block 12 failed with check code 6263
    当 flag = 0x83 时 会出现 kdrchk: row is marked both as a Key and being continued Block 12 failed with check code 6254
      当Oracle进程访问数据块时首先会校验block的sum值并与block中的CHECKSUM值进行对比,若一致则说明该block没有物理讹误。但是光这一项检查是不够的,不足以保证block无误。所以Oracle引入了一些列的逻辑检验,每一种逻辑检验对应一个检测代码(check code),这些检测包括row piece的flag、cols(cc)状态是否正确等。 实际负责这类逻辑检验的函数包括:kdbchk、kddummy_blkchk、kco_blkchk、kdBlkCheckError、kdrchk等等。 这里当服务进程访问到问题数据块,检测代码发现其flag为0xff(KCHDFLPN),该flag从逻辑上讲是冲突的,所以检测代码认为该row piece存在异常,进而会引发update的ORA-00600:[13013], [5001]或查询的ORA-600 [qertbFetchByRowID]内部错误。 这里需要说明一下的是,很多人认为dbv工具时无法检测出逻辑讹误的,实际上dbv、rman、validate structure和bbed-verify均可以检测出一定程度的逻辑讹误,但是最可靠的还是db_block_checksum=true情况下的validate structure [online]验证命令。从另一个角度来说,普通的dbv只能做单一的检测,而无法做到交叉地检验,从而了解表和索引上的不一致问题,但是validate structure online却可以做到。 正式模拟 以上我们了解了ORA-00600:[13013], [5001]内部错误是如何被引发的,那么下面手工模拟该错误也就不困难了,当然这里需要用到bbed工具。 以下我们会创建实验用的tablespace,table,index:
    SQL> select * from v$version;
    Oracle Database 10g Enterprise Edition Release - 64bi
    PL/SQL Release - Production
    CORE Production
    TNS for Linux: Version - Production
    NLSRTL Version - Production
    SQL> select * from global_name;
    /* 创建实验用的表空间  */
    SQL> create tablespace maclean datafile '/home/oracle/maclean.dbf' size 20M;
    Tablespace created.
    SQL> create table tv tablespace maclean as select rownum t1,'find me' t2 from
    dba_tables where rownumcreate index ind_tv on tv(t1) tablespace users;
    Index created.
    SQL> update tv set t2='corrption here' where t1=200;
    update tv set t2='corrption here' where t1=200
    ERROR at line 1:
    ORA-12899: value too large for column "SYS"."TV"."T2" (actual: 14, maximum: 7)
    SQL> alter table tv modify t2 varchar2(200);
    Table altered.
    SQL> update tv set t2='corruption here' where t1=200;
    1 row updated.
    SQL> commit;
    Commit complete.
    /* 以上创建了示例用表,其中t1=200的记录是之后将会
       手动修改为存在讹误的行             */
    SQL> select dump(200,16) from dual;
    Typ=2 Len=2: c2,3
    /* 通过16进制码可以方便找出该t1=200的记录行 */ 
    SQL> alter system checkpoint;
    System altered.
    SQL> alter tablespace maclean read only;
    Tablespace altered.
    SQL> select dbms_rowid.rowid_block_number(rowid) bno ,dbms_rowid.rowid_relative_fno(rowid) fno from tv;
    ---------- ----------
    12 6
    [oracle@rh2 ~]$ cp maclean.dbf maclean.dbf.bak
    [oracle@rh2 ~]$ bbed filename=maclean.dbf mode=edit
    BBED: Release - Limited Production on Sun Sep 18 22:14:59 2011
    Copyright (c) 1982, 2007, Oracle. All rights reserved.
