[ {id:1,name:"1",x:1,y:1,count:10}, {id:2,name:"2",x:2,y:2,count:20}, {id:3,name:"3",x:3,y:3,count:30}, {……} {id:n,name:"n",x:n,y:n,count:n} ]接着,点击每一个点的时候去请求该省/市的详细雨量站的信息,返回的依然是JSOn格式的,格式如上。
define([ "dojo/_base/declare", "dojo/_base/array", "esri/Color", "dojo/_base/connect", "esri/SpatialReference", "esri/geometry/Point", "esri/graphic", "esri/symbols/SimpleMarkerSymbol", "esri/symbols/TextSymbol", "esri/dijit/PopupTemplate", "esri/layers/GraphicsLayer" ], function ( declare, arrayUtils, Color, connect, SpatialReference, Point, Graphic, SimpleMarkerSymbol, TextSymbol, PopupTemplate, GraphicsLayer ) { return declare([GraphicsLayer], { constructor: function(options) { // 参数: // data: Object[] // Array of objects. Required. Object are required to have properties named x, y and attributes. The x and y coordinates have to be numbers that represent a points coordinates. // field: string? // The field of cluster. // showSingles: Boolean? // Optional. Whether or graphics should be displayed when a cluster graphic is clicked. Default is true. // labelColor: String? // Optional. Hex string or array of rgba values used as the color for cluster labels. Default value is #fff (white). // labelOffset: String? // Optional. Number of pixels to shift a cluster label vertically. Defaults to -5 to align labels with circle symbols. Does not work in IE. // singleSymbol: MarkerSymbol? // Marker Symbol (picture or simple). Optional. Symbol to use for graphics that represent single points. Default is a small gray SimpleMarkerSymbol. // spatialReference: SpatialReference? // Optional. Spatial reference for all graphics in the layer. This has to match the spatial reference of the map. Default is 102100. Omit this if the map uses basemaps in web mercator. // singleTemplate: PopupTemplate? // PopupTemplate</a>. Optional. Popup template used to format attributes for graphics that represent single points. Default shows all attributes as "attribute = value" (not recommended). //聚类数据 this._clusterData = options.data || []; this._clusters = []; //标注颜色,默认为白色 this._clusterLabelColor = options.labelColor || "#000"; //标注偏移,默认为-5 this._clusterLabelOffset = (options.hasOwnProperty("labelOffset")) ? options.labelOffset : -5; this._showSingles = options.hasOwnProperty("showSingles") ? options.showSingles : true; //单个对象 this._singles = []; //点击时出现 // 单个的样式 var SMS = SimpleMarkerSymbol; this._singleSym = options.singleSymbol || new SMS("circle", 6, null, new Color(options.singleColor,0.6)); //空间参考 this._sr = options.spatialReference || new SpatialReference({ "wkid": 4326 }); this._singleTemplate = options.singleTemplate || new PopupTemplate({ "title": "", "description": "{*}" }); }, // 重构esri/layers/GraphicsLayer方法 _setMap: function(map, surface) { this._clusterGraphics(); // GraphicsLayer will add its own listener here var div = this.inherited(arguments); return div; }, _unsetMap: function() { this.inherited(arguments); }, clearSingles: function(singles) { // Summary: Remove graphics that represent individual data points. var s = singles || this._singles; console.log(s); arrayUtils.forEach(s, function(g) { console.log(g); this.remove(g); }, this); this._singles.length = 0; }, onClick: function(e) { // stop the click from bubbling to the map