Full-Text Search feature does not work properly. SQL Server gives error '30053' with message
Msg 30053, Level 16, State 102, Line 2
Word breaking timed out for the full-text query string. This can happen if the wordbreaker took a long time to process the full-text query string, or if a large number of queries are running on the server. Try running the query again under a lighter load.
when query that uses function CONTAINSTABLE. The error occurs almost as soon as the query is started.
Msg 30053, Level 16, State 102, Line 2
Word breaking timed out for the full-text query string. This can happen if the wordbreaker took a long time to process the full-text query string, or if a large number of queries are running on the server. Try running the query again under a lighter load.
when query that uses function CONTAINSTABLE. The error occurs almost as soon as the query is started.
sp_fulltext_service 'verify_signature', 0
sp_fulltext_service 'restart_all_fdhosts'