    BBED> set blocksize 8192
    BLOCKSIZE 8192
    BBED> set block 13
    BLOCK# 13
    BBED> map /v
    File: maclean.dbf (0)
    Block: 13 Dba:0x00000000
    KTB Data Block (Table/Cluster)
    struct kcbh, 20 bytes @0
    ub1 type_kcbh @0
    ub1 frmt_kcbh @1
    ub1 spare1_kcbh @2
    ub1 spare2_kcbh @3
    ub4 rdba_kcbh @4
    ub4 bas_kcbh @8
    ub2 wrp_kcbh @12
    ub1 seq_kcbh @14
    ub1 flg_kcbh @15
    ub2 chkval_kcbh @16
    ub2 spare3_kcbh @18
    struct ktbbh, 96 bytes @20
    ub1 ktbbhtyp @20
    union ktbbhsid, 4 bytes @24
    struct ktbbhcsc, 8 bytes @28
    b2 ktbbhict @36
    ub1 ktbbhflg @38
    ub1 ktbbhfsl @39
    ub4 ktbbhfnx @40
    struct ktbbhitl[3], 72 bytes @44
    struct kdbh, 14 bytes @124
    ub1 kdbhflag @124
    b1 kdbhntab @125
    b2 kdbhnrow @126
    sb2 kdbhfrre @128
    sb2 kdbhfsbo @130
    sb2 kdbhfseo @132
    b2 kdbhavsp @134
    b2 kdbhtosp @136
    struct kdbt[1], 4 bytes @138
    b2 kdbtoffs @138
    b2 kdbtnrow @140
    sb2 kdbr[200] @142
    ub1 freespace[4725] @542
    ub1 rowdata[2921] @5267
    ub4 tailchk @8188
    BBED> find /x c203
    File: maclean.dbf (0)
    Block: 13 Offsets: 5271 to 5782 Dba:0x00000000
    c2030f63 6f727275 7074696f 6e206865 72652c00 0202c203 0766696e 64206d65
    2c000203 c2026407 66696e64 206d652c 000203c2 02630766 696e6420 6d652c00
    0203c202 62076669 6e64206d 652c0002 03c20261 0766696e 64206d65 2c000203
    c2026007 66696e64 206d652c 000203c2 025f0766 696e6420 6d652c00 0203c202
    5e076669 6e64206d 652c0002 03c2025d 0766696e 64206d65 2c000203 c2025c07
    66696e64 206d652c 000203c2 025b0766 696e6420 6d652c00 0203c202 5a076669
    6e64206d 652c0002 03c20259 0766696e 64206d65 2c000203 c2025807 66696e64
    206d652c 000203c2 02570766 696e6420 6d652c00 0203c202 56076669 6e64206d
    652c0002 03c20255 0766696e 64206d65 2c000203 c2025407 66696e64 206d652c
    000203c2 02530766 696e6420 6d652c00 0203c202 52076669 6e64206d 652c0002
    03c20251 0766696e 64206d65 2c000203 c2025007 66696e64 206d652c 000203c2
    024f0766 696e6420 6d652c00 0203c202 4e076669 6e64206d 652c0002 03c2024d
    0766696e 64206d65 2c000203 c2024c07 66696e64 206d652c 000203c2 024b0766
    696e6420 6d652c00 0203c202 4a076669 6e64206d 652c0002 03c20249 0766696e
    64206d65 2c000203 c2024807 66696e64 206d652c 000203c2 02470766 696e6420
    6d652c00 0203c202 46076669 6e64206d 652c0002 03c20245 0766696e 64206d65
    则其fb的偏移值为5271 -4 = 5267
    BBED> set offset 5267
    OFFSET 5267
    BBED> d
    File: maclean.dbf (0)
    Block: 13 Offsets: 5267 to 5778 Dba:0x00000000
    2c020202 c2030f63 6f727275 7074696f 6e206865 72652c00 0202c203 0766696e
    64206d65 2c000203 c2026407 66696e64 206d652c 000203c2 02630766 696e6420
    6d652c00 0203c202 62076669 6e64206d 652c0002 03c20261 0766696e 64206d65
    2c000203 c2026007 66696e64 206d652c 000203c2 025f0766 696e6420 6d652c00
    0203c202 5e076669 6e64206d 652c0002 03c2025d 0766696e 64206d65 2c000203
    c2025c07 66696e64 206d652c 000203c2 025b0766 696e6420 6d652c00 0203c202
    5a076669 6e64206d 652c0002 03c20259 0766696e 64206d65 2c000203 c2025807
    66696e64 206d652c 000203c2 02570766 696e6420 6d652c00 0203c202 56076669
    6e64206d 652c0002 03c20255 0766696e 64206d65 2c000203 c2025407 66696e64