e.stopPropagation(); this.clearSingles(this._singles); var g = e.graphic; console.log(g); var sonData = city; for(var i= 0, sl=sonData.length;i<sl;i++){ if(sonData[i].propy===g.attributes.propy){ var pt = new Point(sonData[i].x,sonData[i].y, this._sr); var sg = new Graphic(pt, this._singleSym, sonData[i], this._singleTemplate); clusterLayer.add(sg); this._singles.push(sg); } } map.infoWindow.setFeatures(this._singles); map.infoWindow.show(g.geometry); }, //添加聚类图形 _clusterGraphics: function(){ for(var i= 0, jl=this._clusterData.length;i<jl;i++){ var point = this._clusterData[i]; this._addPoint(point); } }, //添加点 _addPoint: function(p){ var pt = new Point(p.x, p.y,this._sr); this.add( new Graphic( pt, null, p ) ); if(p.pcitycount>1){ // show number of points in the cluster var font = new esri.symbol.Font() .setSize("10pt") .setWeight(esri.symbol.Font.WEIGHT_BOLD); var label = new TextSymbol(p.pcitycount) .setColor(new Color(this._clusterLabelColor)) .setOffset(0, this._clusterLabelOffset) .setFont(font); this.add( new Graphic( pt, label, p ) ); } } }); });
var dojoConfig = { paths: { extras: location.pathname.replace(//[^/]+$/, "") + "/extras" } };
require([ ......, "extras/ZonalClusterLayer", "dojo/domReady!" ], function( ......, ZonalClusterLayer ){
clusterLayer = new ZonalClusterLayer({ "data": capital, "id": "clusters", "labelColor": "#fff", "labelOffset": -4, "singleColor": "#0ff" }); var defaultSym = new SimpleMarkerSymbol().setSize(4); var renderer = new ClassBreaksRenderer(defaultSym, "pcitycount"); /*var picBaseUrl = "images/"; var blue = new PictureMarkerSymbol(picBaseUrl + "BluePin1LargeB.png", 32, 32).setOffset(0, 15); var green = new PictureMarkerSymbol(picBaseUrl + "GreenPin1LargeB.png", 64, 64).setOffset(0, 15); var red = new PictureMarkerSymbol(picBaseUrl + "RedPin1LargeB.png", 80, 80).setOffset(0, 15);*/ var style1 = new SimpleMarkerSymbol(SimpleMarkerSymbol.STYLE_CIRCLE, 10, new SimpleLineSymbol(SimpleLineSymbol.STYLE_SOLID, new Color([255,200,0]), 1), new Color([255,200,0,0.8])); var style2 = new SimpleMarkerSymbol(SimpleMarkerSymbol.STYLE_CIRCLE, 16, new SimpleLineSymbol(SimpleLineSymbol.STYLE_SOLID, new Color([255,125,3]), 1), new Color([255,125,3,0.8])); var style3 = new SimpleMarkerSymbol(SimpleMarkerSymbol.STYLE_CIRCLE, 18, new SimpleLineSymbol(SimpleLineSymbol.STYLE_SOLID, new Color([255,23,58]), 1), new Color([255,23,58,0.8])); var style4 = new SimpleMarkerSymbol(SimpleMarkerSymbol.STYLE_CIRCLE, 20, new SimpleLineSymbol(SimpleLineSymbol.STYLE_SOLID, new Color([204,0,184]), 1), new Color([204,0,184,0.8])); var style5 = new SimpleMarkerSymbol(SimpleMarkerSymbol.STYLE_CIRCLE, 22, new SimpleLineSymbol(SimpleLineSymbol.STYLE_SOLID, new Color([0,0,255]), 1), new Color([0,0,255,0.8])); renderer.addBreak(0, 2, style1); renderer.addBreak(2, 5, style2); renderer.addBreak(5, 10, style3); renderer.addBreak(10, 15, style4); renderer.addBreak(15, 20, style5); clusterLayer.setRenderer(renderer); map.addLayer(clusterLayer);5、一些无关紧要的东西
// close the info window when the map is clicked map.on("click", cleanUp); // close the info window when esc is pressed map.on("key-down", function(e) { if (e.keyCode === 27) { cleanUp(); } });
function cleanUp() { map.infoWindow.hide(); clusterLayer.clearSingles(); }