    206d652c 000203c2 02530766 696e6420 6d652c00 0203c202 52076669 6e64206d
    652c0002 03c20251 0766696e 64206d65 2c000203 c2025007 66696e64 206d652c
    000203c2 024f0766 696e6420 6d652c00 0203c202 4e076669 6e64206d 652c0002
    03c2024d 0766696e 64206d65 2c000203 c2024c07 66696e64 206d652c 000203c2
    024b0766 696e6420 6d652c00 0203c202 4a076669 6e64206d 652c0002 03c20249
    0766696e 64206d65 2c000203 c2024807 66696e64 206d652c 000203c2 02470766
    696e6420 6d652c00 0203c202 46076669 6e64206d 652c0002 03c20245 0766696e
    /* 找到指定行的地址为5267,其当前flag为正常的0x2c  */
    BBED> x /rnc
    rowdata[0] @5267
    flag@5267: 0x2c (KDRHFL, KDRHFF, KDRHFH)
    lock@5268: 0x02
    cols@5269: 2
    col 0[2] @5270: 200
    col 1[15] @5273: corruption here
    修改该flag 为 0xff BBED> modify /x 0xff
    Warning: contents of previous BIFILE will be lost. Proceed? (Y/N) y
    File: maclean.dbf (0)
    Block: 13 Offsets: 5267 to 5778 Dba:0x00000000
    ff020202 c2030f63 6f727275 7074696f 6e206865 72652c00 0202c203 0766696e
    64206d65 2c000203 c2026407 66696e64 206d652c 000203c2 02630766 696e6420
    6d652c00 0203c202 62076669 6e64206d 652c0002 03c20261 0766696e 64206d65
    2c000203 c2026007 66696e64 206d652c 000203c2 025f0766 696e6420 6d652c00
    0203c202 5e076669 6e64206d 652c0002 03c2025d 0766696e 64206d65 2c000203
    c2025c07 66696e64 206d652c 000203c2 025b0766 696e6420 6d652c00 0203c202
    5a076669 6e64206d 652c0002 03c20259 0766696e 64206d65 2c000203 c2025807
    66696e64 206d652c 000203c2 02570766 696e6420 6d652c00 0203c202 56076669
    6e64206d 652c0002 03c20255 0766696e 64206d65 2c000203 c2025407 66696e64
    206d652c 000203c2 02530766 696e6420 6d652c00 0203c202 52076669 6e64206d
    652c0002 03c20251 0766696e 64206d65 2c000203 c2025007 66696e64 206d652c
    000203c2 024f0766 696e6420 6d652c00 0203c202 4e076669 6e64206d 652c0002
    03c2024d 0766696e 64206d65 2c000203 c2024c07 66696e64 206d652c 000203c2
    024b0766 696e6420 6d652c00 0203c202 4a076669 6e64206d 652c0002 03c20249
    0766696e 64206d65 2c000203 c2024807 66696e64 206d652c 000203c2 02470766
    696e6420 6d652c00 0203c202 46076669 6e64206d 652c0002 03c20245 0766696e
    BBED> x /rnc
    rowdata[0] @5267
    lock@5268: 0x02
    cols@5269: 0
    ckix@5270: 2
    BBED> sum apply
    Check value for File 0, Block 13:
    current = 0x0000, required = 0x0000
    BBED> verify
    DBVERIFY - Verification starting
    FILE = maclean.dbf
    BLOCK = 12
    kdrchk: row is marked as both a Key and Clustered
    prow=0x7f5335f05693 flag=0xff
    Block Checking: DBA = 25165836, Block Type = KTB-managed data block
    data header at 0x7f5335f0427c
    kdbchk: bad row tab 0, slot 199
    Block 12 failed with check code 6251
    DBVERIFY - Verification complete
    Total Blocks Examined : 1
    Total Blocks Processed (Data) : 1
    Total Blocks Failing (Data) : 1
    Total Blocks Processed (Index): 0
    Total Blocks Failing (Index): 0
    Total Blocks Empty : 0
    Total Blocks Marked Corrupt : 0
    Total Blocks Influx : 0
    [oracle@rh2 ~]$ dbv file=maclean.dbf
    DBVERIFY: Release - Production on Sun Sep 18 22:27:49 2011
    Copyright (c) 1982, 2007, Oracle. All rights reserved.
    DBVERIFY - Verification starting : FILE = maclean.dbf
    kdrchk: row is marked as both a Key and Clustered
    prow=0x7f9ef25f7693 flag=0xff
    Block Checking: DBA = 25165836, Block Type = KTB-managed data block
    data header at 0x7f9ef25f627c
    kdbchk: bad row tab 0, slot 199
    Page 12 failed with check code 6251
    DBVERIFY - Verification complete
    Total Pages Examined : 2560
    Total Pages Processed (Data) : 1
    Total Pages Failing (Data) : 1
    Total Pages Processed (Index): 0
    Total Pages Failing (Index): 0
    Total Pages Processed (Other): 11
    Total Pages Processed (Seg) : 0
    Total Pages Failing (Seg) : 0
    Total Pages Empty : 2548
    Total Pages Marked Corrupt : 0
    Total Pages Influx : 0
    Highest block SCN : 691691 (0.691691)
      回到sqlplus中访问之前修改的数据行,触发ORA-600[13013] [5001]错误:  
    SQL> alter system flush buffer_cache;
    System altered.
    SQL> update tv set t2='correct here' where t1=200;
    update tv set t2='correct here' where t1=200
    ERROR at line 1:
    ORA-00600: internal error code, arguments: [13013], [5001], [52937],
    [25165836], [199], [25165836], [3], []
    Plan hash value: 568795662
    | Id  | Operation         | Name   | Rows  | Bytes | Cost (%CPU)| Time     |
    |   0 | UPDATE STATEMENT  |        |     1 |   115 |     2   (0)| 00:00:01 |
    |   1 |  UPDATE           | TV     |       |       |            |          |
    |*  2 |   INDEX RANGE SCAN| IND_TV |     1 |   115 |     1   (0)| 00:00:01 |
    Predicate Information (identified by operation id):
       2 - access("T1"=200)
    SQL> select * from tv where t1=200;
    select * from tv where t1=200
    ERROR at line 1:
    ORA-00600: internal error code, arguments: [qertbFetchByRowID], [], [], [], [],
    [], [], []
    Plan hash value: 1015724781
    | Id  | Operation                   | Name   | Rows  | Bytes | Cost (%CPU)| Time     |
    |   0 | SELECT STATEMENT            |        |     1 |   115 |     2   (0)| 00:00:01 |
    |   1 |  TABLE ACCESS BY INDEX ROWID| TV     |     1 |   115 |     2   (0)| 00:00:01 |
    |*  2 |   INDEX RANGE SCAN          | IND_TV |     1 |       |     1   (0)| 00:00:01 |
    Predicate Information (identified by operation id):
       2 - access("T1"=200)
    可以看到当正好update到问题行记录时如预料出现了ORA-00600:[13013], [5001]错误,而ACCESS BY INDEX ROWID时出现了ORA-00600:[qertbFetchByRowID]。 解决方案 1.在有备份的情况下可以通过blockrecovery在线修复该问题数据块: RMAN> blockrecover datafile 6 block 12; Starting blockrecover at 18-SEP-11 using target database control file instead of recovery catalog allocated channel: ORA_DISK_1 channel ORA_DISK_1: sid=144 devtype=DISK starting media recovery media recovery complete, elapsed time: 00:00:01 Finished blockrecover at 18-SEP-11 但是请注意如果该逻辑讹误确实是由Oracle Bug引起的话,那么很有可能blockrecover也无能为力,那么可以借鉴第二种方法。   2. 第二种方法针对没有备份可用的数据库或者recover数据块不管用的场景,可以设置10231事件并ctas复制该表,但是这种方法可能会丢失有问题的行记录: SQL> alter session set events '10231 trace name context forever, level 10' SQL> Create table.TABLE_COPY as select * from TABLE;   了解更多关于kdrchk函数的信息:
    Add check for continued row piece pointing to itself with
    corruption description:
    "kdrchk: Row piece pointing to itself"
    DB_BLOCK_CHECKING = MEDIUM will check for row pieces where the
    next rowid (nrid) points to itself (chained row points to itself).
    It produces error ORA-600 [kddummy_blkchk] or ORA-600 [kdBlkCheckError]
    with check code [6266] (3rd ORA-600 argument).
    DBVERIFY reports the same corruption description if the block is corrupt on disk.
    RMAN when run with the CHECK LOGICAL option reports it as
         corruption_type=CORRUPT/LOGICAL in v$database_block_corruption.
    "ANALYZE TABLE  VALIDATE STRUCTURE" produces error ORA-1498 and trace file
    shows the same corruption description.
    With this fix in place DBMS_REPAIR can be used to identify and mark the affected
    block as Soft Corrupt producing error ORA-1578 and it can be skipped it for DML's
     [CM][SG][event 1][domain Q423][mem 0] Joining shared group
      kdrchk: column length 0 but not null
                prow=0x2a97f4d9d6 flag=0x2c column=57
      Block Checking: DBA = 29635651, Block Type = KTB-managed data block
      data header at 0x2a97f4be7c
      kdbchk: bad row tab 0, slot 2
      data_block_dump,data header at 0x2a97d113d8
      data_block_dump,data header at 0x2a97d113d8
     kdrchk: found invalid symbol reference 48
      reference to delete symbol
      valid symbol range [0,78)
      Block Checking: DBA = 411055291, Block Type = KTB-managed data block
      data header at 0x68a3f4
      kdbchk: bad row tab 0, slot 4
      Page 13499 failed with check code 6265
    kdrchk: C and neither of H or F
              prow=0x4282803ae flag=0x41
    Block Checking: DBA = 322963095, Block Type = KTB-managed data block
    data header at 0x42828007c
    kdrchk: column length 0 but not null
              prow=0x10021035e flag=0x2c column=40
    Block Checking: DBA = 25189259, Block Type = KTB-managed data block
    data header at 0x10020fe7c
    kdbchk: bad row tab 0, slot 0
    Page 23435 failed with check code 6264
    kdrchk: column length 0 but not null
              prow=0x1002122e5 flag=0x2c column=40
    Block Checking: DBA = 25189260, Block Type = KTB-managed data block
    kdrchk:  row is marked as both a Key and Clustered
    prow=0xd2bfa981 flag=0xff
    File#67, Block#74754
    kdbchk: bad row tab 0, slot 0
    kdrchk:  no columns, but has one of P or N
              prow=0x934fbffa flag=0x31
    A look at the block dump in the analyze trace file revealed two very
    suspicious looking rows:
    tab 0, row 0, @0x1ede
    tl: 2 fb: --HD---N lb: 0x0
    tab 0, row 1, @0x1edc
    tl: 2 fb: --HD---N lb: 0x0
    The flag bytes in these rows look incorrect.
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    IntelliJ IDEA 10 配置 Tomcat7
  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/macleanoracle/p/2968002.html
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